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Facial skin care after 30 years. How to care for the skin of the face around the eyes after 30 years. Facial masks after 30

Facial skin care after 30 years. How to care for the skin of the face around the eyes after 30 years. Facial masks after 30
We offer you several skin care rules after 30 years that will help restore turgor and color, reduce the number of wrinkles and protect the skin from the exposure of the sun.

Some women perceive thirty years as a second youth, others - as the beginning of maturity and inevitable aging. But both of them begin to be more responsible for the choice of cosmetics for the skin and to care for it in general. If a couple of years ago a woman could completely do without daily purification and moisture, salon peeling and rejuvenating cream, then after 30 years it becomes just necessary. In fact, there is nothing complicated and impossible, you just need to try a bit to preserve the freshness and beauty of the face for many years. And about where to start and how to properly organize your skin care at this age, we will tell you with pleasure.

The skin after 30 years - what changes should you expect?

After 30 years, the skin still retains its freshness, but every woman is already beginning to notice the first messengers of wilting. But here it is important to understand that such age-related changes in all occur in different ways, without clearly established time frames. But, a sad fact is that sooner or later the aging of the skin, albeit little, will come. Someone will face this at an earlier age, for example, in 30-33, and someone-only by 40-45 years. This depends primarily on the way of life, genetic predisposition and, of course, on the correctness of skin care.

But in any case, youth can be significantly prolonged by making competent and regular facial skin care after 30 years. This can be done using both cosmetologists and salon procedures, as well as household remedies. Well, for the result to be positive, it is important to know your enemy in the face. Therefore, let's look at what skin changes can wait for a woman which is a little over 30.

  • Loss of the elasticity of the skin. Having reached the “30 years” mark, the female body begins to gradually slow down all biochemical reactions. This process also affects the skin: the amount of collagen and elastic fibers synthesized by cells decreases. This leads to a deterioration in connective tissue, a decrease in the skin of the skin, its sagging and inability to fully recover.
  • Water imbalance. With age, the body becomes more difficult to retain moisture in cells. It is especially intensively evaporated from the surface ball of the epidermis on the face, neck, hands and other skin areas that are often open. Due to the study, the skin gradually fades, is covered with a small mesh of wrinkles, looks tired and groomed. For this reason, a sharp change in skin type occurs. For example, too oily skin after 30 years becomes absolutely dry or combined.
  • Weakened cell regeneration. The skin ceases to regularly “dump” keratinized cells and replace them with new ones, is more slowly restored after different damage, and is scarred even after minor pimples and acne.
  • Fuzzy face contour. Thanks to the loss of tone, the skin begins to stretch and sag. Over time, the circuit is smoothed out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheekbones, creases that form the nasolabial triangle appear around the nose and mouth.
  • Mimic wrinkles. Due to the loss of moisture and collagen, the first wrinkles appear in places where the skin often frowns-near the eye, on the forehead, around the mouth, on the neck.
  • Swelling, dark circles, pigmentation. Despite a sufficient sleep, in the morning women aged 30+ are faced with the swelling of the eyelids, bruises under the eyes, pigmented spots on their hands and face, freckles.
  • The drooping complexion. Without full nutrition and courtship for the skin, its color radically changes its tone. Often the skin after 30 years acquires a grayish tint, looks painful, tired, dull. Especially serious skin condition is observed in women who smoke and abuse alcoholic beverages.

Age -related changes, of course, spoil the mood and lead to pessimistic thoughts about age. Fortunately, all these changes are manifested gradually and if you start prevention in time, you can stop a train called “Failing Facial Leather”. First, it is important to establish your skin type that could change, and it is better if a cosmetologist does it. And then include daily skin care in your daily routine and choose the appropriate cosmetics.

Daily skin care at 30 at home

Over time, the skin loses a significant reserve of the lipid layer and begins to feel a deficiency of hyaluronic acid. From this, the skin is dehydrated and frowning. Therefore, sufficient skin care should begin with moisturizing and tonic and end in full cleansing and nutrition before bedtime.

In addition, it is important to adhere to the following rules to maintain the youth of the skin:

  1. Provide a full -fledged “rest” with your skin. First of all, this applies to the gold rule - always rinse makeup at night. In addition, the rest should be comprehensive, that is, a woman should sleep at least 7-8 hours, avoid stressful situations.
  2. It is important to take good vitamin-mineral complexes or revise your diet so that it is diverse.
  3. Help the skin get rid of keratinized cells. To do this, you can do home peeling or contact the salons for vacuum or chemical skin cleansing.
  4. Choose cosmetics suitable for your skin type. If you doubt the choice, visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist. They will help you understand the features of your skin, and you can easily choose creams and masks for skin after 30.
  5. Protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. The sun is the most insidious enemy of the youth of the skin. Always use cosmetics with high SPF filters and limit the sun stay.

Morning regular skin care at 30

If until this time you rarely looked after the skin, now it's time to introduce morning rituals that should become your habit. Every morning it should begin with cleansing the face and proper application of makeup to prepared skin.

  • Washing with water without chlorine. Water water is very dry and spoils of the skin. Therefore, you should use talus or mineral water. In extreme cases, filtered or boiled water is suitable. You can also replace water with a suitable lotion or cleansing milk.
  • A complete rejection of soap. It is pretty dry and tighten the skin. If you have dry skin after 30, use moisturizing emulsions and gels. For oily skin, foams and gels-scrubs are suitable, and for problematic and inflamed-agents with acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Proper wiping of the face. Use a soft cotton towel. At the same time, never try your face, but only gently wet it, trying not to stretch the skin.
  • Facial toning. To refresh, saturate with moisture and relieve swelling will help tonic. You can replace the store with a home. For oily skin, a decoction of green tea with citrus juice will be a real salvation. Dry and inflamed skin can be wiped with cucumber lotion without alcohol (4 slices of cucumber per 100 ml of water) or ice. To do this, brew a mixture of herbs, for example, calendula+mint+St. John's wort, and freeze in the form of ice.
  • Cream application. Select the product according to age and condition skin. Apply a small amount of cream with smooth circular motions. It is better to remove the remains of the cream with a cotton pad. In summer, buy a cream with protection from UV rays, and in winter-with properties against weathing and redness.
  • Additional moisture. During the day, if necessary, spray the thermal or mineral water on the skin, especially in the summer season.

Office of skin care at 30 years old

Before going to bed, the skin needs even more zealous care:

  • Removal of makeup. Under no circumstances are lazy to wash off cosmetics from the face. For this, any washing tool is suitable - foam, milk, emulsion, gel. With very dry skin, mycelium water will fit perfectly: it does not contain alcohol and there are many nutrients.
  • Cleaning (scrubbing) of the skin of the face. The skin needs to be cleaned not only of keratinized cells, but also from saws, residues of cosmetics, fat. Scrubging agents restore blood circulation, saturate the epidermis with oxygen, and enable the skin to completely absorb useful substances from creams, tonics, and masks. Burning skin needs to use scrub up to 4 times a week, dry - up to 3 times in 15 days. As a result, the skin becomes matte, smooth, freshened.
  • Night cream. Despite the many 2B1 creams, it is better to separately get day and night cream. After all, they have a completely different composition and purpose. A tool is applied to a cleansed face before bedtime. You can alternate night cream with nutrient oils, for example, with coconut, almond, pink, olive, peach.

Important! The general condition of your skin largely depends not only on its moisture and purification, but also on your lifestyle. If you have problematic skin in 30 years - this is a special excuse to limit oily food, alcohol, exclude harmful foods and aim at sports, proper nutrition.

Salon methods of maintaining youthful skin after 30 years

It is not always possible to do exclusively with creams and lotions. Sometimes, in order to get rid of the early wrinkles and adjust the oval of the face, you should turn to the services of cosmetic salons.

  • Injections with hyaluronic acid. 10 injections with this acid are able to completely restore the water balance of the skin, smooth wrinkles and level the oval of the face. The method for maintaining the youth of the skin around the eyes at 30 is especially suitable. The effect, of course, is short -lived, but even an expensive cream will not bring such a result.
  • Skin massage. 15 sessions of facial massage and the neckline provide good microcirculation of blood, improving the color and turgor of the skin. Most of the early signs of aging after the procedure disappears.
  • Chemical peeling. This procedure provides for the processing of the skin with special tools in order to remove dead cells. This is the most suitable way to prevent aging.
  • Ultrasound facial cleansing. A careful way to cleanse deeper layers of the skin without its trauma using a special apparatus.

Note! The skin of 30-35 years still does not need to frequent cleansing, plastic correction and other radical cosmetic manipulations, so it is enough to visit the salon once every 6 months for preventive procedures.

The choice of skin products after 30 depending on the existing problem

Many cosmetics for facial skin differ in the age category and skin characteristics, therefore, choosing a new serum or skin cream after 30 years, take into account personal skin imperfections that need to be eliminated:

  1. Wrinkles and sagging. To get rid of such a defect, buy emulsions with peptide, a cream with hyaluronic acid, masks and tonics with collagen.
  2. Fat gloss, rashes, redness. In this case, alternate masks with kelp and kaolin, alcohol -based tonics, gels with acetylsalicylic acid.
  3. Unhealthy complexion. The appearance of blush and natural skin radiance contributes to peeling. You can use foam for washing with a peeling effect, make masks with coffee grounds.
  4. Pigmentation. It is difficult to remove pigment spots yourself, but you can try special creams with arbutin and ascorbic acid.

Skin care around the eyes after 30 years

The area around the eyes is characterized by increased sensuality and is rather aging. Therefore, when leaving, you need to be more attentive to the skin around the eyes:

  • Removing makeup from the eyelid preferably two -phase lotions based on oils and liquids.
  • You need to remove cosmetics carefully, without stretching the skin, moving from the outer edge of the upper eyelid to the outer, and back along the lower eyelid.
  • The skin for the skin around the eyes at 30 should be applied in the morning and 1.5 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not use the products with the content of lanolin, and choose those in which caffeine, coenzyme Q10, tocopherol are present.
  • Wear sunglasses in sunny weather.
  • Make lotions on the eyelids using herbal decoctions.

Face masks after 30 years against age -related changes

Practice proves that home masks are largely superior to store. Therefore, you can support the youth of the skin using natural products.

Mask after 30 years for oily skin "cranberry freshness"


  • Sour cream or cream is 15% - 25 ml.
  • Cranberry juice - 20 ml.
  • Quail yolk - 2 pcs.

How to use:

  1. Press your face over the steam.
  2. Combine and mix the components.
  3. Apply a mask with an applicator to the prepared face.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash off the infusion of green tea.

Mask after 30 years for dehydrated skin "gelatino-ogurechny"


  • Gelatin - 15 g.
  • Cucumber - 150 g.
  • Aloe juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tea infusion - 20 ml.

How to use:

  1. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater.
  2. Mix the cucumber mass with gelatin and tea, then pair the mixture for the dissolution of gelatin.
  3. Cool the mask, add the yolk and aloe.
  4. Apply to the face for 20 minutes.
  5. Without washing off, remove the formed film.

Mask after 30 years from wrinkles "vine-honey"


  • Grape juice (light) - 40 ml.
  • Natural honey - 40 ml.
  • Gauze.

How to use:

  1. Mix juice and honey.
  2. Fold gauze in several layers.
  3. Dip the gauze in the mixture and attach to the face for 15 minutes.
  4. Then wash yourself with cool water.

Which skin cream after 30 years to choose: Favorite rating

For women who are still at the beginning of the way of searching for a suitable face cream, we offer a rating of the most popular means for the “30+” category.

Skin cream after 30 years Vichy Aqualia Thermal

This cream from the French brand Vichy has long been leading in the market of medical and preventive agents. This cream is aimed at maximum moisturizing dehydrated skin. It contains thermal water, glycerin and antioxidants. The cost in different pharmacies ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Advantages of Vichy Aqualia Thermal:

  • The mineral composition provides nutrition and humidification of the face.
  • Gel texture contributes to easy and careful application of the cream.
  • The cream protects the face from low temperatures and raw wet air.

Skin cream after 30 years Kora "Antistress"

Moisturizing a fitcore from a Russian manufacturer based on 60 plant substances. The product is 3 times cheaper than French Vichy and costs about 500 rubles.

Advantages of Kora "Antistress" cream:

  • The cream easily lays on the skin without creating films and excess oily gloss.
  • A diverse and nutritious composition is suitable for all skin types.
  • The cream is suitable for morning application, and for use before bedtime.
  • Helps the skin quickly regenerate cells and eliminates the foci of inflammation.

Skin cream after 30 years of Nivea Q10 Plus

A rather popular cream among women produced in Germany. It is recommended to use the skin cream around the eyes after 30 years.

The advantages of the cream from Nivea:

  • Available price. The average cost does not exceed 500 rubles. For the tube.
  • Deep hydration of the skin, provided that the integrated use of the whole line is Q10 Plus.
  • Effective smoothing of small wrinkles 10 days after the start of use.

Such simple rules of skin care after 30 years will help to preserve your youth on a debt.

Video "Top 9 errors when leaving the skin after 30 years"



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