
Properties and use of apricot oil. The use of apricot oil for the face, hair, body. Recipes for using apricot oil at home

Properties and use of apricot oil. The use of apricot oil for the face, hair, body. Recipes for using apricot oil at home
In this article, we will tell you how to use apricot oil to always remain beautiful and attractive.

Apricot oil is the oldest cosmetic product that our distant ancestors used to use. Thanks to the eastern beauties and their ingenuity, we learned how to use it in the process of skin care.

From the oil of apricot seeds you can prepare a lot of useful products to take care of the body, hair and nails. In addition, with its help you can get rid of health troubles and create an amazing aroma and taste of a culinary masterpiece. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the benefits of apricot oil for humans, as well as all kinds of ways of using it.

Apricot oil: the composition of the natural cosmetic agent

Apricot oil is an oil from apricot seeds, which has a pleasant golden hue and nut aroma (very often apricot oil is confused with peach and almond, because they are very similar both externally and in composition). This tool is an environmentally friendly product, which is obtained by the method of cold pressing of apricot bones.

Apricot oil includes such beneficial substances and trace elements:

  • polyar -saturated fatty acids, thanks to which our skin breathes and function fully;
  • vitamins A, B, C, F, which nourish the skin, moisturize it, make it elastic, elastic and silky.

Apricot oil can be used to absolutely all people with different skin types. But it is especially recommended for those who have dry, wilting skin. Some mothers use apricot oil to lubricate their folds in their newborn children. Women aged are saved with this remedy from facial wrinkles, young girls make not only cosmetic masks, but also use apricot oil as a remedy for removing makeup.

Apricot oil: properties

Thanks to this composition, apricot oil very effectively affects the human body. We will give you a few examples so that you can evaluate the beneficial properties of this natural remedy:

  1. The oil is intensively nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin, prevents its dryness and peeling. In addition, it helps to accelerate the processing process of keratinized skin layers.
  2. If you regularly use apricot oil for the skin, the natural production of elastin and collagen will be stimulated. Therefore, the skin will never lose its freshness and attractiveness. You can smooth out even old deep wrinkles, not like just prevent the formation of small facial wrinkles.
  3. Apricot oil can start metabolic processes in the body and intensively rejuvenate it.
  4. The skin acquires an even natural tone after the use of apricot oil. The face looks healthy and well -groomed even without applying makeup.
  5. If the skin has any rashes or inflammation of a different kind, then apricot oil will perfectly eliminate them, because it has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

How to cook apricot oil at home?

Apricot oil can be bought at any pharmacy. This is a fairly common and demanded product, which is also inexpensive. However, if you have such a desire, you can cook apricot oil on your own recipe that we presented below to you:

  1. Clean the apricot bones so that only the core remains. You will need 2 cups of this ingredient and 2 tsp. olive oil.
  2. Place the nuclei of apricot seeds in a blender and grind them until a homogeneous thick slurry. Start grinding the product at low speed, periodically stopping the process and mixing the gruel.
  3. When you get the necessary homogeneous mass, pour 2 tsp into it. Olive oil, and then cross everything on a blender again, only at high speed.
  4. Place the finished mass in any plastic container (an empty glass bottle for this purpose is also suitable). Leave the product for 2 weeks in a warm place where the room temperature remains all the time. During this time, the oil that we need will be released from the gruel.

Apricot oil: application in cosmetology

According to reviews, apricot oil is most often used to prepare cosmetics for skin care not only of the face, as well as bodies, nails, hair and even eyelashes. We will tell you excellent recipes that you can use and cook at home.

How to use an apricot oil for the face?

If you want to use apricot oil to moisturize and nutrition of the skin of the face, then you can prepare 3 variants of masks:

  1. In 1 tbsp. Mix apricot oil 10 drops of tea tree, lavender and lemon. After the product is ready, take a regular cotton swab or sponge, moisten it in boiled water, and then in a mixture of oils. With this tool with apricot oil, you just need to wipe the area around the eyes.
  2. Take 25 ml of apricot oil and heat it in a water bath so that it reaches 37 degrees in temperature. Moisten in it gauze that must be attached to the face. On top of Marley, it is necessary to put polyethylene so that the heat of the mask is preserved on the skin. After 20 minutes, it will be necessary to remove gauze and wash with warm water. Such a product made of apricot oil is an excellent remedy for wrinkles not only on the face, but also in the neckline.
  3. You can mix 1 tbsp. Apricot oil with 10 drops of essential oils of lemon and mint. It is necessary to apply such a mask to the skin of the face in the same way as the first mask, but it is recommended only to people with a mixed skin type.

How to use apricot oil for eyelashes?

Very often, after applying the carcass to the eyelashes, especially poor -quality, we find that they begin to fall out, and for any girl who wants to have an expressive and alluring look, this is just a real tragedy. Fortunately, with apricot oil, this problem can be prevented. To do this, you need to make only one of the above manipulations:

  • Just drop 3 drops of apricot oil to sponge, squeeze it so that there is no moisture, and then wipe the eyelashes. So you are soaking them with useful properties of the means, and wash out makeup.
  • Make eyelashes based on 1 tbsp. Apricot oil and 10 drops of different essential oils: jasmine, sandalwood, pine. Moisten in the resulting tool of sponge, and then attach them to the eyelids. After 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

How to use an apricot oil for hair?

Hair is one of the main indicators of the health and beauty of the fair sex, so the girls are ready for everything to ensure that their hair be silky and thick. Many buy professional expensive shampoos and serum for this, you can cook yourself a hair mask based on apricot cosmetic oil:

  • Heat apricot oil in a water bath so that it becomes hot (the amount of cosmetic device depends on how long your hair is-someone is enough tablespoon, and someone needs a whole bottle).
  • Rub the oil with your fingers in the scalp, and then wrap it with a warm towel.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse the mask with shampoo that you usually use.

By the way, some girls simply immediately add apricot oil to the shampoo (based on the fact that 100 g of shampoo should account for 20 drops of oil), and wash the head with this tool.

How to use an apricot oil for tanning?

How useful is apricot oil for the skin, we have already mentioned repeatedly, but did not specify what follows. Gathering for a hot resort at any time of the year, it is very important to have a quality remedy for tanning in a cosmetic bag. In order not to spend money on the purchase of expensive lotions and creams that provide our skin with the steaming sun and contribute to a beautiful golden tan, you can take the simplest apricot oil.

30 minutes before you go to the beach, spread apricot oil. You will enjoy this process - besides the fact that the skin will be soft, you will shine and smell pleasantly. Return home tanned and beautiful. It is important, apricot oil will preserve the acquired skin shade of a fairly long period of time, so you do not have to run to the spa in a month after the vacation to keep the tan artificially.

How to use an apricot oil for the body?

All masks with apricot oil that we have listed for facial skin can be used for skin care of any other part of the body. They will help you not only maintain the elasticity of the skin, but also overcome cellulite. If your goal is to get rid of orange crust, then prepare for yourself such a mask:

  • Mix 40 g of apricot oil with 10 drops of different essential oils. In this case, oils of orange, lemon and rosemary will be needed.
  • Grate the problem areas of the skin with the resulting tool, wrap it on top with cling film, and rinse all after 40 minutes.

You can simply soak up in a warm bath. It is enough for this to add 20 g of apricot oil to the water, the same amount of honey and cream. Fly in such a bathroom for 20 minutes, and then just wipe with a soft terry towel. You won’t believe it, but your skin will be velvety, like a baby.

How to use abricos oil for nails?

Often we are faced with the problem of laying and brittle nails. Because of this, it is not possible to grow beautiful manicure. However, using apricot oil, the situation can be corrected. We offer you such methods of using a cosmetic product to improve the nail plates and soften the cuticles before cutting them:

  • Heat in the microwave 1 tbsp. Apricot oil, and then collect the product in a pipette and lubricate it with the contents of each cuticle.
  • To prevent the nails from laying down, you just need to mix 10 drops of apricot oil with the same amount of any essential oil. Wet out cotton wheels in the resulting mixture and lubricate each nail plate with it. After such a mask, the nails will not only be strong, they will also purchase a healthy shine.

Apricot oil: use in medicine

In some cases, when it is impossible to use drugs, we have to turn to natural remedies. Apricot oil also includes apricot oil. It is used in order to drip into the nose of infants and women in position. Before the procedure for instillation of the nostrils, it is necessary to clean them with saline. You can drip your nose 3 times within a day.

In addition, apricot oil is used in the process of massage procedures. It relaxes a person and heals wounds if they are on the body. They say that if apricot oil is rubbed into the skin during the massage, then it will contribute to the prevention of inflammatory processes in the body and the development of colds.

Apricot seed oil is a universal remedy. Some even use it in cooking when they prepare confectionery and pastries. Fragrant goodies are obtained, which cannot be abandoned. We recommend that you get apricot oil, because in the house it always becomes an indispensable assistant.

Video: "Natural apricot oil"



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