
The use of soda for teeth. How to whiten your teeth with soda at home. Is it possible to brush your teeth with soda

The use of soda for teeth. How to whiten your teeth with soda at home. Is it possible to brush your teeth with soda
The article will be useful for those who stubbornly seeking the secrets of creating a snow -white smile. Let's talk about food soda - a proven assistant in the care of teeth

Modern magazine covers introduced a real cult of a snow -white smile. Perfectly white teeth are associated with excellent health, income and well -being. If nature has not rewarded you with white enamel of the teeth, that is, there are a lot of ways to whiten your teeth. Of course, you can contact the dentist for the procedure for professional teeth whitening, buy a good whitening pasta, but this is quite costly. An old and proven folk way of whitening teeth with soda comes to the rescue. If you have never heard about the benefits of soda for teeth, then this article will be very useful for you. You will learn about how to correctly brush your teeth with soda, learn about rinsing your teeth with soda, how to whiten your teeth with soda at home.

Soda for teeth. What should be the correct color of the teeth

Most people are firmly sure that the color of healthy teeth should be perfectly white. But this is not at all like that. Shining snow -white smiles are imposed on us by magazines, famous actors and artists from TV screens. The color of the teeth is the same individual feature as the color of the eyes, the structure of the hair, the color of the skin, etc. What do you need to know about the color of the teeth before deciding on some kind of bleaching?

  • Natural shades of teeth can be both translucent or milk-white.
  • The shade of the tooth depends on the density of enamel. The younger the person, the denser his tooth enamel. In addition, the surface of the tooth itself may not be quite even, which also affects the perception of the color of the tooth.
  • A lighter tooth root is considered completely natural than its edge.
  • A normal phenomenon is also considered the difference in shades of different teeth. Your fangs and incisors may differ in color, and this is completely normal.
  • It is proved that the color of the teeth is also determined by the race.
  • The dentistry is engaged in the lightness of dentistry as aesthetic dentistry.
  • The teeth with a yellowish or brown shade are much easier to clarify. But teeth with a gray tone succumb to bleaching worse than the rest.
  • What color of the teeth to choose? You need to focus on the color of the eyes, the appearance of the protein of the eye, the color of the hair. If you decide on the procedure for lightening at the dentist, then he will use a special scale of shades of enamel to choose the most optimal option for you.
  • The bleached teeth to the color of the snow -white sheet of paper look unnatural, completely artificially. Correctly bleached teeth should not make the impressions that you have an inserting jaw or crowns.
  • No matter how sparing the teeth whitening, remember that each such procedure is thinning your natural enamel. It is for this reason that dentists do not recommend constantly using even bleaching pastes. They need to be used periodic courses.
  • The natural color of the teeth can change throughout life for a variety of reasons. It depends on what we drink, what we eat, use, what medicines we use, whether we carefully monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity, do we smoke, what diseases we suffer, etc.
  • Explicit white spots on the teeth can indicate the beginning of the carious lesion of the tooth.
  • A grayish tint to a tooth can be acquired after removing the nerve or poisoning with mercury.
  • The teeth can purchase a pinkish tint after eating coloring products.
  • Teeth can also have a green hue. This may mean a fungal disease in the oral cavity. Also, some types of dental seals can give such a shade to the teeth.
  • Blue shade of teeth can have people who live in areas with water with a high iron content.
  • The yellow shade of teeth is one of the most common. It occurs in avid smokers, lovers of coffee.
  • The dark brown teeth can mean severe caries or the absence of any career care.

What is soda and its application

Everyone has a baking soda in the kitchen, but few thought about its origin. What is it? Drill soda is acidic sodium salt of carbon acid. This white powder has just an incredibly huge number of areas of application. The most famous area of \u200b\u200bthe use of soda is, of course, cooking. What other properties does ordinary baking soda have, and where can it be used?

  • soda is an excellent bleach. It is often added to various cleaning and washing products;
  • soda is a good antiseptic. Before the appearance of modern detergents for dishes, soda was almost the only tool for washing dishes;
  • soda has mitigating properties. With its help, you can make hard water soft. Mistresses know the secret of returning to hard meat from the freezer of softness with soda;
  • soda is widely used in the creation of various building materials: foam, dyes, etc.;
  • due to its antiseptic properties, Soda has found wide application in medicine. Soda solution can rinse the throat, oral cavity with various dental diseases. Traditionally, soda is used to get rid of heartburn. You can also find some recipes for folk medicine with soda, which are designed to make less viscous sputum with coughing;
  • in order to get rid of itching after a bite of an insect, they are advised to attach a gruel from the water and soda to the place of the bite;
  • soda is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It can often be found by a component of many face masks. Soda perfectly softens the rough skin of the elbows, heels.

Thanks to such diverse properties of baking soda, some perceive this tool as a panacea from all troubles and diseases. Some “folk healers” attribute the ability to cure oncological diseases, ulcers and gastritis of the stomach, etc. But do not believe in such a healing power of soda. Do not bury the soda solution in the nose, eyes, ears, thoughtlessly smear with soda all problem areas. Soda can cause a burn if it falls on the mucous membranes. Any use of soda should be approached wisely and deliberately.

Is it possible to brush your teeth with soda

Do you brush your teeth with soda? It is best to answer this question only dentists. Doctors are extremely wary of this method of teeth whitening at home. They explain this by the fact that such a cleaning can have the following negative consequences:

  • regular and intensive tooth brushing with soda is significantly thinning enamel, which makes teeth more susceptible to diseases, makes them more fragile;
  • bleing of teeth with soda is possible, but the effect is very short;
  • if you regularly brush your teeth with soda in order to whiten them, then you can get yourself such a disease as bleeding of gums;
  • the constant contact of delicate skin around the mouth with soda can cause the appearance of an allergic rash, irritation, peeling;
  • concentrated soda very negatively affects the mucous membranes. That is why, if you still brush your teeth with soda, then be sure to dilute it with water;
  • the thinning of the enamel of the teeth, which can occur against the background of constant purges with soda, can cause excessive sensitivity of the teeth. You cannot drink hot or cold drinks without unpleasant or painful sensations.

Very often, dentists recommend soda after tooth extraction. Often it is also recommended to do a simple solution of soda for rinsing to the tooth after treatment.

Tental brushing rules with soda

Before you start using baking soda for teeth whitening. You need to know some rules for using this product:

  • you need to prepare your teeth for whitening soda. Cleaning with soda is able to thin the tooth enamel. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen it as much as possible before such a procedure. How to do it? It is necessary to include in your daily diet the maximum number of products that are rich in calcium and fluorine. Such products include cottage cheese, milk, carrots, cheese, apples, etc.;
  • do not use concentrated baking soda for teeth to brush. So, it can cause a burn of mucous membranes and negatively affect the gum. Soda must be mixed with something;
  • after you conducted a home procedure for whitening your teeth with soda, carefully rinse the oral cavity with water. There should not be a persistent gear of soda in the mouth;
  • as after any teeth whitening procedure, after brushing your teeth with soda, you should refrain from eating coloring products, coffee and tea for 1-1.5 hours. Avoid also too hot or too cold products at this time;
  • do not take in a daily habit of brushing your teeth with baking soda. This can do more harm than good. It is enough to carry out such a homemade whitening procedure once a week. It is with such the frequency of the use of baking soda for the purpose of whitening tooths that you do not harm your teeth and get a good result.

How to whiten your teeth soda

Food soda is not recommended to be used for brushing in concentrated form. The most popular combinations of soda with other products are:

  • soda and water. Such a combination of products is the simplest and most popular. You can simply make a solution of soda for teeth and rinse your mouth. You can wrap a small amount of soda into gauze, turn it with a bag, wet and wipe your teeth;
  • soda and toothpaste. Squeeze the usual amount of toothpaste on the brush, pour a little soda on top and brush your teeth as usual;
  • soda and lemon. Teeth react excellently to lemon juice. Pour soda on a wet toothbrush, and pour with a few drops of lemon juice on top. Lemon juice will repay soda and will contribute to additional teeth whitening;
  • soda and hydrogen peroxide for teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is also known for its whitening properties for teeth. You can simply dip the toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide, pour soda on top and brush your teeth;
  • the teeth whitening with soda and hydrogen peroxide with lemon juice. Mix soda and lemon juice in the same proportions, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, dip the finger into the resulting mixture and wipe the surface of the teeth. To achieve the greatest result, it is recommended to withstand this mixture on the teeth for several minutes;
  • soda and iodine for teeth. Iodine is a proven tool for getting rid of tartar and unpleasant odor. In combination with soda, he perfectly whites his teeth. Apply a little soda to a wet toothbrush, drop a couple of drops of iodine and brush your teeth;
  • soda and soda for teeth. Salt is also an excellent remedy for getting rid of the raid, giving shine. In equal proportions, salt and soda are applied to a wet toothbrush.

Remember that after any of these procedures you need to carefully rinse your mouth several times. Similar home procedures cannot be used more often than 1 time per week.

Pros of teeth whitening soda

Why is food soda so popular in caring for teeth? There are 3 most important pluses of home -made teeth whitening with soda:

  • the incredibly low price and availability of soda. Drill soda is sold in each store, it costs very budget;
  • quick result. Soda whits teeth in a short time, which is very important when you want to bring your smile to perfection before some important event, event;
  • together with the whitening effect, Soda gives incredible respiratory reflection. This tool is a good antiseptic that “kills” all harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, giving purity and freshness to breathing.

Additional ways to whiten teeth at home instead of soda

Tooth whitening with alternative soda products

Coding soda is not the only remedy that can be used for homemade teeth whitening. There are a lot of other simple products that can become an alternative to soda in this matter. Among these products, you can list:

  • activated carbon. Despite the black color of the coal, it perfectly whites the tooth enamel. The main requirement for such a procedure is a very good grinding of coal tablets. The better you grind coal, the less likely you will damage the enamel. The crushed activated charcoal can be poured onto a wet toothbrush and brush the teeth with it. You can simply dip the wet finger into coal and wipe it with the surface of the teeth;
  • wood ash. The most popular is linden coal. It also needs to be very finely crushed into powder and rub it into the teeth. Do not despair. If you do not notice the result immediately. After a few procedures, it will become obvious. Do not forget only to withstand the intervals of the time of 7 days between such procedures as not to harm enamel;
  • strawberry. Strawberries will give you one of the most delicious tooth whitening procedures. Few people might have thought that this berry is somehow able to lighten their teeth. Strawberry has a similar action. It's all about fruit acid. which is contained in these berries. She whits her teeth. You can apply fruit puree from strawberries or strawberries on a toothbrush and brush your teeth, or you can simply rinse your mouth from these berries. It is also not worth it with such procedures, because Acid can harm your teeth if you do it too often;

  • birch leaves. Birch is known for its healing qualities. To improve the color of tooth enamel, you can prepare an infusion of leaves of this tree. Pour a small number of leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. You can wet the toothbrush into such an infusion and brush your teeth, or you can just rinse your mouth. The disadvantage of this method of bleaching is a long expectation of a visible result.

Professional means for home -made teeth are instead of soda

The stores have a wide range of professional tools that are designed for home -made teeth. They guarantee a quick and visible result after the first use are easy to use. Among the most popular means can be listed:

  • a set for home -made teeth whitening from Renov’Smile. This set contains all the necessary means to lighten the enamel of the teeth up to 3 tones. The composition includes a special lamp, gels for teeth based on hydrogen peroxide and cap for the upper and lower jaw;

  • set for homemade lightening of teeth Holywood Smile Home Celebrity. Manufacturers assure the excellent result after using this set. In 2 weeks, you can achieve lightness of teeth from 4 to 6 tones. The set includes 2 syringes with a special gel and 2 caps. The set is recommended for the use of people who want to maintain the effect after professional bleaching with the dentist. These funds will be especially effective for those who suffer from a change in the color of enamel after smoking, coffee, etc.;

  • tresswhite Supreme tooth -based dental set. The main difference between this home kit is its practicality. Having opened the package, you will find 10 ready -made cap for the upper and lower jaw, which are already filled with a whitening gel based on hydrogen peroxide. Caps are made of very thin material, approaching any jaw, it does not need to be adjusted in size. Manufacturers took care of the taste sensations of the person that he will experience during teeth whitening. You can choose for yourself the aroma of menthol, watermelon or peach;

  • crest 3D White teeth whitening. The set consists of special whitening strips that need to be glued to the teeth, and whitening toothpaste. You can see the first noticeable results after 3 days, and after 3 weeks your smile will become like after professional lightening with a dentist. The manufacturer assures that the result of teeth whitening up to 4 tones will remain for 1 year.

Only you decide how to maintain the beauty of your smile. The most safe and traditional way to whiten teeth is still a toothpaste. All large manufacturers of toothpastes have similar products in their products. Bleing of tooth with baking soda is a slightly obsolete way that can have a number of negative consequences. But sometimes it can be used as an emergency “restoration” of a smile. Smile more often and be healthy!



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