
Properties and application of almond oil for the skin of the face. Face masks with almond oil at home

Properties and application of almond oil for the skin of the face. Face masks with almond oil at home
Almond oil is a useful natural product that will help in leather care.

Almond oil is a natural product that is actively used in cosmetology. The content of a large number of vitamins, proteins and fatty acids makes almond oil an indispensable tool to maintain beauty and skin health. From this article you can learn more about the impact of almond oil on the skin of the face, as well as familiarize yourself with the recipes of simple and useful masks based on almond oil, which can be done at home.

Useful properties of almond oil for face

Almond oil is perfect for regular skin care. It contains a whole complex of nutrients that will allow the skin to remain tumaled, clean and moistened. In particular, almond oil has the following impact on the skin of the face:

  • Almond oil slows down the aging processes with regular use. It also struggles with the existing age-related skin changes. This is due to the high content of vitamin E. This vitamin is necessary for women's beauty and has a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails. It is best absorbed in combination with fatty acids, which also richly almond oil. With constant use of almond oil, the skin will become more elastic and elastic, the contours of the face will be clearer, and wrinkles will become less deep.
  • Vitamin F contained in almond oil helps adjust the work of the sebaceous glands. Often on the skin of the face is allocated excess fat - especially this problem is characteristic of the summer season. In a fatty medium, pollution is delayed and bacteria are multiplied, which leads to the formation of acne, acne, blackpoints and other problems with the skin of the face. Due to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, almond oil effectively prevents these problems.
  • Almond oil contributes to deep moistening of the skin due to the content of vitamin A. It prevents peeling and skin irritation, makes it elastic and smooth.

  • Oleic acid, which is part of the almond oil, increases the elasticity of the vessels. Thanks to her, almond oil is especially useful for the skin around the eyes. Also oleic acid has a moisturizing effect and contributes to the purification of pores.
  • Linoleic acid helps to fight with signs of aging, because it contributes to the best synthesis of collagen. Thanks to her, your skin will be elastic and smooth.
  • Minerals in the composition of almond oil contribute to the regeneration of the skin and the formation of new cells. Skin renewal is the key to its beauty and youth. In addition, if you experience problems such as skin peeling, irritation or acne, thanks to the minerals, all these symptoms will be faster and you will get pure healthy skin.
  • Carotine nourishes the skin, improves the complexion and helps to fight with age-related skin changes.

Use almonds for face

Almond oil is widely used in cosmetology - both as part of the masks and creams for the face, and in itself. It can be rubbed into the skin after washing or prepare simple masks with its addition. Also, various cosmetic firms offer plenty of leather based on almond oil, but only making a mask independently you can be completely confident in the natural origin of all ingredients.

Almond oil can be used at any age and on all types of skin, however, the recommended frequency of use and additional ingredients may vary depending on the individual characteristics of your skin.

The effect of applying almond oil for the skin of the face

The most notable effect of oil use will receive women with dry irritated skin of the face subject to age-related changes. To provide such skin deep moisturizing and nutrition, it is worth using almond oil or a mask based on it regularly. In addition, only regular use will disclose wrinkles and prevent the further appearance of signs of aging.

For mixed and oily skin, almond oil is also suitable. It will help to normalize the skin condition, clean the pores, adjust the work of the sebaceous glands and get rid of acne. However, with too much use, the oil texture may increase the fatty skin - especially if you do not care too carefully remove the oil residues after use. On the fatty skin, the oil is recommended to apply no more than once a week. It is best to mix it with other ingredients that help to fight the fatty skin.

Almond oil will have a favorable effect on the following areas:

  • Cheeks and cheeks. It is on the cheeks that first wrinkles usually appear. Regular application of oil with massage movements will help smooth wrinkles, increase skin tone and make the contours of the face clearer.
  • Chin, nose and forehead. The so-called "T-zone" most often suffers from acne, irritation and black dots. Almond oil and masks based on it help to quickly solve these problems and ensure the prevention of contamination and skin inflammation in the future.
  • Leather around the eyes. Almond oil nourishes and smoothes these sensitive skin areas, and also eliminates dark circles under the eyes due to the strengthening of the capillaries.
  • Lips. If you have damaged dry lips, almond oil will help restore their smoothness and prevent cracks in the future.
  • Neck and zone decollet. Very often, causing the skin of the face, women forget about the neck and zone decollete. As a result, the face is always more elastic and healthy, and deep wrinkles and dryness are visible on the neck. So that this does not happen, apply all the same tools to the neck on the area that apply on the face.

Almond oil can be a useful addition to the treatment of eczema and dermatitis. Just regularly lubricate them a damaged place. Also, almond oil can help with the treatment of herpes. It facilitates the symptoms, softens the skin and promotes the speedy of inflammation. For a better effect, mix almond oil with tea tree essential oil.

If you get a little oil, with it, you can effectively remove any makeup. This natural product can be a good replacement with the usual makeup to remove makeup. Warm almond oil deeply cleans the pores and does not harm even the inflamed skin. However, with caution, you should shoot makeup from the eye with the help of oil - avoid getting into the eyes.

Where to buy almond facial oil

Almond oil is a fairly popular cosmetics that can be found even in small cities. It is usually sold in small glass bottles. On the package it can be written that this is oil for the skin of the face, for nails or for hair. This is all the same oil, it is simply possible to use it differently. For the health of the skin of hair and nails, the same nutrients are required, so you can not pay attention to such inscriptions.

However, attention should be paid to the composition: it must be 100% almond oil without any additives. Sometimes manufacturers blend almond oil with cheaper oils or other ingredients. It is better to buy clean almond oil, and not any means based on it. With clean almond oil, you yourself can make any masks, depending on the needs of your skin.

Almond oil can be bought in liquid or dense form. Both are a natural product suitable for use on the skin of the face. However, it is necessary to take into account the almond oil in the liquid consistency may be much more convenient for massage of the face, removal of makeup and making homemade masks. Also, the texture of thick oil can be too dense for the skin around the eyes or for oily skin in the "T-zone".

You can buy almond oil in cosmetic stores, pharmacies, large supermarkets or order on the Internet. It is on the Internet that you can find suggestions at the most favorable prices, but it is worth choosing only verified online stores in order not to get a fake. The highest prices will be in cosmetic stores.

How to apply almond oil on the skin

There are several different ways to apply almond oil on the skin - it all depends on what effect you want to get.

  • Massage with almond oil. Application of pure heated oil with massage movements contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles, tones the skin and facial muscles. Take some oil on your fingers and begin to gently rub it into the skin of the face. Move in the direction of mimic wrinkles: from the bridges to the cheeks, from cheekbones to the temples, on the chin and on the forehead - from the center to the parties. Wait 10-15 minutes until the oil is absorbed, and then remove the excess with a napkin, cotton disk or towel.

  • Compress with almond oil. Compresses are particularly effectively helping deep wrinkles. Moch your wool in oil, impose it on the cheeks, forehead and area just below the eye. Above the compresses with cotton discs, napkins or a towel so that the oil does not breathe. Such compresses should be kept on a problem skin for about an hour. Then remove them and remove the excess oil.
  • Makeup removal with almond oil. For removal of makeup, apply warm oil onto a cotton disk and with sliding movements to treat the skin of the face. Then remove the remains of oil and cosmetics with a dry cotton disk.

  • Masks with almond oil. They can be made from a variety of ingredients, depending on the individual characteristics of your skin. On average, masks with almond oil make after washing and keep 15-20 minutes. After that, the mask is removed with a cotton disk and, if necessary, wash off cool water without soap.
  • Scrubs with almond oil. If your goal is to get rid of black dots and clean the pores, it is best to apply a scrub on a steaming face skin - a steam bath or a hot compress can help. Then apply the scrub massage movements, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with cold water to calm the skin and close the pores. If necessary, apply a moisturizing cream to face after scrub to prevent irritation.

How often use almond facial oil

The frequency of the use of almond oil oil depends only on the state of your skin. On fat and mixed skin, almond oil is not recommended to apply more often than once a week. If you have inflamed, peeling dry skin, for one or two weeks you can apply oil every day to achieve intensive recovery. If you simply want to maintain the skin in normal condition, prone to dryness and age-related changes, it will be enough to apply oil every two or three days.

Also, much will depend on the density of application. If you make a massage with a few drops of oil, rubbing it around the face, you should not worry that the skin will become greater. Such a procedure is useful to spend each evening before bedtime. Remove makeup with almond oil can also be possible daily on a regular basis.

If you make compresses, it is worth limking to them by applying twice a week: since the compresses are held for about an hour, they sufficiently feed and tone the skin. To get rid of wrinkles, it will be important not so much the frequency of oil coating as regularity - the maximum effect you will reach approximately a month. In the future, you can make compresses less often or limit ourselves to one masks to maintain skin elasticity.

Do not abuse scrubs based on almond oil. Despite the fact that the texture of the oil provides sliding, protects the skin and feeds it, the effect of abrasive particles of the scrub can leave a small irritation on the skin. Make scrubs no more than once in 7-10 days so that the skin will have to recover.

Homemade facial equipment with almond oil

Based on the almond oil, you can make absolutely natural masks and scrubs for skin care. It does not take you a lot of time, but will allow no doubt as ingredients and independently select the composition that will most effectively help solve your skin problems. Also, home remedies often cost much cheaper than ready masks and scrubs - while they are not inferior in nutrition and skin restoration.

Recipes for face masks with almond oil

Mask with almond oil should be chosen, depending on what kind of skin type is. For oily skin, you can add drizzling ingredients, and for dry - incorporate even more nutrients. Here are a few recipes that will help you cook homemade masks with almond oil:

  • Nutrient mask for dry skin with almond oil

For this mask, take a spoonful of almond oil, a spoonful of honey and one egg yolk. Mix all these ingredients thoroughly and apply to a clean face. This mask will provide dry damaged skin deep moisturizing and nutrition. An egg yolk with drying forms a film like, allowing moisture to linger in skin cells and better absorbed. Honey contains a whole range of useful substances and perfectly complements almond oil. In addition to food and moisturizing, such a mask will have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect due to the properties of honey. Therefore, such a tool is especially useful when irritating on the skin and cracks - the mask will help to quickly return the skin smoothness and avoid the development of infection on damaged areas.

  • Drinking fatty mask with almond oil

Mix the spoonful of almond oil and two spoons of lemon zest. Add chamomile decoction to get a thick consistency. Apply a mask on the skin with neat movements. Instead of lemon zest, you can use the grapefruit, orange or lime zest - any citrus sitrus helps to adjust the work of the sebaceous glands and, therefore, to fight excessive skin fat. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to strengthen the effect. You can also dilute the mask with almost any herbal decoction - for example, in addition to the chamomile, St. John's wort is perfect.

  • Acne mask with almond oil

For this mask, mix two spoons of blue clay, spoonful of almond oil and a few drops of tea tree essential oil. After applying the mask, you should wait until the clamp dry on the skin, and then wash off the mask with cool water. The clay has a drying and antiseptic effect, so effectively fights with any kind of acne. Tea tree oil also helps to remove inflammation - mixed with almond oil, it does not act so aggressively on the skin, so you can not be afraid of the appearance of irritation. Almond oil provides moisturizing and promotes skin regeneration, which is necessary when healing acne.

  • Toning mask with almond oil

Make a tincture of water on red pepper: a small piece need a half-table of water, leave a mixture for several days. Mix a few spoons of therapy of watermelon with a spoonful of almond oil, add a spoonful of water that was in pepper. Apply to the face, avoiding getting into the eyes. Such a mask will strengthen capillaries, contribute to better blood circulation, and, it means that it will help to feed the skin of the face from the inside. Also, pepper contributes to the best absorption of nutrients in the composition of the mask itself - thus, the effect of almond oil will be much more efficient. Watermelon flesh will allow moistening the skin and saturate with it with vitamins. However, use this mask with caution - if you feel strong burning, it is better to wash it away right away. It is also not worth it to apply the owners of thin damaged skin.

Recipes for face scrubies with almond oil

Based on the almond oil, you can also prepare homemade scrubs. They will contribute to the deep purification of the skin of the face and removing dead skin cells. Try the following recipes:

  • Exfoliating scrub

To do this, scrub displays a spoonful of oil with a spoonful of a large sea salt. Apply the scrub massage movements so that the grains of salt felt on the skin. This tool will help remove horny scales from the skin - especially it is useful before the summer season. On the skin treated with a scrub, the tan will go smoothly and keep much longer. After scrub, the skin will look renewed, elastic and taut. Scrub with almond oil and salt is most suitable for oily skin, because salt has a drying effect. If you have skin prone to dryness, you can replace the salt on ground coffee.

  • Scrub against black dots

Mix the spoonful of heated almond oil, a few pinch of soda and pushed almonds. Massage movements treat the sawn face of the face. The soda contributes to the softening of the skin and the extension of the pores. Warm oil also allows you to open pores, and it also protects the skin from irritation, providing a better slip of almond particles. Almond performs the function of abrasive particles that allow deeply cleaning the pores during the friction process.

Such a scrub occasionally useful to do everything, because facilities for washes are often not able to remove small dust particles and the remains of the tonal cream from the skin. If you are struggling with black dots, such a scrub should do one or twice a week. After first use, you may not receive a proper effect, since black dots are dense and deep pollution. It may take two to three weeks to completely clean the pores in this way.


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