
Chamomile for the face and body - benefit, harm, effect. How to wipe your face with chamomile. Masks and faces for the face with chamomile at home. The use of decoction, tincture, chamomile extract for facial skin

Chamomile for the face and body - benefit, harm, effect. How to wipe your face with chamomile. Masks and faces for the face with chamomile at home. The use of decoction, tincture, chamomile extract for facial skin
In order for the skin to shine with youth and health, you need to regularly take care of it. One of the most effective, affordable and simple herbal cosmetics is a field chamomile.

A modest field chamomile is actually a universal effective cosmetic product. The benefits of a pharmacy chamomile for the skin of the face and body are undeniable and has passed test for more than ten years. A simple and affordable drug perfectly moisturizes, disinfects, restores and rejuvenates the skin.

How to brew or insist chamomile? Which recipe to choose for a particular type of skin? How does chamomile help to get rid of acne on the face? There are detailed answers and recommendations on these and other questions.

Useful properties of chamomile

Chamomile Pharmacy has long been famous for its healing medicinal properties. Decoctions, infusions, lotions are widely used in both official and folk medicine and cosmetology.

Such incredible popularity of incredible, at first glance, field flowers is due to the presence of a number of valuable properties. Consider the positive aspects of the action of this medicinal herb on the skin of the face and body:

  • It has a disinfectant, antiseptic and regenerative effect on skin cells.
  • Narrows pores, cleanses the upper layer of the skin.
  • Normalizes the release of sebum, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Relieves inflammation and irritation on the skin, has a bactericidal effect.
  • Promotes rapid healing of micro injuries and wounds, soothes the skin.
  • The complexion whits complexion, minimizes the pigmentation of the skin.
  • It stimulates blood circulation in tissues, improves metabolic processes.
  • Reduces swelling, circles under the eyes.
  • Omolates and tones the skin.
  • Protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

These properties of a pharmacy chamomile make it one of the most popular and irreplaceable in the field of cosmetology. At the same time, it is absolutely hypoallergenic and is suitable for daily skin care. A medicinal plant, chamomile, perfectly copes with irritation, swelling, eels, abscesses and many other skin problems.

Useful ingredients in chamomile

The beneficial properties of chamomile cannot be overestimated. Thanks to the substances that are part of the medicinal plant, and such a healing effect on the skin is achieved.

Field chamomile contains:

  • Flawonids (protect from ultraviolet radiation).
  • Organic acids (align the complexion, moisturize the skin).
  • Polysaccharides (have an enveloping effect).
  • Carotine (makes the skin smooth, silky).
  • Choline (accelerates recovery and metabolic processes).
  • Kumarin (natural anticoagulant).
  • Hamazulen (active natural anti -inflammatory substance).
  • Sithosterin (provides oxygen access to skin cells).
  • Caprillic acid (relaxes muscles, has an antifungal effect).
  • Sesquiterpenary hydrocarbons and alcohols (form a protective film).

How to harvest chamomile

Field chamomile is often found in our latitudes. It grows in meadows, fields, near roads and houses. To maximize its healing properties, it is important to properly harvest this medicinal grass.

  • On an industrial scale, not only chamomile inflorescences are used, but also its stem with leaves. For home use, as a rule, only chamomile flowers are harvested.
  • It is better to collect a field chamomile in the morning, in environmentally friendly areas. You can not tear flowers near roads, enterprises, in places of industrial waste, etc. The plant absorbs all harmful substances located in water, soil or air, which can adversely affect the process of cosmetic procedures based on chamomile.
  • Dry the collected inflorescences in a dry, ventilated and shaded place.
  • If it was not possible to independently prepare a medicinal chamomile, it can always be purchased at the pharmacy.

Field chamomile for facial skin

Field chamomile as the basis of a cosmetic product is perfect for any type of face skin. It is even used when caring for the skin of babies, not to mention the aging, fading skin.

Modern cosmetology widely uses chamomile extract and oil consisting of many cosmetics: creams, toothpastes, shampoos, scrubs, lotions, etc.

Chamomile -based preparations act softly and delicately. Chamomile, as already mentioned earlier, is considered not an allergenic agent. But, in order to avoid individual intolerance, before starting the use of this medicinal grass, it is better to conduct an allergy test. To do this, moisten with a decoction (or put a compress) of chamomile the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist and in the absence of a reaction (itching, redness, irritation) in an hour - you can safely use chamomile for the face.

At home, on the basis of field chamomile, a huge variety of means is prepared: decoctions, infusions, masks, lotions, ice, compresses, etc. The recipe also varies depending on the needs, skin type and the availability of problem areas.

Face chamomile

A decoction of chamomile is a real storehouse of useful substances, each of which performs a certain function, helping the skin cells recover and rejuvenate. The decoction of chamomile with irritated and inflamed skin, eels and swelling copes perfectly. A properly prepared broth will contribute to the moisturizing of dry skin and, conversely, the healing of oily type of face. With a flabby, aging skin, a decoction of chamomile will help to smooth out small wrinkles, whiten age spots, align the tone of the face.

How to prepare a decoction of chamomile for the skin?

There are two main ways to prepare a decoction:

  • In the first case, 1 tbsp is taken. Chamomile, poured with a glass of water and is placed for 15-20 minutes in a boiling water bath. After that, the solution is infused and cooling. Before use, it is filtered and added to the initial volume (since part of it evaporated when boiling).
  • In the second method, 1 tbsp. We also pour chamomiles with a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for no more than 5 minutes. You can not cook, but simply pour the grass with boiling water and wrapped for insisting. Then the process is repeated: the decoction is infused, filtered, added to water to the initial level.
  • If a pharmacy chamomile is used in bags, it is enough just to brew it without filtering it.

Face decoctions recipes

  • With acne or acne inflammation, a decoction of chamomile with a calendula is prepared (1: 1). The problematic areas of the skin of the face are washed or wiped with a cooled decoction.
  • A decoction of chamomile, thyme and St. John's wort helps the rapid healing of wounds, scratches and other skin damage. At the same time, lotions or compresses based on the prepared decoction of herbs “work” more effective. Subject to good fixation, they can be kept all night. That is, wetting cotton wool or a cotton pad, you need to attach it to the desired place and fix it with a bandage or adhesive plaster.
  • To remove edema, “bags” under the eyes, lotions from a decoction of chamomile have perfectly established themselves under the eyes. Cotton wheels moistened in a chilled decoction remove not only fatigue, but also undesirable redness and inflammation. You can applied to the eyes and brewed finished bags with chamomile. The main thing is not to forget to remove the makeup before the procedure.


The use of decoctions from chamomile for face

Healing or treating the skin with ready -made decoctions can be healing in different ways:

  • Daily washing with a cooled decoction of chamomile will tone the skin of the face as much as possible, improve its color and structure. At the same time, a pleasant sensation and charge of vigor will only enhance the overall positive effect.
  • You can wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile instead of a tonic, activating metabolic and regenerating processes in skin cells.
  • The decoction can be frozen in special ice molds. Wiping the skin of the face with such ice cubes, the effect occurs very quickly. The ice from the face of the face makes the skin of elastic, clean, elastic, helps to get rid of small facial wrinkles, accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation. It is recommended to wipe the cleansed skin with cubes of frozen chamomile in the morning and evening.

  • Compresses perfectly relieve fatigue and skin tension, eliminate undesirable acne, acne and pigment spots. The result will become obvious after the regular procedure regularly. Compresses must be applied to problem areas at least 2 times a week.
  • Another option for applying a decoction of chamomile is to steam the face over hot steam. It is ideal to carry out such a procedure before mechanical cleaning of the face so that the pores can open as much as possible.

Face infusion

The use of infusion from field chamomile is shown to people with problematic skin: acne, comedones.   Also, infusions are perfectly restored, moisturized and nourish the skin. Adding a variety of ingredients (medicinal herbs, essential oils, etc.) allows the infusions from chamomile to cope with any problem more effectively.


How to prepare the infusion of chamomile?

  • For the preparation of alcohol infusion, take 1 cup of vodka (alcohol) and pour it about 4 tbsp. Dry flowers of chamomile. The container is covered with a lid and left for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. The mixture must be shaken every day. After insisting, the alcohol lotion is filtered and used as a wiping of the face. It is better to store the lotion in the refrigerator. If an infusion is prepared on alcohol, it is better to dilute it with half -cold boiled water. Such an infusion normalizes the work of the skin glands, narrows pores and dries inflammatory acne.
  • The preparation of chamomile infusion without alcohol -containing substances is also practiced. To do this, the dry chamomile flowers are simply poured with boiling water and, without subsequent heat treatment, insist. The proportions are followed by the following: 1-2 tbsp. l. Chamomiles for 1 cup boiling water. Such an infusion in the refrigerator is stored for no more than 2 days.


Facial troops recipes

  • By preparing an infusion of chamomile, you can pour medicinal grass not only with vodka or water. Effective moisturizing and cleaning agents is obtained if pour chamomile with hot milk. Having clogged the container, let her brew for several hours. Store the filtered solution in the refrigerator and use to wipe the face. Especially shown the use of dairy infusion in the summer, when the risks of overdrying, weathing and depletion of the skin of the face are high. This recipe is most suitable for dry type of skin.
  • Owners of oily skin are best to make sour -milk infusion. To do this, do the same procedure as described above, but insist the mixture longer, 1-2 days. During this period, milk is sour and the sour -milk mixture is obtained. The infusion dries well, nourishes and cleanses oily skin.
  • If you pour chamomile inflorescences with heated vegetable oil, you get an oil infusion. Insist such a mixture for about 2 weeks, then filtered and used to wipe the face. Chamomile oil is recommended for dry and combined type of face skin, providing nutrition and careful skin care in the winter. Such oil is used as an independent tool and as part of cosmetic masks or creams.

  • You can combine medicinal chamomile with other healing herbs, depending on the needs and the task. So, chamomile with celandine, flooded with boiling water and infused during the night, is an effective remedy against acne. Moreover, for a stable result, wipe the face or acne with such a infusion as often as possible (at least 5-6 times a day).
  • In the fight against pigmentation (freckles) of the skin, water infusion with the addition of lemon juice (1 tbsp) and kefir (0.5 tbsp.) Is especially effective. The mixture is applied to the skin with a moistened cotton swab, left on the face for about 20 minutes and then washed off with water.


The use of infusions from chamomile for face

  • Infusions on water are used for daily washing or making lotions for inflamed areas of the skin (acne). The product is suitable for any type of face skin. In this case, it is possible to achieve clarification of the skin, reduce pigmentation and general recovery of the skin of the face. Before using lotions, it is better to steam the skin, which will contribute to its better cleansing and the best therapeutic effect. The lotion can be applied locally (on a certain area) or on the whole face. For this, slightly squeezed gauze, folded in several layers, is well suited. It must be kept on the face for up to 30 minutes, after which it is not necessary to wash off anything.

  • Moderately hot (non -burning) compresses from a water infusion of chamomile perfectly steam the skin, cleanse it of inflammation and acne. It is good to add a few drops of tea tree oil to such a compress, then the effect will be even better.
  • The water infusion can, like a decoction, be frozen in the form of ice cubes, then to wipe the face with them. Daily face massage with such cubes significantly increases the skin tone, improves its color and structure, relieves inflammation or swelling. Massage movements must be performed along certain lines of the smallest stretching of the skin. A similar massage is contraindicated to people with the presence of a vascular mesh on the skin of the face.
  • Alcohol, dairy and oil infusions are suitable for wiping the face (using a cotton pad) or making lotions for separate areas of the skin. At the same time, alcohol lotions should be carefully treated so as not to damage or burn the skin. With a high concentration of alcohol, the infusion is diluted with water 1: 1.
  • Alcohol and oil infusion are often added to creams, masks, tonics or other lotions.
  • Chamomile oil can be used as massage oil, including for the skin of the face.
  • Based on infusions, you can prepare a cleansing cosmetic face for the face. To do this, the prepared water infusion is filtered and used for washing or wiping the face, and from the rest of the grounds they prepare a scrub. To do this, the chamomile is mixed with coffee grounds in a ratio of 1: 1. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with light soft movements along the main massage lines.


Face mask with chamomile

Field chamomile masks with the addition of diverse ingredients are made for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

How to prepare a mask with chamomile for face?

  • To prepare the base for a cosmetic mask, it is necessary to make puree from chamomile. For this, 2 tbsp. Herbs are poured 1 tbsp. boiling water and left for swelling. The resulting gruel is mixed with other necessary components.

Face masks recipes

  • A mask from chamomile and cottage cheese is prepared on the basis of basic chamomile mashed potatoes, to which a wiped cottage cheese is added.
  • For fading and aging skin, a mask of blue clay (2 tsp), Aloe juice (1 tsp) and honey (1.h.l.) based on a pre -prepared chamomile gruel is suitable. It is enough to mix all the components and the nutritious, tightening, whitening mask is ready.
  • Dry skin of the face is suitable for a mask, which includes: 3 tbsp. not very squeezed chamomile gush, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1-2 drops of chamomile essential oil.
  • For oily skin type, a mask of 2 tbsp is prepared. Kashitsa chamomile, 1 egg protein and 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  • To prepare a cleansing mask, oatmeal is added to the hot infusion of chamomile. Leave a mixture for swelling and then, massaging, applied to the face.
  • Mask from white clay and chamomile decoction helps to remove comedones (black dots) on the face. In addition, the mask perfectly cleanses the skin and narrows pores.
  • The tonic, anti -inflammatory mask is prepared from chamomile and peppermint in equal proportions. Then you need to add oatmeal to the mixture until thick gruel is obtained.

Masks from chamomile for face

  • The mask should be applied only to cleansed skin, for 20-30 minutes.
  • After the mask, it is necessary to wash with water at room temperature and rinse the face with a decoction of chamomile.
  • For the most effective effect, the masks should be prepared regularly, at least 1 time per week.
  • Masks should not be applied to the area around the eyes.
  • Based on the mask, you can also prepare a scrub by adding to the basic gruel, for example, coffee thick.

Cream, butter, chamomile extract

  • At home, chamomile can be prepared with a moisturizer-nibble facial cream. To do this, we need glycerin (10 K.), a decoction of chamomile (2-3 tbsp) and children's cream. Children's cream can be replaced with any hypoallergenic cream. The product is suitable for daily use and does not require washing off.
  • Positive reviews and recommendations also have a complex cream of face chamomile: glycerin (1 tsp), vegetable oil (3 tbsp), butter (40-50 g), 2 egg yolks, honey (2 Articles), camphor alcohol (30 ml), daisy infusion (1 \\ 4 glasses). To prepare it, melt all the oils in a water bath, add the rest of the components, mix thoroughly. You can store in the refrigerator for up to six months. The face cream with chamomile effectively affects flabby, exhausted skin, nourishes, pulls it up, improves the tone of the facial muscles.
  • Chamomile oil can be prepared on the basis of the infusion (as already described above) or in another way. Take a small jar, pour dry chamomile flowers into it to the top and pour linen or olive oil. The jar is covered with a lid and kept in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Such oil should be insisted for 2 weeks, strain and store in the refrigerator. Chamomile oil perfectly nourishes and cleanses the skin of the face. It can be used even when caring for babies.
  • Chamomile extract is prepared on the basis of water, vodka or oil. To do this, the liquid is evaporated over low heat until a volume is reduced by less than 2 times. It turns out a concentrated hood of chamomile, which is stored for a long time and is used when added to any cosmetics.

Field chamomile for body skin

Naturally, with such huge benefits for the skin, field chamomile is used as a cosmetic product not only for the face, but also for the whole body.

Here is an incomplete list of useful healing procedures for body skin:

  • A bath with a decoction of chamomile. Relaxes, soothes, has a beneficial effect on the whole skin. The procedure is indicated for any type of skin, especially if there are problems with irritation, peeling, increased sweating, overdried skin (for example, in the sun).

  • Baths from chamomile for hands. Relieve irritation, inflammation, heal wounds. With dry skin of hands, cracks on the palms, warm baths from a decoction or chamomile infusion are prepared (1 tbsp per 1 tbsp. Boiling water). A daily procedure for 5-10 minutes will help to quickly cope with problems. After the bath, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.
  • Baths from chamomile for the legs. Hot foot baths effectively fight excessive sweating of the legs. To do this, you need to make daily foot baths from a decoction of chamomile within 7-10 days, lasting at least 15-20 minutes. Combinations of decoction of chamomile with sea salt, honey or milk make the skin delicate, smooth and soft. And the combination of a chilled decoction of chamomile with field horsetail relieves fatigue and swelling of the legs.

  • Chamomile oil for body skin. It smoothes wrinkles, increases skin elasticity. It is often used as a daily cream, especially in special parts of the body: chest, hips.
  • Frozen cubes with a decoction or infusion of chamomile perfectly cope with the manifestations of skin diathesis and with insect bites. Wiping the problem areas of the skin, it is possible to quickly relieve inflammation and edema. It is an indispensable effective tool even for children.
  • A decoction of chamomile from stretch marks on the body. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 3 tbsp. Dry chamomile, pour them with a glass of milk and cook the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. In a warm decoction, the fabric is moistened and applied to areas of the body where stretch marks appeared. It is better to put an oilcloth or diaper on top and insulate additionally with a terry towel. After that, you need to hide with a blanket and lie down for 15-20 minutes. After the required time, remove the “chamomile compress”, wipe the remains and apply a moisturizer to the skin. You should not take a shower after a similar procedure.

Buy a finished cosmetic product based on chamomile for body and face

If there is no way to prepare such cosmetics yourself, their analogues can be easily purchased in cosmetic salons or stores. Chamomile as a basic component is used in many lotions, creams, scrubs for the face and body.

Modern cosmetology offers a wide selection of products based on medicinal chamomile:

  • So, for example, a moisturizer with chamomile for the face of Librederm has a lot of positive reviews and recommendations. If desired, they can be read on the website of reviews or women's forums.
  • Face -based lotions are presented in almost any series of cosmetic products.
  • Piling with a chamomile for the face carefully cleanses the skin, fights with peeling and stimulates cell renewal. On reviews website  You can also view many impressions and reviews after applying such a tool.

It is possible to continue the list of cosmetic products containing chamomile in their composition. These are shampoos, masks, soap, cream, lip balms, etc. The range of products is huge and diverse. It remains only to decide: to buy finished products or make such a tool yourself, at home.

So, it would seem a simple field chamomile, and how many useful and healing properties?!

To preserve healthy and beautiful skin, it remains only not to be lazy and use such “magical gifts of nature”.

At home, it is absolutely easy to prepare any cosmetic product. Natural, recognized in cosmetology and official medicine, the product, chamomile has miraculous healing properties. Hypoallergenicity, cheapness and accessibility are also important advantages of this medicinal grass.

Success in achieving specific results depends only on the regularity and duration of the efforts, but the ancient cosmetic product, a field chamomile, will never let you down!

Video: "Chamomile Pharmacy for the skin of the face and body"



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