
How to remove a girl's mustache

How to remove a girl's mustache
Why did the girl have a mustache and how to get rid of them.

The fair sex is very demanding of their appearance. Impeccable makeup, stylish hairstyle And always smooth skin. But if there is a mustache, the ideal image will be spoiled. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this non -female problem. But before starting experiments, it is necessary to find out the cause of the hair.

Mustache u girls. Reasons

Microscopic hairs on body and face there is u each women. But when fluff over lip suddenly it turns v real mustache, costs get worried o your own health. After all the appearance tough and dark hair often only external sign very serious problems. Before those how fight with cosmetic defect, need to check state health.

Why u girls mustache:

  • hormonal perestroika organism v period sexual maturation;
  • pregnancy (v norm hairs disappear after childbirth);
  • decrease synthesis estrogenov;
  • diseases liver, general bubble;
  • reception hormonal contraceptives;
  • application steroid drugs;
  • the most common cause sudden appearance hair on facethis hormone dysbalance, called dot work endocrine systems. Glue by male type arises at increased level testosterone and determined the term hirsatism. Excess male sexual hormone entails for yourself serious consequences, such how pathological changes external and internal sexual organs, dairy glands, violation work shippingmotor apparatus, loss fertility.

Hormonal disorders are evidenced by such a mustache in girls:


Not costs exclude genetic predisposition and ethnic belonging. Often girls with dark hair and dark -skinned skin collide with problem « abytikov» more with childhood and not suffer at this no diseasesHow you can see, for appearance mustache u girls, reasons exists many, from most banal and to very serious. Define this can only specialist, that's why visit v hospital will unsuitable.

Hardware epilation mustache u girls

On today day get rid from mustache girl can with help 4 basic methods hardware epilation. Laser epilation, electroePilation, photoepilation and Elos epilation. These methods enough popular v struggle with delicate problem, but each has their advantages and flaws. A efficiency result has enough ambiguous character, so how reaction everyone organism individual. That's why, to not harm skin and get rid from undesirable hair, to choice procedures should come up very responsibly. First what necessary take into accountthis clinic. Institution must have good reputation and high -quality equipment, not less tall requirements should be to staff. Every apparatus tunes specialist under parameters patient, mistakes v this case often bring to complications.

  Laser hair removal of a girl in a girl


The method is based on the ability of the laser to respond to melanin contained in a hair follicle. Melanin absorbs thermal radiation, the structure of the hair and onion is destroyed, and the feeding vessel is sealed. Theoretically, the laser does not affect skin cells, but the presence of tanning can cause hyperpigmentation. Therefore, before and after the session, you cannot sunbathe.

Some time before the start of the procedure, an analgesic gel is applied to the skin. After the anesthesia acts, the laser is processed. At the end of the process, the processed area is applied panthenol.
After hair removal for 2 weeks, the skin is treated with a healing agent (on the recommendation of a doctor), minimize the sun. With constant sweating on the skin, a rash and irritation may appear, so it is better to put off active sports and saunas for several weeks.

Contraindications for laser hair removal:

  • mole at the site of processing;
  • metal prostheses, crowns, braces, piercing;
  • a tendency to pigmentation;
  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • manifestations of herpes;
  • fungal skin lesions.

The laser hair removal procedure is very painless, but does not allow you to get rid of the girl’s mustache forever. Hair does not stop growing, it becomes small and almost colorless. For the visible result, you will need to take a course of 7-10 procedures. Preventive sessions are recommended 1 time per year.
If there are hormonal disorders, without concomitant drug treatment, such a technique is ineffective. Possible complications can be caused by non -compliance with the technique of performing the procedure or violation of the rules of skin care after the procedure.


  • pustular rash;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • burn (defined laser radiation parameters are set);
  • damage to the retina of the eyes (with a loose fit of the protective glasses).

A girl's mustache electric power


ElectroePilation (electrolysis) is considered more effective than laser and photoepilationsince it is applicable to any type and color of hair and gives 100% result. But safety and quality directly depends on the qualifications and experience of the master (at least 5 years).

Contraindications for electric power On the face:

  • the presence of moles, warts;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hepatitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • intolerance to alloys of nickel and gold;
  • metal prostheses, crowns, braces, piercing;
  • pregnancy at any time.

Electrolyporation Divide two types of needle and tweezers.

The needle method - under local anesthesia, a special needle is introduced into the mouth of the hairline channel, and with the help of current, the sprout zone is destroyed. Only hairs located in the active phase of growth of at least 2.5 mm in an active phase of growth are subject to removal. After that, swelling and redness appear, which are difficult to hide on the face. It is necessary at least 7-8 procedures with an interval of 1.5–2 months, so in most cases they remain microhrubes And spots that are especially noticeable on dark skin. Most experts agree that you should not use the method of needle electric power To remove the mustache from the girl. There are also cases of the opposite effect when the local hair growth is enhanced - hypertrichosis.

The tweezer method - Each hair is captured pincete-electrode And a current is supplied along the hair rod. The destruction of one hair takes about 2 minutes, which makes the procedure not so fast compared to the rest. Ideal for use to sensitive skin above the upper lip.

Skin care after hair removal:

  • periodically process the skin chlorhexidine;
  • you can not wash during the day;
  • do not apply powder, cream, tonics and other cosmetics for 2 days;
  • 1 week do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, pool, gym;
  • 2 weeks do not sunbathe, do not use means for auto Zagar.

Devil's photoepilation


Broadband photoepilation IPL ( Intensive Pulse Light) - action followership The energy is aimed at Melanin, due to this, the structure of the hair is destroyed. Showed for removing hair on the face, for example, a mustache in girls.

The necessary areas are processed by a series of flashes, the hair located in the growth phase, dies. The skin is cooled by a special nozzle and gel. At the end of the session, a burning sensation may occur, as after a sunburn, but this passes in a few hours. As with other hardware methods, photoepilation It is prescribed by a course of several sessions. General contraindications are the same as for laser hair removal. Local contraindications include the presence of fresh tanning, permanent makeup, tattoos, flat moles and gold threads at the venue.

After the procedure:

  • apply panthenol;
  • 2 days wash your face with cool water without soap and washing;
  • the first 3 days to limit water procedures;
  • do not use scrubs and brushes for the face for a week;
  • within a week, do not apply cosmetics to treated skin;
  • 2-3 weeks do not sunbathe;
  • use sunscreen with a high level of protection;
  • not combine with other types of hair removal and depilation, peel.

The undoubted advantages are painlessness, the effect of skin rejuvenation, and the prevention of hair growth.
The disadvantages include the inability to use on dark skin and light/gray hairs. This is also one of the most expensive methods, since the amount is calculated from the number of flashes (from 4 to 9 outbreaks are carried out to remove antennae in one session).

Elos  A girl's mustache hair removal


Elos ( Electro Optical Synergy) Epilation - type photoepilation In which electromagnetic and light energy are combined. Thus, the effect occurs not only on the hair, but also on the vessel feeding it. This allows you to get rid of 60–70 % of active follicles in one session. When epilation of the sites on the face, new hairs are activated after 5-6 weeks and repeat the procedure, so they take a full course of 5-10 sessions.

Preparation for the procedure. A month before Elos Epilation stop plucking the antennae, and sprinkle hair over the lip in a day. On the day of the procedure, do not use any cosmetics. Equilation is carried out using local anesthesia, so an analgesic drug should be selected in advance.

How the procedure goes. The skin area is disinfected and anesthetized. In order not to damage the retina of the eyes, the doctor and the patient put on special protective glasses. Put on the device Elos nozzle, a epilized The site is covered with a thick layer of contact gel. The hair growth zone and adjacent areas are sequentially processed for several minutes.

Skin care requirements after the procedure and contraindications are the same as for IPL photoepilation.
The occurrence of complications is possible with improper selection of the impact regime, saving the contact gel and improper care after hair removal.

Get rid of a mustache at home


How to remove a mustache at home if there is no time and money for a professional’s services? There are mass options, starting from bleaching and plucking with tweezers, and ending with popular ones: hair removal, sugar and sugar and phytosmole. You just need to choose an option for yourself and master the implementation technique.

Remember that you can’t shave the antennae of antennae. From this, the hair will become coarser and thicker, and cuts and irritations cannot be avoided.

Descriptions from a mustache

It often happens that the hairs are dark and thin, but too thick and short to remove with tweezers, then they can be discolored. It should be noted right away that it is not worth it to lighten the girl with dark skin, blond hair will be more noticeable. Without exception, the compositions must be checked for an allergic reaction (apply to the skin behind the ear and wait 5-10 minutes).

1. For the simplest and cheap way, you will need:

  • 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • 3 drops of ammonia;
  • 1 tsp. shaving creams.

Mix the ingredients, apply with a brush to the hairs. After 10 minutes, wash off, and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

2. If the skin is less inclined to irritation, you can light your hair with 3% oxigent (oxidizing emulsion) and bleaching powder, these components can easily be purchased in cosmetics stores.

  • 1 tsp. oxigent 3%;
  • ½ tsp. clarifying powder;
  • kisochka for application;
  • ceramic capacity;
  • children's cream.

Wash the face and wipe it with a towel. Mix in the container oxygent and powder. Brush the mixture on the hairs with a brush, try not to rub into the skin. After 5 minutes, wash off with water and soap, grease the skin with a baby cream. You can repeat lightening every 2-3 days, until the hairs become less noticeable.

3. You can lighten the hair above the lip with or lemon juice. This is the most natural way, but you need a little more time than when using peroxide or oxigent. To do this, before going to the solarium or on the beach, you need to rub the skin with lemon juice.

Removing with tweezers of a mustache

If we are talking about eyebrows, then Pinzet is undoubtedly a great way. But can a girl pluck a mustache? Yes, but you need to take into account that the area above the lip is delicate and sensitive, and the hairs are more fragile. To properly pluck the antennae, you need to prepare the skin and choose the right tool.

To do this, you will need a diagonal tweezer made of medical steel with thin beveled edges, for convenient capture and removal of thin hair. To reduce pain, it is best to take a bath or shower before plucking. This will contribute to the expansion of pores and more delicate hair removal.

How to pluck hair on your face correctly:

  • disinfect your hands and tweezers with alcohol;
  • chlorhexidine Process the skin;
  • the hair must be captured closer to the base;
  • the tweezers do not need to be squeezed too much so that the hair does not break off;
  • pull out with a sharp confident movement in hair growth;
  • it is not necessary to remove a very thin and light fluff;
  • after completing the procedure, wash the face with warm water;
  • gently blote with a towel;
  • dress the processed area chlorhexidine.

It is recommended to pluck your hair before bedtime so that the skin calms down overnight. To avoid infections and inflammation, the use of creams and cosmetics is better after redness and irritation completely passes. The effect lasts up to 3-4 weeks. If this method is too painful and irritation does not pass, it is better to choose another method.

Wax hair removal


To remove the mustache in girls most often use warm or hot wax. This is perhaps one of the most famous and verified methods, but the procedure is quite painful. To determine whether waxing is suitable for you, make a trial test on your hand.

This will need:

  • hot wax;
  • spatula for application;
  • talc;
  • fabric strips;
  • cosmetic oil;
  • a means to slow down hair growth (for the face).

The area over the lip is cleaned of cosmetics and disinfect chlorhexidine, anoint the talcum. Wax pre -heat up in microwave To the state of liquid honey, cool a little and check the optimality of the temperature on the arm. Apply the wax with a spatula on the height of the hair, first on the left, and then on the right side of the tip of the nose. Attach the fabric strips on both sides and smash, tear off the hair growth with a sharp movement. Remove the remains of wax with mineral oil. Apply a means to slow down hair growth.

You can use foundation and other cosmetics only 48 hours after hair removal.  New hairs that grow after 2-3 weeks, it is better to remove depilation cream.
In the presence of infections, wounds, herpes and other violations of the integrity of the skin, the procedure is contraindicated.

Sucking sugar



Sugar hair removal or shugaring Now at the peak of fashion. Ideal for removal of antennae, as it almost does not cause irritation, but it is better to first check the skin reaction. Sugar paste can be prepared independently or buy a finished one. The second option is preferable, since it is quite difficult to achieve the correct consistency the first time.

For shugaring you will need:

  • ready sugar paste;
  • talc;
  • sterile gloves;
  • moisturizer;
  • antiseptic for the skin (not alcohol).

Wash the face and treat the skin over the lip with an antiseptic and talcum. Put on gloves, knead a small lump of caramel, apply a finger to the skin against hair growth and smoothed several times. Remove the layer of pasta in 3-4 stones with sharp short jerks in hair growth. Rinse the remaining sugar with warm water. Treat the skin with an antiseptic, after 2 hours moisturizing cream.
Contraindications and recommendations for care after hair removal are the same as for wax hair removal.

Epilation phytosmole


Phytosmole - This is a viscous mass that consists of honey, an extract of the peel of walnut and pine gum. She is not so popular, but those who tried her will not return to other methods. After all, the components that make up phytosmole, have antiseptic and healing properties. Microsics The skin that occurs after hair removal heal faster and do not inflam. Since many people are sensitive to honey components, first check the skin reaction.
Epilation phytosmole Suitable for removing hair above the upper lip. Very convenient for use at home.
The effect lasts much more than after wax or sugar hair removal.

For hair removal phytosmole you will need:

  • phytosmole;
  • antiseptic for the skin (not alcohol);
  • moisturizing milk for the face;
  • sterile gloves.

Clean and disinfect the skin. Put on gloves and knead two pieces phytosmole, form stripes from them. Apply tar from the left and right side over the lip, to smoothing. After 1 minute, remove with a sharp movement towards the center of the nose. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the hair is completely removed. Treat the skin with an antiseptic and moisturizing milk.
We offer to supplement the article with interesting videos about hair removal over the upper lip using phytosmole And wax.



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