
How to tie the snood clamp a circular scarf with knitting needles. Siberian scarf Snud - Scheme and description of knitting

How to tie the snood clamp a circular scarf with knitting needles. Siberian scarf Snud - Scheme and description of knitting
How to tie the snood clamp a circular scarf with knitting needles: types of scarves, knitting patterns, recommendations.

Today, snood is one of the most popular scarves models. Such an accessory is very stylish and warm enough. The clamp can also be tied with your own hands, the elementary possession of knitting needles and zeal will be enough to please yourself and loved ones with a handmade thing.

How to knit a snood scarf with knitting needles


  1. Before starting work on the snood, you need to decide what specific scarf should be connected.
  2. There are several different models of such a product. Despite the fact that the design of the snood seems quite simple and monotonous, among the form and type of scarves there are significant conceptual and design differences.

How to knit a snood scarf - models


At first glance, it seems that scarves are visually almost the same, but there are many differences in them. Starting from the length, the nature of the knitting and design, ending with the method of wearing and a decorative function. Consider the differences of snoods and analyze the specifics of such a knit and design.

Models of scarf snood in length

This classification cuts out scarves of such knitting on types depending on the size.

  1. Short. These models are worn only in 1 turnover on the neck. Such options are more accessories than real heat sources.
  2. Medium. Such scarves are already rushing in 2 turns around the neck. By knitting, they are warmer and better maintain heat.
  3. Long. Such products can be worn even instead of a headgear. They are good in that very warm and functional.

Models of scarf snood in width

Models of a snood scarf knitted with knitting needles are the following type.

  1. Wide. Such accessories are extremely functional, because even if the model is short, it can be used as a scarf, as well as instead of a headgear.
  2. Narrow. Such scarves are designed only for wearing on the neck. They can also be either short or long.

Models of scarf snood according to the manufacturing methodology

Snud scarves can be made by various knitting techniques.

  1. To create such an accessory, an ordinary scarf weaving scheme can be used, only at the end of the loop they do not only close, but the beginning is associated with the end in a continuous ring.
  2. Often, circular knitting is used for such products, thanks to which the scarf turns out seamless. Such a technique also allows you to use various schemes and design.
  3. When knitting such products, different yarns are used. The choice of threads will determine how well the product will maintain heat and its appearance.
  4. When knitting a clamp, it is recommended to use thick threads so that you can get a capable of warm scarf.
  5. For not too cold weather, you can make a mossy clamp. This type of yarn allows you to decorate the snood with an openwork pattern.
  6. A jacquard pattern, which is created only by circular knitting, looks very interesting.

Knitting snood scarves with knitting needles: description schemes


Today there are a wide variety of options for knitting clamps. Some are simple, others are considered more complicated. The choice of a certain of them depends on the skill of the one who has taken up the case, and the moment that the snood should turn out.

How to knit a snood scarf with knitting needles: a scheme for beginners No. 1

Even knitters without experience can make such a scarf on their own. This option is made quite simple. First, a model and drawing for the future product are selected, and only then the yarn with knitting needles is selected.

In this case, the ability to set ordinary loops for the normal beginning of the knitting process is important. It is also necessary to understand what principle the ends of the product are connected after the knitting is over.

To tie a simple snood model, it is necessary to follow the following rules and observe the sequence.

  1. You need to dial 129 loops on the knitting needles.
  2. Knit the 1st row as follows:
  • 20 wrong loops;
  • then 8 - facial and again 20 liters. n.;
  • the next step is 1 crossed l. n.;
  • then the 31 loop should be knitted according to the figure (the front row: 1 l., Then 1 of the p.) This combination is repeated the required number of times until the desired length of the scarf is reached;
  • to knit the wrong row, you need to knit all the loops according to the same combination as the front, and then again 20 from. p., 8 l. p. And once again 20 of. p.
  1. 2nd row: a series of wrong knitting is knitted according to the combination of the pattern according to the following principle:
  • knit so 5 more rows, while it is important not to forget about the alternation of the facial series with the wrong side;
  • The 8th row must be made completely facial: it consists of 20 of. P, then 4 liters are removed on the auxiliary knitting needle. n., and then another 20 out of it is knitted. p., 1 l. n. crossed type, and 31 p. is knitted according to the combination of the drawing;
  • after the drawing, the knitting continues with the following method: 1 crossed l. p., 20 of. p., then another 4 liters. n. and you need to remove 4 liters on an auxiliary knitting needle. n.;
  • the next step is these 4 liters. n. are removed from the auxiliary knitting needle and another 20 out of it is knitted. n.;
  1. In the same way, another 15 rows are knitted. It is important to remember their alternation.
  2. Further, the rows are repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the desired length of the scarf.

Snipe scarf with knitting needles for beginners: scheme for beginners No. 2

  1. A simple clamp can be connected in a different way. For this we will need:
  • yarn, better - thick;
  • spokes selected under the thickness of the threads.
  1. The sequence of actions when knitting will be as follows:
  • dial the right number of loops that will determine the height of the scarf;
  • knit the entire 1st row l. n.;
  • all other rows need to be knitted in the same way, until the necessary length reaches;
  • all loops must be closed;
  • at the end, connect the ends of the clamp.


  1. A scarf made of thicker threads will have approximately the following parameters:
  • in width - 22 cm;
  • in length - 144 cm.
  1. In order to get such a clamp, you need to take about 300 g of thread.
  2. The knitting needles are recommended to be selected with a diameter of 10 mm.
  3. In terms of density, knitting will turn out about this: 10 cm of a knitted canvas will account for 15 rows and about 8 loops.
  4. Now dial 19 loops and follow the following mating instructions:
  • The 1st row is knitted with an alternation of 1 liter. p. from 1 of. n., this combination is repeated to the end, the last loop should be facing;
  • in the same way, the rest of the scarf is knitted and the mating does not end until the length of the clamp is reached the desired mark;
  • then all the loops are closed and the snood is assembled;
  • to do this, you need to sew the short sides of the scarf;
  1. At the end, process the product and put the scarf on something solid. Place a towel folded 4 times under it. Put wet tissue on top of the product and do not remove until the scarf is saturated with moisture. Then remove the fabric, and leave the product in a horizontal position until then, it does not dry completely.

Knitting a scarf snood with knitting needles with a scythe


To make a clamp with this pattern, we need knitting needles No. 4.

Work sequence:

  1. Get 63 loops on the knitting needles.
  2. Start getting out a pattern that will permeate the entire product.
  3. Try to work so that the odd ranks are facial type, and even ones are wrong.
  4. From 1 to 7 rows, the knitting must be as follows: 1 chrome., 4 l. p., 15 l. p. This pattern repeat the right number of times.
  5. From 2 to 8 rows are knitted as follows: 1 chrome., 4 l. p., 15 of. it is necessary to repeat such a combination until the end of the 8th row.
  6. 9 row: 1 chrome., 4 l. n., and then 10 loops are crossed to the left side, 5 of them must be left on an auxiliary knitting needle, and 5 l. n. are knitted with an auxiliary), end all the 5th l. n. This sequence is repeated to the end.
  7. From 10 to 18 rows are knitted, as well as the sequence from 2 to 8.
  8. From 11 to 17 rows are knitted similarly to how they were knitted from 1 to 7.
  9. For the 19th row, the 9th scheme is used.
  10. Next, continue according to the scheme starting with the 1st.
  11. Finish the product and collect it.

After the snood scarf was tied with knitting needles, it is necessary to check the resulting seam for strength.

We knit a circular scarf snood-cooker with knitting needles: Scheme


  1. This option for knitting the snood is completely simple. The basis of the "English elastic band" is based.
  2. For the manufacture of such a scarf, you need:
  • woolen yarn, better than average;
  • knitting needles No. 9;
  • needle;
  • scissors.
  1. The sequence of process execution:
  • dial the desired number of loops;
  • Start the 1st row with 1 liter. P, then do the cloak, remove the loop, but do not knit, but repeat the combination.
  • 2nd row: do a cloak, remove the loop, but do not knit, but knit a cloak with a loop taken together and end this row;
  • 3rd row: 1 cloak and loop from the previous row are knitted, 1 more cloak is made, a loop is removed, which is not knitted and so knit to the end;
  • the whole other part is knitted by alternation of the 2nd and 3rd rows until a certain width is reached;
  • in the end, sew the ends of the product.

Knitting scheme of volumetric scarf snood knitting needles


This clamp is made quite simply. If the scarf should turn out to be voluminous and airy, then the knitting needles can be taken thicker, if thicker - less.

The following materials will be needed:

  • thick yarn - at least 400 g;
  • circular knitting needles - 10 mm.

Knitting scheme:

  1. Type as many loops as required - the average amount of 90 pieces. Mark the start of work with a special marker.
  2. To make the edges softer, knit 4 rows with an elastic band.
  3. The 1st row is knitted completely with facial loops.
  4. The 2nd row is also knitted with this method.
  5. From 3 to 6 rows are knitted according to the scheme: 2 l. p. and 3 from. p. This combination is repeated to the end.
  6. Next, the knitting is repeated from the 1st row.
  7. As soon as the process is finished, you need to gently hide the tips of the threads.
  8. Before the toe, the scarf needs to be steamed. This procedure will allow the loops an even look.

Original schemes of scarves snood knitting needles for beginners


You can make a clamp using more interesting techniques. A similar approach is not always difficult, some ornaments are obtained by a completely simple combination of loops and a simple knitting technique. Consider some of them.

Snude scarf from mohair knitting

Binding the snood from such yarn is very simple. For this we will need:

  • moherian threads;
  • the knitting needles under the thickness of the threads.

Knitting scheme:

  1. You need to dial an odd number of loops.
  2. In the 1st row, all the loops are knitted by the facial.
  3. From 2 rows, the knitting changes to the wrong side.
  4. The next 2 rows are again knitted with facial loops.
  5. For the 5th row, a combination is used: 2 l. P. knit together, make a cloak, and then another 1 liter is knitted. n. This method needs to work until the end of the row.
  6. The 6th row is again knitted with the front viscous.
  7. Next, the picture is repeated from the 1st row.
  8. After the end of the pattern, you need to assemble the product and steam.

Openwork scarf snood knitting

To knit such a product, 300 g of medium -sized threads are required. It will be about 25 cm in width, the length of the folded snood will be approximately 60 cm. For such a product, it is better to use circular knitting needles 6 and 7 mm. To obtain a free canvas, you can take the knitting needles even thicker.

Knitting scheme:

  1. It is necessary to dial 180 loops. Put a mark at the end of the row and connect the loops into a circle.
  2. 1 row is knitted only by the facial way. Change the knitting needles to thicker ones.
  3. Stitch on them another 1 row l. p.
  4. Next, the knit begins according to a certain scheme. Knit 4 from. P, 1 l. p., 1 from. P, 1 l. p., 3 from. p.
  5. The next row: 5 l. p., 1 from. P, 1 l. p., 1 from. p. and 2 l. p.
  6. Further, the combination is this: 6 from. P, 1 l. p., 1 from. p., 1 l. p. and 1 from. p.
  7. Fourth row: 7 l. p., 1 from. p., 1 l. p.
  8. Fifth row: 1 l. p., 7 from. p., 1 l. p., 1 from. p.
  9. Sixth row: 1 l. p., 1 from. p., 7 l. p., 1 from. p.
  10. Seventh row: 1 l. p., 1 from. p., 1 l. p., 7 from. p.
  11. Eighth row: 1 l. p., 1 from. p., 1 l. p., 1 from. p., 6 l. p.
  12. Ninth row: 2 from. p., 1 l. p., 1 from. p., 1 l. p., 5 of. p.
  13. Tenth row: 3 l. p., 1 from. p., 1 l. p., 1 from. p., 4 l. p.
  14. This technique is repeated to the end.

Scheme of a beautiful scarf snood for a girl with knitting needles


The snood for the child is knitted no less easily compared to the usual clamp. You just need to choose the right size. For this, it is important to know the age of the child.

  • from 3 to 5 years - 22 cm width, 66 cm - length.
  • from 5 to 10 years - 22 cm width, 70 cm - length.
  • from 10 to 16 years - 22 cm width, 75 cm - length.

What will be needed:

The yarn is thick, the knitting needles are already selected for it. For a more air product, thick tools are needed, to get dense knitting - thinner.

Knitting scheme of a scarf snood with knitting needles for a girl:

  1. Type 22 loops.
  2. Perform the 1st row with a front viscous.
  3. Further, the process also continues until the desired length is reached.
  4. After the elongation is completed, connect the scarf.
  5. Slide the snood before wearing.

Patterns for scarf snood


The most popular patterns for snood today are “rice” and “English elastic band”.

Scarf Snood with knitting needles of the scheme: "rice"

This pattern is completely simple. The basis of the technique consists in the alternation of the facial and wrong loops in the 1st row, then the wrong ones with the faces in the 2nd and the front with the wrong in the 3rd row. The snood is knitted in this way until the required length is reached. The result is a canvas that resembles the structure of rice.

Snipe scarf with knitting needles with a description of the circuit: "English elastic band"

This drawing looks very beautiful and is created quite simply.

  1. The 1st row is knitted with the alternation of the face loops. Next, the loop is removed and not knitted. In this way, a whole series is knitted.
  2. In the 2nd row, you must first make a cloak, and then remove the loop and not knit it. Then knit these two elements together.
  3. The 3rd row begins again with the crochet. It is connected to the loop and knitted, and then it is necessary to remove the loop, but it is not necessary to knit it.
  4. Further, these combinations must be repeated from the very beginning.

How to knit a snood scarf on 2 knitting needles


Almost all snoods are knitted on 2 knitting needles. Consider an option that is considered one of the simplest.

Knitting scheme:

  1. Type 160 loops.
  2. Stitch an elastic band 10 cm in size. At the same time, facial and wrong loops alternate.
  3. Continue the work of the gastard: 1 row - the front loops and 1 row - the wrong loops. Such a combination must be repeated to about 20 cm.
  4. Next, you need to return to the elastic band and knit such a viscous another 10 cm.
  5. At the end, close all the loops of the last row.

A warm and beautiful accessory, created by your own hands, will be the best gift. The complexity of knitting is only to observe a clear sequence, but if you set the goal, then such a thing will work for you and close years.



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