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How to steam your face before cleaning at home. Squeezing face mask - recipes

How to steam your face before cleaning at home. Squeezing face mask - recipes
Warfish several times a day, using scrubs and masks - this is standard skin care. But all the same, the sensation of the clogging of pores can not do with such minimal care. Effectively cleanse the skin of fat, pollution, improve the complexion and prevent the appearance of pimples, is quite possible with a simple procedure - steaming the face at home

It is quite possible to avoid most skin problems, if you care for the right thing. Most women believe that washing with ordinary water in the morning and evenings is enough. Some sometimes use cream, and do not use peels and masks at all. Such improper care leads to serious problems: pores are clogged, sebaceous plugs, rashes appear, the skin becomes dull, with a grayish tint. So that this does not happen, even at home, you can properly care for the skin. One of the obligatory home care procedures is purification.

In order to correctly cleanse the skin from pollution, it is necessary to open the pores and pull out all the accumulated dirt. There are several options, how to steam your face at home.

Is it possible to steam your face?

Why do you need to steam the skin, will it be useful and how to do everything right? There are many questions, we will consider in order the mechanism of action of any steaming procedures for the person.

Preparing the skin for any cosmetic procedure is the key to success. But in order to do everything correctly and get rid of pollution, it is necessary to open the pores. Thermal exposure is the most effective way. The skin is prepared the next stage (laying a mask or cream), will allow cosmetic products to penetrate a little deeper.

Do I need to steam your face? The benefits of the procedure:

  1. Under the influence of hot steam, pores are revealed and more efficiently freed from pollution and skin fat, as well as toxins and residues of cosmetics.
  2. Steam the face from black dots before applying a special mask - perhaps the most effective cleansing method. After steaming and imposing a cosmetic drug, black dots and sebaceous plugs simply jump out to the surface or if you press the large element with your fingers, are removed without problems.
  3. As a result of a simple procedure, each cell is freed from toxins and pollution, cell metabolism improves, the skin becomes smooth and radiant.
  4. If you are going to apply a mask, then before the procedure you need to not only wash yourself, but also steam your face, then the effectiveness of this drug will increase significantly.
  5. Squeezing procedures will allow you to get rid of inflammation and calm the irritated skin.
  6. Effectively steaming in the fight against rashes, for the treatment of problem teenage skin.

How to steam a face - indications and contraindications

Many of us do not even know that such a simple procedure as steaming can have contraindications.

First we find out for whom this method can be indispensable:

  • for owners of sensitive skin. If there was an allergy to peels and scrubs. The steaming procedure cleanses the skin cells softly, without mechanical intervention;
  • in preparation for cleaning the skin manually or when you need to get rid of several pimples. Cosmetologists recommend first steam your face, and then gently push the pimple. It will come out much faster and does not injure healthy fabrics;
  • with advanced pores, black dots and rashes. With regular procedures (but not more than 1 time per week), it is easy to achieve beautiful skin color, without rashes and sebaceous shine;
  • in preparation for salon procedures: superficial and median peels.

What are the contraindications: it is undesirable to steal the skin if it is very dry and sensitive, because hot steam, warming the cells, pushes moisture out of them. With inflammatory skin diseases (if rashes have not yet been formed and painful when pressed), an increase in body temperature, with infectious and viral diseases.

How to steam face for cleaning

How to steam your face without consequences? It is necessary to do everything sequentially and not rush.

Thorough preparation is important:

  1. We clean the face - for this you need to wash with any cleansing agent.
  1. Do not rush to wipe yourself with a towel, immediately while the skin is wet, use a scrub with small particles. Apply the drug with a thin layer, gently massage the skin along the massage lines. Wash this tool.
  2. Hold your face over a bowl with a ready -made composition for steaming, be sure to cover a towel.
  3. The third step - gently soak the skin with a terry towel and apply the lotion (if the skin is sensitive and there is a need for this).

How to steam the skin of the face. Methods

This procedure has several ways to conduct:

  • steam;
  • imposition of a special tool;
  • application (a warm napkin is applied).

How to steam the face with a steam bath correctly. Everything is simple and quite effective, suitable for home care.

It will take the following:

  • bowl;
  • dense terry towel;
  • dry herbs corresponding to the type of your skin;
  • lotion, for softening.

Preparation of steaming mixture will depend on the type of your skin:

  1. If the skin is dry, take dry linden flowers, chamomile, dandelion - a spoon, add 2 dry bay leaves (not necessarily), pour a glass of boiling water. The infusion must be held for 5 minutes over low heat, then immediately proceed to the procedure.
  2. We will steam the combined skin with such a set of herbs: calendula, mint and sage (only on a spoon), pour everything with a glass of boiling water, insist under a closed lid for half an hour. Before the procedure, the infusion must be heated.
  3. For the treatment of inhibited and oily skin, take the leaves of birch, linden, St. John's wort and sage on a teaspoon, pour boiling water - 2 liters, insist only 30 minutes.
  4. To steam waging skin, a licorice is needed, cinnamon in powder and nettle (only 2 tbsp), pour 0.5 l of boiling water, insist for about half an hour.

The decoction of chamomile is suitable for any type of skin, it is just a lifesaver when there are no other herbs at home. It cleanses the pores well, moisturizes the skin, relieve rashes, even help to smooth out small wrinkles! And it also works as a powerful disinfector, an anti -inflammatory and wound healing agent. To prepare a simple decoction based on chamomile, you need to take a bag or 2 tbsp. Dry flowers, pour 2 cups of just boiling water, insist for about half an hour. After the time, the broth must be heated again and proceed to the steaming procedure.

We steam the face with chamomile: perform the preparation of the skin (cleansing/scrub), lower your face over a bowl with a hot decoction of chamomile, cover your head with a towel so that the drafts do not “walk”. Hold for 5 minutes, if it’s hard from habit, steam the skin with interruptions: 2 minutes, 10 seconds of the break and 2 more minutes. The skin should steam well. How much to steam face? Ideal - 5 minutes, but each type of skin will need a certain time. Therefore, it is better to focus on the sensations: if you felt that water began to drip from the face, and the steam does not burn the skin so much more, you can stop there. Now carefully soak excess moisture with a paper or cotton towel. The skin is prepared for the following procedure: you can apply a mask or start cleaning manually.

How to steam your face quickly

You can quickly perform steaming with a mask. The steaming face mask is safe, it will help to gently and deeply cleanse the skin, get rid of such a problem as black dots, is great for sensitive and even for dry skin. A steam mask for cleaning the face in pharmacies or specialized stores is sold. But this is an additional consumption of funds, the mask can be made independently from the products available at home.

How to make and how to steam your face in front of the mask:

  1. Take the yolk of one egg, a spoonful of honey and olive oil (or any other plant). All components need to be mixed, put a bowl in a water bath, warm. A warm mask must be generously applied to prepared skin to make a fairly thick layer, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes and lips. Such a warm mask should be kept for no more than 15 minutes, washed off with ordinary tap water.
  2. Ordinary oatmeal without sugar and other components will help in skin care. Oatmeal should be thick, add 1 tsp to 2 tablespoons. Soda, the composition is applied to prepared skin for only 10-15 minutes.
  3. Sanny porridge, cooked in milk without additives, is applied to the skin with a thick layer, withstand 20 minutes. Porridge should not be hot, but not warm. Such a mask not only perfectly cleanses the pores, but also smoothes wrinkles, and also help in the fight against freckles.

How good it is to steam your face: to enhance the thermal effect, we recommend that you prepare a paper mask before starting the procedure. It must be made of thick paper towels (folded in several layers), make holes for the nose, eyes and mouth. Such a mask must immediately, after applying a warm mass, is applied from above.

Attention! You cannot combine such masks with warming procedures. This can lead to the opposite effect.

Store masks and steaming facial gel

How quickly, and most importantly, it is good to steam your face if it is not possible to prepare special infusions and spend so much time? For such purposes, there are special drugs - these are masks and gels. They are called "means for cold steaming." Sold in stores and pharmacies, as well as in salons.

Shop drugs will help out if you are on a business trip or on vacation, when you need to quickly put your skin in order. Such funds are also suitable if the skin does not tolerate hot steaming.

How to steam the pores of the face in a cold way:

  1. Choose a tool corresponding to your skin type.
  2. Prepare the skin for the procedure: use soft cleansing agents (milk/gel) to clean makeup and surface pollution.
  3. Apply a gel or mask to the face, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe lips and eyes.
  4. Cover the face with a film.
  5. Hold the product on the skin for 15-20 minutes (read the information on the package).
  6. Remove the gel or mask, if necessary. Start the following procedure (perform cleaning the skin or close the pores with a special tool).

The gel of the cold steaming of the Kora trademark from the New Line series has proven itself, one procedure is enough to see the result.

How to steam your face with a towel

One of the effective ways to steam the face from acne is with a hot towel. Suitable both ordinary terry and special. You can purchase a steaming napkin in the store, it is made of special material that holds moisture well. In order to perform the procedure, the napkin must be moistened in water or a decoction of herbs, put in a bowl, send it in a microwave for 20 seconds, then put it immediately on the face, literally for 5 minutes.

An alternative to a special napkin will be an ordinary terry towel, which needs to be wetted in a hot decoction of herbs (or just in hot water), and then put on a cleansed face.

To enhance the effect, a salt mask is also suitable. It is made simply: for 1 liter of boiling water you need to add by 2 tbsp. Salt, mix the salt until completely dissolved in boiling water, moisten a small terry towel in this solution, put on the face, grabbing the neck area. How much you need to steam the face - until it cools the towel or until the towel is slowly cooling down, until a light chill appears on the skin.

Such steaming procedures need to be done at least once a week or one and a half, be sure to close the final step. It is enough to wash your face with cold water or apply a special lotion, and then a nutritious cream according to the type of skin.

What else needs to be known to steam your face correctly

Many girls and women have not decided how often it is possible to perform steaming procedures. Cosmetologists recommend taking into account the type of skin and do steaming no more than 1 time per week, and best only once every 10 days. If you open the pores too often, then you can overdose the skin. And yet, dry skin and age -related, it is advisable to steam 1 time per month.


  • if there are vascular stars, abscesses, wounds and cuts on the face, such procedures should be treated very carefully and first consult with a cosmetologist;
  • if there is a tendency to allergies, then you must first make a sensitivity test (especially if you bought a special mask or gel). Apply a little product to the skin of the hand, leave for 20 minutes. If there is no redness, you can safely apply to the face. Otherwise, it is better to refuse the mask so as not to harm the skin;
  • absolute contraindications: asthma, vascular diseases and heart - any steaming manipulations are undesirable;
  • there were unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, redness or irritation? It is undesirable to use herbs or masks.

Remember that the care should be literate, then the skin will be radiant and healthy.



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