
Slimming on a buckwheat diet

Slimming on a buckwheat diet
You are lucky if buckwheat is included in your favorite products. Amazing cereals not only benefit the body brings, but also helps to normalize the weight!

Slimming on buckwheat is one of the most effective methods of combating extra kilograms. Those who have already applied this cereal to achieve lustfulness, assure that after a buckwheat diet for 7 days you will not recognize yourself, because it will become easier to 6 - 10 kg! And if you adhere to the rules of "buckwheat" food for several months, then the result promises to be at all impressive. Of course, there are underwater stones. The advantages and disadvantages of a buckwheat diet will discuss in the article.

Useful properties of buckwheat

The buckwheat well known to everyone came to us from India - it was there that the buckwheat was first raised as a culture. Several centuries ago, the modern queen of the croup was called black rice and black wheat, and representatives of the aristocracy would never try her - they disappeared there is a porridge of a dark color. But the poor fell in the poor thanks to the fact that the feeling of hunger was quenched for a long time.

Today, buckwheat dishes appear on our table quite often - buckwheat love and respected. Buckle grains are saturated with vegetable proteins and vitamins of the group B and R. These useful substances make a buckwheatter with an energy-valued product: with its regular use, the person increases stress resistance, the sleep is improved, the structure of the skin, nails and hair bulbs is strengthened. Do you know that buckwheat is the only cereal culture that can serve as an equivalent replacement of meat?


But this is not all that the buckwheat boasts can boast - it is optimally balanced by iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Thanks to this mineral "cocktail" in the blood, the formation of red blood cells increases, the color of the face becomes more fresh, the blood pressure and weight of the body normalizes, depressed, and the bones and teeth are becoming stronger.

Noteworthy and medicinal properties of buckwheat cereals. It contains a sufficient amount of routine to strengthen blood vessels and prevent bleeding. In addition, buckwheat porridge should appear as often as possible on a plate, if a person suffers from varicose veins, hemorrhoids, arthritis and rheumatism.

People who use buckwheat dishes several times a week, is not afraid of excess cholesterol and senile sclerosis, they have a strong heart and elastic vessels. Buckwheat is a mandatory product in the diet of residents of large industrial centers and areas with a bad environment. The complex of useful substances in its composition acts as a sorbent, eliminating the body from heavy metals, radionuclides, poisonous slags and toxins.

Essence of a buckwheat diet

So, how to make buckwheat, how and what is it to be transformed? Slimming is based on the replacement of food, which you eat daily, stare buckwheat. Little grains are a real breeding of a natural fiber, which, like a brush, will go through the intestines and clean it. There are not much carbohydrates in buckwheat, so the product is perfect for a dietary diet.

The recipe for the preparation of ordinary buckwheat cereal is not suitable for us - the "dietary" croup insisters from the evening. It is most convenient to do this in a thermos or, as a last resort, in a saucepan. To begin with, beat the cereal and rinse it under the stream of cool running water. Bucking is simpler simple: fill the container 1 part of the cereals, pour it with 3 parts of the water and leave overnight. Send salt and spices away, as they do not need you for a time of diet. In the morning, start to lose weight - the contents of the thermos should be divided into small portions and eat them during the day. Drink porridge can be with non-carbonated water in unlimited quantity or degreased kefir (1 l per day).

Pasty buckwheat, deprived of salt, is able to quickly cool your ardor in the desire to lose weight. So that this does not happen, emphasize the taste of each portion of crushed fresh greens.


Buckwheat diet: how to support yourself

Many people sitting on a buckwheat diet may encounter such a problem as headaches, general weakness and fast fatigue. This is not surprising: the body suffers from a shortage of sugar, which is not in the buckwheat.

In order not to deteriorate well-being and mood, dissolve in a glass of non-carbonated mineral water 1 tbsp. l. Natural honey and treat yourself to this drink on an empty stomach. Do not refuse to yourself in a modest portion of honey and day, especially when there is a tangible feeling of fatigue.

Buckwheat Diet for Slimming: Options

You can lose weight with buckwheat in different ways: it all depends on your perseverance and the power of motivation. Perhaps personality qualities will also affect your choice - some ladies are accustomed to, as they say, take a bull for the horns, others prefer to lose weight, not in a hurry.

To obtain a quick result, there is a rigid kefir-buckwheat diet, calculated for 3 days. During this period, you will be content with only freshly stamped buckwheat and degreased kefir. According to reviews, as a result of this image, you will easily lose 1 - 3 kg.

More significant results can be achieved if we spend weight loss a little longer, namely a week. During this time, you will become lighter at 7 - 10 kg, depending on the initial body weight (the more weight, the more kilograms "burnt"). The 7-day buckwheat diet menu is not as scarce as a 3-day mondue diet.


Together with the portion of buckwheat and kefir, you can eat some kuras, savory fruits or fresh vegetables. At the same time, the frequency of food intakes is not strict, but the morning should begin with 2 - 4 tablespoons stored in the evening cereals and a glass of hot water with a pinch of cinnamon or ginger (these products are also effectively burned with fat).
During the day, adjust the menu of a buckwheat diet, relying on your gastronomic addiction. For example, in the afternooner, thin the hunger with a glass of kefir and a green unsweetener apple, eat a portion of buckwheat with several lettums of salad for dinner, and for dinner, you will add a bunny barrier with fruit or vegetable salad, refilled with lemon juice.

Do not forget about the compliance with the drinking regime during the diet. The golden rule of weight loss - 2 l of clean water per day. However, not everyone can drink water in such volumes, so nutritionists suggest how to enroll in a difficult situation: you can replace several water glasses with grass brands or green tea without sugar.

Especially difficult week on a buckwheat diet tolerate coffee machines with experience - the body is crazy for caffeine. Those who cannot live without coffee, you can drink 1 cup of power drink without sugar per day.

Remember that portions should not be very large, but the gaps between meals should not exceed 3 hours. I'd better forget about late snacks. Dinner for 3.5 - 4 hours before sleep.

Advantages of buckwheat diet

The systematic use of buckwheat leads to the mandatory normalization of metabolic processes in the body. This will indicate vigor and energy that will appear a few days after the start of the diet. As a result, the condition of your skin will noticeably improve - it will become more elastic and smooth. At the same time, the nails are growing, they will become silky hair and dandruff disappear.

The use of buckwheat instead of other high-calorie products does not force weight loss, but protects against dehydration of the body, promotes rapid and long saturation. Another indisputable "plus" buckwheat diet is the struggle with the so-called orange peel on problem places - hips, abdomen, buttocks. This contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, due to the beneficial properties of buckwheat cereals.

The most pleasant thing that you will continue to lose weight even after a while after the completion of the diet, since the effect of the buckwheat group is prolonged.


Disadvantages of buckwheat diet

Despite the fact that buckwheat successfully struggling with hunger, give preference to only this cereal for 3 - 7 days is very difficult, especially if it is cooked without salt and oil. How not to convince themselves the undeniable benefits of the product, and fresh buckwheat quickly bored.

After 7 days of buckwheat diet should not expect astonishing weight loss - as already noted, kilograms go in a smooth pace. Requirements for weight loss in the buckwheat is very hard, so you'll have to stock up a considerable share of patience and find a convincing motivation to not be broken, and to follow through.

On this diet, you can not sit for more than 2 weeks, repeat the course of recovery and weight loss on buckwheat can be after 1 - 1.5 months. Over this period, the body has time to recover from the previous diet and fix the result.

However, despite all the not very pleasant nuances reviews about this method of weight loss mostly positive. Many women are advised not to forget these days of the sport. Take to exercise at least 20 minutes a day. 25 - 30 squats, 15 push-ups 50 times press swing - and the results of the buckwheat diet does not take long to wait!


How to get out of the buckwheat diet

The remarkable properties of buckwheat should not be exaggerated: you certainly will gain the lost kilos during a diet, if after 3, 7 or 14 days slimming back lightly to his old power.

When you sit on a diet, your body has adjusted to the strict rules and its content with modest portions of food, so save the same habit, and after completion of the diet, otherwise mindless overeating would nullify all your efforts.

The first 5 - 7 days after the buckwheat diet supplement your diet with just a few new dishes. For their preparation are perfect vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, dried bread. Go back to the usual diet gradually, from time to time by arranging themselves fasting days.


Who should not sit on the buckwheat diet

If you are going to lose weight with buckwheat, be sure to read the contraindications to this diet:

  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • hypotension;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes.

Buckwheat diet: a daily menu

If the use of ordinary stare buckwheat seems to you too monotonous and boring, and the useful composition of the product still attracts, do not be discouraged. Buckwheat cereals - a beautiful basis for the preparation of low-calorie and dietary dishes. Here are some of them recipes:

  1. Boil a small portion of buckwheat in water without adding oil and salt. While the cereals are cooked, cut the small bulb with half rings and fry them until golden colors on the vegetable oil. 5 minutes before the preparedness of buckwheat porridge, add roasted onions and cover the saucepan with a lid. As a result, you will get a delicious and surprisingly fragrant dish.
  2. Weld up buckwheat without salt and spices. Grind a big not very sweet apple on a large or shallow (optional) grater and add it to the finished caress. Well emphasizes the taste of the dish pinch of the ground cinnamon, if you don't have anything against this seasoning.
  3. 1 part of the Gund Fill 2 parts of cold water, put on fire and wait for the water boils. Cover the saucepan with a lid and make fire quieter. While buckwheat is boiled, cut the bulb with small pieces and fry until a beautiful golden shade appears. Now add to the onions chopped with large pieces of champignons, salt and pepper the products, please add a laminated greens as desired. Roasted mushrooms with onions lay on the finished buckwheat porridge.
  4. Even more fragrant and delicious will be buckwheat, if for 5 - 8 minutes before the end of the cooking add to the pan finely chopped onions and a pinch of grind dry mushrooms. Please note that mushrooms do not require prior discharge.
  5. Take and rinse the buckwheatter under running water, then bring it to a boil and continue to cook on slow fire. While the porridge languishes, soak in hot water a handful of Kuragi, and then cut it with neat stripes. A few minutes before the end of the cooking, add to a saucepan with curage and fructose.


The benefits of buckwheat water. Video


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