
Oily skin masks at home

Oily skin masks at home
The best recipes for face masks will help prevent problems caused by oily skin.

A fat type of skin is a common deviation from a norm that can bring a lot of trouble. The fight against oil brilliance, the prevention of the appearance of acne, cleansing deep pores from black dots. People with oily skin solve such problems daily. Be it women or men. They are necessarily washed with soap several times a day. Wipe the face with napkins that absorb sweat and fat. Sometimes daily departure is not enough: radical measures are used.

Homemade masks for oily skin

The regular use of masks will effectively restore the fat balance. They can be bought in finished form or make them independently from clay, activated coal, lemon juice or food from the refrigerator.

Beauty does not require a thick wallet - you can make the skin perfect cheap. We turn to the recipes of nature and independently make masks for oily skin.

Sour cream masks for oily leather


Sourceful masks for oily skin type should be prepared from a low -fat product. It is able to relieve inflammation and irritation, so it is used against sunburn. In summer, sour cream masks are indispensable, because ultraviolet is aged, and it needs complete restoration.

  • Monom Mask.  Low percent sour cream without adding any impurities is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The usual dairy product consists of acidic bacteria that cleanse the face of the substances stagnant in the skin cells. After the first procedure, the face becomes lighter.
  • Mask with lemon for oily skin.  A means of sour cream and protein will deeply clean the clogged pores. About 1 tbsp are taken for 1 protein of chicken eggs. l. Sour cream and interrupted in a blender. To the resulting mass, lemon frache is added in a volume equal to sour cream. It can be replaced with any citrus freshly squeezed juice, such as grapefruit or orange.  Apply the mask as thicker as possible, without rubbing it. After 15 minutes, the residues are removed with a cloth and washed off with water with a low temperature.
  • Pulling mask.  The product similar to the previous one can be prepared with the addition of a thickener in the form of starch. Citrus juice is not fundamentally used. You can add pieces of any fruit here. The salt is that starch promotes smoothing wrinkles and strengthening the skin. But such a mask is not often made. Optimal - 2 times a month.
  • A bleaching mask for oily skin.  Strawberries or strawberries are a vitamin cocktail from nature itself. A strawberry mask for oily skin has no additional components - it includes only the berry. She whitens the skin even with pigmentation. Such a mask can only be made a couple of times in a whole year, because strawberries from the freezer are a completely different product, devoid of a set of nutrients.
  • For the purpose of regular care and bleaching, a mask with a tomato is prepared. Acids contained in a mixture of tomato with sour cream will make the skin lighter, enrich it with moisture and vitamins, and eliminate excess fat in the skin cells. To 1 tbsp. l. Sour cream add a tomato pulp. The exposure period is 15 minutes.  If you add grated potatoes here, a lifting effect will be observed, but not as strong as the mask from concentrated starch.

Fatty masks - tomato -based recipes

At home, armed with food products, you can prepare a competitive product with any purchased creams and masks. All that will be needed is a little knowledge about the properties of products, and you can independently come up with new recipes.


With sour cream, it is clear: it cleanses and brightens, gives a pleasant shade to the skin. Sour cream restores it from the influence of harmful ultraviolet radiation.

The benefits of the tomato were also slightly said. He is sour - and this is his advantage. Thanks to acids, it regulates the balance of fat. Like any vegetable, it is rich in vitamins and is ready to share them with the skin.

  • Called tomato juice, for example, can be used as a tonic. They lubricate their face, wait until it dries, take a film, and wash off the mask with cold water.
  • Another mask cleans and enriches the skin of the face, helps to remove chilly cells and narrowing pores. Take 2 tomatoes. Cut in large rings and place them on the surface of the face.  The exposure time is 20 minutes. After the specified time, remove the remaining tomato and wash yourself with cold water.
  • If this method seemed uncomfortable to you, grind the tomato through a meat grinder or in a blender. Strite the juice, and apply tomato slurry on your face. As an option, in the "porridge" of 1 tomato you can add 2/3 of Art. l. bran from wheat. This will not only make the mask convenient to use, but also give it anti -aging properties.

The time of exposure to tomato pulp is 15 minutes, and cereals - half an hour.

Bullet mask with protein

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All masks recipes may seem the same at first glance. If we analyze, there is such a component as a chicken egg that is added to all masks, both for oily and dry skin. If you divide it into protein and yolk, we get two completely different ingredients that act opposite to each other. Protein - dries the skin, and the yolk - nourishes.

  • With herbal infusion.  To prepare the egg mask, beat one protein to the foam state. Add 1 tsp to it. Decoctions of any healing plant (calendula is the best option). Add flour by eye to make a viscous consistency somewhat thicker than on pancakes.  The exposure time is 20 minutes. Rinse the mask with warm water.
  • Egg mask for oily skin.  The main rule that must be adhere to is applying in layers. First one layer. When it dries - another, third, and so, until the liquid base for the mask ends. It can be made both from pure egg protein, and by adding to the recipe for camphor oil or lemon juice (1 tsp. One or another substance).  The mask needs to be kept at least 15 minutes. When washing, arrange a contrast shower to your face.

Bullet masks for oily problem skin


Inflamed skin requires special attention, since folk remedies can aggravate the situation with acne, cause allergies and other problems. To avoid trouble, use only verified recipes.

  • Cleaning mask for oily skin.  Insist oatmeal in low -fat kefir before swelling (proportion 1: 3). Add a pinch of soda, let stand for another 5 minutes. Apply for 15 minutes, remove with a clean cloth and rinse with cold water. After that, you can wipe your face with ice from frozen strawberry juice and wash. The procedure cannot be repeated very often - the skin can be overdried. Masks from kefir for oily skin are well cleaned and narrowed, remove signs of inflammation. They are able to cure the skin by reducing your expenses on therapeutic and masking cosmetics.
  • A mask of white clay for oily leather.  A good assistant for acne is clay. 1 tsp Mix milk and clay from 1 tsp. Talca. Apply the mixture to the face until completely dry. Rinse with warm water.

Pink clay in the company with a calendula decoction and tea tree essential oil will clean the skin of acne. The proportions of the first two ingredients are equal (3 tbsp.). Very little oil is needed - a couple of drops.

Plant -based acne masks


Washing with decoctions of herbs is one of the most effective ways to get rid of acne. Calendula, chamomile and other plants for many centuries save people from skin diseases and body systems. They are sold in a pharmacy in dry form, in the form of tinctures, and even as part of some tablets. Of these plants, you can prepare soothing masks with a therapeutic effect.

  • Calendula.  Mix tincture from the pharmacy with water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. Tinctures 1.5 tbsp. water. Take double gauze, chintz or other clean natural fabric. Cut it with oval shape and cut the holes, as in a mask. Defend the “mask” abundantly in the solution, squeeze the excess fluid and gently place on your face.  Hold the mask for 20 minutes, after the procedure, wipe your face with a clean dry towel.
  • Jojoba.  For the mask, you need: aspirin - 3 tablets, water - 0.5 tsp, jozhoba oil - 0.5 tsp. and honey - 1 tbsp. l. All ingredients, except for tablets, mix in the container for steam. Press the aspirin into the powder and add to the mixture. Cool the thick slurry so that it becomes warm. Apply for 15 minutes. After washing the mask and get your face with a paper towel. Do the procedure no more than 1 time per week.
  • Currant.  A handful of currants (red and white mixed), open. Thicken with starch to the state of viscous fluid. Apply and wait 20 minutes. Rinse.
  • Herbal mix.  A mask is made from a mixture of dried healing herbs (chamomile, linden, elderberry). Each plants are taken for 1 tsp., Pour a steep boiling water with a volume of 250 ml. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. They give cool, filter. In the finished warm decoction, honey is added - 0.5 tsp. and 2-3 tbsp. l. oatmeal. A thick mask is applied to the face with a dense layer.  The exposure time is 20 minutes. The remains of the masks are removed with a cloth. Rinse with water by contrasting temperature. Such a mask will cleanse the face and make it rosy.

The best mask for oily skin is one that is suitable individually. By trial and errors, you can choose an effective tool against oily shine or acne. The main components that restore the fat balance are egg protein, low -fat sour cream, tomato. There are recipes in which they are not included. From this, the action of the mask will not get worse.

Dry mask for oily skin

There are masks for problem skin in the form of talcs and powders on sale, which absorb excess fat and act as an antibacterial and anti -inflammatory agent. Making such masks at home is a painstaking ungrateful work. This can do more than just buy a finished mask.

The composition of a mask for oily skin in the form of powder includes plant components. Mangostin exotic fruit, green tea, beans and other natural components in crushed form help to save pores from blockage with fat and dust. As a result, the face becomes perfectly clean after several procedures.


Dry drugs are in the form of decorative powder-they perform two functions simultaneously: medical and preventive and masking. Funds of this type are indispensable for acne. The birthplace of dry masks-powder is Thailand, where this cosmetics, consisting of plant and mineral elements, are very popular.



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