
Washing for hair - review and rating of the best funds. How to make hair wash at home. Homemade Hair Woman Recipes

Washing for hair - review and rating of the best funds. How to make hair wash at home. Homemade Hair Woman Recipes
It is not always that such a campaign to the salon ends with the desired result - sometimes you have to resort to a paint wash with hair to return the former shade.

You can say with confidence that every woman at least once painted her hair, because constant changes in appearance are, it can be said, the character of a beautiful sex. However, it is not always a trip to the salon for a new hairstyle, haircut, and the main thing gives a positive, desired result. Sometimes in the mirror you can see the hair of a terrible shocking color, which immediately want to wash off.

But here it is not so simple, the usual washing of heads with our usual shampoo and balsam the workout process will not limit. To remove the consequences of an unsuccessful painting or bored with a bold shade, there will be special washes for hair, which is both professional and natural, cooked at home.

In this article, we consider the peculiar features of paint with hair, we will give an overview of the best hair washes, as well as describe the whole process of how to make hair wash at home.

What is hair wash

All women constantly seek to follow the trends of fashion, which requires changes in appearance, sometimes quite cardinal. This is especially true for hair that always want to cut or paint. And if the haircut is only healing the hair, then constant staining gradually disrupts the hair rod and damaging the hair. Women paint their hair for many reasons: Fashion, desire to change something in his appearance, the desire to spectacle look at an important event. There are more practical reasons for the use of resistant hair paints: painting the seeds that appeared, leveling the color or giving their hair a healthy shade and gloss.

However, not all experiments end with the achievement of the desired result. It is easier for business when you are always painted into the same shade, at one wizard and using the paint of one manufacturer. Then you will definitely confident as a result of the procedure. But when I want a cardinal change in appearance, then there is always a risk of peculiar surprises in the form of a shocking shade or sudden color transitions. At such moments, a special mask of a hair wash may need, which has an action opposite from paint and helps get rid of unwanted hair color.

To make the right hair wash alone, it is important to clearly understand the action of these drugs. This is necessary for choosing the composition of the composition that, in turn, will ensure the safety of the procedure and will lead to the desired result. Washing of black hair, red or chestnuts has the nature of the action that is absolutely opposed to the process of hair coloring with a stainless paint. During the use of hair washes at home or in the cabin, the chemical components of the drug penetrate deeply into the hair rod and tear the resistant molecular bond between the way the hair structure itself and the coloring pigment, which later becomes the source dye and is washed out of the hair. Such procedures may need several, since for one-time application of paint cleaning with hair at home, hair is discolored by 1-3 tones. The number of such procedures directly depends on the number of hair staining and the resistance of the paint used.

In the cabin, the cleaning process is called decapiring, which is intended for removing the paint layer on the hair. In essence, this is a gentle procedure, although it does not exclude the manifestation of negative impacts for hair. It is not worth confused the process of cleaning with a hair discoloration procedure, since during it you can maximize your original color, but not to reach the blond. At the same time, if it is cleaned with red hair or black. You may need a single and even two procedures. Accordingly, the harm is caused more serious harm than when used, for example, hair washings Estelle for a small alignment of the shade applied once.

Features of using hair cleaning at home

  • First of all, it is necessary to remember that any hair wash with hair is the strongest stress for them, whose impact power can be compared with the same twig. This is due to the chemical composition of special drugs.
  • Use professional hair washings is recommended in the salons where you guarantee the safety of the procedure and where experienced masters will help to achieve the desired result. It is in the cabin that you correctly pick up the necessary precisely for your hair for cleaning and its concentration. This, in turn, will avoid strong hair damage.
  • It is possible to carry out a wash with professional funds at home. However, before you independently understand how to make a hair wash, it is recommended for the first time to visit a professionally and see how this procedure is properly carried out.
  • Do not chase for expensive drugs, because it still does not save your hair from negative impact. All drugs for decoption contain chemical components that penetrate the hair.
  • If you need to achieve a small alignment of the shade or removal of pronounced pigmentation, then you can try to use natural and natural products for cleaning paints from hair at home. For example, you can use kefir or various vegetable oils. In this case, the hair after washing will be more well-groomed, and in the process it is less damaged.
  • Also, when carrying out paints with hair, with the help of professional preparations, it is worth remembering that it is recommended to conduct a re-procedure only 2-3 weeks after the first. This will make less damage to hair and give them time to "come to ourselves" after a serious impact.

Hair cleaning types

Today, various preparations for cleaning paint with hair can be purchased in professional cosmetics stores. Manufacturers of such drugs supply them to shops in the form of powder, masks, shampoo, balsam.

Depending on the impact on the hair, all the washes can be divided into two groups:

  • actually decapping;
  • bleaching.

With the help of decaption, you can only remove the layer of paint from the hair to the initial shade. When bleaching, hair can be made lighter into several shades, seeking the desired result. The discoloration means affect the hair more negatively, since penetrating the hair rod penetrate, completely the hair color changes. This procedure in recent years has become very popular among women who always seek to get so desirable and sometimes unattainable blond.

Hair washes differ in the degree of impact on the structure of the hair:

  • Surface preparations.
  • Deep preparations.

Surface or sparing wash is recommended for a small effect on the hair, which will allow you to change the hair color for one tone, help remove the brightness of the color or change the shade. In its composition, such drugs contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol and do not have oxidants. After applying such a washing on the hair, the components included in their composition do not affect the structure of the hair, but only remove the coloring pigment from their surface. These drugs are made on the basis of alkaline components without oxidizing agents. It is usually recommended to start changing the color of hair from such drugs, maybe they will help to achieve an optimal result without having to use more aggressive drugs.

On store shelves, you can also find preparations for cleaning hair with a deeper effect. Such drugs are called deep or inner washes. Experts recommend them to use in the most extreme case, as they negatively affect the hair from the inside. This is achieved due to the presence of solid chemical components in the preparations, which, when hitting the hair, raise the scales of the hair rod and penetrate the hair. Oxidifiers envelop paint pigments and pushed out of the hair. Undoubtedly, when using such drugs, you will most quickly get the desired result, but harm is harvested tangible. Most often, the washing of deeply action use professional masters in the salons and use them for bleaching black or very dark hair. At the same time, a somewhat washes may be needed to obtain the desired result, from about 1 to 3.

Professional Hair Woman Review

Today there are a large number of world manufacturers who produce professional hair washes with various composition and depth of hair effects. At the same time, each manufacturer seeks to add various softening substances to its preparations that allow you to minimize the harmful effects and care for hair already in the process of conducting the procedure. On the Internet you can find a huge amount of hair wash reviews of different manufacturers, about their positive and negative characteristics, price range. All this is complemented by photos where you can see the results of the procedure.

We present an overview of the most popular among women of Russia, hair wash manufacturers.

  • Washing for Estel hair. In the rating of the best preparations for washing paints from the hair, this tool occupies a leading position and is one of the most popular among girls and women in Russia. The Color Off sweeping from Estel's own popularity is obliged to rather democratic cost, which is on average 350-450 rubles, as well as a minimum negative effect on the structure of the hair. Safe effect is achieved due to the absence in their composition ammonia and clarifying substances. It is recommended to use hair washout Estel for thin and damaged after staining strands. At a time, it is possible to carry up to three plates, while the process of neutralization of the drug takes about a day. Before use, it is necessary to mix the reducing agent and a catalyst of two bottles of different quantities in a plastic or glass container, and then apply on the hair. Wait 20 minutes. Next, apply the catalyst for one strand and make sure about efficiency. After that, the catalyst must be applied to all hair. At the end, hair needs to be washed by shampoo deep cleaning.

  • Washing Remover from Dikson. Among the numerous photos of hair washes on the Internet, this drug can be distinguished. This tool helps completely or partially remove paint from the hair, while used mainly for red and red hair. The drug is distinguished by its harmlessness and removes the paint layer from the hair, without affecting their structure. The set consists of three bottles, two for decoptions need to be mixed and apply on the hair, wait 10-20 minutes and washed off. After that, you need to apply a fluid from the third vial, which is restoring. The cost of such a drug is approximately 1000-1100 rubles. Practically does not affect the black hair color.

  • Phaul Mitchell Backtrack. Another very popular hair washout. Used to remove permanent dyes. Greater affects the hair, makes it possible to achieve clarification by about 3 tones for one application. The drug set includes three vials: a bottle with a flushing fluid, a bottle with a neutralizer, a bottle with air conditioning. The flushing makeup must be mixed with air conditioning and apply on the hair, wait 20 minutes, after which check the result with the neutralizer. If satisfied, it is necessary to apply the neutralizer to all hair for about 5 minutes. There is a drug about 900-1000 rubles.
  • Washing Coolianne Remove Color System. This drug is very popular, since the effect of applying is visible after the first use. However, its cost is quite high - approximately 1200-1300 rubles. Promotes from one application to remove two layers of paint, while not affecting the structure of the natural color of the hair. The harmless drug, which includes fruit acids and proteins. It is necessary to mix the contents of two bottles and apply on the hair, wait 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed away. If necessary, the drug can be applied three times.
  • Washing Hair Light Remake Color. This tool is produced in Italy and is used for delicate adjustment of hair color. The drug acts only on the coloring components of the paint, while does not affect the natural color of the hair. It contains fruit acids, which come into interaction with paint. The set includes two bottles, the contents of which you need to mix and apply on the hair, to withstand in heat for about 15-20 minutes, then wash off with water with shampoo. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. On the Internet you can find a large number of feedback on this hair washbag, it does not please only the cost, which is about 1100-1200 rubles.

Hair cleaning - instruction on the use of professional drug

By purchasing a professional hair washout in stores, you need to remember about precautions and carefully read the instructions for the use of a particular drug. Instructions for use can be written on packaging of the drug or inside on a sheet of liner. Before making a hair wash, it is important to carefully prepare a workplace, and it is best to go to the salon to the interior to the professional to gain practical knowledge. This concerns girls who are constantly experimenting with their appearance. Consider the whole sequence of hair washing stages.

  • First of all, it is important to make sure that the room where you will take hair wash, carefully ventilated. It is necessary that harmful pairs of the drug do not accumulate around you.
  • Apply the drug is necessary for dirty hair.
  • Be sure to take into account that it is necessary to stir the preparations of cleaning in any capacity, except metallic.
  • Before the procedure, we must wet your hair, as the drug is applied only on wet strands.
  • It is recommended to check the effectiveness of the drug on one strand, and after that, apply a means for the entire length of the hair.
  • Depending on the specific brand, the tool is withstanding on her hair from 10 to 30 minutes.
  • Some manufacturers are inserted into the packaging of the bottle with a special neutralizer, with which you can check the result. Usually, it is first applied to one strand to make sure that the desired result is achieved, and after that, they distribute the remedy throughout the length of the hair and withstand 3-5 minutes.
  • If you use the surface wash, the application can be repeated if the desired result is not reached.
  • If you want to make a bow with black hair, then it is best to contact a professional salon to the master who competently select the composition of the drug and determine the required amount of washes.

Hair care after using professional cleaning

All professional washes include a large number of chemicals, oxidizing agents, which negatively affect the hair, damaging them. In one-time use, harm will be minimal, however, when using a washing for black or very dark hair, it may be necessary to need about three procedures, which is pernicably acting on the hair structure. That is why after the procedure performed, your hair will need careful and regular care.

  • If you have made paint with hair, it is necessary to choose good care products for your hair. It is best to purchase shampoo and balm for damaged and weakened hair, you can use a professional line, which does not include vaporoba and other chemical components. It is desirable that the funds are one line. You can also pay attention to their composition, choose shampoos with the addition of nettles or millet, which actively restore the hair structure.
  • Preferably 1-2 times a week to make moisturizing and restoring hair masks. It is best to use a ray oil in their basis, which is best restoring the hair structure damaged by the preparations. The burnt oil can be replaced by sesame, which will also effectively help restore your hair and return them natural shine and power. In such masks it is recommended to add vitamin complexes A, E.
  • With severe hair damage, it is also recommended to take a special vitamin complex, which will help strengthen and restore the hair rod from the inside.
  • Do not stand the hair to the next color for some time.

Hair wash folk remedies

Hair cleaning is a pretty expensive procedure that cannot be done without harming for your hair. That is why, before running to the salon or buy professional drugs, it is recommended to take advantage of the subwoofers that every hostess in the kitchen. This will save your money and save hair from the negative impact of chemicals that are part of the hair wash. Let us give an example of some hair washings based on natural products.

  • Washing hair kefir. This washout is the most popular, as it allows to achieve a good result. Suitable with light light painting and uniform paint distribution over the entire length of the hair. Simultaneously with the removal of coloring pigments, lactic acid bacteria helps to restore hair, nourish them and moisturize. There are several kefir-based recipes. For one of them, you need 1 liter of fatty kefir, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. Salt. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly and apply for hair length. After that, wrap the hair with a polyethylene and a warm towel. It is necessary to withstand 1 hour, after which it was washed with warm water with shampoo. This mask is recommended to hold no more than two times a day. There is a cape-based washing recipe with the addition of vodka: 2 glasses of fatty kefir, 2 tbsp. Food salt and 3 tbsp. Good vodka. The mixture is necessary to heat and evenly distribute over the entire length of the hair.

  • Washing hair oil. The basis of such a mask is any vegetable oil. You can use rapid oil, sunflower or olive, linen or almond. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add to any oil 1 tbsp. Cognac, after which the mixture is a bit heated and applied to the hair. Hair must be wrapped with polyethylene and towel and keep in such a state about 3 hours. Upon completion of the procedure, the hair must be washed with warm water with shampoo. It is also recommended to rinse them with water with lemon juice.

  • Washing out of chamomile. Also a very popular recycle recipe. It is necessary to take the floor of the liter boiling water and brew them 100 grams of chamomile flowers. Cool and use to rinse the hair after each wash.

  • Washing out of food soda. You will need about 200 ml of water and 10-20 centuries. Food soda. Warm water you need to pour the prepared soda, in the resulting solution, moisten your cotton disk and treat it each curl. After that, the hair needs to be collected and wrapped with a film, to withstand about 40-60 minutes, but not longer. Wash out hair with warm water with shampoo.
  • Washing from natural honey. Before bedtime, it is recommended to apply honey for the entire length of the hair, after which it is tightly wrapped with a polyethylene and a towel. In the morning you need to wash your hair with shampoo. Such a mask must be made during the week.
  • Washing with lemon juice. You will need 1 apple, 1 tbsp. of any vegetable oil, 1 lemon, 2 ppm Honey. It is necessary to grate an apple on the grater, squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it thoroughly. After that, add honey and oil to the mixture and apply mask for the entire length of the hair. Leave for 1.5 hours, at the end, wash your hair with warm water with shampoo.

Hair after washing - Photo

Women are unpredictable creatures, never anticipate that they want to change in their appearance. If permanent hair experiments are a need for you, then it is necessary to remember the consequences of using washes and choose natural products in this case to get rid of the boring hair color.


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