
Acne treatment

Acne treatment
Skin acne. How to treat

Often, skin problems in the form of acne or acne are considered characteristic age diseases during puberty, and such a acne is treated with adolescents. However, today and adults cannot get rid of this unpleasant epidermis disease.

The skin disease acne suffer more than half of the young population from 13 to 25 years (85%), adult men (25%) and women (50%) to 50 years. In order to find out how the acne and youth is most effectively conducting the most effectively, you need to learn about the causes of the disease and determine the stage of the disease.

History and the concept of acne

The Greek legend says that for the first time the disease acne was struck by a resident of the Island of Cyprus on his face, which was asked for help from Justinian I doctor who later described this problem and gave her name in honor of this patient.

An acne skin is an acne or inflamed rash on face, chest, back and shoulder area. The formation of acne rashes due to clogging and pollution of the sebaceous glands. There are several types of acne and many reasons for the occurrence of this disease, as well as methods of its treatment.

Types of acne


Most often, such a rash is found in adolescents, but it can continue for a long time or arise in adult men, and women. There are several types of acne:

  • angry rash or black dots;
  • white comedones or acne with closed pores;
  • inflamed formation of red with white or yellow purulent eel.

Causes acne

There are basic and side reasons for the development of acne, which in the aggregate lead to a constant emergence of the rash:

  • changes in hormonal background - in adolescence or girls during PMS or pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • stress;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene or the habit of touching the skin with dirty hands;
  • irregular diet;
  • ecology;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • fungal diseases;
  • increased sweating, especially in a hot period;
  • frequent use of cosmetics;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • colds and energies;
  • skin damage and their non-sterile treatment;
  • bad habits;
  • allergic reactions.

Symptoms and stages of acne disease


Acne treatment can be carried out independently in the early stages of the disease, when angry rash appears in the open pores. If the elementary hygienic procedures do not help, and the disease does not pass, then it is necessary to appeal to a dermatologist.

The treatment of scars after acne is a more complex process. Scars and depressions of the skin are formed after the occurrence of severe acne stage in the form of purulent formations that appear constantly and do not pass within three days.

Acne treatment at home

Preventive methods

There are several basic rules applied when scolding acne:


  • two-time facial washing and compliance with hygiene rules;
  • proper nutrition - Fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, bran bread, oatmeal;
  • reduction of sugar and chocolate, oily and acute food, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • consumption of vitamin complexes;
  • it is strictly forbidden to open the ease of acne and acne acne in order to avoid the spread of infection.

There are also simple methods of homework acne, reviews about which confirm their effectiveness.



A glass of bran is crushed in a meat grinder or a blender, to which 2 tsp.l. Food soda. Diluting a mixture with water before forming a viscous consistency, apply for an affected area for 10 minutes. After thoroughly wash the mask with water.


3 h. L. Honey dissolve in a glass of hot water and add 2 h. Dizes Calendula, which can be bought at the pharmacy (calendula flowers from acne in the photo). On the cleansed skin, put your woven disc moistened in the solution for 10 minutes. The procedure can be used in the morning and in the evening.



1 tbsp. l. Calendula dry and chamomile in equal parts is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. Caps and dry plantain (daisy pharmacy as a means of treating acne in the photo). The entire mixture is insisted in half-liter boiling water before cooling. Such a means you can rinse the face 2 times to dock after washing.


The same mixture of plants can be insisted on vodka for 10 days to obtain an alcohol solution. This tool is not applied for washing, but locally for damaged skin sections once a day with cotton discs on a clean surface.


2 tbsp. l. Hypericum and chamomile in equal parts pour the liter of hot water and cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, pour into the mold for ice and wipe the face in the morning. Rubbing this kinda make it possible to narrow the pores and remove inflammation and redness of the skin.

Degtyar soap


The soap with a degretary resin dry sunsites the skin, exfoliates oroging particles, contains natural components. Soap is also an excellent antibacterial agent and is used in the fight against fungal diseases. Such a folk remedy as a soap with birch tar is recommended dermatologists to combat skin rashes, including acne.

Pharmacological and cosmetics from acne

To date, there is a sufficient amount of food from acne and acne. However, not any independent acne treatment drugs leads to the desired result. It is worth considering that if the disease is progressing, then a survey should be passed and contact the dermatologist to appoint really high-quality treatment.

The cause of the acne may be a disease directly unrelated with epidermiological problems. Also, it will not be superfluous to analyze blood on biochemical indicators. An experienced dermatologist will be able to determine the reason for which it is necessary to fight and prescribe the right treatment.

Cosmetic creams from acne


Exterior means are used at the light of the initial stages of the disease. Basically such funds contain:

  • peroxide benzoyl helps in combating skin bacteria;
  • azelainic acids help against inflammation;
  • sulfur, resorcin and salicylic acids help to purify contaminated pores.

Apply such cosmetics follows after the morning and evening skin cleansing. The results of the use of cosmetic gels, creams and lotions from acne before and after do not provide complete effective cure. For this reason, use of internal use drugs issued by your attending physician should be used.

Acne treatment with antibiotics

antibiotics counter-acne

The attending dermatologist can write you preparations for the destruction of bacteria in the body and blood that will help reduce inflamed areas of the skin. It should be careful with the use of such drugs inside and not apply them on their own without the control of the doctor.

It is also not recommended to use antibiotics with tetracycline and isotretinine to girls in front of and during pregnancy. Antibiotics can also be used in the form of injections in the area affected by the disease. Such means prevent the formation of scars after acne.

Elos Acne Treatment


The skin is exposed to radio frequency waves and white light of a wide spectrum. The course of such treatment lasts from week to 10 days with five-day intervals. The procedure involves cleansing the skin, applying the gel, processing the epos apparatus of problem areas.

Skin layers are cleaned, bacteria are destroyed, and the level of the skin fatty glands is normalized after the use of such therapy. This technique is relatively new and fairly effective. After elo-therapy, the acne decreases markedly and passes, subject to hygiene and nutrition rules.

Treatment of acne laser


Red radiation has a therapeutic and bactericidal effect on affected skin and is also an effective means in the fight even with heavy acne forms. Procedures are carried out from 5 to 10 times a month, lasting half an hour per session. After the course of infrared therapy, the acne passes almost without a trace without the use of antibiotic treatment.

There are also a number of contraindications for laser treatment:

  • chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • cancer;
  • epilepsy;
  • taking antibiotics.

How to warn the occurrence of acne and his heavy stages?


In order not to treat the disease, it should be prevented by ordinary rules:

  1. Cosmetics. Use minimum cosmetics, use light water-based face cream. Any makeup must be carefully removed before bedtime.
  2. Hygiene. Face washing is recommended twice a day with soft means. Deep cleaning skin scrubs apply no more than once a week.
  3. Nutrition. Sweet replace dried fruits, roasted and oily meat on baked or boiled, canned food on fresh vegetables.
  4. Liquids. Support the water balance of the body and use no less than 2 liters of peeled non-carbonated water per day or green tea, and coffee, strong black tea and sweet carbonated drinks better exclude.
  5. Vitamins. With a weakened immune system, use vitamin complexes.
  6. Self removal. In no case do not remove acne and acne mechanically in order to avoid the spread of the disease and infection in the blood.
  7. Bad habits. The use of alcohol and smoking also contribute to the development of acne and worsen the health and condition of the skin as a whole.
  8. Hormone levels. Consulted with a specialist to determine the hormonal background and drugs for its correction.
  9. Diseases of the gastrointestinal disease. Complete the consultation of the gastroenterologist and when identifying diseases (ulcer, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, etc.), pass treatment.
  10. Diseases of ENT organs. If you suffer from frequent colds or chronic diseases of these organs, they should be treated to eliminate the cause of acne.
  11. Antibiotics. These funds are applied to the prescription of the doctor and do not apply independently.
  12. Healthy lifestyle. Sports, charging and walks in fresh air will prevent acne.
  13. The sun. Ultraviolet helps in the fight against the skin rashes of the type of acne, so the tan is recommended.
  14. Cosmetic procedures. Peeling and massage of the face will help in the fight against the effects of acne - scans.
  15. Good mood. The struggle with stress will reduce the appearance of acne.
  16. Medical cosmetics. Use therapeutic external means with natural components twice a day on cleaned skin.
  17. Dryness and humidity. Wash or wipe your face in hot weather, as well as avoid wet and stuffed premises.
  18. Fresh air. Constantly ventilate the room in which you are.
  19. Towels. Use only a personal towel for your face and do not use it for other parts of the body, washing and replacing the towels and bed linen do not less than once a week at temperatures above 40 degrees.
  20. Allergy. Avoid food, beverages and plants that cause allergic reactions, the consequences of which may become inflammation on the skin.
  21. Treatment. In more serious stages of the disease, do not engage in self-medication. Also should not seek help from a beautician. An experienced specialist will not deal with the patient and even more so, to carry out the procedures for cleaning, which has signs of acne. Contact your dermatologist, which will send you to tests, will appoint a survey of other specialists if necessary, will determine the causes of the disease and in a timely manner will prescribe the most effective treatments.

Tips for treating acne. Video

The famous doctor and TV presenter Elena Malyshev in his program "Live Great" also illuminates in detail the problem of acne's disease and offers effective methods of its treatment:


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Hope 29.05.2017 To answer

Very interesting article! Thanks for the information. I have long struggle with acne, I tried a bunch of funds and shifted the sea of \u200b\u200binformation. Still, it was possible to choose the active funds, now the skin looks much better. Also a lot of useful here found\u003dmay.

Olga 26.06.2017 To answer

Acne began to appear on the chin, although it was completely uncharacteristic for me. I passed the analysis, and it turned out that this is a subcutaneous tick. He appealed to the JD Plasma studio at Krasnoselskaya. There I have passed a course of treatment with cold plasma. Now I am no longer suffering from itching and my skin is in good condition
