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What is glitter tattoo. How to make a glitter tattoo at home. How much is glitter tattoo

What is glitter tattoo. How to make a glitter tattoo at home. How much is glitter tattoo
What is the brilliance of a tattoo: the necessary materials, the application technology. How much a tattoo shine rests and what needs to be done so that the drawing lasts longer

Glitter Tattoo is a bright and unusual picture, which is applied using a special technology to the skin. This is a great alternative to a real tattoo and is suitable for those who want to stand out from the crowd, decorate their outfit or simply, cheer up.

The standard tattoo for life is a radical solution. Not every girl will decide to spoil her body once and for all, someone is afraid of pain, someone has not chosen a suitable drawing, and parents do not allow someone. After all, a tattoo is done for life. There is an alternative - to make a temporary henna tattoo. But henna lasts about 3-4 weeks. On the skin, this natural powder is manifested by a dark brown or golden color. It is also not always suitable, because there is no way to decorate the tattoo with decor or add sparkles. Therefore, for those who want to decorate their body with a more interesting pattern, they came up with a temporary tattoo, which was called the "brilliance of a tattoo or glitter of tattoo."

Such a tattoo is performed using colorless or colored glue, pigments or small sparkles, pebbles and other decor are added if desired. It is applied very simply, lasts from several days, to several weeks. It all depends on the application method.

How much does the glitter tattoo hold?

We found out that this type of tattoo is temporary. For application, special glue, stencil and small sparkles will be required. Or a finished tattoo that can be purchased at the store. You can buy a glitter tattoo in any store in the department of related goods or in specialized stores, where goods for needlework are sold and all for manicure, etc.

Let's talk about the advantages:

  • to apply any pattern on the body, you need to use special glue. This is not an ordinary glue such as PVA, but special, it is hypoallergenic, does not harm the skin of both an adult and the child;
  • a temporary drawing will last on the body from the week or more. If there is a need, you can get rid of it before. To do this, you need to take any alcohol -containing liquid and wipe the skin with a cotton swab. By the way, the tattoo can be tattooed with a more gentle method - well steam the skin (when we take a bath or shower), rub the drawing with a washcloth;
  • in any light, the tattoo looks advantageous: both in the afternoon and in evening lighting. Therefore, depending on the wishes, a brilliant drawing can be applied to calm tones or add bright colors;
  • there are no age restrictions: tattoo can be applied to both children and adults;
  • there are no restrictions not only by age: the tattoo is applied quickly and painlessly, there are no contraindications (regarding health);
  • it is applied quickly - within 15 minutes you can make a beautiful simple pattern;
  • low cost. The price of the glitter tattoo is available for everyone.

Glitter tattoo. Photo:

We make a glitter tattoo. What materials are needed

Since the drawing is made very simply, for this you do not need to look for a master, sign up for a salon and wait a few weeks. If you wish, everything is easy to do yourself, only you need to purchase everything you need for work.

What will be needed to create a temporary drawing:

  • glitter for glitter tattoo - special, hypoallergenic, is sold in stores, you can order on the Internet. Choose a transparent or black glue;
  • glitter tattoo stencils - also purchase in the store ready or print on a printer;
  • sparkle brush plus fluid for washing out sparkles;
  • small sparkles of different shades (depending on what color the drawing I want to make)
  • glue brush;
  • another brush (dry and clean) to brush the remains of sparkles from the finished work;
  • any alcohol -containing liquid to degrease the skin.

In stores, ready -made kits for glitter tattoo are sold. By the way, ready -made stickers can differ not only in shape, but also in quality. Those that are made of polyester are more durable, are not afraid of moisture and hold longer.

There is a glitter of a tattoo with a pattern and partial application of sparkles, there are matte and those that glow in the dark.

Glitter tattoo. How to do it

A temporary drawing on the body is easy to make yourself. Even if the first time it turns out not as accurately as we would like, there will be an understanding of the whole process. And the next time you can make such a drawing as you want.

As for the choice of a site on the body: if you apply a tattoo yourself, then you need to choose a convenient place: on the arm, leg, stomach. They make a glitter tattoo in the bikini zone, on a tanned body a brilliant drawing looks very advantageous:

How to make a tattoo yourself:

  1. Prepare everything you need. Let's start with skin degreasing. Use a cotton pad to wipe the skin. Give the opportunity to alcohol -containing substance (lotion, tonic, etc.) dry.
  2. If necessary - remove unwanted hairs from the skin (in the bikini area, on the arms and legs). Then the drawing will last longer.
  3. The next stage - the stencil was prepared and selected in advance, now you need to carefully glue it to the skin.
  4. If you use the finished sticker, then you need to very carefully remove the protective film. In order not to damage the stencil, remove the film with a tweezer.
  5. Attach the stencil on the prepared skin, defeat well so that it is attached. Such a simple action will help to avoid ugly glue fluxes. The drawing will turn out to be neat.
  6. Use the brush to apply glue, apply it preferably with a thin layer. It is not necessary to fill and spread glue. The sparkles are sufficiently thin, sticky layer.
  7. Put the brush on the side, take a special brush to apply sparkles. Gently dip in a jar of sparkles, remove the excess. Apply sparkles to a specific site.
  8. Finished? Gently remove the stencil so that nothing shifts.
  9. Now you need to take another clean and dry brush to brush the remains of sparkles from the pattern.
  10. Now you need to withstand a tattoo for 12 hours. Try not to wet this place today. Then a brilliant drawing will stay on the skin longer than a few days.

Advice to beginners, or how to make a beautiful tattoo on your own

In order for efforts to justify success, we offer to get acquainted with these recommendations:

  • you do not need to be an artist to draw a beautiful temporary tattoo. On the Internet you can download a lot of stencils with different drawings or buy a ready -made set. As an option - we advise you to exchange stencils with friends;
  • choosing a place on the body: it should be such a place that the least is subject to friction. Then you can go longer with a beautiful pattern. Successful places: open areas on the body, arms, legs, palms, neck and face, chest, stomach and lower back (for those who like to walk in shorts and expose this part of the body in the hot season);
  • if you are going to apply a tattoo on your own, then you need to choose a convenient area on the body so as not to reach it and calmly apply glue and sparkles;
  • a standard pattern is held for about 2 weeks. If a large tattoo is chosen, then it can go faster, like too small;
  • water procedures and friction about clothes reduce the life of “life” of any tattoo;
  • to wear a tattoo longer than a week, it is important not to rub the skin energetically with a towel after a shower or bathing in a pond. Immediately after applying the shine, any water procedures are undesirable, you should not go to the bathhouse and sauna, sunbathe in the solarium and on the beach, do not wear tight clothes. It is better to stay at home on this day;
  • from ultraviolet radiation and moisture, the tattoo is protected, if not neglecting the rules. You can swim, but do not "sour" in the water for several hours, it is also not forbidden to sunbathe. Only you should always understand that you can be on the beach only in the morning and evening, and in the afternoon, when the sun is active, it is better to stay in the shade. If it does not work, use the sunscreen for the skin;
  • glue is needed special for applying glitter. To make a multi -colored drawing, several shades are used in the work. Application - consistent, so as not to mix colors;
  • professionals may not use stencils. In work, they use only glue and brush. The pattern is applied with glue and brushes, and the color, volume and relief are drawn - drawn using glitter of different shades and sizes. To give a twist with the finished work, the drawing is decorated with rhinestones.

Remember, to be beautiful and attract the attention of the stronger sex, you need to quite a bit - choose an unusual stencil, pick up a brush and bring a highlight to top it off. Be unique!



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