
Retinol for skin

Retinol for skin
Rejuvenation and skin treatment with vitamin A

It is not by chance that scientists called "vitamins" - from the Latin word "life." After all, indeed, the lack of one or another vitamin may worsen the quality of human life, cause diseases.

First Vitamin - Vitamin A (or Retinol) - was opened by scientists in 1913. And in 1947, biologists have learned to synthesize this substance and apply it to improve human health.

Retinol is a fat soluble vitamin, which is rich in some animal products. From vegetation, it is also possible to obtain vitamin A, where it is contained in the form of carotenoids - substances, of which our body synthesizes vitamin A. Science more than 50 types of carotenoids, the most famous of which β-carotene contained in carrots are described.

Retinol is called non-impurities vitamin A. Substances with similar retinol properties are called retinoids.

Retinol for leather: Retinol benefits for the body

Vitamins and trace elements

  1. Improves and restores vision. Carotenoids (lutein and zeaksettin) warn the development of cataracts and reduces the risk of blindness.
  2. Vitamin is necessary for the proper operation of the immune system.
  3. Restoration and nutrition of epithelium tissues. Retinol is used to treat skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, acne). It accelerates skin regeneration after burns, cuts, frostbite.
  4. Retinol has antioxidant properties. Therefore, experts recommend its reception as the prevention of the occurrence of oncological diseases.
  5. It has a healing effect on the circulatory system and the heart. Vitamin A is very useful.
  6. Prevents the accumulation of low-density cholesterol in the body, which causes atherosclerosis.

Source of vitamin A is fish oil, liver, butter, cottage cheese and egg yolks. Also, all the vegetables and fruits of green and yellow color contain carotenoids. Nevertheless, scientists argue that even proper nutrition cannot help to fill the deficit of vitamin A in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically drink vitamin complexes with its content.

On average, it is necessary to obtain 3300 ME Retinol per day. And if diseases associated with its disadvantage are revealed, then the dose increases to 10,000 meters. The need of the body in vitamin A varies in different seasons of the year. For example, in the cold time, retinol needs significantly less than in the roast (especially with a regular stay in the sun). If you passed a radiographic study, you also need to replenish the balance of Vitamin A.

Retinol for leather: signs of retinol deficiency


  1. Dryness and early aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, acne and seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Raising pain sensitivity.
  3. Dandruff and dry hair.
  4. Sensitive tooth enamel.
  5. Gastritis and intestinal infections.
  6. Redness of the eyelids, the feeling of "sand" in the eyes, dryness of the mucousa.
  7. Poor vision with insufficient lighting (the so-called "chicken blindness").
  8. Frequent respiratory infections.
  9. Anemia.
  10. The depletion of the body.

The effect of retinol on the skin


On the healing properties of vitamin A is known for a long time, so the retinol acetate was used as part of medical drugs for skin treatment. However, the newest medical studies have proven that Retinol is extremely useful for the rejuvenation of human skin. Moreover, it is important to take it not only in the composition of food, but also use as part of creams and lotions for the skin.

Due to the small molecular weight of the substance, the retinol can easily penetrate even in the deep layers of the epidermis through the horny layer and the sebaceous glands. When a sufficient concentration of retinoids is created in the skin, cell division is stimulated, strengthening collagen fibers and an intercellular matrix. Retinol also regulates the processes of pigmentation and oroging cells of the epidermis. It was noted that regardless of the age of a woman and the state of her skin, new cells are formed without pathologies and deformations, small wrinkles are smoothed, the elasticity of the skin increases.

Using retinol for young skin (recommended as part of home masks):

  • acne and acne treatment;
  • reduction decrease;
  • leather relief levels;
  • the skin is moisturized.

Application of retinol for mature skin (in the form of rejuvenating creams and domestic masks):

  • cuperose is eliminated;
  • pigment stains are less noticeable;
  • the skin is rejuvenated;
  • increases elasticity;
  • disappearing dryness.

Retinol for face: complications and contraindications


After using cosmetics with retinol (retinoic cosmetics), it is possible to redden skin, peeling and improving sensitivity to UV rays. This reaction to retinol does not occur after the first use, but only after accumulating the substance in the body. Due to the fact that Retinol actively affects metabolic processes in skin tissues, a serious allergic reaction may occur.

The use of such cosmetics is prohibited during the methods of some drugs, so if you pass any course of treatment, then before buying a retinuey cream, consult your doctor.

Refuse the use of vitamin A, if your skin has flexible or highly inflamed wounds. Diseases of the circulatory system is also a serious contraindication.

As for the period of pregnancy, the reception of drugs containing vitamin A is categorically prohibited. The fact is that Retinol is able to cause fetal development defects. And although the concentration of retinoids in cosmetic means is insignificant, yet it is not worth risking the health of the future kid.

Rejuvenating creams with retinol for face


A lot of anti-aging creams and serums for mature skin containing retinol are derived to the market. Trademarks Roc, Gigi, Vichy, Avene and many others have already presented their retinue products. The composition of creams are complemented by various components, reinforcing the action of retinol, change its dosage - the search for the perfect composition is still conducted by cosmetic companies.

If you want to improve the condition of its fading skin with such cosmetics, give preference to products of companies confirming the quality of their goods with laboratory research.

By choosing retinue cosmetics, pay attention to the concentration of retinol in the product. The higher the content of retinol in the cream, the more pronounced effect it has. For sensitive skin, there are special series of creams with retinol, having a low concentration of substance and containing soothing components.

On the forums you can find many reviews of women who tried various creams with retinol. If we generalize their opinion, then we can say that only an allergic reaction to retinol can be a problem. But if the skin accepted Retinol - the wrinkles will be eliminated.

The cream can be effective for your skin or is not effective not only because it contains retinol. It is important to understand what substances are complemented by the complex and how active is in general.

  • vitamins C and E in the composition of retinoese cosmetics give additional nutrition of fading skin;
  • fruit acid enhances the anti-aging effect;
  • SPF factor protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet;
  • panthenol heals microtraums;
  • glycerin or hyaluronic acid actively moisturize the skin;
  • natural oils stimulate active metabolic processes in epidermis cells.

Application of a rejuvenating cream with retinol for face: precautions

old Kozha.

Retinol actively stimulates skin cells. However, if an overdose of the drug occurs, the so-called exhaustion syndrome occurs, in which cell division stops sharply and the skin begins very quickly. In order not to get the opposite effect from retinol, use it correctly.

  1. Start the use of rejuvenating retinoese cosmetics can be possible only after 40 years. Those young leather from saturation with such drugs will be fastened faster.
  2. Between Retinol's application courses (45-60 days) must necessarily take breaks in 2-3 months to avoid excessive accumulation of substance.
  3. At the first uses, the skin can negatively respond to the effects of retinoic cosmetics. If redness occurs, peeling or pinching, then the tool should be used not daily, but every other day. Adaptation of the skin to a new drug occurs within two weeks, then negative manifestations stop. If the addiction has not happened, then go to cream with a smaller concentration of retinol.
  4. If you are located to all sorts of allergies, then before applying the cream with retinol should be consulted with your doctor.
  5. Apply drugs with retinol 1 time per day, better than the evening. Since it is at night that the process of updating skin cells occurs.
  6. Apply cream to the entire surface of the face and especially for wrinkles. If you have sensitive skin - avoid getting cream to the area around the eyes so that there are no unpleasant sensations.
  7. Special creams with retinol are used for the skin around the eyes.
  8. Under the influence of retinol, the skin actively produces sebum to protect against dryness. Therefore, in parallel with Retinoyev, use the cream for deep skin moisturizing to avoid excessive oily skin.
  9. Take care of cosmetics with retinol from the effects of light rays so that the substance does not oxidize.
  10. Start the use of cream with retinol is better in autumn or in winter, when the skin is less susceptible to stress from the effects of solar radiation.

What form is sold Retinol for leather


If you want to independently make masks and creams with retinol, then the substance can be bought on any pharmacy. The drug of vitamin A in pharmacology is called "Retinol acetate".

  1. The retinol solution is designed to receive inside or outdoor use. Dosage: Oil solution Retinol acetate 3.44% and 8.60%. It is almost perfect for cosmetic application.
  2. Capsules with oil solution of vitamin A. To extract the tool, you will need to pierce the capsule and squeeze it. This is not the most convenient way, but it can be used.
  3. Vitamin A in ampoules. In medicine, it is intended for injections, in the domestic conditions of the ampoules are very convenient when preparing various masks.

If contraindications do not allow you to use retinol for the skin, you can find an alternative in the form of masks with products containing vitamin A. To such products include:

  • kalina, sea buckthorn;
  • egg yolks;
  • seaweed;
  • fish fat;
  • apricots;
  • carrots and pumpkin;
  • cream, sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • parsley and spinach.

Retinol rich in wheat germs, rosehip and sea buckthorn. Therefore, if you have a negative reaction to retinue cosmetics, use oils. With regular applications of masks with vitamnose-containing products, the skin will be saturated with it to a fairly degree and rejected.

Preparation of homemade face masks with retinol


At home, you can cope with any rash and acne with the help of Masks with vitamin A. Retinol will help relieve inflammation, reduce the fatty skin, eliminate bacteria and accelerate the healing of the wound.

  1. It is not recommended to apply undeveloped retinol on the skin.
  2. Before using retinol in masks, spend a test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the oil solution of vitamin A on the wrist. If irritation does not appear for 15 minutes, then you can safely apply a mask with retinol on your face.
  3. Do not overheat preparations with retinol so as not to destroy its molecular structure.
  4. If you are preparing a mask with retinol, then it needs to be dissolved in oils. Vitami A refers to a group of fat soluble, so it interacts with a little with water.
  5. Do not use retinol for the skin of the face simultaneously with acids: fruit, dairy and lemon juice.
  6. To enhance the effect, drugs with retinol can be used together with Vitamins B, C, E.
  7. Before applying the mask, make a steam bath to expand the pores. It is good to apply the broth of herbs.
  8. Clean the skin scrub to prepare it to the effects of useful components.
  9. To improve the penetration of the drug into the skin layers, make a light massage during the applying mask, but at the same time try not to stretch the skin.
  10. Mask exposure time is 15-30 minutes. Depending on the type of your skin.
  11. Washed off mask with warm water or decoction of herbs.
  12. After the mask you need to apply your usual nutrient cream.
  13. Masks should be repeated no more than 1 time per week.
  14. The course consists of 12 procedures. Then be sure to take a break for several months.

Recipes of homemade masks with retinol for face


  1. To 1 tbsp. Facial cream Add 10 drops of oil vitamin A and 1 tsp. Aloe juice.
  2. Take 1 tbsp of olive oil and mix with the contents of 1 ampoules of retinol.
  3. Mix at 1 tbsp. Cottage cheese and sour cream, add 1 ampoule of retinol.
  4. Mix honey, almond and tomboy oil 1 tbsp. Add 1 tsp. retinol.
  5. Fresh carrot juice mix with chopped oat flakes in a blender. There should be a consistency of sour cream.
  6. The flesh of apricot and avocado take in equal amounts and scroll to the state of the kashitz. Add a couple of drops of olive oil.
  7. Sea buckthorn berries juice (1 tbsp) Stir with yolk eggs.

Retinol for the skin of the face. Video


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