
The properties of tourmaline soap. The use of tourmaline soap for the face, body and hair

The properties of tourmaline soap. The use of tourmaline soap for the face, body and hair
What is the useful turmaline soap: advantages and disadvantages. The maximum of information about the miraculous cosmetological agent.

Tourmaline soap is a universal cosmetological and therapeutic agent. Given the valuable properties of unusual soap based on tourmaline, this tool is gaining an increasing number of “fans” every year.

Innovation for our region, turmaline soap has long been recognized as a healing tool in the East. Anyone who monitors his health and appearance, trying to preserve elastic and beautiful skin, thick and healthy hair as much as possible, have good health and positive energy, heard about the miraculous power of tourmaline soap.

So what is this soap? How to use it correctly? What can be washed with turmaline soap? What are the advantages and contraindications of this cosmetic product? You can find out the maximum information about this in this selection of material.

Turmaline soap, description and properties

Before moving on to the description of the beneficial properties of tourmaline soap, it is first necessary to understand what its main component is a substance called “tourmaline”.

  • Tourmaline is a natural mineral, a volcano eruption product. It is mined in India, China, the USA, Brazil and Sri Lanka.
  • Outwardly, the crystal looks very beautiful, replete with more than 50 different shades. Therefore, at first, tourmaline was used to make spectacular jewelry. After studying the unique physical and chemical properties of the mineral, the stone began to be widely used in the healthcare system and cosmetology. The highest results in this area were achieved by Chinese medicine.

  • This crystal has formed for several thousand years and has unique properties.
  • With pressure on a solid surface or under the influence of temperature, tourmaline forms an electric charge acting resonant on the human body. Such an “electric stone” is the only mineral producing constant electricity, while generating negative ions - anions. Thus, tourmaline ionizes the surrounding air and increases the volume of “living” air in the room. Anions have a beneficial effect on human health, purify the respiratory tract and lungs, and positively affect the immune and nervous system of a person.
  • Chinese medicine, studying the healing properties of the mineral, came to the conclusion that the stone helps to expand the blood vessels (up to capillaries), improve metabolism and senses: vision, hearing, memory. In addition, the mineral cleanses the liver of toxins and has a common soothing effect (the nervous system is strengthened, sleep normalizes).
  • The healing properties of tourmaline have been known to humanity since time immemorial. The mineral is surrounded by various legends associated with its origin and magical properties. Tourmaline is increasingly used in non -traditional oriental medicine, as a healing agent. It is believed that the mineral contributes to the development of creative abilities and talents.
  • Possessing infrared radiation, tourmaline heats up in his hands. Many oriental guru believe in the life -affirming power of an unusual stone that cures various diseases and restores human energy.
  • The chemical composition of the mineral allows you to use it as an antibacterial agent. Thanks to this universal effect on the human body, tourmaline is raw materials for the production of a number of cosmetics: creams, soap, shampoos.

Tourmaline, converted into thin -dispersed powder, is part of a well -known, especially in the east, turmaline soap. In Japan and China, this skin and hair care product has long been very popular. Let's try to understand the causes of such a wide distribution of an unusual cosmetic product.


Turmaline soap, beneficial properties

Tourmaline soap is very in demand as an effective hygienic and therapeutic agent. It helps to get rid of a number of cosmetic problems.

  • This soap was created by Chinese doctors for rejuvenation and healing of the skin of the face and body, as well as for hair care.
  • Natural soap ingredients allow you to avoid undesirable side effects after its use. Tourmaline microcrystals that make up soap are activated in contact with the skin, normalizing metabolic and regenerative cell processes.
  • Tourmaline soap has a positive therapeutic effect, suitable for both women and men. Restoring the natural turgor of the skin, soap components contribute to the rejuvenation of skin cells, a qualitative improvement in its condition. The active components of the soap stimulates the production of natural collagen of the skin and slow down the aging process. The use of this hygiene product improves mood, relieves stress and fatigue.
  • Small -dispersed pieces of tourmaline crystal emit an electric charge and at the same time work as a scrubbing component of soap. Such a natural scrub thoroughly removes the dead keratinized particles, delicately cleansing the skin.
  • Possessing antibacterial and anti -inflammatory effects, turmaline soap dries acne, narrows pores, removes comedones on the face, while not violating the balance of skin microflora. Thus, the skin is slightly tightened and looks much healthier and younger.
  • The use of soap suspenses the development of fungal diseases, excessive sweating, itching and an unpleasant smell of legs.
  • Tourmaline soap is considered by doctors not only as a hygienic agent, but also as a way of preventing diseases.

The main components of turmaline soap

  • In addition to tourmaline, the soap includes additional natural components: bamboo coal, vegetable extracts, tea wood oil, seaweed extract, glycerin, vitamins and amino acids.
  • Bamboo coal has a whitening effect, smooths out pigmentation and freckles. It is often called a "black diamond", thanks to healing absorbing properties. Bamboo coal is especially useful when caring for oily and damaged hair. This additive carefully cleanses the scalp of fat, pollution, including cosmetics residues.

  • Glycerin helps to bleach the skin, moisturizes it, contributing to an increase in elasticity, elasticity and even skin color. In hair care, glycerin qualitatively improves the structure and condition of the hair. After prolonged use of soap, they look more well -groomed, thick, silky and shiny.
  • Tea tree oil has a lot of advantages and beneficial properties. Antifungal, antiseptic, anti -inflammatory drug, oil, among other things, increases the protective properties of cells, normalizes the secretion of the skin glands and protects against many infections.
  • Artificial additives, flavors, preservatives or dyes for the manufacture of turmaline soap are not used. Therefore, it is harmless to children, pregnant women and people with allergies.

Tourmaline soap: application and contraindications

  • Apply soap as usual: soap the body with light massaging movements, leaving on the skin for several minutes. Laping soap, a specific grayish foam is formed, due to the presence of bamboo coal. After 2-3 minutes, wash off soap with water. Soap is suitable for almost all skin types. It can be used daily, since it does not really overdry the skin.
  • With dry and hypersensitive type of skin, it is better to use soap not every day, in order to avoid overdrying or injury of the skin. In such cases, after the use of tourmaline soap, it is better to apply a moisturizer to the skin. If the skin is inflamed, particles of the mineral can have an undesirable irritating effect.
  • A contraindication of the use of soap can be several reasons: individual intolerance to the components of the cosmetological agent (allergies), tendency to bleeding, damage to the integrity of the skin, the surface arrangement of blood vessels, high body temperature.
  • They store soap in an ordinary soap dish, avoiding a strong getting wet of the bar. If the soap is constantly in water, it partially loses its properties.
  • The manufacturers of the “miracle mol” claim that it begins to actively affect the human body after contact with warm water and warm body. Heating, soap shows its useful and unusual properties: it foures infrared radiation, emits anions, destroying active radicals and toxins.


Tourmaline soap, reviews

  • With the daily use of soap, many women note an improvement in the condition of the skin of the face and body. It becomes more elastic, elastic, small facial wrinkles are smoothed out, pigmented spots are pale. The skin looks more healthy and fit.
  • The young ladies that used soap instead of shampoo also noticed significant improvements: a healthy shine, silkiness, obedience appear, and hair growth is increased.
  • You can read real reviews about the use of soap on special sites - “Ozzoviki” or on thematic forums.

Where and how to buy turmaline soap

  • Tourmaline soap is on sale in many online stores. This cosmetic product has a fairly acceptable price and looks like a piece of soap of dark brown, black or gray. Soap packaging is usually paper (cardboard). The soap does not contain synthetic fragrances and flavors, so it smells practically nothing.
  • When buying soap on the Internet, you should make sure of positive reviews of buyers and a high rating of this outlet. This is due to the fact that many unscrupulous manufacturers of cosmetics offer not real turmaline soap, with harmful chemical additives.   Such a poor -quality product has nothing to do with Chinese turmaline soap.
  • Most often, a cosmetic turmaline soap Nuga Best “Turia” is found on sale. It has established itself as a high -quality, which meets the declared instructions, a natural product.

The beneficial properties of turmaline soap allow you to use this hygienic tool for skin and body skin, for intimate hygiene, as well as instead of shampoo - for washing hair.

Facial tourmaline soap

  • For the skin of the face, soap can be used as a remedy for cosmetics, for washing (in the morning and evening) or as a mask-scrub. Such a universal effect of soap is due to its useful components and the healing properties. Applying soap for washing, it is enough just to foam it in warm water and without getting into the eyes, to wash. If the goal is to deeply cleanse the skin, you should massage your face along the massage lines for several minutes. Then rinse the scrub-soap with warm water.
  • Given the drying effect of tourmaline soap, it should be caused by its owners of dry or very sensitive skin type. The most acceptable use of soap for women with a normal, oily or combined skin type. If after the use of soap you feel light dry or tightening the skin, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer.
  • Tourmaline soap removes and prevents the appearance of acne and comedones, whitens and pulls the skin, smooths out scars and pigmentation, removes rosacea and bags under the eyes. The soap helps smoothing small wrinkles and eliminate oily shine.

Tourmaline body soap

  • For uniform application of soap to the body, it is better to use a soft washcloth or a special mittens.
  • Laping for 3-4 minutes, in circular movements, the product deeply cleanses and massages the skin. You can enhance the anti -cellulite effect, paying attention to problem areas: stomach, buttocks, hips. After rinsing with warm water and thorough wiping with a terry towel, it will be perfectly applied to the problem areas of the skin of anti -cellulite cream.
  • Tourmaline soap works as a cleansing and exfoliating agent. The scrub-soap not only helps to cope with the cellulite of the skin, but also resolves stretch marks or scars. The skin, with the regular use of therapeutic soap, becomes smooth, elastic and elastic.

Tourmaline hair soap

  • Tourmaline soap is used not only for the face and body, but also for washing the hair.
  • Such a shampoo substitute stimulates hair growth, deeply cleanses the scalp, removes keratinized cells and remains of cosmetics.
  • After the regular use of tourmaline soap for washing the hair, positive changes will become noticeable: the hair will be shiny, thick and healthy.


Summing up, we note the valuable therapeutic properties of turmaline soap not only on the skin and hair, but also on the general well -being of a person. Obviously, Chinese healers are not in vain attribute magical power to the ancient crystal - tourmaline.

Video: "Tourmaline soap"



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