
Sandal oil - Application

Sandal oil - Application
Sandalwood oil: Application

Sandal oil is made from evergreen wood, which grows in the tropical part of India. It is mined from the core of the plant, or rather from the chips. At the same time, the age of trees, of which it is manufactured must be at least 35 years. Essential oil Sandala is known to people from a very long time. The history of this product has more than four thousand years. The mention of it is found in the oldest texts written in the old language. Next, we will tell you more about the use of sandalwood oil.

Sandalwood oil: characteristic features

Sandalwood-Sandalwood-Amyris-Essential-Oil-Amyris-Balsamifera-Our-Sandalwood - E1417383156665

In China and India, sandalwood was often used during various religious rituals, as well as in smoking candles that allowed to relax. It was also used in the transition to meditation. In general, the product is not just considered one of the main oils for meditation. It possesses such features that are well relaxing, eliminated from plasticity and nervousness, soothing a person during stress and nervous shocks. In addition, this oil perfectly tones the whole organism.

The highest quality and, accordingly, the oil is considered very expensive, which is extracted from the middle of the sandalwood root. For this, the plant is digging and completely destroyed. Such production is very laborious and is quite expensive. Usually in order to produce oil, the method of steam distillation is used. At the same time, finely chopped raw materials are processed by a very hot steam. This allows you to produce a healing product directly from the tree cells. Sandal oil can be used today in pharmacies and specialized stores.

It is worth saying that the price of sandal oil is quite high. Despite this, it is in great demand. Therefore, the illegal cutting of trees in a very large scale increases. At the same time, only pillars are spilled, and the roots, which are also valuable, remain indisputable in the ground.

Read more with the composition of the product can be found from the comparative table:


Application sandalwood


The benefits of sandalwood is indisputable. Its use is rooted in deep antiquity. And it is popular today. In particular, the product has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is used in therapy of dermatitis and when removing inflammation in the uncens of insects.

The use of the product is quite varied. It is used as a means of treatment, for the aromatization of various beverages, in aromatherapy. In addition, it is used in perfume and cosmetic industry. Oil has excellent antispasmodic properties. Thanks to this, it helps with pain of different etiology. Moreover, the ability to relax blood vessels, which it is endowed, facilitates the well-being of a woman during menstruation.

If you regularly use the product, it is able to resolve the menstrual cycle. In addition, it is believed that the oil can increase the potency in men, increase sexual desire. Thus, it is successfully considered to be an erotic stimulant. It can also help cure such female diseases as cystitis and vulvovaginitis, and also helps get rid of frigidity.

It also has an expectorant properties. To do this, it is enough to rub it into the skin of the chest and back. With the help of it, you can also perform inhalation. But rinsing with him should not be done, because this oil has a not very pleasant taste.

Sandalwood essential oil is often used for aromatherapy treatment. It makes easier to go through stressful situations and various anxiety disorders. In addition, to accelerate relaxation and relaxation. With the help of this product is still possible to treat various diseases leather. In particular, fungal infections and eczema.

If you regularly use this oil, it is possible in a short time to heal the skin from boils, acne and rashes on the skin, varying degrees of severity.

In order to use the product as a disinfectant, can be mixed with a few drops of milk and be ingested. This tool will be useful for intestinal diseases, genitourinary system, the gastrointestinal tract, throat. Outwardly this oil lubricated wounds and ulcers. Yet it is added to the base oil or cream.

Thanks to some useful properties of the product, it can also be used to relax the abdominal muscles during certain procedures. Diuretic action of this oil can help relieve inflammation in cystitis, as well as other ailments of the urinary tract. More it is used in renal diseases. According to doctors, this oil cleans them. It's enough to massage a certain area with the addition of a few drops of the product.

Sandalwood oil is used more in the hydrotherapy bath preparations. For this takes approximately 4-6 drops of product are dissolved in the milk, honey or sea salt. The mixture was then poured into warm water.

Face sandalwood oil


The product has found its application in various fields of cosmetology. He has for several centuries, used to maintain the beauty of women and men, and almost any age.

Young people are the oil will be useful as a treatment for acne. After all, it helps to restore and soothe skin cells. Particularly good effect for oily skin and problematic. If there are acne rash, it is recommended several times a day to put up, on the basis of Article 1-1.5. l. jojoba oil, vetiver droplets 1-2, 2 drops of oil of lavender, sandalwood oil droplet 1.5.

The product is also useful for people after 35 years. In particular, it is used to rejuvenate, toning, smoothing wrinkles. In addition, it perfectly refreshes, tones the skin and smoothes the contours of the face. This oil has the ability to whiten the skin and give her a beautiful natural color. It is worth saying that this is an excellent means for moisturizing and nutrition. If you mix it with any natural unrefined oil, it turns out a male tonic to care for excessively sensitive and irritated skin, which is especially useful after shaving.

This oil acts very delicately. Therefore, it is possible to apply even for very delicate skin around the eyes. Reviews about sandalwood oil, from those who used it, always positive.



The product can be effectively used as a good locomon care tool. So, it can help when losing hair, can eliminate dandruff, seborrhea, strengthen, and improve hair growth. Thanks to the useful properties of the Sandala oil, it is recommended to add to shampoos, masks, balms and air conditioners. In addition, it can sometimes be applied to the crest and thus combing hair. The regular use of the product is able to restore the curl strength, give them a beautiful shine.

Harm sandalwood


It is worth saying that this oil has almost no contraindications. Only individual intolerance is possible. Nevertheless, doctors prohibit it with such diseases of the kidneys, as pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. In addition, the product is better not to use during pregnancy. In addition, you need to remember that it cannot be used in pure form.

Unfortunately, today there are many fakes on the market. Therefore, you need to be able to distinguish natural oil. First of all, it should be purchased only in proven stores and from familiar brands of essential oils. Most importantly, you do not need to chase at the price. After all, natural sandalwood can not be cheap. Before you go to the store, find out its current price on the Internet. So you will remember what value you need to navigate when choosing a product on the counters.

It is still worth knowing that natural oil does not have sharp odors. In order to check its quality, you can spend a small test. To do this, you get 2-3 drops on a sheet of paper, and if after 11-12 minutes the fat stain will disappear from it, it means that it is natural. Although, a small speech can still stay. The color of high-quality sandalwood is usually monotony and smooth. And it should not be any impurities and shades.

Sandal oil: video


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