
How to make hair thick at home

How to make hair thick at home
How to make hair thick? Cosmetics, traditional medicine, vitamins.

Very thick hair deliver a lot of worries: they are heavy and sometimes they split their heads. Rare hair, on the contrary, look completely unattractive, so the ladies are sharpened at any age to create an illusory image of thick hair or stimulate their intensive growth. How to make hair grow thicker, strengthen their structure, make a thicker and volume?

How to make hair thick - hair nature

To clearly imagine a mechanism for the strengthening of a hair strengthening, it is worth understanding, what is the structure of this "brick" in the human body?

Outdoor shell: what makes it and how it is damaged?

The hair consists of the same cell tissue as leather, and nails. The structure of the hair is multilayer, despite its finest diameter in the context. The outer shell is the burned cells of the scaly shape bonded by lipids. Together, scales and lipids make up a smooth surface of a hair that keeps the effect of the external environment.

With long-term influence and on hair UV rays, critical temperatures, hair styling and electrical appliances, lipids are destroyed. Hair dumps, and the erased scales remain on the protection of the hair in the proud loneliness, peeling and creating the effect of seeds of the tips or brittle hair.

Cortex and Medulla

The second from the shell of the hair layer - Cortex. The power and elasticity of the hair depend on it. The central axial part of the hair consists of living cells. Medul, thanks to which the hairstyle holds the volume, and the hair becomes doubly strong.

Dozens of men fall into the Guinness Book of Records, dragging passenger cars with long hair, buses, trucks and even trains. Are women capable of such? Most likely no.

Most young ladies love to experiment with appearance. One way is the hair color. It is in Cortex that the basic reactions associated with the color change occur. The more often these layer of the chemical attack of coloring substances, the faster the hair will lose force and elasticity.

Touch it may be the bulbs. Weed root - the cause of female baldness. It is often caused for many ordinary treatments: painting or chemical twist.



The roots are located the main layer of the skin - the dermis. Such a location of the bulb makes hair resistant to mechanical effects: it is difficult to snatch if it is healthy.

A strong hair onion, high-quality performing its functions, will produce shiny strong hair. Average hair growth rate: 1 cm / 1 month. If the body's work is broken, it may reflect on how quickly the bulb can generate a thrust hair. Violations will be noticeable to the naked eye. Change:

  • Growth rate.
  • Pigmentation.
  • Volos thickness.
  • Potential power.
  • The fortress is replaced by the lone.

How to strengthen hair and make them thick at home?

Dream of a beautiful healthy hair, many girls. Some people go on about advertising, and buy everything, "guaranteed to make hair thick and lush": from shampoos to dietary supplements. Others, who believe in the power of nature, turning to his grandmother's methods to the hair has become thicker. Third mask the problem, not noticing how it is getting worse.


The modern woman can "sculpt herself." It can choose the path of healthy eating, sport and high-quality cosmetics, or artificial beauty methods.

  • Increase hair dryer in each salon. New methods almost do not harm the hair - so we are promised, but not the fact that you find a wizard that will cope with the task. And not always care for hair extensions nice and friendly. Your hair is at risk of becoming a loofah and become more brittle and weak.
  • The next option - chemistry. Curling small curls out of fashion even in the '90s, but it is actively used by women with thinning hair, wanting to give them volume. Actual so-called "wet chemistry" large curls. It looks more natural, but not less harmful than classic.
  • Fleece - the easiest way how to make hair thick at home. It is fast and efficient: the illusion of volume will be. But tomorrow will be on the head even less hair - many of them confused and be accidentally pulled out during combing.

The process of creation of the hair on the head of the coil consists of repetitive movements of small comb against the hair growth. This means that the flakes can be damaged mechanically. This attitude will lead to layer ends.

picture 4-17

  • Hairpieces and wigs. This is an extreme measure. Some overhead tails are made of natural hair. They can look natural. With their help it is permissible several times a year to change the image. But wearing it every day is inconvenient.

In addition, other people's hair is attached by pins or invisible. Harmless Hair clips harm outer shell. Girls should minimiziroat their use.

Any way to mask the problem is not able to resolve it. From this path should be abandoned, and begin work on the health of their own hair.

Factory cosmetics nourishes thick thick hair

Long thick hair difficult to grow without the use of high-quality cosmetics. Cosmetics can save damaged hair. Shampoos are not always able to give strength and volume to the hair and make them thicker and thicker. To this end, better suited serum, masks and air conditioning.

To hair became thicker and returned the luster, it is necessary to restore the lipids through the use of professional tools. The most effective products Syoss, Schwarzkopf, L'OREAL Elseve. These cosmetics are expensive, but the quality. It is able to restore the hair's natural beauty.

Those who are not willing to pay a large sum for the 250 ml wonder drug, can take advantage of the products promoted at least cosmetics, such as "family doctor" or "Recipes of nature."

The systematic use of tools for hair restoration will not only get rid of the split ends, but also on the problems of tangle-free hair. They will become stronger, will gain luster.

Beautiful thick hair with lamination

laminating procedure is expensive - can improve the structure of hair, protect it from harmful environment. Each hair if envelop film: give the start of the self-healing process. After the procedure, the hair becomes smooth and shiny. Gradually increase the volume.

do lamination worth 1 time per month for the desired effect. At the same time, use the regular shampoos fail, dye your hair after lamination - too. Protective film alien repulses chemical components.

How to make hair thick in the home - top 10 recipes

How to make hair thicker and thicker, without the help of beauticians and hairdressers? Traditional medicine has long known that thick hair - the fruit of painstaking care. In this technique help in massage of the head and the gifts of nature in the form of herbal infusions and vegetable oils.

Hair grow thicker, if you make a mask out certain products. Here are some tested recipes:

  1. Prepare decoction of herbal plants (St. John's wort, camomile and Calendula respectively used for black, red, and blonde hair). In one cup of water is necessary for 1 hour. L. or bag suhotravya. In dilute broth for 3 hours. L. yeast, add 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. Tire oil. Mix, put in a warm condition to the hair, wrap foil and a towel. Soak 40 minutes. Rinse with water. Duplicate the procedure after 2 days in a month.
  2. Cedar nuts are frustrated, add water to dilute a thick pitch. Send to the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees. Inmitted with milk massaging movements apply on the roots of the hair. This tool awakens the bulbs, of which the hair has not yet grown. Mask need to do every day 2 months in a row.
  3. Take the almond pollock, spread and add exactly so much milk to make a consistency, like sour cream. On the hair to hold 2 hours, wash. Make a mask daily 30 days.
  4. A pair of melting honey with coconut oil 1 tbsp. l. Throw in alloy 1 tsp. Powder cinnamon. Blend in warm condition Apply on a slightly dried hair after washing. After half an hour, wash the shampoo. Making a mask 1 time in 7 days 2 months in a row, you improve the hair structure from the root to the tip. The chapelur will become obedient, brilliant and thick.
  5. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. Mustard powder in boiling water of the same volume. Add a sugar pinch, cool, interfere with the yolk 1 and 2 tbsp. l. Tire oil. Mix evenly distribute and wrap the hair first with the film, then the scarf. An hour later, wash your head with shampoo. Making a weekly mask for a month, you will immediately notice the result.
  6. To stimulate the bulbs on the roots, apply such a mixture: 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and Aloe Cashitz; 1 garlic teeth crushed by the press; 1 yolk. After half an hour, you can wash off.
  7. Purchase pepper tincture at the pharmacy and apply it to the roots. Means exposure time - 2 hours. If it is impossible to burn, wash off immediately, without waiting for the expiration of time. Repeat the procedure 1 time per week, adding a ray oil. Making such masks of 3 months in a row, you can grow hair enviable length. If the hair was painted, the mask can slightly change the color. With sensitive skin, she is contraindicated.
  8. On 2 tbsp. l. Oils of vegetable origin Take 1/3 of Art. l. ginger from the bag. Massaging movements stuff in the scalp and wrap it up half an hour. Rock shampoo.
  9. Mix the yolk, 1 tbsp. l. Honey, brandy and metering juice (aloe). Imprete your head with a mixture. Suppose 40 minutes under the cellophan and towel. Wash water without soap. Repeat 1 or 2 times a week for a month. The tool will give the hair of power.
  10. The simplest monomask is based on castor oil. Everything that needs to be done is to warm it up to warm state, lubricate them roots and slaughter head with a towel. An hour later - washed off with shampoo. The tool helps with the regularity of use. Subscribe the roots at least 1 time in 10 days.

Using folk recipes, you can grow amazingly thick hair for a photo from the cover of a fashionable magazine. At the same time, the cost of the entire procedure procedures will be equal to one trip to the beauty salon where it is necessary to return again and again.

Pharmacy thick hair

D, H, A, C, B - Vitamin formula for hair strengthening. It is contained in such preparations like Witrums of Beauty, Inneov Little Hair, Fitoval, Biotin, Scale and others.

In order not to get confused, in the pharmacy you need to ask the hair vitamins or beer yeast. Complex vitamins do not suit, since the dosage of substances in them corresponds to the norm, and you need to fill the deficit, especially vitamin N.

In food products, these vitamins are also there. To make the hair thick, eat more:

  • oatmeal;
  • liver;
  • fishes;
  • garlic;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • citrus.

Vitamins will prevent falling out, early gray, improve growth and strengthen the hair.

Preventive measures

Hair is worth hiding from the scorching sun in summer and from strong frosts in winter under the headdress. That part of the hair that is responsible for thermoregulation gives hair volume. This will prevent the risk of the destruction of the lipid shell.

They should be dried naturally, since the hot air (of the hair dryer) also adversely affects the protective layer of the hair. It concerns this and other electrical appliances (bad, iron, etc.).

The hair is confused, or combed well. Sucking in different directions, or gently fall. All this depends on the health of the hair, the correspondence of its structure norm. Hair in good condition has inhuman potential power, alive glitter and volume. Based tips arise due to improper skin care and hair over the entire length.

Strengthen your hair. Create a breathtaking volume. This is not difficult.


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