
Recipes of cleansing face masks at home

Recipes of cleansing face masks at home
How to get rid of black dots, bags under the eyes and bodily burns? Everything is possible with masks made of natural materials.

Masks that cleanse the skin of the face are popular among all women, regardless of skin type. Thanks to such means, the skin becomes pleasant to the touch - silky and updated, as if after a sauna. By attaching minimal efforts and costs, you can cleanse your face from boring black dots, dust, and dead skin. Make its color even and natural.

Cleaning face mask - application

The mask cleansing the skin is always needed to maintain the norm of water in the cells and regular face care. Depending on the degree of dryness or oily skin, they choose suitable options for cleansing masks. For example, clay -based minerals are not suitable for girls suffering from dry skin, but it is they who will be best eliminated from swelling. Clay and mud cleanse the skin of toxins and other foreign substances that adversely affect it.

Mask that cleanse pores should be used respectively the next algorithm:

    1. The purchase of ingredients in advance.
    2. Bathing in the shower, bathroom or sauna. You need to open the pores as much as possible using steaming.
    3. Mixing the ingredients (if the preparation process is long, it is better to perform it before steaming the skin).
    4. The procedure for applying a mask to the face with a special brush.
    5. Relax. Pre -alarm. It will help control the time. Looking at the clock is sometimes inconvenient, besides, it helps to relax better.
    6. Highlight! Lie on your back or sit in the lotus pose. Plunge into the world of fantasies. Having devoted a little time to your beloved, you will feel how the world becomes brighter and kinder.
    7. Washing or removal. Masks-films are ripped off from the bottom up. Fat masks are removed with a flap of fabric or cotton wool, washed off with warm, after - cold water. The rest are only cold. So the pores are closed instantly, and the skin supports the tone.

Facial recipes


Cleaning mask at home is no worse than a store option. It is even better because it is cheaper. We offer several funds, among which each can find a suitable recipe.

Cleaning mask only for dry skin

Grind the shell of 1 boiled egg in a mortar. Bow the resulting powder mixed with natural cottage cheese (you need only 1 tbsp.). Add so much sour cream to this mass that the consistency turns out to be viscous, but not very thick. Link your face.   After 15 minutes, rinse with water with warm temperature. After - cold.

Homemade cleansing mask for the face. Bewilder


  • raw potatoes grated - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • protein 1 egg;
  • liquid fresh honey - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix the ingredients. Store on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse.

Cleaning face mask - double action

Wannered oatmeal is an excellent cleanser.   A little cooled porridge is laid out on the face. After 15 minutes, thoroughly washed off. If you brew porridge on the water, the mask is suitable for oily skin type. If in milk - for dry.

Blue Cleaning Facial Mask

A cleansing face mask made of blue clay is a universal cosmetic product. It is suitable for any skin type. Such masks are used for therapeutic and preventive purpose. They not only cleanse the skin, but are also ready to prevent and cure complex diseases and skin damage, for example:

  • eczema;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergic rash;
  • thermal burns;
  • acne.

Masks with blue clay in adulthood are used as a means of struggle against sagging skin.

You can always use blue clay, except for cases of dehydration of the skin and individual intolerance of components: calcium, calcium, magnesium, iron, silver, copper, nitrogen, silicon or zinc.

Among other clay masks, there are black, white, red, pink, yellow and green. Along with blue, white and green clay is able to eliminate and prevent the problem with eels. All these species are used by people with oily skin. Pink is suitable for those whose fat balance is normal. Red - nourishes dry skin. Yellow - helps to fight aging. About black clay - further in the article.

Black cleansing mask

Cleansing products in the form of black masks stimulate the metabolism at the micro -level, nourish cells with minerals. Put the skin, soften it, relieve irritation and swelling. The most suitable for problem oily skin.

Do not be afraid to use a black mask. She will be solely washed/dedicated, like other masks. It contains only natural components - minerals. They are found in black clay, therapeutic mud and activated coal.

It is contraindicated to use a black mask of those whose skin is dry and peeling. It should definitely test it: first apply to the wings of the nose and chin. If the skin reacts positively, in the future the product is allowed to apply to the whole face.

The black mask must be kept on the face for 20 minutes and made it no more than 1 time per week.

To prepare black masks of the house, stock up with high -quality ingredients from the pharmacy and use the proven recipes.

Best Cleansing Masks from Mud

  • Dirt powder in the volume of 2 tbsp. l. Dilute with boiled water, cooled to a warm temperature to get a paste. If you take milk instead of water, the mask will turn out more gentle and nutritious.
  • Take 1 tsp. All ingredients: mud powder, chamomile of a pharmacy chopped and heated sea buckthorn oil. Such a mask is suitable for dry skin.
  • To 2 tbsp. l. Dry black dirt add an infusion of mint, calendula or chamomile. Preparing the infusion is not difficult: dry flowers (1 tsp) pour boiling water (1/2 cup) and let it brew to cool.

Coal mask

Activated charcoal helps to get rid of the toxic effects of the environment. In urban conditions, this is one of the most affordable and qualitatively active substances that can be used for the preparation of masks.

  • Standard option.  Break 3-4 tablets into powder. Add water or milk to get a thick porridge.
  • Cleaning black mask from black dots.  Ground 1 tablet and mix the powder from 1 tsp. Divinian crystals. Add 2 tbsp. l. cold cow's milk and leave to brew. After 10 minutes, stir with a spoon and send to the microwave for 15 seconds. Use the cooled fluid as a film-film (the rules for applying gelatin masks, see below, in the section on masked film).
  • A deeply cleansing mask with gelatin.  Take each ingredient for 1 tsp: chopped coal tablets, black clay, gelatin. Dilute a mixture of dry ingredients in 2 tbsp. l. milk or water of warm temperature. Let gelatin dissolve for 15 minutes.
  • Sour -milk nutrient mask for oily skin.  Ground 1 tablet of coal, add 2 tbsp. l. natural pure yogurt and 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  • Salt remedy.  Grind 2 coal tablets. Add 1 tsp. Aloe juice, pinch of h. l. Sea or iodized salt and a little tea tree oil. Dilute the mixture 1-2 tbsp. l. cooled boiled water.

Cleaning masks with clay

  • Dilute the black clay powder with water. The consistency should allow you to qualitatively apply the product on the face: not densely and without dirty drones. To black clay add dry powdered mint leaves. Take each dry ingredient for 1 tbsp. l. Pour a mixture of lemon juice diluted with water 1: 3.
  • Mix: 1 tbsp. l. dry clay and aloe juice, 1 tsp. puree from apples and ¼ cup honey.
  • On 1 tbsp. L black clay take a little olive oil and calendula tincture. Dilute to a convenient consistency.

Cleaning Mask Face Film

In a cosmetics store, you can find a million varieties of face masks from tubes. They are convenient in that they are stored for a long time, conveniently applied and easily removed under the guise of film. Such masks work not only at the expense of the components present in the composition of the product, but also due to the direct effect of physical means. The mask must actually be torn away from the skin. Together with her, the dead particles will be “cut off” and polluted pores will be cleaned.

Typically, such a mask is applied to steamed skin - this is how the cleansing effect will be more noticeable. Before applying, any of the masks must be washed with hot soapy water and get the skin with a towel from moisture. Masks are applied with a cosmetic brush from the line of the chin up to the forehead. Withstand an average of half an hour. After - removed in the same way - from the bottom up.

It is not necessary to buy such a miracle mask. It can quite be prepared at home from eggs, gelatin, much more that every housewife has at home. There are several recipes to your attention.

Vitaminized mask

Take 1/2 cups of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice. Strawberries, orange, and an apple will be equally useful. Pour the juice of 1 tsp. gelatin. When the mixture swells a little, determine it on a slow fire and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let the mask cool to body temperature, after which - feel free to apply.

Anti -inflammatory mask

Take the brewed stray green tea and chamomile infusion of 30 ml. Add 25 ml of cucumber juice and 15 ml of aloe juice. Pour 1 tsp into the mixture. gelatin and dilute it properly.

For oily skin

Swear 1/2 lemon add to 1 egg protein. Beat to the state of foam. Apply to the face twice.


Take 100 g of strawberries, wash and open. Add 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, 1/4 cup of milk and 5 drops of almond oil.

Some fruit face masks should be prepared with the addition of water, since concentrated juice contains a lot of acid. She is able to harm the skin. Sometimes, as a diluent, vitamin B from a pharmacy is used. It accelerates and improves metabolism at the cell level, helping to dissolve fats and remove water. Therefore, it is useful for oily and edematous skin, but harmful to those who cannot live without moisture and nutrition.

Cooking a moisturizing mask is 5 minutes. Use it enough 1 time per week. But these half an hour 1 time in 7 days will help to deceive age and remain fresh, ruddy young beauty for many years. Remember this every time there is a reason to miss your favorite cosmetic procedure.



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