
Diet for lazy per week

Diet for lazy per week
How to lose weight without much effort with the help of a lazy diet.

Many women repeatedly thought about the need for weight loss, but quite often stops banal laziness and reluctance to change something in the usual diet and lifestyle. Food for many is one of the main sources of pleasure, and not everyone is ready to deprive him. In such cases, it is convenient to apply a special diet, with which you can lose weight, almost not straining. Following the rules of the diet for the lazy, it is quite realistic in a short time to get rid of several kilograms.

Diet for lazy on the water

Most diets imply a whole range of activities, which include a refusal of different food, scrupulous counting the amount of calories, changing physical activity and intensive workouts in the gym. If you do not have a special desire to deal with all this, you can approach the issue of weight loss in other things, taking advantage of the diet for the lazy. This given name does not indicate a small efficiency at all, on the contrary, in this way it is realistic to become slimmer in just one week, and without much effort. Many applied diet for lazy on the water were observed minus 12 kg of weight in two weeks.

The essence of the lazy diet is the following - for the purpose of weight loss to each meal, you will need to drink a certain amount of pure drinking water. No restrictions on the composition and the amount of dishes used are not introduced - products can be used any. Accordingly, additional financial costs will not need. Such a diet for lazy on the water is simple in the implementation, it can be adhered to not only to reduce weight, but also in order to subsequently fasten the result (for this it will be necessary to slightly reduce the amount of water driving). It is very important to take care of the quality of a liquid consumed with this diet - it will take clean artesian or filtered water without gas. It is not necessary to drink boiled water from under the tap regularly, since it almost does not remain in it after boiling of valuable mineral substances and salts. The best way for a lazy diet is the usual drinking water room temperature, ice or hot drinking is not worth it.


Advantages of a diet for lazy

Easy drinking water is used for slimming in a diet for lazy. Everyone knows that it is such a liquid that is a nutritious and preserving medium of a wide range of action, ensures the normal course of organic processes inherent for everything alive on Earth. It is water that dissolves and transports nutrients, maintaining the vital activity of cells, various bacteria and microorganisms. Depending on the age, the physique and some other factors, the body of a person by 50-80% consists of water. It is believed that with the loss of the tenth part of its number, critical dehydration occurs, originally manifested in lethargy and weakness, then the brain is suffering, cardiovascular system and muscle. The use of a sufficient amount of drinking water stimulates the operation of the circulatory and lymphatic system, contributes to the normal functioning of the intestine and eliminating the renal from the body of the urea nitrogen.

Thus, the advantages of the use of pure water with a diet for lazy can be attributed:

  • the calorie content of this fluid is practically zero, while there are no contraindications for its use;
  • the water used removes a variety of slags and toxins from the body, stimulates the metabolic processes in the body and the update of physiological fluids (blood, lymph), stimulates the processes of the intestine;
  • water drunk before meals contributes to the release of gastric juice, as a result of which food is better digested;
  • due to the drilled water, metabolic processes are accelerated, as a result of which the body will more effectively burn fat and gradually get rid of accumulated fat deposits;
  • with it, it is easy to teach your body to smaller food portions - water, filling the stomach, eliminates the feeling of hunger and gives a feeling of satiety. Consequently, the next reception will be less like to eat. For the brain, signals about saturation and thickening the feelings thirst are similar, so this way can be accustomed to eat yourself less;
  • with ordinary nutrition, it is often driving a significant amount of liquid, including sweet and calorie drinks. Restricting drinking water to meals, you will reduce the number of calories consumed.

Contraindications for a diet for lazy

Opinions of nutritional specialists, as well as doctors about the consumed amount of water can be different. Some nutritionists recommend to drink, without waiting for the feelings of thirst, others belong to the feeling of thirst for signs of dehydration. Nevertheless, their opinions converge in the fact that it is useful to drink water not by a volley, but in small sips so that the organism has managed to effectively distribute it. Such a diet for lazy, as a rule, is designed for one or two weeks. With it, it is necessary to consume a significant amount of water (usually nutritionists are usually recommended about 2-2.5 liters, in this case you will need to drink it up to 3 liters). According to the diet for lazy on the water, it will be necessary to drink a significant amount of it before each food intake and even any snack, so the amount of liquid consumed per day will be significant. Such a serious daily volume of fluid over time can lead to edema and kidney failures. Contraindications for this diet can be a kidney disease, liver, as well as digestive organs. In any case, planning such weight loss, it is recommended to communicate with the doctor, then the results of the use of a diet for lazy on the water will be the best.

How to apply a diet on water for lazy

Stop such a diet is easy. To do this, we will need to remember the simple recommendations and accurately perform them:

  1. The Diet menu for lazy is allowed to include any products in the desired quantities. At the same time, you will need to change the power mode directly - during the day it will be necessary to drink 20 minutes to each meal of a couple of pure water glasses.
  2. Immediately during meals, as well as for two hours after eating, drink is categorically impossible. After the specified time, you can drink a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee, and it will be necessary to abandon sweets and any food in general.
  3. Diet for lazy permitted snacks. It should be borne in mind that any food, including a small apple or candy, should be taken into account as a meal. Accordingly, before any snack, it will be necessary to drink 2 glasses of water.

Thus, in the morning 20 minutes before breakfast, you will need to drink on an empty stomach of 2 glasses of water - then you can breakfast with familiar dishes, without drinking them. A couple of hours after breakfast, you can drink if there is such a desire. Before dinner, it will also need to drink 2 glasses of water 20 minutes before meals, and then you can eat everything that is pleased. Dinner will need to spend similarly to breakfast and dinner.

The dieting mode for the lazy week will look something like this:

  • 7:00 - 20 minutes before breakfast, two glasses of non-carbonated water should be served;
  • 7:20 - Breakfast of familiar dishes at your own desire, for drinking them. Tea, coffee and other drinks at the same time - taboo;
  • 10:20 - You can enjoy a cup of unsweetened tea, coffee, chicory, clean water;
  • 14:00 - Drink two glasses of non-carbonated water;
  • 14:20 - I dine at your request, without drinking food with water and drinks;
  • 17:20 - You can enjoy a cup of any unsweetened drink or pure non-carbonated water;
  • 19:00 - Drink two glasses of water without gas;
  • 19:20 - For dinner, you can eat any dishes, without drinking food with water;
  • 21:20 - If there is such a desire, you can drink a cup of unsweetened drink or water.

Diet for lazy - photos before and after




If you want to strengthen how to strengthen the effect of the diet for lazy, it is also necessary to follow the data for non-hard recommendations:

  • it is advisable to limit the amount of oily and fried, as well as baking and sweet;
  • before eating it is worth drinking water not with a volley, but gradually - small sips, making small pauses between them;
  • it is very desirable to combine such a diet with a motor activity - its effect for weight loss has not yet been canceled. With the help of simple physical exercises, unhurried and regular walks in the fresh air, it is possible to achieve effective burning of fat deposits, weight loss, as well as bonuses in the form of more tightened, elastic and elastic skin, as well as an excellent appearance as a whole;
  • in the course of compliance with this diet for the lazy, try to pay special attention to SNU, so that every day to get enough sleep. In case of inappropriate, the metabolism can be disturbed, and then the calories obtained will be postponed in the body in the form of an additional grease layer. And on the contrary, 7-8 hours of healthy sleep will contribute to optimal relaxation, full-fledged rest and light weight loss.

According to the reviews presented on the Internet, compliance with the diet for lazy on water contributes to a long-term tide of energy. Most of its applicants felt a tangible strengthening of activity, the need to move more and could reset weight without much effort.

Other diets for lazy

If the above-described diet for lazy on the water for some reason does not suit you - and, nevertheless, you are not ready to apply significant efforts to lose weight, you can use other versions of simple diets for lazy.

It is worth paying attention to the following options for lungs in the use of complex diets for weight loss:

  • the Mediterranean diet is good because there is almost everything in its observance. Thus, you can lose weight easily and tasty. This diet is distinguished by the presence in the diet of a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits, the presence of sea fish, as well as olive oil and slow carbohydrates supporting a constant energy level and a sense of saturation. It is recommended to exclude sweetness from the diet, refuse red meat and eggs. This diet for the lazy is not difficult and pleasant;
  • the protein diet - especially by the meat, as it does not need to starve it. As the main component of the power in this case, protein of animal and vegetable origin in the form of meat, fish and legumes are used. With this diet, it is easy to maintain a feeling of satiety, while such a diet for lazy gives a noticeable and steady result;
  • summer diet is very popular in the summer diet season, the effect of which is based on a decrease in calorie dishes. Light on small-calorie vegetation food in the form of seasonal vegetables and fresh fruits, as well as dairy products, easy to lose weight without much effort and health benefit. In this way, you can saturate the body with vitamins and improve it. The summer diet for lazy is conveniently observed in summer, as fresh crop matures.

Diet for lazy - Photo





Diet for lazy - video


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