
Pink clay for face

Pink clay for face
The use of pink clay for face skin care.

In nature there are several types of clay, which can be successfully used for cosmetic purposes. Clay is surprisingly rich in a variety of nutrients, salts and trace elements. In its composition, the clay is great for recovery, since its useful components are well tolerated by the human body. As a result, various types of clay are traditionally used to care for face and body. Currently, a cosmetic pink clay is widely used - it is suitable for the recovery and nutrition of the epidermis of various types.

Composition of pink clay

In its pure form in natural conditions, the pink clay does not occur - it is obtained by mixing in certain proportions of two natural components - red and white clay. Due to the specially selected composition, the pink clay has various beneficial properties inherited:

  • from red clay - it is successfully used for dry, as well as sensitive and prone to allergic skin reactions. This red shade, this type of clay is obliged to prevent the oxide of iron and copper. Masks with her soothing irritated and dehydrated skin, relieve inflammation, itching and get rid of peeling. The red cosmetic clay is also used to care for the loss of tone, dim and fading skin, since this agent effectively moisturizes, it gives elasticity and elasticity to the skin cover, eliminates them from pigment stains, removes infiltrates. Red clay in cosmetics improves blood microcirculation and satures with oxygen tissues, increases the elasticity of vessels and capillaries;
  • from white clay, or Kaolina - effectively affects various types of skin, (especially on inclined to increased fatty), normalizes the exchange processes of tissues, eliminating swelling, giving the skin elasticity and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. Kaolin cleans the skin, tightens the extended pores, whitens the skin and slightly dry it. With the help of kaolin, you can pull the "floating" oval and give the face of a healthy fresh look. White clay in its structure is the smallest exfoliant, indispensable to care for oily skin with acne. Unlike various other abrasives, it can be used, including when inflammatory lesions of the skin. Kaolin copes perfectly with viruses, bacteria, fungal and other harmful microorganisms, contributing to the normal life of healthy skin cells. This product is chemically inert, i.e. It has an enveloping effect, not sucking in this blood.


This combination allows you to get a product that has entered the healing properties of both components. In its composition, pink clay for the face is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, aluminum, iron oxide, as well as silicon. These substances have anti-inflammatory properties (pink clay for a person eliminates acne and skin rash), stabilize the acid-alkaline balance of the skin, normalize the processes of skin regeneration and vessel activity, stimulate the production of collagen by the body.

Useful properties of pink clay for face

This type of clay has a delicate consistency. If you are interested, the pink clay for the face is particularly useful, the answer lies in its unique composition. Specialists-cosmetologists argue that this type of clay is characterized by special delicacy and is suitable for particularly sensitive skin.

The benefits of pink clay for the face is as follows:

  • this agent is characterized by soft leaving for the epidermis - pink clay for the face acts as a delicate peeling, stimulating tissue cells to update and further regeneration. At the same time, it acts as a natural absorbent, absorbing, "gluiting" and deriving the products of leather life, burned cells, excess skin saline, dirt and toxins;
  • cosmetics with pink clay for face can mitigate and normalize the state of irritated skin, eliminate the acne rash, heal damage and dry inflammation;
  • due to the use of pink clay for face, extended pores are effectively cleaned and narrowed, tissue cells are updated. Thus, applying this tool, you can get rid of black points and align the tone of the skin;
  • with a pink clay masks for a face, it is easy to get rid of small wrinkles, tighten the contours and rejuvenate the face. At the same time, the skin softens and smoothed, acquires a rested and fresh look;
  • thanks to the cleaning and nutritional properties of a pink clay for a person, as a result of its application, you can give the skin of mattness, make it elastic and velvety.

Application of pink clay for face

This product is very convenient to use, make various masks made of pink clay for the face at home easy. Pink clay for a person copes with various problems of epidermis, especially effectively affecting the tired dim skin, as well as on the young with the presence of rashes. According to the reviews presented on the Internet, the mask of pink clay for the face is very effective for normalizing the condition of the skin. As a result of the course of the course, such procedures can be eliminated from existing problems (inflammation and acne, pigment spots, infiltrates), as well as align the tone and improve the complexion, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.


How to apply face masks with pink clay

In order for clay in the composition of cosmetics to retain all its beneficial properties of a natural product, you must learn to apply it. Pink clay for a face is a yellowish pink-colored powder, which is necessary for cosmetic purposes to breed cool water, stirring to the complete dissolution of the lumps.

For effectively effect on the skin, a sour cream-like mixture consistency is required. In the case of a stuffing mask from a person, you need to add a few more pink clay powder to make up for thickening. If the mask is too thick, it will be very quick to stick on the skin, tightening it and hanging ahead of time.

It should be borne in mind that for the preparation of an impact composition, it is not recommended to use metal dishes and mixing tools, since mineral substances and pink clay salts can enter with metal into a chemical reaction, while the useful properties of the mask will decrease. It is better to take advantage of the glass with an enameled or ceramic kitchenware, a plastic or wooden blade.

An affecting mixture with pink clay must be applied to the skin of the face not too thin layer. The clay traditionally absorbs moisture and is characterized by a drying effect, so when applying such an affecting composition, the areas of delicate skin around the lips and eyes should be avoided.


The clay is a rather heavy material, which can, hidden when frozen in a vertical position, fix the skin of the face in a said state. After the distribution of a pink clay mask for its effective effects, it is recommended to take a horizontal position, cover the face with a wet fabric napkin and relax.

For oily skin, the impact time mask with a pink clay for a face is about 15-20 minutes, for normal and combined skin - no more than 15 minutes. In the case of dry, dehydrated, as well as sensitive skin, reduce the impact time of the composition with clay to 5-10 minutes. By that time, the mask can dry, so first it will be necessary to moisten the face with warm water. After softening the impact composition, it is necessary to carefully and carefully remove it with a wet napkin or wash it, after which it is thoroughly rinse the face with flowing warm, and then cool water. After washing, we should apply a moisturizing cream on the skin.

Masks with pink clay for the face can be used one or twice a week, for sensitive, as well as dry skin, it is recommended to use this product no more than once a week.

Folk Mask Recipes with Pink Clay

Clean from inflammation and pollution, to improve the skin and give it a fresh and shining view using cosmetics based on pink clay, including a variety of face masks. Depending on the existing components, they can be used for the epidermis of various types.


According to existing reviews, the pink clay for the face effectively affects the state of sensitive skin. At the same time, it is recommended to dilute clay not with water, and the shepherd of herbs, oil emulsions, milk or kefir, as well as for more efficient impact, enrich the composition with several drops of suitable vegetable and essential oils, yolk eggs or honey.
To improve the condition prone to high oily skin, you can use the following recipes:

  • 1 tsp Calendula flowers pour 150 ml boiling water, wait for the cooling of the fluid, and then strain. 2 tbsp. Pink clay Dilute Calendula and add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil, as well as 1-2 drops of tea tree;
  • 1.5 tbsp. clays milking mineral water to consistency sour cream, mix from 1 tbsp. rubbed through the sieve of black and red currant berries;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Pink clay dilute with water mixed with nettle and parsley juice. Apply on the skin and leave for exposure to drying on the skin, after which it was washed with warm water. This composition is suitable for fatty and problematic skin of the face.

With the help of these masks, you can improve the skin condition - normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, get rid of inflammation and irritation of the skin, as well as acne.

For cleansing and tone of normal skin, as well as the combined, the following compositions will fit:

  • grate a small cucumber on the grater, mix it with ½ tsp. Olive oil, add 1 tbsp. Pink clay and dilute the resulting mixture with kefir. This composition refresses and improves skin tone;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Pink clay dilute with water, add 1 tsp. Honey and 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang oil.


For sensitive epidermis, as well as leather dry skin, you can apply the following recipes:

  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of pink clay breed milk, add 1/3 tsp. Almond oil, 2-3 drops of lavender oil and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied to the purified skin of the face and leave for exposure for 10-15 minutes;
  • 1 tbsp. Pink clay breed with milk, add ½ tsp. olive oil, as well as egg yolk;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Pink clay dilute decoction chamomile, add ½ C.L. Jojoba oils and 2-3 drops of carrots seed essential oil - this mask effectively softens the skin and relive it from dryness and irritation;
  • for the lost tone, dim and fading skin will fit the mixture of 1 tbsp. Pink clay diluted with milk, with ½ tsp. The oils of grape seeds, as well as 1-2 drops of lavender oil, ylang-yulang, as well as patchouli.

Pink Clay For Face - Video


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