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Body scrubs at home

Body scrubs at home
How to take care of your skin with home scrubs

The purpose of the woman is to attract and fascinate, as it is arranged by nature. In order to stay young and attractive for a long time, we must take care of your appearance, love yourself, pamper and cherish. The body is given to us once for life, and in what condition our skin will be, depends only on us. The skin is involved in cleansing the body, protecting it from external influences. The skin primarily reflects the errors in our diet and lifestyle: inflammations, rash, stretch marks, cellulite can appear on it. Therefore, the skin must be constantly careful.


How to apply body scrub

Proper care consists in the timely cleansing of the skin from pollution and dead cells. Only water procedures are not enough for this, exfoliation is required with a scrub. In cosmetic stores of body scrubs, you will be offered many varieties, from different manufacturers, for different types of skin. But you can make a body scrub yourself, and it will have a number of advantages. For home scrub, only natural products are used, it does not contain preservatives, fragrances and stabilizers. Having made the remedy for cleansing yourself, you definitely know the reaction of your skin to different ingredients. Any body scrub is recommended to be used no more than 1-2 times a week. As a result of cleansing the body with a scrub, metabolic processes in skin cells are activated, the pores are cleansed of fat, the surface of the skin becomes smooth. Scrubs improve skin tone, relieve irregularities and small stretch marks.

It is recommended to use a scrub in the evening, after a bath or shower for heated wet skin. Apply the scrub to the skin, slightly massage for several minutes, then rinse with warm water. Excessive zeal should not be shown, trying to remove the surface of the skin, this can lead to inflammation and thinning of the skin.

Contraindications for the use of scrubs

  1. Pregnancy. The female body during pregnancy is very vulnerable, and sometimes it can react unusually to the most harmless procedure. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is better not to use a scrub during the expectation of a child.
  2. Inflammation, wounds, scratches and other skin damage.
  3. Fresh tan in the sun or in the solarium.
  4. Allergy and increased skin sensitivity to the components of the scrub. If you have allergic reactions, it is better to make a sample before the start of the procedure.
  5. Pronounced venous nodes and a bright vascular mesh. These phenomena can talk about veins. It is strictly prohibited by scrubing in such areas.

Body coffee scrub recipes


Coffee scrub for body

Do you want your skin to smell the aroma of coffee? Then for the matter! The scrub is prepared very simple: mix the coffee grounds remaining at the bottom of the cup, from 1 tsp. vegetable oil or sour cream. Apply scrub to wet skin, carefully rub the surface of the skin, leave the composition for 10 minutes. By adding oil and oily sour cream to the scrub, it can be softened by its effect on the skin.

Natural ground coffee is considered an excellent tool for combating cellulite. Even if this problem has not visited you, you can use this recipe for the prevention and smoothness of the skin. The sensations after this procedure are simply amazing!

Shower -based coffee scrub

The scrub will require natural coffee of medium or large grinding. Add 1 tsp to 10 ml of shower gel. dry ground coffee. Before using the scrub, it is recommended to shock intensively to mix the ingredients. In order for the aromas of gel and coffee to harmonize, choose a gel with the aroma of cinnamon, coffee or lemon.

Coffee scrub with honey

1 tbsp. Mix liquid honey from 1 tsp. ground coffee and 1 tsp Olive oil, scrub is ready for use. If coffee is not very large grinding, this composition can be used for the face. Honey and olive oil are excellently care for the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it with useful substances.

Body scrub of coffee and yogurt

This composition is used to combat cellulite and activate the breakdown of fats in problem areas. Instead of natural yogurt, you can take kefir. The composition of the scrub: mix 2 tbsp. ground coffee and 2 tbsp. yogurt, add 1 tbsp. Cognac. Next, everything is done in the usual way, do not forget to carry out the procedures systematically!

Coffee scrub from stretch marks

With the help of a scrub alone, it is impossible to completely get rid of this problem, but it is quite possible to make stretch marks less voluminous and visible. For a scrub 5 tbsp. Mix natural 5%apple cider vinegar from 1 tbsp. ground coffee. Apply to problem areas on wet skin. To enhance the effect, you can cover the body with cling film for 10-15 minutes.


With your own hands, you can cook scrubs with sugar. Sugar is suitable for any kind: ordinary white sugar-sand and brown. It is not recommended to use very large particles of sugar, but it will also not work out of too small scrub. In the process of preparing the composition, sugar should not dissolve, because it is precisely its grains that will be cleansed.

Sugar scrub with vitamins

Mix 1 cup of sugar with ½ cup olive oil, add 2 tsp. The oil solution of vitamins A and E. Mix everything, put in a beautiful jar, close tightly. It is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for a long time. This recipe can be diversified by adding almond or peach oil instead of olive oil. You can give the scrub to the scrub using a few drops of lavender, eucalyptus or rose essential oil.

Sugar scrub with cocoa

A home body scrub with cocoa and sugar cleanses and softens the skin, giving it amazing velvety. 2 tbsp. Mix sugar-sand from 1 tbsp. cocoa, add 2 tbsp. sour cream.

Sugar scrub with oatmeal

This type of scrub is perfect for dry skin. To prepare an oatmeal to prepare a scrub on a coffee grinder or in a blender. You can take the finished oatmeal. 2 tbsp. Mix vegetable oil with the same amount of sugar and 1 tbsp. oatmeal. A very mild mixture is perfect for both the body and for the face.

Salt scrub


The scrubs recipes often include sea or simple sodium salt. Both types of salts have excellent abrasive and antibactericidal properties, perfectly cleanse the skin, aligning its relief. Sea salt has a variety of trace elements: magnesium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus. Therefore, a scrub with sea salt will not only exfoliate the old skin cells, but also saturate it with beneficial substances. The experience of many women suggests that sea salt helps to align the skin with a tuberous relief. That is, using baths, wraps and scrubs with sea salt, you can get rid of the manifestations of cellulite and make the skin silky and flat.

The salt used for scrubs must be fine so as not to injure the skin. If it is problematic to find small salt, you can grind salt in a coffee grinder or blender.

Salt scrub and natural coffee

Take in equal proportions sea salt and natural ground coffee of medium grinding, add 1 tbsp. olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly, then use in the usual way.

Salt and honey scrub

This scrub can be prepared for the future and stored in the refrigerator to use it according to the need. Mix 3 tbsp. honey and 3 tbsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt. If honey is sugared, you can heat it in a water bath, and then use it.

Salt and sugar scrub

An excellent scrub in its qualities turns out if you mix salt and sugar. There are more and more similar recipes, because in pursuit of velvety skin, beauties invent new effective compositions. Take 1/2 cup sugar, mix with 1/2 cup of sea salt, add 1/3 cup olive oil.

Salt scrub and orange zest

If you like fragrant scrubs, use the following recipe. Grate the zest on a fine grater. To 1 tbsp. Keep add 2 tbsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt and 1 tbsp. olive oil. You can add a few drops of your favorite citrus essential oil to the mixture. Apply a fragrant composition to wet skin, massage for several minutes.

Body scrubs

The oil in the scrubs combines the rest of the components, and also softens and moisturizes the skin. For a good consistency of the scrub, 1/3 cup of oil must be taken on a glass of exfoliations. If the skin is too dry, the amount of oil can be increased, but the scrub should be used immediately after cooking, since storage causes relaxation of the composition. In home body scrubs include different oils:

  1. Sunflower oil. This is the most familiar and economical option. Sunflower oil is easily absorbed by the skin and is well washed off at the end of the procedure. And in composition can compete with olive oil.
  2. Olive oil. If you need to moisturize the skin and make it soft, you need to include olive oil in the scrub. Especially good add olive oil to withering skin scrubs. Due to the high content of nutrients and vitamins, olive oil can work miracles: it rejuvenates the skin, makes small stretch marks invisible and moisturizes the skin for a long time.
  3. Vinograms oil. It has a light consistency and a sweet smell, has the ability to leave a light thin film on the skin, which holds moisture.

Vanilla scrub with almond oil

Mix 3 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. Almond oils, add 5 drops of vanilla essential oil. Apply a fragrant mixture to the body, slightly massaging, leave for 10 minutes.

Scrub with cinnamon and olive oil

This composition has an antioxidant effect, accelerates the metabolism in the skin, warming up and cleansing it. Mix 2 tsp. ground cinnamon and 1 tsp salt, add 1 tsp. Olive oil and a pinch of black pepper of large grinding.


Delightful scrub with spices

This scrub recipe appeared as a result of everyday female communication and exchange of experience. The option is very suitable for those who love the smell of oriental spices on their skin.

For a scrub you will need:

  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/2 cup salt;
  • 1/2 cup olive oil;
  • 1/2 cup of honey;
  • 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • spices.

Mix sugar, salt and olive oil. Add essential oil of eucalyptus or juniper to the mixture. These oils are in harmony with other spices. Cover the bowl with polyethylene so that the aroma of essential oil does not disappear.

Prepare the second part of the scrub. Spices can be chosen to your taste, and according to the recipe it is proposed to grind 5 pcs in a mortar. Cloves, 5 pcs. Cardamon seeds, a pinch of coriander seeds, add ground cinnamon and dry ginger. Put honey in a water bath, warm up a little and pour spices into it. Next, cool the honey and mix with the first part of the scrub.

The composition is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, without losing its aromas. It is used similarly to other recipes. The skin after him is delightfully smooth, like a baby.

Anti -cellulite body scrub


Nowadays, cellulite is a problem for a huge number of girls, and this does not depend on the presence of excess weight and lifestyle. Medicine claims that the problem of "orange peel" must be treated comprehensively: balanced nutrition, physical exercises, massage and skin care. In the care of problem skin, an important place is given to hot body scraps. Scrubs are called hot figuratively, they are absolutely not required to be heated and applied to the skin in this form. Warming abilities appear as a result of adding black or red pepper, mustard, cinnamon to the scrub. After such a procedure, blood flow to problem areas is enhanced, fat splitting is accelerated and the skin is aligned.

Anti -cellulite hot body scrub with mustard

Ingredients for scrub:

  • 1 tsp mustard powder;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp olive oil.

Mix mustard powder with warm water, add the rest of the ingredients. The mixture is applied to a wet heated body after a bath or shower, slightly massaged. The skin begins to warmly warm up. The composition must be kept at least 10 minutes. To enhance the effect, wrap problem areas with cling film. Then wash off the scrub with warm water.

Body scrubs at home. Video

How to prepare a hot anti -cellulite body scrub.



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