
Exercises with a bar

Exercises with a bar
How to become the owner of a beautiful relief on her arms, back, buttocks with the help of basic exercises with a barbell.

In the modern world, the fashion in thin pampered young ladies has changed to stronger forms of girls, in particular, many social networks are full of selfies and photos with hashtags #showing centers, #pair, #pair. A healthy lifestyle, bodybuilding occupied the so -called generation of “phytonyas” - beautiful slender girls who are not afraid of exercises with weighting and barbell.

Modern ladies, wanting to gain more clear forms and relief, understand that in such a case, “iron” can not do without. In addition, in order to start such training, it is not necessary to purchase an expensive subscription to the gym, this sports projectile is in the public domain at any sports store for the most attractive taste.

How to perform a barbell exercises at home: Sports educational program


  • When performing exercises with a barbell, the main thing is the technique of execution, and not the number of times made and the weight of the weighting agents. Methodically, technically and smoothly, so as to feel the heat in the training parts of the body - this is how to perform a set of exercises.
  • The training should be built in such a way that at first there are light cardio loading to warm up the muscles, and perform the most difficult exercises in the middle of the training so that there is energy to work out each element to the maximum.
  • Training should be built on the principle of increasing the complexity of the technique of performing exercises and approaches to their repetition. Between the approaches, rest should not be lying without movement, but move with easy walking to level the pulse.
  • Do not strive to take a lot of weight right away. Make weight a sports projectile gradually. This approach to avoid unwanted injuries.

If you notice that in the process of performing exercises, the weight of the bar has become comfortable and almost invisible to you - the load should be increased by the number of approaches to perform the exercise and weighting of the weight of the sports projectile.

  •   In any sport, the main condition is self -discipline. If you confidently go on the path of self-improvement of the body, plan the workouts evenly: 3-4 times a week. But this does not mean that you can be opened for 3 days in a row, and then lay down on the couch. The main thing is to give a day to the muscles for recovery and train every other day. Thus, it will be possible to avoid excessive loads and not lose excitement when performing exercises.
  • For the effectiveness of classes with the bar, make a plan - on which day of the week what muscle group you will train. And strictly follow this graphics.
  • Do not neglect the rest. It is no less important than the exercises themselves. A competent alternation of basic loads with a vacation will give a significantly greater effect.
  • Eat according to the principles of the diet at power loads.
  • Study the advice of people who have achieved any results in this sport, no information is superfluous.

Exercises with a bar for girls: power rules for power loads

The exercises with the bar at home will be more effective if they are performed in combination with proper nutrition. The sport alone will not bring the expected results.

Many people repeat about genetics - if a beautiful figure inherited - it means lucky. In fact, genetics is only 35% of success, everything else is willpower and systematic classes plus proper organization of nutrition.

It should be noted that self -improvement of the body with the help of exercises with a bar is best done not in the early morning on an empty stomach, but in the afternoon or evening.

Before strength training, it is advisable to warm up the muscles with the help of running or swimming in the pool. Such an easy type of cardio will allow you to maintain energy to perform basic exercises on the relief.

Exercises for the formation of muscles must be performed for at least 1 hour, and for full people - at least 1.5 hours. The breaks between the classes should be 1 day, that is, 3-4 workouts are released on average per week.

Proper nutrition plus systematic training gives a striking result. From a carefully selected diet, the body receives energy and building material for muscle growth, and with the help of exercises with a bar, the fat mass is consumed and the body is simulated.

The power should be fractional to start metabolism, it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions, so as not to feel hunger. Also do not forget to drink 2.5-3 liters of pure water. You need to drink 15 minutes before or 45 minutes after eating, so as not to slow down the digestion process and do not dilute gastric juice excess liquid.

Breakfast Must include complex carbohydrates: all types of cereals plus a spoonful of honey, proteins: omelet from proteins and milk; Fat - in the form of butter. Calculate the maximum calorie for breakfast. All pastries and other harmfulnesses are preferably eaten until 12.00 a day. And if you are now in the way of improving and building the body of a dream, you will have to refuse baking.

Snacks - This is also an important part of the diet during the day. There should be at least 2: after breakfast and after lunch.

Types of a snack: sweet fruit, cottage cheese, 150-200 g of boiled cereal, stewed vegetables, fresh salad with omelet, low-fat meat, protein cocktail.

Sweet fruits due to the high glucose content are better to eat until 16.00.

On dinner It is best to eat soup with vegetables and a piece of lean meat. You can also use some low-calorie dairy or sour-milk product (kefir with cinnamon, fermented baked milk, etc.).

Dinner Must include carbohydrate and protein dishes: omelet + stewed or fresh vegetables, 200 g of low -fat cottage cheese.

Diet before training

2-3 hours before training, it is recommended to eat food with complex carbohydrates and a high protein content. Fats try to completely exclude. However, it is better not to eat before the classes themselves, otherwise the severity in the stomach will not allow you to work out at full power and will cause discomfort.

Porridge and boiled eggs or boiled meat, seafood, fish are best suited. Due to the slow process of splitting, complex carbohydrates give energy for exercises, and proteins saturate the body with amino acids, which are a building material for muscles.

Diet after training

If you are aimed at increasing muscles, you need to eat food immediately after a strength training.

In this case, food should be considered as a source of nutrition and growth for muscles and approach this issue with all seriousness. Naturally, chocolate, flour and other harmfulness will have to be forgotten. Food after a full -fledged training is proteins and carbohydrates with a low level of insulin.

So, you can eat low -fat cottage cheese or other sour -milk product, saturated with proteins, boiled eggs cooked for a couple of white meat (chicken breast) or fish.

A glass of grape juice without sugar will be useful. Freshly squeezed glucose saturated grape juice reduces the level of insulin in the blood, which has anabolic properties.

After training for 2 hours, fats and caffeines should not fall into your body even in the smallest doses, otherwise you will have to forget about a beautiful relief.

Complex of basic bar exercises at home

fitness 39

Basic exercises with a bar are exercises that form a clear relief due to a systematic exercise of power loads. That is, if you want to have chiseled press, biceps, simple gymnastic exercises without special burdening shells will not be enough. Power basic loads involving a bar are ideal for such a goal.

Your attention is offered a set of basic exercises with a bar with a detailed description of the execution algorithm.

  • The bench press is in a lying position. The starting position - lying on the floor or sports bench bend your knees, bend a little, rest your feet on the floor. The main thing in this exercise is to avoid solid, sudden movements. You can take the elbows to the sides and raise the bar with a narrow grip, while lower the bar not completely to the support, but 20 cm. Repeat of such uplifts: we work for 2 minutes for 1 minute rest. 10-15 approaches.


  • French bench press. Starting position - lying on the floor or on the bench, slightly crowning the back so as not to overload the spine. Put your hands on the width of the shoulders, bend slightly at the elbows, take the bar from the support. The main feature of this exercise is to raise the bar slowly, the fold should be made only in the elbow joint. Perform 3 approaches 15-20 times.


  • Shurs with a bar. Starting position - standing or sitting. Take the bar with your hands shoulder width apart, raise and lower the projectile for 15-20 cm. The main feature: to avoid circular movements with shoulders in order to prevent stretching of the ligaments. Perform 1-2 approaches 15-20 times.

Exercises with a bar for spinai

  • Stanium bench press. The starting position - standing or sitting on a solid surface, raise the bar, if you are a beginner athlete - lower 5 cm below the knees, if you train for a long time - lower it until it stops on the floor. Perform 2-3 approaches 10-12 times.
  • The bench press in the position sitting or standing. The starting position - standing or sitting on a solid surface, raise the bar. If you decide to do this exercise sitting, the bar drops to the chest, if - from the position lying, the bar can be lowered behind the head. Repeat 1-2 approaches 20 times.


  • Raising the bar in the slope. The starting position is standing on a solid surface, take the bar to the width of the shoulders, raise from the position of the stop so that the shoulders go back as much as possible. A sports projectile can be lifted with ordinary grip and palms from yourself (reverse grip). Such an exercise should cause burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oblique back muscles, contributing to their development and relief. You can also perform this exercise in a sitting position, raising only one end of the bar. The main feature of the exercise: to avoid sudden movements so as not to harm the spine. Perform 1-2 approaches 20-25 times.


  • Squats with a bar. The starting position is standing, legs shoulder -width apart, raise the bar out of the state of the stop and place on the chest. Perform squats slowly, preserving the center of gravity in the buttocks. The main feature of the exercise: do not distribute the entire load during squats to the knees to avoid legs injuries. Repeat 1-2 approaches 30 times. You can complicate the exercise with a squat with a bar behind the head. In this case, the load on the inside of the hips will increase.


  • Turns to the sides with pancakes from the bar. If you want to actively affect the press, form cubes, such an exercise works as much as possible on fat burning and modeling the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen: the starting position - with their backs on the solid surface, the feet are rested to the floor, the buttocks are pressed to the floor, the hands are at the chest level With pancake from the bar (the weight is selected individually). Leaving the gluteal muscles in the starting position, turn the body of the body to the left, stretching out hands with pancakes. Repeat the same thing to the right. Repeat 15 turns in each direction.
  • Strands of hands to the sides with pancakes from the bar. Starting position - sitting on a bench or on the other hard surface, the back is straight, legs shoulder -width apart, take in each hand a pancake from a bar with a comfortable weight for you. Make swings to the sides with such an amplitude that the hands are parallel to the floor. This exercise contributes to the active development of biceps. Make 2-3 approaches 18-20 times. The same exercise can be performed in a slightly different technique, changing the starting position to the pose in inclination.


  • Rise on a step with a weighting agent in the form of a pancake bar. For this exercise, you will need a step or any other surface 15-20 cm high. The starting position is standing, in each hand a pancake from a bar with a weight convenient for you. Rise on the step alternately with every foot. Perform 2-3 approaches 15-20 times.


  • Lunches with weighting in the form of pancakes from the bar. Starting position - standing with pancakes from dumbbells in each hand. Lunges are first made with the right foot, then the left. Save your back even. Try to avoid sudden movements so as not to stretch the ligaments. Repeat 25 attacks on each leg of 2 approaches.

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  • Push -ups with a weighting border in the form of a pancake from the bar. Starting position - hands are pressed to the floor, socks of the legs also rest on the floor. Between the hips, hold a pancake from the bar. In the future, you can complicate this exercise, increasing the weight of pancakes. Perform classic push-ups 3 approaches 10-15 times.

Biceps and shoulders bar exercises


Exercises are selected from the above base complex.

  1. The bench press is in a lying position.
  2. French bench press.
  3. Shurs with a bar.
  4. Stanium bench press.
  5. Strands of hands to the sides with pancakes from the bar.

Exercises with a bar: make a relief and beautiful back


Exercises are selected from the above base complex.

  1. Stanium bench press.
  2. The bench press in the position is standing.
  3. Raising the bar in the slope.
  4. Turns to the sides with pancakes from the bar.
  5. Lunches with weighting in the form of pancakes from the bar.
  6. Tilts with a bar on the shoulders.

Exercises with a bar: we form beautiful buttocks


Exercises are selected from the above base complex.

  1. Raising the bar in the slope.
  2. Squats with a bar.
  3. Rise on a step with a weighting agent in the form of a pancake bar.
  4. Lunches with weighting in the form of pancakes from the bar.

Video: a set of basic exercises for super -yagodits from Katya Usmanova

The body is the temple of the soul.

To make the body beautiful, like the Greek-athletes, there is always great work and self-discipline.

Home exercises with a bar will help you overcome the embarrassment complex and start doing it yourself. The main thing is to set a goal and start doing exercises today, and not from the next Monday.



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