
The use of castor oil for the face. Facial masks with castor oil at home, recipes, photos

The use of castor oil for the face. Facial masks with castor oil at home, recipes, photos
At home, you can use a huge number of folk methods, the result of which will pleasantly surprise you. One such agent is castor oil, with which you can make various face masks.

In folk medicine, castor oil is very popular and is considered an almost complete panacea from various problems associated with facial skin. Since ancient times, this miraculous oil has been used in the cosmetology of girls and women to maintain their beauty and youth of the skin. It contains other oils that have effective and healing properties, a positive result from the impact of which was evaluated by the fair sex in our country.

This remedy costs real pennies, but it is able to replace a number of cosmetic products, the cost of which is quite significant. Like any other folk drug, castor oil has a number of its beneficial properties and negative effects that must be taken into account before using it.

In this article, we consider the features of the use of castor oil for the face, note all its beneficial properties and contraindications. Let us give an example of the most popular and used face masks with castor oil.

Castor oil - folk pantry of healing properties

Castor oil is a very viscous oil of light gray or yellowish shade, which is the denser and most severe oil used in cosmetology. In its composition, it is considered a natural product that is extracted from one of the most poisonous medicinal plants in the world - tick -borne. Kleshchevina is growing on the territory of Africa, where since ancient times they use this healing oil to treat a variety of facial skin and body skin problems. The indigenous people of Africa use Messravina seed oil to treat such serious skin diseases as psoriasis.

Although Kleshchevina is the most poisonous plant, however, after the push -out process for oil, all the toxic substances remain in the zhimi, among which ricin and ricinine are the most dangerous. In this regard, the collection of plant seeds is accompanied by diseases in people-collectors of plants. It is the poet today by scientists around the world are in search of alternative ways to produce castor oil, attempts are being made to obtain genetically modified tick-borne without the synthesis of ricinic acid. Today, on an industrial scale, Kleshchevin is grown in China, India and Brazil. This oil is used around the world, however, the United States is purchased at the largest industrial scale.

The highest quality and most useful castor oil is obtained by direct cold pressing, after which the largest number of vitamins and nutrients remain in it. The oil obtained by hot spin and extraction has lower quality and, accordingly, the effect of its use will not be so impressive.

Fields of castor oil

  • Castor oil is widely used in cosmetology to create various masks for skin, hair and eyelashes. The benefits of castor oil for the face have long been proven, so modern fashionistas prefer this particular folk remedy.
  • This tool has found its application in perfumes. It is part of soap and various hair products.
  • The industrial use of castor oil consists in the release of a wide variety of goods: synthetic fibers, paints and dyes, durable types of plastic, brake liquids and nylon.
  • Castor oil is also used in the food industry as various additives and flavors.
  • In pharmaceuticals, castor oil is used as a component of a variety of medications.
  • Castor oil is also widely used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases: muscle pain and legs, skin and bladder infections, yeast infections, insomnia and sleep disorder, with cerebral paralysis, with sclerosis, with hair loss and in other treatment techniques.

Properties of castor oil

The use of castor oil for the face is due to a number of useful properties of this tool that are provided by various fatty oils contained in its composition. It was because of these properties that castor oil has found such wide application in cosmetology as an independent means and as a component of various creams and ointments.

  • The castor contains palmitic acid, which accelerates all the processes occurring in the skin. It allows the skin to absorb the beneficial substances entered into the body more quickly, and also helps to increase the permeability of membranes.
  • The viscous and oily consistency of castor oil is achieved due to the presence of stearic acid in it. This acid has the ability to moisturize dry skin, prevent peeling. In addition, thanks to oily consistency, castor oil is able to protect the skin of the face from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and frost.
  • The composition of castor oil contains oleic acid, which has the ability to accelerate the metabolism inside the epidermis cells, as well as delay moisture in them. Thanks to this, castor oil can restore the protective layer of the skin after various damage.
  • Ricinolic acid, as part of castor oil, helps to soften the skin of the face. After applying to the skin, the face becomes more smooth, delicate and velvety. In addition, castor oil for the skin of the face has an antiseptic effect precisely due to the presence of ricinoleic acid in its composition. Because of this properties, this folk remedy can be used to treat acne and acne.
  • In the composition of castor oil there is linoleic acid, which on equalise with Oleinova helps to moisturize the skin of the face and accelerate the metabolism in the epidermis.
  • Tokoferol and retinol, which are vitamins E and A, contribute to the synthesis of elastine fibers and collagen, thanks to which the skin remains smooth and elastic. It is for this property of castor oil that wrinkles and extension of the face of the skin of the face are used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Castor facial oil according to reviews of a huge number of girls and women can give the skin a healthy color and shine, as well as slightly slow down the aging process.

Indications and contraindications to the use of castor oil for the face

Castor facial oil at home is used by many girls and women, even despite the unpleasant taste and a rather fat consistency. However, before the first use, it is necessary to clearly find out all the indications and contraindications to its use.

Indications for the use of castor oil oil

  • First of all, castor oil is shown to women with dry skin. Using this tool at home, you can easily moisturize your face skin, accelerate the metabolic processes in the epidermis.
  • If you have skin peeling, then castor oil will help you cope with this problem, make your skin softer and delicate.
  • You can smear your face with castor oil with sensitive skin. Thus, you will protect it from the harmful effects of the environment and temperature changes. In winter, regular use of castor oil masks helps to soften the skin, moisturize and protect it from severe wind and frosts.
  • With a fading and flabby skin of the face with visible irregularities, castor oil will become an excellent assistant. Due to the property of improving the synthesis of collagen formation, your skin will become smooth and elastic.
  • If you are worried about the first facial wrinkles and “goose legs” around the eyes, look at a huge number of masks recipes, how to use castor facial oil. With this folk remedy, you can smooth them and give your face a fresh look. This helps to prevent premature skin aging.
  • Castor oil is shown to eliminate age spots. Due to its chemical composition, this tool can lighten all freckles and age spots.
  • Castor oil will help you with problematic skin, acne and acne. Different copper masks with castor oil for the face will cleanse the skin, help to cope with acne.

Contraindications to the use of castor oil oil

Like any other folk remedy, castor oil has several contraindications that should adhere to the intention to use the drug for cosmetic purposes.

  • Castor oil should not be used by people with very oily skin, as this will only aggravate its condition.
  • This folk drug can cause complex allergic reactions, so in its pure form it should be taken very carefully. Before the first use, it is important to conduct a test to an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a drop of castor oil to the elbow fold, wait a bit and rinse. If redness does not appear, it can be used.
  • In most cases, it is recommended to use castor oil in combination with other oils of smaller fat content.
  • Castor oil should not be used to improve the condition of the face during pregnancy without consulting a doctor.
  • The presence of open wounds is also a contraindication to the use of castor oil.

Precautions when using castor oil at home

In order for the use of castor oil to bring maximum benefits and brings a positive result, it is important to strictly observe precautions.

  • First of all, it is recommended to purchase castor oil in pharmacies, while checking the shelf life of the drug.
  • Storage of castor oil is the key to the successful use of the product. It is recommended to store it in a warm, dry and dark place.
  • Castor oil is not recommended to be used aggressively, i.e. Apply it in its purest form. It is best to dilute it with other oils and add castor oil to cosmetics.
  • Before using castor oil in pure form, be a test to an allergic reaction.
  • Do not apply castor oil to wet skin.
  • Castor oil has a very fat and viscous consistency, so it is very difficult to remove it from the face. To do this, it is best to use a cotton swab and warm water, you can warm up milk.
  • Do not apply castor oil on the skin of the face at night, as this is a very heavy remedy.
  • Doctors do not recommend applying castor oil on neoplasms to soften them.

Features of using castor facial oil at home

The scope of castor oil in cosmetology is huge. In addition to effective effects on the skin, castor oil can be used for eyelash and eyebrows, as well as to prevent hair loss. It is important to remember that for each individual case, castor oil is important to use carefully in compliance with all the rules and precautions.

Castor oil for cleansing the face

  • To cleanse the face, you can use castor oil in its pure form. To do this, it is important to observe some rules: do not apply to wet skin of the face, it is advisable to do the procedure in the evening, after which everything is thoroughly washed off with warm water.
  • For more deep face cleansing, you can take part of the castor oil and mix it with any other, for example, cold -pressed olive oil. Next, you need to slightly warm the oil mixture and with your hands or a cotton pad to apply it to the skin of the face, and then gently rub it into the dermis with circular motions. Rub the oil into the skin until it starts to slide with lumps - this is all the dirt, and fat from pores.
  • After such cleaning, the oil must be left on your face for another 15-20 minutes, after which everything should be washed off with contrasting water and cosmetic milk.
  • To cleanse the face, you can use a mixture of castor oil and sea salt, provided that you have no sensitive skin.
  • After cleansing the face with castor oil, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer and nutritious cream.

Castor face oil from wrinkles

  • Castor face oil from wrinkles is an excellent tool for prolonging the youth of the skin of the face due to the fact that it includes acids that synthesizing fibers of elastin and collagen.
  • This tool can help cope with small fatigue wrinkles, but you should not hope to eliminate deep facial wrinkles.
  • To carry out the procedure, you need to add a few drops of castor oil to age cosmetics. This tool will help you cope with the loss of moisture, make the skin smooth and delicate.
  • To fight small wrinkles, do not use castor oil in its pure form. It is best to make a water emulsion or breed a castor with other, less fat, oils. Olive oil will cope excellent in this case.
  • It is necessary to apply such a composition with a cotton pad only on the skin area where there are wrinkles.
  • To get a more effective result, to use castor oil for a long time, about a month. It is recommended to use masks with a castor twice a day for a month, and you will see the result - a net of wrinkles on the dry skin of the face will become less noticeable.
  • In order for castor oil to penetrate the skin more quickly, before use it is necessary to warm in a water bath and only then apply to the skin of the face.
  • Cosmetologists do not recommend adding castor oil to expensive wrinkles, since they initially have a detailed verified composition of the components aimed at achieving a positive effect. And a few drops of castor oil will not only not improve the result, but can even harm. The exception is cosmetics, which already includes castor.

Castor face oil from age spots

  • Castor oil from stains on the face is also a fairly effective and effective tool.
  • With regular application of castor oil to the skin with severe areas of pigmentation, it is possible to obtain their clarification in a short time. Thanks to its composition, this tool will help to lighten any pigment spots and even freckles.
  • In this case, it is best to use clean castor oil and it is recommended to apply it pointwise so as not to touch healthy skin and cause blockage of pores with increased fat content.
  • To get rid of age spots, it is recommended to use castor oil up to 5 times a day within a month. Thus, you can see a positive result.

Castor facial oil from scars

  • Castor oil can help cope with scars, other growths and warts.
  • This is possible due to the ability of castor oil to soften layers of the dermis, to accelerate blood circulation at the place of scarcular tissue formation.
  • Castor oil should be applied to scars only in a warm state, so be sure to heat it in a water bath before use.
  • Then moisten a cotton swab and apply oil to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with tincture of chamomile.
  • In order for the cicatricial fabric to resolve, it is recommended to apply castor oil twice a day for 2-3 months, provided that the scar was formed recently. With older seals, a year may need.

Castor face oil from acne

  • Castor facial oil, according to cosmetologists, can help with problematic skin skin, frequent acne and acne. However, use the product in this case is very careful.
  • Treatment of acne is possible due to the presence of ricinoleic acid in the composition of castor oil, which has antiseptic and anti -inflammatory ability and adversely affects the pathogenic microflora of the skin of the face.
  • When using castorrks for acne treatment, experts recommend applying the product only to acne themselves, since with constant hits on a healthy skin, castor can cause pore blockage and acne.
  • You need to use castor oil daily, while applying a point in its pure form. After applying, slightly pat the pimples with your fingers and leave the castor for two hours. At the end, carefully rinse it with warm water.

Facial mask recipes

To date, on the Internet, you can find a huge number of various masks for the face, which include castor oil. Consider the most popular of them.

  • Mask for rejuvenation. To get rid of early facial and age wrinkles, it is necessary to mix 1 tsp. castor oil, 1 tsp Cottage cheese, 1 tsp honey, 2 tsp fruit puree and 1 yolk. Mix all the components well and apply to the face in the evening.
  • Mask against wrinkles. To combat the first wrinkles, you can use castor oil in combination with other light oils. Mix in equal proportions castor oil, olive oil and sea buckthorn oil, heat the composition in a water bath. After that, take a cotton pad and gently apply the oil, then massage the skin slightly with your fingers. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Mask against wrinkles. Take 2 tbsp. Oatmeal and pour it with hot milk. Add 1 tbsp. Honey and 20 ml of castor oil, mix everything well and apply to the face. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Mask from pigment spots. Melt in a water bath 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp of castor oil. Add 1 tsp. Vaselina, 5 drops of iodine. Mix everything well and transfer to the container. You can store such a composition in the refrigerator for 5 days.
  • A bleaching mask. You can get rid of the pigment spots and freckles with another mask. Take equal parts of castor oil and lemon juice, mix everything well and apply on clean skin once or twice a day.

  • Nourishing mask. Take 2 tbsp. castor oil and add 10 drops of vitamin E. Such a mask is especially necessary during the period of lack of vitamins in winter and spring, and also helps to prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  • Moisturizing mask. Take 1 yolk, rub it well and add 1 tsp of castor oil. Apply to clean skin in the evening.
  • Moisturizing mask. Make a chamomile infusion and take it 2 tbsp. Add 1 tbsp. castor oil and 1 tbsp. camphor oil, 1 tsp Glycerin and 20 drops of vitamin E. Mix everything well and apply to the skin every day. This mask is especially suitable for girls and women with dry skin and peeling.
  • Acne mask. It is necessary to mix 1 tsp. castor oil and 1 tsp Alcohol tincture of calendula, then add 1 egg protein and 1 interpreted aspirin tablet. Mix everything well and apply to problem areas of the skin. It is necessary to apply in three layers, and after 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Castor oil is a folk remedy for facial skin care. With the help of such a penny pharmacy, you can get rid of hated acne, early wrinkles and freckles.



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