
Hairstyles for graduation 2017

Hairstyles for graduation 2017
Hairstyles for graduation 2017: types and trends, styling on different types and length of hair, recommendations for choice.

Every girl dreams of stunning to look at her graduation ball. Everything in her festive image should be in harmony, makeup, hairstyle and outfit. Such an exciting moment will come very soon. And although 2017, it seems, is still far away, but time runs so quickly, and fashionistas want to know about all the new products today and gradually begin to invent and select all the components of their image. In grade 11, the final ball is the most important event after the exams for almost adult girls. Along with the dress, an important component in a stunning image is a hairstyle. In this article, we will talk about the most popular and relevant hairstyles for the graduation evening in 2017.

Choose a hairstyle for the graduation 2017: Recommendations


  1. First you need to choose a dress, as styling should complement the image, and not compete with it.
  2. When choosing a hairstyle, you should pay special attention to your individuality. If in life you are a calm, relaxed person and almost do not apply makeup, then it makes no sense to try to portray a socialite. The image should be an improved version of you in comparison with everyday life.
  3. Do not radically break the natural structure of the hair under the festive hairstyle, which is unusual for them. On the contrary, try to emphasize their beauty. If the curls curl slightly, they can be lifted, fluffed, or dissolved. It is effectively assembled straight hair in a high tail or put, giving it a slight curl.
  4. Try to choose a classic hairstyle, so that later, in 20 years, looking at photos with their relatives, they do not shock others, but brought you only pleasant memories.

Hairstyles for graduation 2017 for long hair

Free curls


Method 1

Curls look elegant and elegant. But here the problem is that the tightness of the hair rests all evening and does not bloom. There are several methods of curling of hair. For those who want to create a masterpiece for the graduation evening with their own hands, we will tell you how to do it step by step.

  1. We use curly boomerangs.
  2. To begin with, my head and slightly dry a hairdryer.
  3. We take a strand of hair, comb and apply a hair varnish along the entire length of the curl. Using curlers, twist this strand and fix it. Thus, the varnish makes the curl is elastic and gives it the shape. If you apply it after curling, the curls will decay over time under the weight of the varnish. We do not apply too much varnish, so that the hairstyle looks natural, and not like Paklya.
  4. Further, the hairstyle is not long dried with a hairdryer. Here you should observe the temperature mode: first with warm air, and then cold. Due to the change in temperature, the curls are fixed and are elastic. This method will ensure the resistance of curls up to 8 hours.
  5. Then we disassemble the curls, before that, lubricating the hands with wax so that the curls are shiny and not fluffed.

Method 2

We use an iron for hair and foil.

  1. Washed hair dries.
  2. We wrap a strand of hair on the finger, pre -comb.
  3. We pull the finger carefully so that the curl does not blossom, help with the second hand, wrap the curl with foil.
  4. We take a heated iron and clamp the foil with a curl, count up to 10 and release.
  5. Let us cool a little, remove the foil and the curl is ready. Curls look light, beautiful and elastic.

Method 3

This method is perhaps one of the most complex and long.

  1. We take a strand, the thinner it is, the better.
  2. We wrap it in a tourniquet with a finger of the hand, and then we wrap this tourniquet on a curling iron, down from the root. Thanks to the tourniquet, the curl will be elastic.
  3. The curling iron should be at least 18 - 20 mm in length.
  4. We spin the curl and sprinkle a little fixer at a distance of 40 cm for fixation. We do not hasten to dissolve the bundles, you can just collect them in a bundle with an elastic band and walk half a day. So, curls will even be better.

In general, it is advisable to do a hairstyle in the morning, and before the event itself, carefully dissolve each curl and jump a little with his head back, and now a beautiful hairstyle for the graduation ball is ready. The wrapping lasts up to 3 days.

Tail with a wave

Fun & Fearless Beauty Book: Get Longer Lusher Hair. - People, Girl Alone, Beauty Model, Long Hair, Positive Emotion

Another elegant and romantic hairstyle for graduation evening can be called straight hair or with a light wave gathered in the tail.

  1. In this case, it is important to create a volume, for this it is necessary to comb the head of the head and fix with varnish.
  2. The tail can be assembled on the back of the head or side.
  3. The hairstyle is suitable for thick, voluminous hair. Having correctly selected the dress and decoration, such styling will be ideal for the prom.



One of the most popular types of hairstyles in recent years. There are many species. Here the best option would be to try everything that you liked and choose the one that is most suitable for the image of the outfit. If a dress with a gate, then choose weaving a braid twisted into a socket. If with an open neckline, then countless options here. You can decorate with a flower or thematic hairpin, it all depends on the chosen outfit.

Straight hair


Smooth, loose hair is also today an relevant and fashionable hairstyle, which, incidentally, is perfect for a mischievous image for the graduation evening. In addition, it is always stylish, expensive and festive.

  1. After the head is washed and dried with a hairdryer, go through the iron along the entire length of the hair, first apply heat -resistant protection to the curls.
  2. After that, spray on the hair along the entire length a little spray for shine.

Original styling

A hairstyle in the form of a bow from hair or a bagel with a ribbon is suitable for restrained and modest girls. It looks solemn and unusual. You can complement such styling with a diadem or beautiful ribbon. For such a hairstyle, a thick and long hair structure is more suitable so that styling looks voluminous.

Hairstyles for graduation 2017 for medium length hair


  1. Not too long hair is not an obstacle to create an ideal image for a graduation ball. By dismissing the curls, giving them volume, and having embarrassed with a spray for shine, you can achieve an excellent solution for girls with wide cheekbones.
  2. To attract the attention of others to your smile, use a hairstyle with soft waves. Using a curling iron or a hairdryer, tighten the curls and lay them with the ends out.
  3. A multi -level hairstyle is suitable for cutting a cascade. You need to lay hair in different directions with a hairdryer.
  4. For owners of heavy straight bangs, Cleopatra style is suitable. Stretching the curls along the entire length, and highlighting the lips with bright lipstick, the image for the ball will become spectacular and daring.
  5. Spit for this length of the hair is also relevant. Weaving from small pigtails will give the image tenderness and romance. The lateral medium pigtails, braided in a bundle on the back of the head, will look unexpectedly original.
  6. Careless hairstyles look very feminine. Such styling, of course, can be done beautifully only for haircuts with a cascade or ladder.
  7. The hairstyle with the rim, the so -called, Greek image looks feminine and elegant. To make such a styling is very easy, and it looks quite elegant. This is perhaps one of the simplest types of hairstyles that can be done with your own hands. Suitable for long and medium hair:
  • comb the hair and leave the parting in the usual place;
  • we put on a rim on the hair, fix it with invisibles so that it does not slide;
  • we take a strand of hair in front and spread through the elastic band, so we do with all curls on both sides;
  • previously, the strands can be twisted into a tourniquet so that it is easier to stick them through the rim;
  • we fix the remaining ends in the back on the back of the head with invisibles;
  • we spray the styling a little with a hair spray at a distance of 40 - 50 cm.

Hairstyles for graduation 2017 for short hair length


  1. Of course, for such a length, stylists came up with many hairstyles. In this case, the main emphasis will be on the volume of hair.
  2. If you already decide to adhere to such a style, you should consult a spectacular specialist, he will help you choose a haircut in your oval face so that later it would definitely suit you, and it could be laid.
  3. Kare is the most common option for short hair haircuts, which can be laid in various ways, for example, to be cut into large curlers or straightened by decorating a rim, rhinestones or a flower, which will give the image tenderness.
  4. For a very short haircut, it will be relevant with feathers with volume. Also, do not forget about jewelry, which are an excellent addition to the common image to the celebration. You can just smoothly comb your hair on both sides back and apply a gel on them to keep the shape, and make a good pile with a foam and a hair dryer on the crown. Such a hairstyle will give the image of insolence and will look fashionable.

Graduation in the garden 2017: hairstyles with photos


Our little girls already at such an early age want to imitate their parents in everything. They independently apply makeup, try on moms and shoes. They look forward to their first graduation ball, help mom with the choice of dresses and hairstyles. What kind of hairstyle to the baby for a graduation ball in kindergarten in 2017 to choose?

  1. First you need to decide who will do the hairstyle to the baby. Maybe mom herself is able to make a festive styling to her child or will have to visit the children's hairdresser.
  2. If you decide to dwell on the second version, use a little advice: when going to the hairdresser, take with you a photo of your favorite hairstyle to fully recreate it for a trip to the final evening in the garden.
  3. When choosing a styling style, try not to overload the image with massive forms, better emphasize the disorder of the child. The easier and faster the hairstyle is made, the easier it will be to correct it during the celebration. A great advantage at this age is that the curls have not yet been exposed to paints, pain and ironing, so they are lively and natural.
  4. In beautiful long hair, curls of various diameters look good. It will be beautifully tied in a high tail or a small part of the hair near the face is fixed on the back of the head.
  5. At such a young age, it is not recommended to use hot curves, they do not affect the structure of children's hair, it is better to use Velcro, spirals or rag, made with their own hands. To do this, take the fabric, cut it into small strips with a width of 2 cm and attach a little dense paper on them. It is better to twist such curlers on such curlers at night.
  6. When creating a festive children's image, use original hairpins, rims and beautiful ribbons to complete the hairstyle.
  7. The pigtails also look very neat and cute on little girls. Here you can give free rein, because there are already many types of pigtails. One of the unusual options is to braid a mesh of braids throughout the head, and leave the lower strands dissolved or put into curls. You will get an original hairstyle in the form of a uniform spider web of pigtails.
  8. Another option for weaving can be an openwork spike, wrapped around the head instead of a hoop. In this case, the remaining hair can be dissolved or twisted, you will get an elegant hairstyle with a braid rim.
  9. If you and your daughter like beautiful lush and curly hair, you can braid a lot of pigtails and go to kindergarten. And just before the triumph, to overwhelm them and give shape, you will get a very elegant hairstyle without much effort.

Hairstyles for graduation 2017 with your own hands step by step

Fashion Portrait of Luxury Woman with Jewelry.


  1. Before you start styling, you need to comb the curls and apply a little gel to the hair so that the strands turn out to be clearer.
  2. We braid the hair in the tail, leaving the loop. The tail should stay well, as this is the basis of our hairstyle.
  3. Now we throw the ends of the hair forward. And divide the loop in half. Make sure that the parts on the right and left are equivalent.
  4. We lay the ends of the hair between the hinges so that it separates two parts, and fix it with invisibility.
  5. The tip of the hair is hidden under the base of the hairstyle.
  6. We straighten the ears of the bow and fix the hair varnish. A fashionable hairstyle for a girl for a graduation ball is ready.


Bunches from the hair also do not give up their positions, decorating them with a ribbon or diadem, you will give the image of solemnity. It is not difficult to create a bagel from the hair, the advantage of this styling is that all the hair is tightly collected and your child will not interfere. How to make it?

  1. Washed hair with drying with a hairdryer and apply a little gel so that it becomes smooth and obedient.
  2. We tie a high tail with a thin elastic band, you can do this from the side or from below. It is advisable to choose an elastic band to the tone of the hair.
  3. We take a volumetric terry gum and put on the base of the tail, we have a thinner on top. We scatter the curls evenly on top.
  4. We take another thin elastic band and dress from above, forming a bagel. We give him a form to him to become symmetrical.
  5. We tighten the remaining hair around the bundle and fix the tips with invisibles.

We hope from such a number of proposed children's hairstyles, you will select a worthy of your baby, with whom she will feel like a princess at the graduation evening of 2017.



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