
Burpie exercises - benefits, reviews, photos. How to do the Burpie exercises correctly. Burpie exercises for weight loss

Burpie exercises - benefits, reviews, photos. How to do the Burpie exercises correctly. Burpie exercises for weight loss
In this article, we want to tell you how to perform Burpa-Strips, which are included in the Crossfit training set.

In the struggle for a fit and beautiful body, all means are good! But we recommend that you focus on training, which will not only make your body slender, but also help to develop endurance, strength, energy, and also strengthen health. In this article, we want to tell you about such a crossfit exercise that is popular in the training cycle, like Bourpie (sometimes it is also called bourdies). It is quite simple, but at the same time requires patience from a person. If you learn to perform it correctly, then in a short period of time you will acquire the body of your dreams. It can do both men and women. The technique of performing the Burpie exercise with the photo will be described in detail in our article.

Burpie exercise technique

Burpa is an exercise that was used in the American military units to test the strength and endurance of the army. If the soldier managed to make 40 Burpies within 60 seconds, then it was believed that he has excellent physical preparation.

This exercise was developed by the American physiologist Royal Burpie. Its uniqueness is that during the execution all muscle groups are involved. It consists of several parts, which must be performed in a certain sequence with maximum speed.

We suggest that you consider the classic version of how to correctly perform a hurricha burgty:

  1. Take the starting position: you need to get up smoothly, and your legs are placed on the width of your shoulders.
  2. From this position, you need to go to another - the position of the squat, while you need to put your hands on the floor right in front of you.
  3. After that, you need to quickly jump to another position - the bar (the hands in front of you should be hard on the floor and the legs are put back).
  4. In this position, you need to squeeze out 1 time, and then return to the position of the bar.
  5. Pull your arms and legs simultaneously to the body, and then abruptly jump up, raising your hands too.

It is very important to squeeze out the maximum from this exercise, but it is not easy for beginners to do this. We will share with you several secrets that will simplify your life when you will perform this exercise:

  • if it is difficult for you to repeat all the stages of Burpie in quickly, refuse the first time from jumping up;
  • if you still leave jumps, then you need to make them as high as possible;
  • try to perform the Burpi very quickly (detect the time for this and consider the number of completed correctly from the beginning to the end of the exercise);
  • be sure to breathe correctly: during lowering and lifting, you need to breathe, and during the push -up and jump up - exhale;
  • to speed up the metabolism, then it is better to perform exercises in the morning during charging.

So that you can clearly figure out how to do the Burpie exercise, we attached a training video in this article.

Burpie exercise: video for beginners

Burpie exercises for weight loss

The above method of fulfilling the Burpie is a classic version that is known to everyone. On its basis, other methods were developed by which the exercise can be complicated or facilitated to achieve maximum benefit for the body during its implementation. What are these variations:

  1. You can pick up dumbbells during the exercise. If there are no dumbbells, it is permissible to use elementary weighting agents that are often used for sports training in the hall.
  2. If you are not a beginner in sports, then you can put a weight on the case for the correct execution of the exercise. It can be a vest specially designed for sports.
  3. You can pick up a medicalball during the jump, which will enhance the load and make the exercise more effective. In addition, at the time of the jump, you can try to squeeze your legs under the chest.
  4. During push -ups with a bolet, you can make a wave, unless, of course, you can perform it correctly.
  5. After jumping up, you can add pull -ups on the horizontal bar to this exercise.
  6. If you want to lose weight, and not just strengthen your muscles, then alternate 10 drips with a twenty -second running in place.

Burpie exercise: benefits

On the effectiveness of Burpie exercises, reviews are the most positive, because it has many different advantages for the human body:

  1. During the implementation of this exercise, the whole body is fully involved, and not separately taken muscle groups. Of course, after one training, the body begins to literally burn and hurt a lot. This is especially felt in the legs.
  2. Burpie perfectly develops strength and endurance in humans, while breathing is regulated, which saturates with oxygen every cell of the body.
  3. Correctly executed Burpa burns a lot of calories at once. No power training contributes to such a sharp weight loss as this exercise. According to professional fitness trainers, Burpi destroys 50% of fat more than cardio.
  4. Burpa is an exercise that develops endurance and gives the human body a very beautiful silhouette. The muscles look natural, the whole body is tightened. This exercise on the press and muscles of the legs is especially effective. For girls, it is better not to find equipment.
  5. You can just do a drips without leaving your home. No gym halls will be needed to put your body in order in a short period of time.
  6. You are never tied to a place to make a drips. You can perform it at home, visiting, on vacation, in pauses between work or business trips.

Try to perform Burpi every day in several approaches. The minimum number of times you need to do is 10 jumps. Every day this figure should increase. Between approaches it is allowed to make minute pauses to take a breath. Ideally, this exercise should be used in the CrossFit training complex, about which we have already written in detail on our website.

If you have a high body temperature or pressure, then you need to perform a drips with extremely carefully, and it is better to stop for a while and stop the training process. Do not perform this exercise for girls during critical days. Otherwise, there are no contraindications for the execution of Burpa, so feel free to train at home.

Video: "Burpie exercise"



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