
Fashionable male and female lofors. How and with what to wear lofors - photo

Fashionable male and female lofors. How and with what to wear lofors - photo
Lofers are comfortable and beautiful shoes for every day. How and with what to wear them, you will learn in this article.

Lofers are the shoes that will become an indispensable option for the summer. Loofers are convenient, almost like homemade slippers, and in them you can feel comfortable and comfortable all day. Also, the loafers are very universal - they are suitable for almost any style in clothes. Unlike sneakers, in which it can be hot in summer days, loafers are suitable for any weather. In this article we will consider which loafers are now in fashion for men and women, as well as what can be worn with to create a stylish summer image.

Advantages of lofors

Laofers have been very popular for several years. They are worn by people of all ages and regardless of the style of clothing. Why is preference in the summer should be given to this particular fashion shoes? Here are a few reasons to purchase loafers this summer:

  • Lofers are very comfortable shoes. Even the highest quality ballet shoes or sandals can still sometimes cause legs fatigue or rub to corns. Lofers, unlike other shoes, will be cozy, like homemade slippers. Lofers repeat the shape of the leg, and soft skin, nubuk or suede, from which lofors are usually made, are practically not felt on the legs. In lofers, you are not afraid of long walks and you will easily spend the day on your feet from early morning to late evening.
  • Lofers are light shoes in which you can feel as comfortable as possible even in the hottest summer days. This lofors are favorably different from sneakers and sneakers, in which in the summer it is often unpleasant to be all day.

  • Lofers are very universal. They can be put on under jeans, and under summer trousers, and even for business suits. In addition, the lofors can be worn as shoes for an evening or as part of a romantic style: if you choose the right model, the lofors will perfectly fit into the most feminine and elegant onions. In addition, with a skirt, the loafers will not look at all as defiantly and in a young manner as the sneakers look.
  • Now there is a huge variety of loafers, so that each can easily choose the model to their taste. You can choose classic lofors, loafers with pointed nose and even models on the platform or on thick heels. Even if you are not impressive in shopping centers, you can find almost any model in online stores. You will probably be able to choose lofors that will perfectly supplement your bow.

What loafers are now in fashion

Now you can choose lofors for every taste - they are presented in a wide range, can be made of various materials, and even their possible form is in great variety.

Lofer models

Lofer models are very diverse. Some can be put on literally for any clothes from your wardrobe, and some fit best into a certain style. To navigate in a large assortment and choose exactly those lofors that suit you, consider the most relevant options for this season.

  • Classic loafers always remain in trend. This simple and universal version is best fits into the casual style. Also, men and women can wear simple lofors in the summer under costumes. With some everyday dresses, classic lofors can also look quite interesting.
  • Lofers with a decorative tongue are a popular and unusual option. Such loafers are put on under the most different clothes, but they look especially appropriate as part of the Androgine style fashionable now. Women can wear such fashionable lofors with shortened narrow trousers and massive oversized jackets.

  • Loofers with a sharp nose are another unusual and relevant model now. This option is a bit like classic female shoes. Lofers with a sharp nose can wear both jeans and any trousers. However, they will look especially good with skirts and dresses in a romantic style or evening. Such loafers will allow you to look elegant, but to feel very comfortable.
  • Lofers on the platform are fashionable shoes that will allow you to become several centimeters higher and slimmer without any damage to convenience. The platform will look stylish with any clothes. The combination of such lofers with pants-cells or long narrow skirts made of thin knitwear is especially relevant.
  • Loofers on the heel are rare, but in such shoes, lovers of heels will be able to feel comfortable. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that such loafers belong to the retro style, so it is better to wear them with the clothes of modern cut.

  • Loofers with braids in the BOHO style will also be in trend. Elements of ethnic style are popular this summer. They always help to bring the highlight to the image and it is interesting to complete it. If you are dressed in the casual style, such loafers will be a good option for you.
  • Loofers with bows are an option that refers to retro style. So that such lofors do not look old-fashioned, combine them with jeans-beifrendas, skinny models and voluminous tops.

Lofer material

Lofer material also matters in the new season. It is on what your loafers are made of that their convenience and their appearance will depend. There are a lot of materials for lofors now. Consider the most relevant trends:

  • Matte skin always remains the most popular option. High -quality lofors are made of soft genuine leather, which during the wearing easily repeats the shape of the leg. Loofers made of matte leather can be considered the most practical and universal option.
  • Lacquer loafers are now in fashion. Their glossy shine will allow you to give even the simplest set of clothes a highlight and make it more elegant. Lacquer loafers can be excellent for the evening image.

  • Crocodile leather loafers are a stylish and exquisite option. They will look good with clothing in the style of casual if you value elegance. Also, similar loafers can be approached on the evening or become an organic completion of your business suit.
  • The suede lofors look interesting, however, unlike leather ones, they will require special care. It is desirable to wear such lofors exclusively in good weather so as not to stain them and do not wet in the rain. If the leaving rules do not scare you, you can combine such loafers with almost any clothes in the casual style.
  • Nubuk lofors are a fairly economical option. In addition, such lofors are very soft, comfortable, pleasant to the touch and unusual outwardly. They often look good even with light feminine dresses and skirts. Their only minus lies in the fact that, like suede models, nubok lofors require especially careful care.
  • Velvet lofors can be an excellent option for the evening. With dresses, they will look very unusual, and in the new season it is fashionable to combine the most unexpected styles among themselves. If you prefer an elegant style in clothes, velvet lofors without extra jewelry can be worn even during the day.

The color of the lofors

In the summer, many prefer to dress brighter. If you feel uncomfortable in excessively causing outfits, you can always add variety to your image with bright accents. Shoes can become one of these accents. Saturated tones of Loferov this summer will be in fashion. Nevertheless, try to abandon pure colors, replacing them with more complex composite shades.

  • Beige lofors will be very relevant. They are excellently combined with almost any clothing, visually make the legs longer and not so badly dirty as white loafers. Try to choose beige shades as close as possible to the tone of your skin.

  • White color has always been characteristic of the summer period. Such loafers look very stylish and will allow you to complete your daily image. At the same time, if you choose white loafers, be prepared for difficulties in caring for them.
  • Cheerful yellow shades will help create a joyful summer mood and bring a little bright colors even to a laconic simple image. Particularly popular this summer will be mustard color.
  • Brown loafers, lofors of khaki and olive color look very exquisite, but, at the same time, do not stand out at all. Such shoes can be safely combined with the brightest clothes.
  • Red loafers are suitable for a day and evening, depending on what to put on them with. Instead of a bright scarlet color, it is advisable to choose muffled options - for example, burgundy or coral. Such loafers are very self -sufficient and practically do not require any more accents in the image.
  • Black loafers are universal. You can wear them under any clothes. The exception can be only light and bright summer clothing, with which such loafers can look a little rude. However, several dark accessories, for example, a bag, scarf or belt, will help to solve this problem. The advantage of black lofors also is that you can wear them in the spring and in summer, and in the fall in warm weather.
  • Blue lofors are almost as universal as black. A similar color of shoes will organically emphasize bright colors in clothes and will help shade pastel colors. Often, blue loafers are chosen for an informal style - for example, they will look great during vacation.

  • Now the color is the color of metallic. Gold and silver lofors are suitable for an elegant casual style and for an evening outfit. Such loafers fit perfectly into the laconic style of minimalism. The advantage of the color of the metallum is that it undoubtedly attracts attention, but does not look bright in the generally accepted sense.

What to wear women's lofors with

Lofers are a unisex model. And, although initially the lofors of the classic shape resembled light men's boots, modern models on the platform or with a sharp nose will emphasize femininity. However, now the combination of a variety of styles in one bow is in fashion, so often even simple classic lofors can be worn with a feminine dress.

Lofers are so universal that they are suitable for almost any clothes. However, some combinations can be called especially relevant in the new season. Consider the most successful images that can be created with lofers in the framework of different styles.

Casual women's lofors - what to wear with

Most often, comfortable and fashionable loafers are worn precisely in the framework of the casual style. Without exaggeration, the loafers are suitable for our entire everyday clothes.

  • Very often, loafers are combined with jeans.  The most interesting are shortened models. Skinny and jeans-beifrens are especially popular now. If you have long, you can slightly tie them - this will emphasize the ankle. Bluses or shirts are usually selected as tops for jeans and lofers - they will help make the image more feminine. T -shirts with jeans and lofers will look more youth.
  • If you want to add a little elegance to the image, take a small clutch. If you value practicality, backpacks and volumetric bags will look very organic with lofers.

  • Often it is precisely in the framework of the everyday style that fairly bright loafers are chosen. If you are used to wearing simple and laconic clothes in restrained colors, bright shoes will help you radically change the image, but without making it too extravagant.
  • Fire cardigans, leather jackets and oversized jackets are perfect under the image with lofors. They will help make a daily image with lofers even more androgyn. To emphasize femininity in such a bow, it is enough to dissolve long hair or put on jewelry.
  • Loofers go well with any summer trousers: jeans, chinos, knitted skinny or light culottes. With all these models, the loafers will look equally stylish.

Women's lofors in a romantic style - what to wear with

Loofers this summer can be worn not only with trousers and jeans. Most models will look stylish even in the framework of a romantic style. Moreover, the loafers will allow a retro-image to become more modern. In addition, under simple shoes you can afford more elegant dresses and not look too defiant in them.

  • Lofers with skirts and dresses themselves look quite unusual. Therefore, it is worth choosing a predominantly restrained color scheme-white, black or dark blue. Such loafers will be universal and suitable for almost any dress.
  • Lofers look very stylish with Midi and Maxi fashionable skirts now. They emphasize simplicity and elegance, and also allow you to pay attention to slender legs. However, with mini-skirts, the loafers also look quite interesting: closed shoes in this case even more emphasize bare legs.

  • If you are close to minimalism, you can combine only black and white in your image with lofers. Such a classic combination goes to absolutely everyone and is suitable for any occasion. In addition, a black and white set of clothing will help you emphasize the figure and hide its possible drawbacks-the black skirt will make you slimmer, and the white blouse will visually expand your chest. If you have high growth, you can choose black loafers, and if you want to visually make your legs longer, white loafers are suitable.
  • Within the framework of the classic style, loafers with bows will look very appropriate. This small detail will allow you to bring playful and direct notes into your image. Loofers with bows are suitable for bright free cut dresses - it is precisely such modern styles that will allow lofers that refers to the retro style, to look relevant.
  • Also, in the framework of a romantic style, you can choose lofors with a small heel. Even one centimeter of the heel will allow you to raise the heel and make the leg visually slimmer, and the gait will become more feminine. In addition, such a model of lofers looks quite modern, so there are practically no restrictions on the selection of clothing-even silhouettes that refer to the 30s, with flared midi and emphasized shoulders will look relevant with such lofers.

Women's lofors under a business suit - how to wear

Comfortable loafers will be able to replace shoes even for office work. If you do not have a strict dress code, classic lofors in dark colors will look stylish and appropriate with trousers, blouses and jackets. With lofers, your image will never be boring even within the framework of an official business style. What styles of clothing in a business style are best suited? Consider the most fashionable and interesting options.

  • Loafers will look especially good with narrowed trousers or pants. Shortened models will also be a plus. If you choose dense and not too tight -fitting trousers from dark fabrics, such models will be able to fit into the business style.
  • With straight shortened trousers, the loafers will also look very good. It is worth avoiding long wide trousers - in combination with lofers, they can resemble pajamas.
  • As part of the official business style, you can choose a massive long jacket. Together with lofers and narrow trousers, it will help to create a very harmonious silhouette. In addition, such jackets go to almost everyone and perfectly help to hide the flaws of the figure.

  • Of course, the loafers make the business image a little formal. If you need to avoid this, you can choose the lofors in the heel. It can be a very small symbolic heel or heel up to five centimeters. Of course, in high -heeled lofers it can be less comfortable, but if you choose a comfortable block, with a thick heel you will not get tired. Moreover, office work does not imply constant walking.
  • If you have a fairly informal style at your work, you can choose colored dark loafers-for example, dark blue, dark green or burgundy. Such shoes can bring the highlight to any image.

Women's lofors for the evening - how to wear

In some cases, lofors can even become part of your evening outfit.  The modern variety of models of these shoes allows you to choose the right option for any outfit. As part of the evening image, the loafer will look stylish and very unusual.

  • In the evening, lofors made of varnished leather are often perfect - they add an additional shine and radiance along. Lacquer loafers will look good with a dress, even if it is a simple classic model.
  • Do not forget about the lofors in the heel. Unlike classic boats, such loafers will be convenient due to soft skin, wide heel and nose, repeating the shape of the leg. Such lofors in the heel will become a practical replacement for any uncomfortable shoes. In addition, high -heeled lofors are sent to the now popular retro style and look excellent with modern styles of dresses.

  • For an elegant image, lofors with a variety of decorative jewelry - bows, beads, rhinestones or ribbons are suitable. Such details will be especially appropriate in the laconic evening bow.
  • If you are looking for suitable loafers for the evening, you should look at the color models of metallic. Gold and silver brilliant loafers this season in fashion, and it will be especially appropriate to look with outfits for the evening. If you have a sufficiently restrained dress, you can even combine gold and silver accessories in one image.
  • Loofers with a sharp nose will look great with summer evening dresses. Often, such lofors look almost the same as classic female shoes, but soft skin and the absence of heels make them very comfortable.

What to wear men's lofors with

Male lofors appeared earlier than female. They are also very versatile - men of all ages and lovers of various styles wear loafers. Male lofors look great with shortened trousers, simple linen costumes and even shorts. Often, the same model of lofers can be put on under a business jacket and a T -shirt - in both cases, these shoes will look appropriate.

This simple, stylish and very comfortable shoes in men's wardrobe are almost irreplaceable for the summer. Consider the most relevant combinations of clothing with men's lofers.

  • Lofers fit perfectly into the youth everyday style. If you prefer bright clothes, dark loafers will allow you to harmoniously complete the image. If in clothes you adhere to restrained colors and styles, but you want to look bright this summer, now you can find men's lofors in a fashionable burgundy, blue or yellow color scheme. Under them, jeans, shortened pants are chinos, shirts, vests and men's cardigans.

  • Lofers can look excellent with the suit. You can choose shoes with a released color - for example, black loafers with a white suit or red - with a black suit. This combination will become the highlight of your business onion. If you need to look more formally, select the lofors to the color of your costume. The image can be diversified using a massive watch, a bright tie or colored socks.

  • Loofers can become excellent shoes for your vacation. They are suitable for any summer trousers, and often look interesting even with long shorts. In addition, vacation is time to experiment on the image. At the resort, you can afford more bright colors: the combination of loafers and trousers of contrasting flowers in the new season will look very stylish and relevant.



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