
How to remove fat from hands, shoulders, armpits at home. Burning fat on hand quickly - exercises

How to remove fat from hands, shoulders, armpits at home. Burning fat on hand quickly - exercises
In this article we will tell you how to remove fat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands, shoulders and armpits.

Excess weight is one of the most common problems that faces many people. It would seem that to burn fat, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. However, what if excess fat went to hand, armpits and shoulders? How to reduce fat on your hands? How to quickly remove fat from hands? We will talk about all this and much more in the article.

How to remove fat from hand

Fat on the hands can be deposited due to incorrectly and not balanced diet, disturbed hormonal background and age. Often, women over 40 years old are faced with excess fat in their hands. Inheritance may also be the cause. How to get rid of fat on your hands? We will share useful recommendations.

How to eat to burn fat on your hands

If you thought about how to burn fat on your hands, then you should first pay attention to your diet. It is necessary to reduce the number of fats, as well as exclude flour and fried foods from the diet. It will be useful to include seafood (shrimp, oysters, etc.), chicken eggs, red fish.

It should be in small portions (200-300 gr.) 4-5 times a day.

How to remove fat from hand: exercises

Physical activity is the right way to remove excess fat from the outside and inside of the hands and increase the skin tone. If you want to remove excess fat from your hands, then you need to perform special exercises 3-4 times a week. It is recommended to start with 10-15 minute training, gradually increasing the load and duration of exercises up to 1 hour. What exercises can be removed from your hands?

Exercise 1:

  • Stand straight and put your feet shoulder -width apart.
  • Remove your hands in different directions and slightly strain the muscles.
  • Raise your hands until the very top position and connect the palms at the very top point.
  • Gradually spread your hands before they become parallel to the floor. At the same time, it is worth constantly holding your hands in tension.

You need to perform movement 20 times.

Exercise 2:

  • Stand evenly and bend your hands at the knees.
  • Take dumbbells in your hands and dilute them to the sides.
  • In turn, bend your arms at the elbow first with one then with the other hand 25-30 times.

Exercise 3:

  • Stand straight and put your feet shoulder -width apart. Clutch your fists, thereby creating the tension in your hands.
  • Distent your arms to the sides and lower your arms to the level of the abdomen and chest. Slowly lift your hands, and then again create tension in the muscles.
  • Raise your arms to your shoulders.

Exercises must be repeated 20-25 times.

How to remove fat from hand and shoulders

To burn fat in the shoulders and arms, you need to develop special muscles. Only regular exercises will allow you to even remove excess fat deposits from these problem areas for the minimum periods of 1-2 months. How to remove fat from shoulders and hands?

Exercises to reduce fat deposits in the arms and shoulders

Exercise 1:

  • Sit on a chair and pick up dumbbells.
  • Lower your hands down and bent them at the elbows alternately. It is necessary to make 20-30 repetitions for each hand.

Exercise 2:

  • Stand straight and put your arms in shoulder width apart. Put a chair behind your back.
  • Put one hand on a chair and begin to squat gradually. At this time, you should feel the tension in the hand that lies on the back of the chair.
  • Change your hand and repeat the exercise again.

Repeat the exercise 15 times on each hand.

How to remove fat from hands and armpits

Fat and armpits are faced with fat deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands and armpits. The fact is that the fat in the armpits is laid the last turn. In addition, the cause of such a problem can lie in the genetic characteristics of a person and his posture. Despite this, there are ways that will remove fat in the area of \u200b\u200barmpits and hands.

General recommendations on how to remove fat from hands and armpits

  • Try to drink more water. It is advisable to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water per day (depending on weight).
  • Try to eat food with a high protein content: eggs, seafood, meat, etc.
  • Completely exclude flour products and sweets from the diet.
  • Stive no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Exercises to reduce fat in the hand and armpits

Exercise 1:

  • Stand straight and pick up the dumbbells (you can also take 1.5 liter bottles filled with water).
  • Put your hands parallel to the floor and start to start them behind your back.
  • As soon as the hands are reduced behind me, hold them in this position for 5 seconds, and then return them to their original position.

Repeat this exercise 25-30 times.

Exercise 2:

  • Lie Parallel to the floor and put your hands shoulder -width apart.
  • Pour up until the chest touches the floor. Return to the starting position.

The amount of push-ups should be gradually increased from 5-7 to 25-30 times.

How to remove fat from hand - useful tips

Whatever goal you set for yourself, general rules will allow you to achieve results much faster and fix them for a long time. Below are general rules that will help you burn fat in the hand.

  • Completely exclude sweets from the general diet.
  • Try to eat small portions (about 4-5 times a day). At the same time, reduce the amount of food consumed: 200-300 gr. food in one time.
  • Try to swim more. Classes in the pool will help you tighten your skin and get rid of fat deposits in your hands.
  • Turn on more fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is advisable to extinguish vegetables or eat them raw.

Many people wonder how to remove fat in a week and quickly get rid of fat deposits in the shoulders, arms and armpits? It will not be possible to achieve quick results, since the fat in these areas accumulates for a long time, therefore it is much more difficult to remove it. It will take at least a month to get rid of fat deposits in the hands. Only proper nutrition, a set of exercises and compliance with special rules will allow you to remove fat deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands, shoulders and armpits for a long time.



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