
Repeated eyelary oil - Application and reviews. Repeated eyelash oil, strengthening eyelashes with rapid oil

Repeated eyelary oil - Application and reviews. Repeated eyelash oil, strengthening eyelashes with rapid oil
The benefits and composition of the rapid oil. Applying oil for eyelash growth. Recipes masks

Many have heard that the ray oil is one of the best equipment for eyebrows and eyelashes. Let's try to figure it out, is it really and why.

What includes rapid oil

The cosmetics described by us is made from the burdock or reurenik - plants, almost all ground and underground parts of which are considered healing. The very precursor oil is an infusion of culture roots, cooked on almond, olive or sunflower oils.

Reviews about eyelashes for eyelashes make it possible to judge it as a means of stimulating hair onions, and accordingly, accelerating the growth of hair. If you disassemble in detail the chemical composition of the substance, it becomes clear why it is so popular in cosmetology:

  1. In the root system of the buried there is a lot of inulin - a component possessing prebiotic properties. By the way, inulin is also applied in medicine.
  2. Mineral chromium salts, cobalt, calcium and iron make the hair structure stronger. The same action is provided by phosphorus and sulfur - they can also be found in the component composition of the plant.
  3. In Lopukh, there are so-called plant stearins. They affect the process of cell division, accelerating it.
  4. The burdock oil and eyebrows is also good because it is rich in vitamins. In addition to strengthening the structure of the hair, it makes it brilliant and smooth.

Apply a cosmetological agent is also as a treatment, and both prevention, for example, after suffering from the disease or with a weakened immunite. At such a time, hair, including cilia, becomes more fragile and dull.

Repene oil for eyelashes, photo before and after:

How to act a tool

The use of rapid oil for eyelashes is useful for many reasons:

  1. It restores the top layer of the hair, consisting of keratin scales. From many flake factors, these begin to lay down to each other, which affects the appearance of hair and their strength. Repenta oil allows you to eliminate such a problem.
  2. In damaged hair, the upper layer of which is disturbed, moisture loss occurs. Oil is a natural film that helps keep moisture inside the hair structure.
  3. Repeated oil is useful not only for eyelash growth, but also for their color. Ascorbic acid is one of the components of the substance - provokes the release of the pigment of melanin, which, in turn, stains eyebrows and cilia into a darker shade.
  4. Penetrating into the skin, biologically active components accelerate the metabolism in the epidermis. Accelerated blood circulation feeds follicles with oxygen and useful substances. Reviews of the area for eyelashes and eyebrows and eyebrows indicate that hair products grow markedly faster, look thick and durable.

Refrigerated oil for eyelashes, photo:

Who needs and who can not be applied to the fireworks for eyelashes

The oil from the roots of the burdock is a tool and therapeutic, and prophylactic. In some cases it will be especially useful:

  1. During the vacation period, both summer and winter, hair is noticeably suffering from the sun, wind, heat or frost. This applies not only to curls, but also to the eyelashes. The oil-based oil is performed on them beneficially, helps emergency regeneration and protects the damaged structure from the external environment.
  2. For our cilia, low-quality cosmetics, as well as some salon and home procedures, are pernicious. The ray oil helps grow new eyelashes, moisturizes and nourishes thin eyelid.
  3. The use of such a fund is unusually relevant for those who paint eyebrows and eyelashes. The paint is overpowered by the hair structure, because they necessarily need nutrition.
  4. Those who decided to get rid of scorched eyelashes, it is necessary to restore what was given from nature. The hairties under the action of glue and artificial ciliates are mostly falling out or becomes noticeable shorter. Butter from the roots of the burdock helps to return to the former beauty of natural eyelashes.
  5. Our hair strongly affect stress and diseases, different hormonal disorders. In such cases, it is also not to do without the help of top oil.

Before applying a rapid oil on the eyelashes, it is important to make sure that you have no contraindications to it. And they can be counted the following:

  1. Allergies to any substance that is part of the cosmetology. The test for allergies is carried out, as a rule, on the inside of the wrist or bend the elbow. By smearing the small section of the skin, wait about an hour and evaluate the reaction. If everything is in order, little is applied to the eyelids. However, there are such situations where the eyelids react to the tool redness and edema, even if the skin in other places remained insensitive. After one time this application is better not to risk.
  2. You should not use oil, having inflammation on the skin.
  3. Various skin diseases are considered to be contraindicated.

Applying the burdock oil, it must be borne in mind that it has a severe structure, and its fatty film is often poorly washed away. This complicates the use of decorative cosmetics, for example, mascaras for eyelashes. She lies badly, spreads during the day. Similarly, they can react to the agent and eye shadow.

Useful tips on the use of rapid oil

  1. Buying such a composition is best in the pharmacy, checking the term of its shelf life. The burial oil must be transparent, a little yellowish, sufficiently easy after applying.
  2. Before lubricating eyelashes, it is necessary to wash off makeup specially intended for this composition: tonic, micellar water or something like that. It is impossible to wash soap, so as not to increase skin sensitivity.
  3. The effect of oil use can be estimated only after 1-2 months of use, but it will be noticeable only under the condition of regular daily use.
  4. Therapeutic cosmetology is applied in the evening, after an hour wip away with a dry paper napkin. For the procedure, it is convenient to use a brush from an old bragomatics, fully cleaned from carcass residues. For a longer time, especially for the night, the oil is better not to leave, so as not to get swelling.
  5. Before using the leaf oil, it makes sense to heat up to a comfortable temperature of approximately 35-40 ° C. This can be done under the jet of hot water.
  6. Those who wear contact lenses should necessarily shoot them before using the substance. Oil structure with accidental contact can damage expensive product.
  7. If the ray oil fell into the eyes, it is necessary to rinse them well with water. It does not carry any strong harm, but there will definitely provide an unpleasant feeling.
  8. It is important to be careful about the mucous membranes of the eyelids. If the tool falls on them and if it remains there for a long time, you can earn ugly swelling.

Repeated oil-based recipes

Eyelashes can be smeared with clean plug-in oil, and you can make the tool even more useful, using other components with it.

Mask with castor oil and aloe

Many are wondering what oil is better for eyelashes: a burdock or castor? So as not to guess for a long time, it is better to prepare a means with two of these components at the same time. For masks, they take a halves of a teaspoon of the rapid and castor oils, as well as aloe juice. Then come as follows:

  1. Aloe leaves before squeezing, the juice should be placed on the fridge. Then you can squeeze the right amount of fluid.
  2. The next stage of preparation of eyelash for eyelashes is mixing the rapid and castor oils. This mixture should add plant juice.
  3. Apply a mask with your fingers or brush from bracmatics, withstand an hour, and then wipe the paper napkin.

Mask with rosehip, almond and sea buckthorn oils

This cosmetology will help those who suffer from loss of cilia or eyebrows. Prepare it from the rapid, almond, sea buckthorn oils, as well as rose hips. All components are taken in equal amounts - 1 tbsp. The mask itself is preparing like this:

  1. Rosehips are grinding a blender or grind some other way. Then we fill with boiling water for 30 minutes.
  2. We take a tablespoon of a rose hips and mix with the same amount of all the oils specified in the recipe.
  3. Tool insist 10 days.
  4. Before use of infusion, I grease the eyelashes with this liquid.
  5. An hour later, wash or wipe the mask with a napkin.

Mask with chamomile and nettle

The ray oil interacts perfectly with herbal influences. The mask on this recipe is prepared from:

  • dried nettle - 1 tbsp.;
  • dried pharmacy chamomile - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 cup;
  • of a rapid oil - 0.5 ppm

To strengthen eyelashes, we do as follows:

  1. Herbs weave in boiling water for half an hour. Then we wat your cotton wheels and put it on the eyelids, pre-wash the makeup.
  2. Hold cotton discs about 20-30 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the cilia with a rapid oil and wipe it in an hour.

Mask with oils and vitamins

Mix the ray oil with fat-soluble vitamins. We will need for such a fund:

  • rEPAINE OIL - 0.5 CHL;
  • olive oil - 0.5 ch. l.;
  • retinol - 1 capsule;
  • tocopherol - 1 capsule.

The oils and the contents of the capsules mix and use the mask with the usual way, that is, we put the brush from the Brasmatic for an hour and then wipe it dry.

Repeated eyelary oil. Video


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