
Facial mask from starch instead of Botox

Facial mask from starch instead of Botox
All the beneficial properties of starch are revealed. Description of the options for using starch in cosmetic procedures.

It often happens that we are not able to visit a beauty salon. This may be due to a lack of time, as well as financial capabilities. But do not be upset, folk remedies will always come to the rescue.   Many women dream of preserving their youth. And it is starch that will be a great option. Botox masks from starch can easily compete with such a salon procedure as Botox. In addition, in comparison with Botox, you will always have a natural facial expressions, smoothed skin and all this without pain and without all kinds of consequences (swelling, asymmetry of the face, motionless upper lip, weakness and much more).

Potato starch is a natural component, which guarantees the lack of chemical additives in such masks. This suggests that the mask of starch is absolutely harmless. All its advantages are confirmed by reviews.

How does starch affect the skin

Potato starch is very rich in vitamins and useful substances. This is just a real treasure. He is a very strong fighter against the first signs of skin aging. Therefore, masks with its use are anti -aging. They will cope with the first wrinkles perfectly and tighten the skin no worse than the Botox procedure. The results of the use of face masks from starch are:

  • Elimination of facial wrinkles.
  • There are fewer wrinkles around the eyes.
  • The skin is rejuvenated and tightened.
  • Skin problems are eliminated.

Their masks starch at home

The starch mask at home is not at home at all. It should be remembered that before carrying out any procedure, it is necessary to carefully cleanse the face. Apply a mask to moistened skin, it must be kept for 15 minutes. Rinse the face mask with starch is only with warm water (especially if it includes oil) or a little cool. As a rule, masks should be held courses. Their number can vary from 10 to 14. A week, their number should not exceed three procedures. These all recommendations should be observed in order to achieve the maximum effect. As before any procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with contraindications. In this case, they are various infectious skin diseases, peeling of the skin, open wounds, cracks on the face.

What is the benefits of starch masks?

Due to the content of nutrients and substances, starch copes well not only with wrinkles, but also with such skin problems as acne, acne and other rashes. Any mask that will contain potato starch will have a large number of useful properties. It very beneficial affects the skin, regenerates the skin, activates internal processes, saturates the skin with oxygen, establishes the sebaceous gland, normalizes the level of moisture, perfectly nourishes and saturates. Of course, everything needs stability and regularity in everything. And the starch masks are no exception. You need to periodically do the entire course and then your skin will look well -groomed and radiant. Below we consider in more detail several types of face masks from starch.

Face mask with starch

The main types of face masks from starch from wrinkles

The starch is a very universal component. It can be safely mixed with different additives.   Therefore, there are a huge number of masks using this miracle, and each girl can choose the recipe she likes. Choosing a mask of starch from wrinkles for yourself, it is worth considering for which type of skin it is intended and what problem of the skin can fight.   A mask of starch from wrinkles instead of Botox can and should be used.

Mask for the face of starch and protein

Mask - protein and starch is perfect for oily skin. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of starch. Mix it with warm water, until a viscous mass is formed (this mass is also called a Clayster). Then grind it all with egg protein. You can also add lemon juice here. Only a couple of drops will be enough.  A mask of potato starch will perfectly pull up and narrow the pores.


Face mask from starch and honey

A mask of starch and honey is also suitable for oily and mature leather. To prepare it, you need to warm up honey. Mix in equal proportions honey: salt, starch, milk. Apply this mixture to the face and wait 20 minutes.


Mask for the face of starch and carrots

This type of mask is suitable for all skin types. She nourishes, moisturizes and gives the effect of lifting. For cooking, you will need carrots, or rather its juice. 5 tablespoons will be needed. Just grate the carrots and squeeze the juice from it with gauze. Then add one tablespoon of starch in 100 ml of water and place it all on fire, adding there about, 5 liters of boiling water. You need to cook over low heat until thickened. Cool, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and carrot juice.  The mask of starch and carrots apply on the face with a thick layer.


Face mask from starch and kefir

It is very effective for problem skin. It will help to bleach the face. He will tighten the skin, rejuvenate it.

To prepare a mask of starch and kefir, you will need to take kefir, starch and egg (protein). Mix starch and kefir in the same proportions. Then add 1 protein and we can apply to the face. It will be enough to hold it only 12 minutes.


Facial mask from starch with banana

This mask rejuvenates the skin well. Suitable for wilting and mature skin. It is necessary to grind the banana, mix it with a half tablespoon of cream and a tablespoon of starch. You need to apply a thick layer. Keep a mask of starch and banana for about 10 minutes.

Having tried, at least once pulling masks from starch, the need for salon procedures will take you into the background. Moreover, every hostess in the kitchen has the main component. Upon learning of such masks, you can buy it not only for cooking, but also for your beloved. Masks based on starch will make you confident, help you forget once and for all about the problems of the skin.




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