
Types of bioepilation, indications, contraindications. Bioepilation of the face and body - how to do. Means for bioepilation

Types of bioepilation, indications, contraindications. Bioepilation of the face and body - how to do. Means for bioepilation
To date, there are a large number of different types of hair removal and depilation, which have various characteristics and indications. The most popular methods of hair removal include bioepilation, which can be carried out without problems on their own at home.

Today, hair removal and depilation are not considered luxury, these procedures have become easier to use and they are used by men and women who carefully monitor their body. Short skirts and dresses, swimwear and candid outfits always require perfectly smooth legs and other parts of the body, so you need to choose the best way to remove unwanted hair.

In modern cosmetology, there are a huge number of types of hair removal and depilation, which can completely destroy the hair follicle and get rid of the hair forever. However, such methods have a large list of contraindications. Therefore, bioepilation or hair removal continues to be very popular, which guarantees the use of natural components and the result after conducting wax bioepilation will please even the most demanding customers of salons.

In this article, we will consider the features of wax bioephilation on various parts of the body, we note the positive and negative aspects of the procedures and distinguish the most popular means for bioepilation at home.

Bioepilation - what is it

Bioepilation is a procedure for removing unwanted hair from the body when using tools based on natural components. This term combines several types of hair removal: this is removal with wax, wax mass and sugar. All these are biological natural components that are considered the safest. In fact, bioepilation can be called depilation, since the used components on affect the hair bulb itself, and only hair is removed. Typically, one procedure is enough for about 1-4 weeks, after which it is necessary to remove hair again. But after several sessions, the hair becomes more thin and bleach, which allows bioepilation less often.

This procedure is very popular, even despite the presence of a variety of ways to remove unwanted vegetation. However, due to the use of natural components, bioepilation according to reviews is considered one of the favorite in both women and men. This procedure can be done in any salon, and the price of bioepilation is much lower than other expensive epilation. In addition, it is important that bioepilation has much less contraindications, and wax and sugar in combination with essential oils make the skin delicate and smooth.

Using wax, you can remove hair on any part of the body. At home and in the cabin, you can carry out deep bioepilation, bioepilation of the face and armpits, as well as removing hair from the feet and buttocks, arms, chest and back.

Excursion into the history of bioepilation

Since ancient times, women and girls have sought to support their beauty. Each era and nationality were famous for their own characteristics and wisdom, which helped the beautiful sex emphasize their natural beauty. However, women of ancient Egypt were always true fashionistas, where cosmetic innovations belonged to Queen Cleopatra. It was she who was one of the first to use natural components to remove hair from all over the body. For such a long time, the hair removal procedure has undergone changes and today's cosmetology boasts the widest range of services to eliminate women and men from hair in any part of the body.

Types of bioepilation and their characteristic

Bioepilation is a very popular way to remove hair from a variety of parts of the body. You can also do deep bioepilation in the cabin or at home. It does not require a large amount of knowledge and time, and the means for its expense are sold in cosmetic departments or a pharmacy. The prefix “BIO” in the name of the procedure is designated as natural material, since consumables include only natural components, for example, sugar or wax.

There are several types of bioepilation. This is bioepilation with wax and sugar, which have very similar features and result, simply differ in the material used. At the same time, bioepilation can also be divided depending on the state of the wax material used.

  • Hot wax. In its production, various compounds of tar, bee wax, and various types of oils are used. In cosmetology rooms, it is prepared in compliance with accurate proportions, which allows you to achieve a better result. Previously, the wax is heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees, which allows the mass to tightly envelop hair follicles and penetrate into the pores. This helps better and more effective hair removal. Usually this procedure is carried out once every 1.5 months. Bioepilation with hot wax is the most effective and painless look, since under the influence of temperature the hair on the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is much easier to remove.  With the help of hot wax, bioepilation of the upper lip, armpits and bikini zones are carried out - the most sensitive parts of the body. Bioepilation with hot wax is not recommended at home, as there is a risk of skin burn. It is also worth considering that bioepilation with hot or hard wax is carried out with a thick hairy cover.
  • Warm wax. It is a soft basis, which includes pine resin and various additives that soften the wax mass. This type of bioepilation is most often used for a small hairline and in the case when the hair is thin. Soft wax can be purchased in a cosmetic store in the form of cartridges, which must be heated to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, and then applied to the skin. At the same time, unlike hot wax, this species can be used at home, but there is no bioepilation of bikini and armpits using warm wax. With the help of soft wax, bioepilation of the arms or legs can be carried out, i.e. less sensitive parts of the body.
  • Cold wax. Cold wax bioepilation is suitable even for the most sensitive parts of the body. Since it does not cause irritation due to high temperature. However, it is worth remembering if you want to carry out the bioepilation of armpits in this way, you can experience a rather painful sensation. Cold wax has a dense structure, which allows you to capture even the smallest hairs up to the downy. You can find cold wax in the form of wax strips or wax in jars on sale. If you purchase wax strips, they must first be slightly rubbed with your hands, and only then apply to the body. Wax in jars should be applied with a spatula. Most often, this procedure is used at home, since it does not require the participation of a specialist and is absolutely safe due to the lack of the need to heat wax. Since this is the most painful hair removal. It is recommended to carry it out in small areas of the body, for example, you can conduct bioephilia of the mustache above the upper lip.

Sugar bioepilation or shugaring

Shugaring is one of the most ancient cosmetic procedures, which began to be used in ancient Egypt and in ancient Rome. Sugar bioepilation is an excellent solution for home use, as it does not require expensive materials, and the implementation itself is quite simple. Compared to wax bioepilation, shugaring has much lower cost even in salons. In addition, the cooked caramel does not capture epithelial cells, but only tightly covers the hairs. Sugar bioepilation is suitable for people prone to allergic reactions. Another advantage of sugar hair removal is the almost complete absence of ingrown hairs. This is due to the fact that the strips break down in the growth of hairs, and not vice versa, as with wax hair removal.

If you want to carry out such a procedure at home, follow the following rules.

  • Prepare a caramel that you will subsequently apply. To do this, take 3 tbsp. Sahara, 1 tbsp. citric acid and 1 tbsp. water. All this must be placed in a metal container and heated to a state where the mixture becomes brown.
  • After that, you can remove the container from the heat and leave to cool. If you do shugaring at home for the first time, try to prepare a small amount and apply in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
  • When the mass has cooled to a pleasant temperature, apply caramel against hair growth on the skin moistened in water with your hands. It is not necessary to wet the skin.
  • Next, you need to wait a bit until the caramel begins to dry, after which it can be removed in small areas. Be sure to remove the hair growth!
  • If the caramel freezes during this procedure, it can be heated in a water bath.

Advantages and disadvantages of bioepilation

Bioepilation is a cosmetic procedure during which natural components are used. Due to this, unlike other methods of hair removal, waxing or sugar has more advantages. But, despite this, some negative traits can be distinguished, which should be taken into account if you wish to carry out this procedure. Consider the pros and cons of bioepilation in more detail.

Advantages of bioepilation

  • After bioepilation, the smoothness of the skin will last for about 3-4 weeks, which is much longer than in many other methods.
  • Bioepilation gradually injures the bulb, due to which the hair gradually becomes thinner and lighter, and gradually can stop growing.
  • This procedure can be carried out both with the participation of professional masters and at home.
  • Bioepilation can be carried out in any parts of the body, even on the most sensitive ones, such as the bikini and armpits.
  • In a short time you can achieve an impressive effect.
  • Due to thorough preparation before the procedure and skin care after it, the risk of irritation is minimized.
  • Bioepilation can be carried out by people who have absolutely any type of hair, as well as their structure and color.
  • Both female and male bioepilation are well suited to people who are contraindicated in hardware methods of hair removal, which happens very often. All hardware techniques have an extensive list of contraindications. If you get into it, do not be upset, bioepilation will definitely suit you.
  • Bioepilation takes very little time, which depends on the specifically processed area.
  • From a financial point of view, this procedure is much cheaper than other ways to remove hair from the body that are offered in the salons.
  • You can easily conduct bioepilation at home. To do this, you just need to purchase the necessary consumables in the store depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe body you want to process.
  • One of the most important positive aspects of bioepilation is the naturalness of the components of the wax masses. They include only natural materials such as bee wax, pine resin or sugar.

Disadvantages of bioepilation

  • After the bioepilation procedure, the hair again appears on the body for about 3-4 weeks. A repeated procedure can only be carried out after the hair is reached the required length - approximately 5 mm. This is necessary for the fact that the wax was able to grab them tightly.
  • If you use hot or warm wax, it is important to evenly and correctly heat the mass, since with insufficient heating you can unevenly remove the hair. And when using a very heated wax, you can get burns.
  • Sometimes, after bioepilation, a hair is observed in which the hair is deformed under the skin, which causes redness. And this, in turn, greatly spoils the appearance.
  • And the most important drawback of the bioepilation procedure is a strong painful sensation during its implementation. In the salons, before removing hair in this way, special lotions with an anesthetic effect are used. However, even taking into account this, the pain cannot be completely removed.

Indications and contraindications for bioepilation

Since bioepilation is a cosmetic procedure, it has a number of indications and contraindications that must be followed if you want to remove unwanted hair on the body with wax or sugar.

Indications for bioepilation

  • Excessive hair density on the body, as well as their rigidity.
  • Bioepilation is shown to people who have abundant hair growth on various parts of the body: on the arms, legs, in armpits, on the face, back, stomach, in the bikini zone.
  • In the presence of allergic reactions to other types of hair removal.
  • With severe irritation during shaving in men.
  • Bioepilation for men is shown with a strong hairy cover on the back, chest and legs.
  • If desired, have smooth and delicate skin for a long time.

Bioepilation - contraindications

  • Bioepilation cannot be carried out in the presence of abrasions, scratches or other violations of the skin in the places in which you want to remove hair.
  • In the presence of dermatological diseases or chronic skin diseases, this operation is also not performed.
  • Detochetic neoplasms on the skin in the form of warts, papillomas or moles can also become an obstacle during hair removal with wax or sugar.
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of wax mass or caramel.
  • Diabetes.
  • Varicose veins in areas where hair removal is necessary. This is especially true for bioepilation of the legs.
  • It is not advisable to use this method of hair removal with increased hypertension and violation of the cardiovascular system.
  • Infectious diseases are also a contraindication to bioepilation.
  • The presence of an acute form of herpes.
  • During pregnancy, it is not recommended to carry out bioepilation in the bikini zone and with a reduced pain of pain. And, for example, bioepilation of the buttocks or legs can be carried out.

Preparation before the bioepilation procedure in the cabin

In order for the bioehyction process to go more efficiently and painlessly, it is important to carry out preparatory work.

  • Sign up for a reception in the salon for bioepilation is necessary at a time when you will feel great when you have no stress or depression. If this concerns women, then do not go to the bioepilation salon during menstruation, the best time is the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • In order for you not to find ingrown hair after the procedure, it is recommended to carefully scrap the skin three days before going to the cabin, as well as some time after bioepilation.
  • Before going to a specialist, you can steam well in the bathroom to give the skin softness and amenability.
  • In the cabin, before carrying out the procedure, the skin is covered with special lotions that have an analgesic effect. This is necessary to reduce the pain effect in particularly sensitive areas.
  • It is also necessary to remember that a few days before bioephilation, the skin should not be subjected to chemical peels or other chemicals.
  • For a more effective bioeilation, hair length should be approximately 5 mm.
  • After bioepilation in the cabin, treated skin is covered with softening lotions or creams that slow down hair growth and prevent irritation.
  • For complete riding of hair, you may need from 4 to 5 procedures with the interval between them in 2-4 weeks.

Bioepilation products at home

Bioepilation can be carried out at home, however, for this it is necessary to purchase all the necessary tools and consumables. Consider a detailed list of funds for each type of bioepilation.

Materials for bioepilation with hot wax

  • A special lotion with an analgesic effect for preparing the skin for the procedure.
  • Talc, you can use the baby puffing.
  • Ready hard wax that can be sold in plates, granules or banks.
  • The wax is a special apparatus that helps melt the wax and bring it to the desired temperature. It is best to purchase a wax with a thermostat and a removable bowl.
  • Wooden spatulas for applying wax to the skin.
  • Lotion or skin care cream after bioepilation.

Materials for bioepilation with warm wax

  • Skin processing lotion before bioepilation.
  • Soft wax in cartridges with a roller.
  • Voskoplaw for wax in cartridges is a special apparatus that will help melt soft wax in special cassettes.
  • Fabric stripes or paper for hair removal.
  • Special cream or skin care after bioepilation.

Wax bioepilation

  • Voskoplat TNL Professional. This is a wax heater, which allows you to quickly melt the wax mass and maintain it in a hot state for a long time. The average cost of this device is approximately 1300-1500 rubles.

  • Dona Jerdona wax heater. This device is designed to heat wax, which is available in cartridges for bioepilation with warm wax. The average cost is 900-1100 rubles.
  • Hot wax in Italwax granules. It is a pearl wax in granules with the aroma of plum. This type of wax is ideal for sensitive skin. The approximate cost is 160 rubles per 100 grams.
  • Wax Yoko. This is wax in cartridges that is designed to process large skin areas. The average cost is 150-160 rubles per 100 grams.
  • Warm wax Veet. This is the wax, which includes various essential oils. It is washed off with water and used with stripes. The average cost is 650-800 rubles.

  • Wax Irisk. This is a delicate wax that is designed to correct the shape of the eyebrows and removal hair on the face. Thanks to its composition, it carefully pulls out the hairs, without injuring the skin. The average cost is 180 rubles per 45 grams.
  • Wax White Line. This is hot wax in cartridges, which is ideal for depilation of bikini delicate zones, armpits. The average cost is 200 rubles per 100 grams.
  • Sugar paste Start Epil. This is a paste for shugaring, which is sold in banks in a dense consistency. Due to this, you can use in very hot rooms and hot hands. The average cost is 370 rubles per 200 grams.
  • Lycon wax. Today, Lycon bioepilation is the most popular and popular, since the wax of this production contains components that are able to feed and moisturize the skin without injuring it during epilation. You can purchase a series for bioepilation of the LyCon brand.

Conducting bioepilation at home - instruction

  • First of all, it is necessary to carefully prepare. Choose a calm evening for this procedure.
  • It is not recommended to do bioepilation during menstruation, since the pain threshold is much smaller.
  • Before the procedure, heat the skin in the bathroom and rub it well.
  • If you are going to do bioepilation in sensitive areas, apply anesthetic cream or lotion before the procedure.
  • Next, a special lotion for hair removal is applied to the body.
  • If you use hot wax, it must be heated to a temperature of 55-60 degrees. Soft wax is heated to 40-45 degrees.
  • Hot wax is applied to the skin with a spatula in the direction of hair. Let him freeze, and then remove against hair growth.
  • To apply wax in cartridges, a video is used, which evenly distributes the wax over the skin. After that, it is necessary to glue the fabric strips to the wax, press them and wait until the wax hardens. Fabric strips are broken by a sharp movement against hair growth.
  • After bioepilation, a cooling lotion must be applied to the skin.
  • Try to apply wax strictly in the direction of hair growth, and remove against. If one wax is not enough, you can do it again, only pre -fad the skin with talcum.
  • To reduce pain before removing the fabric strips, it is recommended to fix the skin.
  • To remove hair above the upper lip, you need to determine the direction of their growth. Most often they grow from the center to the corners of the mouth. You need to remove wax in one motion towards the nose.
  • On the legs, the wax is applied from the knee to the ankle, and when removing the hair on the hips, fix the skin tightly, as bruises may appear.
  • In the armpits, the hair grows in several directions, so the wax needs to be pushed taking into account this. It is better to resort to help to avoid the appearance of bruises.
  • It is difficult to do a deep bikini bioepilation on your own, it is better to contact a specialist.

Skin care after bioepilation

  • After the bioepilation procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with panthenol when irritation occurs.
  • Next, you can apply any children's cream.
  • In stores you can purchase special lotions against hair growth and to prevent the appearance of ingrown hair.
  • A few days after hair removal, it is not recommended to go to the baths, solariums, sunbathe and use scrubs and peels.

Bioepilation is an ideal way to replace expensive hardware methods of hair removal. Using the necessary components purchased in the store, you can independently make your body smooth and well -groomed without the need to contact a specialist.



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