
What is a threadlifting mesonitis

What is a threadlifting mesonitis
Features of the non -surgical methodology of 3D lifting

Among different types of lifting, not so long ago, another non -surgical technique appeared - mesonitis threadlifting (or 3D lifting). In the centers of Russian cosmetology, such a service appeared in 2012 as a less traumatic alternative to traditional thread lifting.

Mesonitis threadlifting: what is it


The procedure of non -surgical threadlifting with mesonets combines the effect of several methods: lifting (skin tights) and mesotherapy (rejuvenation due to the stimulation of the internal forces of the body). Actually from this, the procedure got its name.

So, after the first procedure for introducing special fibers into the subcutaneous layer, lifting mesonitis allows you to reduce the number of wrinkles, raise sagging cheeks and chin, simulate the oval of the face or contours of the body. However, the capture of the contour of the face or body occurs not only due to the presence of threads: in the tissues of the skin, the material stimulates the active production of collagen fibers around it, thus the modeling frame is formed on its own forces. Due to the active production of collagen, the complexion also improves, the elasticity of the skin increases, the freshness characteristic of young skin appears. After the threads themselves dissolve, the effect of the procedure persists for another 2 years.

Purder can be carried out at any age. However, often they resort to it after 40 years, when age -related skin changes become noticeable.

Mesonitis threadlifting: How the procedure appeared


This method of restoring the face and body was developed by Korean doctors based on modern technologies and methods of traditional acupuncture, knowledge of which has been transmitted in oriental culture for more than a thousand years.

According to the acupuncture technique, 14 main energy channels are located in the human body. These channels (they are called meridians) permeate the entire body, connecting the internal organs, arms, legs, face and torso of a person into a single system. For example, if a person is subject to constant stress, lives in the region with poor ecology or eats poorly, then meridians can “clog”. As a result, energy ceases to circulate in the body, and a person begins to get sick, grow old and lose life force. To restore youth and health, acupuncture experts act on the trimmed meridian with the finest needles. As a result, the body of self -healing and rejuvenation is launched in the body. Such a procedure is known to everyone called acupuncture.

In European countries, faces with mesonies are carried out mainly without taking into account the passage of meridians (i.e., only half of the opportunities are used that are laid down in the methodology by its developers). But oriental cosmetologists make punctures only at certain points and introduce supporting threads according to the location of the meridians - they are sure that this will not only tighten the wilting skin, but also restore natural processes in it, rejuvenating from the inside. For example, in Korea, a doctor who practices lifting mesonets should learn this art for 9 years.

Mesonitis threadlifting: what is mesonity


Mesoni is a special system that is used to restore and tighten the contours of the face or body, giving elasticity to the skin. It consists of a mesony of a special finest needle and directly thread.

The needle-item is made of a flexible medical alloy. It is able to change the direction for accurate introduction of the thread into the subcutaneous layer - thus, the doctor can 3d modeling of the contour of the face or body. After the thread is installed in the right position, the doctor separates it from the conductor and pulls the needle. If the procedure is performed correctly, then the needle easily slides in the subcutaneous layer, without damaging or deforming the fabrics.

The thread for the threadlifting itself is made of synthetic material of polydioxanon and the upper layer of polymolic acid, which is designed to moisturize the skin tissues during the introduction of the thread. Their maximum thickness is only 0, 3 millimeters (thinner than the human hair).

Threads for threadlifting are completely safe for the human body and do not cause allergic reactions. In addition, the fibers are so thin that it will not be visible, even if the patient’s skin is very thin and light. When the thread is successfully located in the fabrics, the skin does not look strained. Within 180-230 days, the thread is gradually resolved, forming water and carbon dioxide.

Troplifting: Types of mesonets


Not all threads for 3D lifting are the same. There are several varieties of material in terms of thickness, structure and length. Only one species or more for different areas of the face and body can be used. What kind of type the patient needs is chosen by the doctor, given the degree of age -related changes and skin thickness. Most often, the length of the thread used on the cost of the procedure does not affect.

  1. Linear mesonities. These are thin and smooth fibers that are used to correct the shape of the lips, area around the eyes and upper eyelids, neck. Length from 25 to 90 mm.
  2. Spiral mesonities. This is a universal material 50-60 mm long. They are called spiral because such threads are able to return to the original form after tension, which is very important to preserve the natural facial facial expressions, for example. Most often used in the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds, chin, eyebrows and neckline zones.
  3. Needle mesonii. Throughout the length have special notches that can fix the skin in a straightened position for a long time. Thanks to this, the maximum lifting effect is achieved. The introduction of such threads is quite painful, therefore, local anesthesia is a prerequisite for working with them.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the goods of two mesonies for lifting have been certified today:

  • LEAD Fine Lift (production of Korea);
  • Beauta`lift v Line.

If in the clinic of aesthetic medicine you are offered to conduct a lifting procedure with other mesonets, then you need to understand that no one will provide you with proper guarantees of security.

Mesonitis threadlifting: Advantages

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  1. The procedure does not require surgical intervention.
  2. Minimum injury of the skin (compared to other types of lifting).
  3. Needle penetration places heal very quickly.
  4. Long rehabilitation is not required after the procedure.
  5. Allergic reactions are extremely rare.
  6. The product for anesthesia is not introduced under the skin, which avoids swelling.
  7. The material from which Mesonity is made stimulates the production of its own collagen in the skin.
  8. The introduction of threads does not violate the microcirculation of blood in the skin.
  9. There are no scars and scars.
  10. The threads are not shine through even through thin skin.
  11. The procedure lasts only about 1 hour.

Mesonitis Tristlifting: Indications for the procedure

skin Check Before Cosmetic Surgery

Correction with the help of threadlifting lends itself to age -related changes, noticeable on the skin of the face and body.

  • nasolabial folds;
  • deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  • singing the cheeks and the area of \u200b\u200bthe chin;
  • prolapse of the outer edge of the eyebrows;
  • stretch marks;
  • folds in the auricle;
  • wrinkles around the eyes;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • cellulite;
  • pour wrinkles in the mouth;
  • folds on the chest and neck;
  • sagging of the skin of the hands, buttocks and hips;
  • skin uneven after liposuction;
  • asymmetry of the face.

Trewing mesonitis: Contraindications

  • oncological diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • hypertension;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • skin inflammation in the lifting zone;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • the presence of implants in the correction zone;
  • menstruation (risk of hematoma formation increases).

Mesonitis Tridlifting: How the procedure is carried out

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At the preliminary consultation with the doctor, first of all, the lack of contraindications is established. Then the specialist examines the condition of the skin and determines the number and type of threads that are necessary to correct the individual problems of the client.

The number of threads, which is necessary for one body zone reaches 40 pieces. Mesonity is always introduced comprehensively: for example, if the patient needs cheek correction, then need to introduce threads throughout the face. The fact is that there is a certain scheme of influence on the subcutaneous layer using mesonets. And if the scheme is not observed, then the effect, respectively, will not be.

  • the patient is placed in a chair or on the couch;
  • the skin is necessarily treated with an antiseptic;
  • applications of analgesic gel are used;
  • the doctor applies special markings to the skin, according to which the mesonity will be introduced;
  • mesonity is extracted from sterile factory packaging and inserted under the skin;
  • the duration of the procedure is about 30-45 minutes.

Skin punctures are very small, which avoids the appearance of hematomas. As for pain during the session, only slight discomfort is often possible.

Mesonitis Tristlifting: Restorative period

After the threadlifting procedure, a long recovery period is not required, as, for example, after operational lifting. The points of introduction of threads (thin punctures) can remain a little painful for 3-4 days, and then completely heal, leaving no traces. Unpleasant sensations and edema after lifting can be removed using arnik or body ointments. Cold compresses on the face will also help to cope with edema. And if the pain is concerned, then after consulting a doctor, take an analgesic drug.

For a couple of weeks, patients after a threadlifting are recommended to refrain from intense physical exertion, as well as try to reduce the movements of the facial muscles of the face. Be sure to refuse to visit a bath or sauna for 10-15 days, as well as a solarium-temperature changes negatively affect the skin healing after the procedure.

A few weeks after the threadlifting, to enhance its effect, you can resort to other cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenating and restoration of the skin.

  • after 3 weeks-RF lifting, botulinum therapy, plasmolifting, mesotherapy, contour plastic;
  • after 4 weeks - chemical or laser peeling.

Mesonitis threading: complications after the procedure


Each cosmetologist conducting the mesonitis threadlifting procedure will tell you that the procedure is absolutely safe for the patient's health. However, safety largely depends on the qualifications of the doctor you have addressed. Reviews of women who tested this new type of lifting are ambiguous.

Even if your cosmetologist excellently owns other techniques for conducting cosmetic procedures, this does not mean that he is able to successfully cope with the mesonitis threadlifting. First of all, you should pay attention to whether the doctor has a certificate of completion of specialized learning, as well as to the reviews of patients who can be found in abundance on the forums. Also ask the doctor with photographs of his patients before and after the procedure. If there is no such evidence of a specialist experience, think about it.

So, it is worth paying attention to possible complications after lifting with mesonites.

  1. "The effect of the accordion." The insufficient competence of the doctor can result in the formation of the effect of the accordion on the skin. The fact is that a flexible needle should be introduced into the subcutaneous layer in a strictly defined direction. If the system is mixed even by a fraction of a millimeter, then when extracting a needle, the skin can be tightened and folds form (like tightening on thin fabric). Even after the threads are resolved, micro fibrosis will most likely remain at the place of damage - characteristic tissue seals.
  2. The appearance of cones. Bumps - nodules under the skin - are formed if during the procedure the thread was unevenly distributed in the subcutaneous layer. In half the cases, such nodules are not resolved, in other cases, they become less noticeable after 180-200 days.
  3. Insufficient effect. The reaction to any procedure is strictly individual. So the tertlifting mesonets can cope with problems to one degree or another. Often a good effect is in patients with minor age -related changes and in patients who need to correct the oval of the face. If wrinkles are too pronounced or significantly the amount of sagging skin, then, most likely, the complete elimination of these problems with the help of mesonets will not be possible.

Trewlifting mesonitis: Price

The price of the threadlifting procedure with mesonets depends on the number of threads and the type of threads that need to be used to correct the problems of the client.

If the cost of conventional mesonity reaches 1000 rubles, then the thread for the threadlifting is already an order of magnitude more expensive - from 1,500 to 4000 rubles. Also, needle mesonities for threadlifting are always much more expensive than linear. In addition, the cost of rejuvenation increases significantly if after the introduction of the thread you plan other cosmetic procedures.

  • correction of the chin-10-15 threads;
  • eyebrows-5-10 threads;
  • cheek-20-30 threads;
  • face contour - about 10 threads per side;
  • nosomic folds - 5 threads.

Trewing mesonitis. Photo before and after

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Trewing mesonitis. Video



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