
Face strawberry mask at home

Face strawberry mask at home
Face strawberry mask at home: recipes for preparation, features of application and recommendations.

With the advent of summer, many fruits, vegetable crops and different berries appear. From them you can prepare a lot of useful cosmetics for complete facial skin care. Foreign products prepared at home are well saturated with different vitamins. Therefore, they are more effective than those that are far from cheap in household chemical stores.

One of the best skin care products is a mask prepared from the berry. Garden strawberry, which is known to most people as strawberries, matures in June. It will not be difficult for anyone to purchase it in the market. It is useful not only as food, but also in the form of a cosmetic mask for the skin.

Strawberry masks clean and refresh the pores well, rejuvenate it and pull it up due to the high content of beneficial substances. The results achieved will pleasantly surprise with their effectiveness almost instantly. And face strawberries are prepared for only about 10 minutes. Quite quickly, and the first results are noticeable immediately after use.

The benefits of strawberry face masks


  1. Strawberries contain many different useful substances and vitamins. Due to the fact that it is grown in gardens in home care, there are no harmful chemicals in it.
  2. Garden strawberries are good for whitening the skin. The face masks prepared from strawberries against age spots and wrinkles have a really visible effect.
  3. She also copes with such problems as a rash on the skin and clogged pores. Strawberries not only removes redness and cleanses the surface of the epidermis with its grains, but also supports the normal state of pH, prevents aging.
  4. Home berries are able to improve blood circulation and improve complexion.
  5. These wonderful berries provide skin nutrition not only with vitamins, but also with other useful components. If you delve into the study of the issue of what are useful masks from strawberries for the face, then one cannot but affect the composition of these berries.
  6. Among all the useful components contained in strawberries, several basic ones can be distinguished, which have the most useful effects for beauty and youth:
  • vitamins A, B9, C and H: provide skin moisturizing, eliminate inflammatory processes and prevent their occurrence, protect from sunlight, forming a special film on the surface, and also do not allow to collapse and grow old for healthy cells and restore the structure of already damaged;
  • calcium: it gives the skin smoothness and silkiness, makes it softer;
  • potassium: this element stabilizes the process of moisturizing at the cellular level;
  • water: it helps not only with moisture, but also removes the feeling of tightness of the surface of the epidermis;
  • fiber: this element is mainly responsible for the cleansing of the pores and the giving the skin of elasticity and elasticity;
  • sugar: this beloved carbohydrate gives a feeling of freshness and tones the cells of the epidermis;
  • zola: although its number in one berry and a small portion is enough to have a healing effect on all small wounds and microscopic cracks, it also helps to get rid of acne and acne;
  • salicylic acid: helps to renew the skin naturally, removing dead cells from the surface of the epidermis;
  • other trace elements smooth wrinkles, restore the structure of fibers, increase the resistance to external factors, for example, ultraviolet rays, as well as rejuvenate the skin, promote its alignment, have a peeling effect and a lifting effect.
  1. Such a rich set of beneficial substances and components can solve most skin problems and please excellent results in a fairly short time. Face strawberries really benefit. Thanks to this, the desire to use them never disappears, enjoying the impeccable condition and youth of the skin on the face, the main thing is to correctly prepare the mask and clearly follow the instructions for its use.

Apply or not use strawberry masks for the face?


  1. Strawberry masks are amazing because they immediately begin to favorably affect the skin. The tangible effect is noticeable after the first use.
  2. But if cosmetic mixtures in unlimited quantities are inadvertently with berries, then instead of anti -aging and restoring effects, you can cause an allergic reaction or even get burns.
  3. Therefore, the face masks from strawberry berries can only be used in certain situations to solve strictly defined problems with the epidermis, for example:
  • if you need to tighten flabby and wilted skin, on which small wrinkles have already appeared;
  • if you need to remove or at least lighten pigment spots, bleach the skin;
  • to protect the skin from the strong effects of sunlight and prevent it from burning;
  • to eliminate dryness and moisturize the face;
  • if it is necessary to clean the pores clogged with dust, then it is strawberries that is a good tool for the provision of peeling;
  • to ensure the necessary care of oily skin, since strawberries are able to make pores narrower and remove fat gloss from the surface of problem areas;
  • if you need to periodically nourish the skin, which refers to a combined type;
  • to eliminate acne, acne and other similar problems with the epidermis;
  • if you need to improve complexion.
  1. In these situations, strawberry masks for the face really have an anti -aging effect. Basically, these funds are used by adolescence girls and older women. The first to always want to make my skin perfectly clean and get rid of inflammation and acne, and the latter want to rejuvenate the skin and slow down its aging.
  2. Fresh strawberries for the face give a feeling of freshness, remove many disadvantages, give cells energy, and beauties - self -confidence. But if you use masks without knowing contraindications, or simply not pay attention to them, then you can only harm your skin.
  3. Many people suffer from intolerance to strawberries. Allergic reactions in such cases are manifested in the form of various symptoms. Among them, for example, there are pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, sometimes even anaphylactic shock can happen. But these symptoms basically occur with the internal use of delicious berries.
  4. If a person has intolerance to strawberries, and he uses it in the form of cosmetic masks, then his whole body can be covered with rashes, and swelling will appear on his face. Therefore, it is necessary to know in which cases moisturizing face masks from strawberries cannot be used. So, strawberry masks cannot be used in the case:
  • if there is intolerance to these berries, which occurs quite often, so you need to know for sure;
  • if there are wounds on the face that have not yet healed;
  • in the case when the capillaries are too close to the surface of the skin.
  1. When there is no complete confidence that it is safe to use a strawberry cosmetic product, the mask can first be tested. This is done very simply - you only need to apply a small amount of pasta to the wrist. If everything is fine, then the tool can be safely used on the face from 1 to 2 times for 1 week.
  2. If all contraindications are strictly observed, then no unpleasant consequences will arise. In this case, the correct handling of strawberries, on the contrary, will help get rid of many skin problems.

Rules for the preparation and use of cosmetic masks at home


It is very simple to prepare a face from strawberries for faces at home if you strictly observe some fairly simple rules.

  1. The first and most important thing that needs to be done before preparing a cosmetic mixture is to wash the berries from dirt and dust well. After all, if microparticles get into the mask, then they can clog pores instead of cleaning them.
  2. In the manufacture of a mixture for peeling the skin, knead the berries with your hands or with a fork. In this slurry, berries should be in the form of pieces.
  3. In the manufacture of specific tools, for example, masks made of strawberries for face from wrinkles, strawberries with other components are processed using a blender.
  4. If honey is present according to the preparation instructions in the mask, then it must be heated.
  5. It is best to first check the presence of an allergic reaction. To do this, the already prepared tool should be applied to the wrist, and after 10 minutes, remove the mixture from the surface of the skin and observe the reaction. If you do not have itching, redness and any other unpleasant things, then you can safely proceed with the use of OP of the appointment.
  6. Before applying the mixture directly to the skin of the face, it is recommended to steam it. This is done so that the pores expand a little, and the necessary components can get as deep as possible. It is enough to stand up to 7 minutes above the steam bath and this will be quite enough. If desired, you can add a few medicinal herbs to it.
  7. It is not necessary to clean the skin surface with a scrub before applying a strawberry mask. This berry itself is a similarity of exfoliating agents and has even a better effect than its synthetic analogues.
  8. When applying a berry mask to the face, you need to remember about the direction of massage lines: from the center of the chin, forehead and nasal sinuses - to the ear sinks. According to them, you need to apply a home remedy so that it can really clean the pores of dust and skin fat.
  9. Also, strawberries contain some organic acids. Therefore, you cannot withstand masks on its basis for too long. For normal skin, 15 minutes are enough, for sensitive - 7 minutes, and for oily, respectively, a little longer - up to 20 minutes.
  10. Strawberry products are used with a frequency that directly depends on the type of skin.
  • 2 times a week to restore the structure of the epidermis, a mask of acne strawberries is applied if the skin is too dry or, on the contrary, oily;
  • if the face is in a relatively normal state, but I want to refresh the color and keep in good shape, then the recommended frequency of application to the skin is 1 times within a week for no more than 1 month.
  1. Face masks from strawberry berries are really a magical remedy. They have a variety of positive effects on the cells of the epidermis, namely, they refresh, clean, bleach, tone and rejuvenate.

Strawberry face masks recipes


For effective therapy for the condition of the skin of the face based on strawberry berries, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the problem and its type. Consider a few simple recipes for strawberry masks:

Strawberry mask with rejuvenation effect


  • 2 large berries of ripe strawberries;
  • 1 tbsp. home honey;
  • 1 tbsp. children's cream.


  1. Berries need to be washed under cool running water.
  2. In a convenient container, knead with a fork in a gruel, and then mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. The resulting mixture immediately apply to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Strawberry mask with the effect of purification


  • white clay - 5 g;
  • strawberries - 3 pcs.


  1. Peel and rinse the berries.
  2. With the help of a blender, squeeze the juice and mix with clay until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Apply to cleansed skin no more than 1 time per week, withstand up to 10 minutes, rinse under running warm water.

Mask made of berries of strawberry for face with a whitening effect


  • large strawberries - 4 pcs.


  1. Cut the peeled berries in half and grate the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Strawberry mask with anti -inflammatory action


  • scarlet - 1 leaf;
  • strawberries - 2 berries.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the sheet of scarlet and strawberries.
  2. Mix everything and let stand up to 5 minutes in a cool place.
  3. Apply with a sponge to the surface of the face. Rinse after 15 minutes.

Strawberry mask for narrowing pores


  • potato flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • strawberries - 2 pcs.


  1. Separate the protein from the yolk.
  2. Carefully knead the berries with a fork and express the juice through gauze.
  3. Connect the protein to the juice - mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply to the surface of the skin, withstand 5 minutes after drying. Use no more than 2 times a week.

Strawberry mask for peeling skin


  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • strawberry juice - 2 tbsp.


  1. Separate the yolk from the protein. We need only yolk.
  2. Mix olive oil with flakes, then add strawberry juice and at the end of the yolk. Beat until we get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Apply with neat massage movements to the surface of the skin. We use no more than 2 times a month.

Strawberry mask-piling


  • kefir - 50 ml;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • strawberries - 2 pcs.


  1. In a comfortable deep container, mix kefir and salt.
  2. Using a blender or fork, squeeze the juice from the berries and separate from the pulp.
  3. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Use before bedtime.

Sweet, tasty, and everyone’s favorite strawberries is useful to the human body not only as a food product, but also in the form of a cosmetic product. Do not forget about this, and as soon as the season of berries comes, be sure to buy a little and prepare a face mask. Those who really care about their appearance must definitely try to make this cosmetic product. If you do not believe in the miraculous effect of this berry, then you can study reviews about strawberry masks for people. In this case, they are all true. The result will surely delight all women and girls who decide to use this excellent skin care method.



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