
Chocolate diet for weight loss

Chocolate diet for weight loss
Chocolate diet for weight loss: indications, contraindications, power rules and diet.

In the world there are a lot of varied and what is important, confirmed diets. Therefore, everyone may choose one or another diet depending on personal preferences, health status and individual food selection. For lovers of sweet nutritionists invented a special chocolate diet. One of the main principles of such a diet is the use of chocolate and coffee in certain proportions. Without a doubt, after such words, many were delighted and interested in this type of diet, because the world's avid coffee makers in the world have a huge number of people. Such a diet is designed not more than 7 days, since an increase in its duration can lead to a violation of metabolism. And even the most brave person will not be able to use a limited amount of food without undermining its health and nervous system. Thanks to a chocolate diet in a short time you can get rid of 3 - 7 kg of excess weight.

People have rooted the opinion that chocolate is a high-calorie product, but this is not entirely right. Indeed, 100 g of chocolate without additives contains only 500 kcal, and the energy costs of the body are about 1800 kcal per day and this volume falls only to the work of the internal organs. Thanks to endorphins - hormones of joy, which are produced during the use of chocolate, a person is easier to survive starvation, protect against stressful situations and provide a good mood.

When buying chocolate, it is necessary to read the composition. Cocoa beans must be present in it, since they are helping in proper metabolism. For such a diet, unfortunately, white chocolate will be completely useless, as it does not contain cocoa butter. Also do not recommend diabetic chocolate, there is little use from it.

Chocolate Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages


In a limited diet based on chocolate, there invalibly exist both pros and cons, as in any other diet.

Pluses of a chocolate diet

Consider the advantages of such a diet for sweet tooths wishing to be in shape.

  1. One of the main advantages of such a diet is delicious. You do not need to argue yourself every day hunger and use different types of kas around the circle, while not to get any pleasure and pump a depressive condition not only from dissatisfaction with weighing, but also a diet.
  2. The use of chocolate brings the charge of cheerfulness, and raises the mood.
  3. No need to invent a new proper nutrition composition every day. In this case, you are released from cooking dishes, which releases your time for more interesting classes.
  4. In a short time, you can become slimming and lead yourself, which is especially important and necessary before going to a solemn event and not only.
  5. The use of one natural chocolate tile per week contributes to the rejuvenation of the body and prolongs life.
  6. Chocolate stimulates the work of the human brain, improves mental and creative abilities.
  7. It helps to maintain the level of glucose in human blood.

Minuses chocolate diet

Along with such a number of advantages in a chocolate diet, disadvantages, unfortunately, are also available.

  1. A limited diet based on chocolate has a number of contraindications that are mainly related to the state of human health. Therefore, before you begin to stick to the diet of this type, you should advise with a nutritionist.
  2. Such a diet is categorically prohibited by people who are prone to allergic reactions on food and cocoa content.
  3. Chocolate diet, in principle, as any other diet for the restoration of the form, can lead to a violation of metabolism and deterioration of health.
  4. Another disadvantage of the chocolate technique is that after a kilogram diet may return again much faster and in a larger volume, if you immediately return to the usual food regime. Therefore, it follows from a diet carefully and for a long time to eat fractionally.
  5. During such a diet, the body misses a full-fledged complex of vitamins and minerals, which is so necessary for human vital activity. In this case, nutritionists are recommended to supplement daily powers with artificial vitamin preparations.
  6. Such an express diet is sufficiently difficult, although at first glance, you will not say, and it is not easy for adhere to her for a whole week. Therefore, before starting you need to stock up with energy, confidence and patience.

Products for chocolate diet

Young Woman Holding Chocolate

  1. As mentioned earlier, the main product of this diet is chocolate. Try to use extremely natural, bitter sweetness with a cocoa content of at least 72%. According to calories, it is not very inferior to the dairy, but the benefit from it will be much larger.
  2. Gorky chocolate contains 539 kcal per 100 g, in turn, milk has 545 kcal. As can be seen, there is practically no difference. Gorky chocolate contains a large amount of cocoa oil and grated cocoa, as well as vitamins and microelements that are actively struggling with signs of aging. He is a champion in keeping cocoa beans in it among other types of chocolate.
  3. White chocolate is a completely different conversation, as it is, in general, in this diet is useless and advocates simply as a treat for people.
  4. Do not recommend diabetic chocolate, because it contains sugar substitutes. This type of product is invented mainly for people who suffer from diabetes.
  5. As for chocolate with additives, for example, nuts, raisins, dried fruits and other goodies, should be aware that in this case the caloric content of the product is significantly increased. More detailed information about calories can be read on the product packaging.
  6. Another ingredient chocolate diet is caffeine. It is better to prefer natural ground coffee, which activates the memory, improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue and increases the performance, which has long been proven.

Chocolate Diet: Rules


General advice

  1. About 100 g of bitter chocolate should be present daily in the diet. This amount is divided into 3 receptions and washed with black ground coffee, necessarily without sugar.
  2. Some diet is allowed to add coffee with low-fat milk in small quantities.
  3. The combination of bitter chocolate and natural ground coffee stimulates the metabolism.
  4. Although the chocolate diet is often designed for a week, it is recommended to reduce it up to 3 days, since a similar long-term diet can contribute to the exacerbation of chronic diseases and deterioration of health.
  5. If you first have a diet, bouts of dizziness, weakness, nausea and ailments should immediately stop such a weight loss technique and return to the usual diet.

Recommendations for the diet of a chocolate diet

If you do not have contraindications to the products of the recommended nutrition, the state of health within the normal range, you feel quite usually and in the near future you want to apply a chocolate diet, we recommend adhere to the following rules.

  1. Before buying a chocolate for a diet carefully read the composition, it should not contain emulsifiers, dyes and in no case flavoring. Thus, you will protect yourself from additional harm and stress, which, so, to some extent, the body will be caused by the organism.
  2. Try to use only natural ground coffee and exclusively bitter chocolate.
  3. Remember, natural coffee beans excite the nervous system, which can lead to elevated pressure. People suffering from hypertension and stomach problems should be reduced to a minimum of drinking such a coffee beverage and not to take into account such a way of weight loss.
  4. After diet, try to exclude salt from the diet up from a few weeks to a month. This is necessary, since this mineral is intended to be delayed in an dehydrated organism, which is fraught with eductions, leg swelling and extra kilograms on scales.
  5. If you were convinced that such a diet suits you, it should be repeated not earlier than in 2 months.

Gentling chocolate diet for 7 days


This is an interesting and rather light diet. It was first designed by Italian dietitians, maybe that's why Italians have such a slender nation. The essence of the diet is that a week can be used not only chocolate, but also other products, such as pasta, vegetables and fruits. But, in spite of the extended menu, thanks to this diet for 7 days, you can lose as much as 5 kg. Repeat the course is recommended no sooner than a couple of weeks if necessary. And the most important ingredient in the diet - a bitter chocolate, which is allowed to use no more than 30 grams per day.

Grocery list

  1. Fruits and vegetables, except potatoes and bananas.
  2. Pasta made of durum wheat, without adding oil and salt.
  3. Vegetable salads, which can be seasoned with lemon juice and natural yoghurt.
  4. Natural popcorn, without additives.

As you can see, chocolate diet menu is quite diverse. And every day, you can pamper yourself with various options for meals, as these components are allowed to mix. For example, a great option would be a vegetable salad, seasoned with natural yogurt, and the next day in the same amount of fruit can be mashed or simply consumed raw.

Importantly, the carbonated-used amount of purified water per day should be not less than 2 liters. Such nuance is a prerequisite for many diets and even just in everyday life is better to adhere to this balance.

example menu

Power is divided into 3 main meals and 3 snacks. Snacks should include chocolate and popcorn without butter and salt:

  • breakfast may consist of fresh fruit, oatmeal on the water and be sure to yogurt;
  • a few hours before lunch should eat 10 grams of chocolate and a small amount of popcorn, which will satisfy hunger;
  • for lunch you can cook the pasta with the sauce without oil or light chicken noodle soup;
  • in the afternoon again necessary to eat 10 grams of popcorn and chocolate, which can vary a small amount of fresh fruit;
  • delicious end of the day will be grilled vegetables and boiled spaghetti without oil for dinner;
  • bedtime can afford to rest a portion of chocolate and a small amount of popcorn.

The do not forget to drink clean mineral water throughout the day. And in order to keep yourself in shape combine diet with exercise.

Chocolate strict diet for 3 days


  1. Despite its severity, this is quite a popular type of chocolate diet, which nevertheless found a sufficient number of conflicting reviews.
  2. The proposed diet is quite strict and hard and it is important to be prepared morally, with all the power of will.
  3. The diet completely prohibits the use of fruits, juices, vegetables and sugar in any form. Only chocolate and natural ground coffee without sugar are allowed. For example, it is possible to eat 30 g of a bitter chocolate with a cup of natural coffee for breakfast, at lunch - the same amount of products, you can add quite a bit low fat milk in coffee, and dinner in this diet implies the same set and amount of products.
  4. As you can see, such a diet does not tolerate deviations. For workaholics and lovers of ground coffee, most likely it will be easy to keep it within three weeks.
  5. In addition, the diet immediately after receiving food prohibits the use of liquids in any form within 3 hours. After that it is allowed to drink water or only green tea.
  6. You can repeat this diet not earlier than in a month.

Adhering to such a graph, you can arrange unloading days on black chocolate without special deprivities, time and strength.

How to get out of a chocolate diet?


  1. Any diet is, without a doubt, a kind of stress for the body, therefore, the output from it should be neat, with the proper balanced nutrition.
  2. In the first days, it is recommended to grind foods before they use, as the body quickly dumps from coarse food.
  3. With such a rapidly discharge of extra kilograms, the human body is inconsistent with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, therefore, during the reduction of the diet, it is necessary to fill in full reserves with utilities. For this, the best option will be fresh juices, fruits and green tea. Milk products, eggs and vegetable salads will be useful.
  4. During a diet part of the energy, the body takes from muscle tissues to restore it after the diet it is necessary to eat food rich in proteins, for example, boiled laundry chicken, welded boiled eggs, fish soups, fruits on a mangale, sinner, buckwheat and rice.
  5. Chocolate diet is exactly the diet when any kind of physical exertion is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the body receives an insufficient number of trace elements for full-fledged life. But after it, it should be immediately resorted to a sporting lifestyle, it will contribute to the further burning of extra calories and simply improve well-being and increase the mood.
  6. Another factor in the correct recovery of the diet and conservation of the form serves as a complete refusal of harmful food. First of all, it is necessary to forget about flour, oily food, alcohol, chips, various types of smoked, carbonated water and canned food. In addition, this type of products should be refused not only to those who lose weight, but also to people of the normal complex, as they do not benefit the body.
  7. The positive results of a chocolate diet can boast every person who was able to hold out the entire period and well-being did not suffer. But there are such reviews in which they adversely describe a chocolate diet. Basically, such people loose it turned out, but at the same time they undermined their health.

If, after reading the article, you are confident that there are no contraindications that contradict the use of this type of diet limitation, you can safely try such a technique. For clarity and motivation, make your photo before and after applying a chocolate diet with a minimum number of clothes, to then observe and be proud of the results of the work done in the right perspective, and be able to boast girlfriends with a visual manual.


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