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Miclining eyebrows - what it is. How are the eyebrow microblading - indications, contraindications, eyebrow care after microblading, photo before and after

Miclining eyebrows - what it is. How are the eyebrow microblading - indications, contraindications, eyebrow care after microblading, photo before and after
Ideal eyebrows are the dream of every girl. Much depends on the shape of the eyebrows, so the edge should be “set” in such a way as to hide the prosperity and emphasize all the advantages. A master of eyebrow microblading will cope with such requirements. The eyebrows will be perfect, well -groomed and beautiful. And now you can forget about pencils, brushes and shadows!

Eyebrows are a very important and integral part of our face. Much depends on the shape of the eyebrows: view, expression, shape of the face. If the eyebrows are “set” incorrectly, then the woman has all the “chances” to emphasize her shortcomings, make the face gloomy and even add 3-5 years to age. If the shape of the eyebrows is correct, then you can not only favorably emphasize all the advantages, but also competently remove the shortcomings. And in this matter a new procedure for correcting the shape of the eyebrows, which is called "microblading" will help.

Every girl knows how much time it needs to spend in the morning in front of the mirror to make a light makeup and correctly outline the shape of the eyebrows. Pencils, eyeliners, special shadows and brushes-this is all wonderful, only such makeup will last no more than 2 hours, then you need adjustment, and this is an additional waste of time. And if you need to be beautiful always and everywhere? On the beach, in a bathhouse, in a nightclub, at work, in a fitness club? How to be? Spend a lot of time on makeup, carry a cosmetic bag with you? There is a way out - you need to study all the nuances of the new eyebrow design technique.

What is eyebrow microblading

What is this procedure? This is the same tattoo only performed a little differently. We all know that eyebrow tattoo is applying a coloring substance under the skin, the same tattoo, only on eyebrows. The tattoo is held for a long time, does not require correction every day, the eyebrows look beautiful, but not natural. This is noticeable and it will not work to correct the situation.

If you delve into this procedure a little more, it becomes clear that the tattoo - the manipulation is complex, requiring high qualifications of the master. It’s just that any tattoo who knows how to hold the machine in his hands will not be able to make a tattoo according to all the rules. We need special needles, the selection of pigment, as well as certain knowledge in this area.

Microblading is differently performed and from the name it becomes clear that it will be the work of a microeleep. The technique is new, which will take several months or even years to master. Because the work is so thin that some masters call this procedure only as a “embroidery”.

The result will be completely different - beautiful, perfect eyebrows, without visible filling with a pigment. There is neither the blurry of the pigment under the skin, nor changes in color, the strokes are thin and clear.

So what is better, tattooing or eyebrow microblading? Everyone should choose the beauty procedure that will meet certain requirements.

Miclosing eyebrows. Photo

Who needs eyebrow microblading

If nature has endowed you with thin, bright and rare hairs, then to improve the density and emphasize the shape of the eyebrows, you will need an experienced hand of a professional. Just microblading - for you.

Also, this procedure can be recommended for girls with scars from the eyebrow area, the absence of hairs (prophashin) and everyone who does not like the density, shape, width and length of their eyebrows.

How they make eyebrow microblading

Manipulation is performed by a special tool, at the end of which the finest blade is inserted. There is no noise or vibration. Therefore, the master can calmly and without hesitation draw the finest lines that mimic the hairs. The thickness of such a blade is 0.18 mm, it is a very small and thin blade!

If you compare the eyebrows and microblading, then the difference will be very different. After microblading, the eyebrows look natural and natural. The pigment is not visible, only finished thin hairs. Even from close range, it is impossible to distinguish, natural hair, or finished. Only if you look closely.

Read more about the implementation of the adjustment of the shape of the eyebrows:

  • before the procedure, the master will hold a conversation with you, during which you will jointly decide on the shape of the eyebrows, bend, length, thickness. If there are scars and scars on the skin, you do not need to hide anything - the master must know everything to calculate the time in advance and plan everything;
  • the specialist must advise which pigment to choose so that new eyebrows are harmoniously combined with your color type;
  • you will make peeling to remove dead cells, so it is advisable to come to the procedure without cosmetics;
  • the master, armed with a pencil, draws the desired shape, will make eyebrow correction, removing excess hairs with tweezers;
  • if you liked the form, you can start work. The procedure is quite painful, because it is micro -outlets on the skin, so before the procedure you will be applied to a special cream;
  • after completing the work, the eyebrows can turn red, swelling may occur. You should not worry, the master will say what needs to be done;
  • the duration of microblading - within 1.5 hours, a qualified specialist will be enough this time to make beautiful eyebrows;
  • immediately after microblading: the color will be brighter, a few days later, when crusts come, the eyebrows will seem more natural;
  • exactly a month later, you need to repeat the procedure, perform the correction of the eyebrow microblading to consolidate the result. And in some cases, several corrections may be needed (from 2 to 5), it all depends on how the skin reacts to the pigment and how the healing process occurs.

Miclosing eyebrows. Photo before and after

Make eyebrows using the microblading technique - you can decide, these advantages may help make the right decision:

  1. Compared to tattooing, the master draws the thinnest hairs, identical to natural, given the length and thickness of the client’s hairs.
  2. Using a tattoo apparatus, the pigment penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, and this does not happen with a micro -extension.
  3. The master controls the speed of introducing a coloring substance, as well as depth, thanks to a convenient tool.
  4. The specialist chooses the hairy drawing scheme, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client.
  5. After the procedure, there is no such severe swelling as after tattooing. Most girls have only redness of the skin, and only 5% - light swelling.
  6. The healing period is less, and the color lasts longer.

How to prepare for eyebrow microblading

2-3 days before the visit to the beauty salon, you need to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, if possible, smoking. The use of antibiotics is also undesirable, otherwise it is necessary to transfer the visit to the master after the completion of the course of treatment.

To refuse to visit the solarium and stay on the beach, because after tanning the skin is rude and the reaction to the pigment can be unpredictable.

It is undesirable to independently adjust the shape of the eyebrows and pluck out extra hairs - provide this to a professional. He must evaluate the scale of work in order to understand what the effect to expect. Therefore, it's okay if you run the eyebrows a bit.

On the day of the visit to the beauty salon: to drink coffee in the morning. Exclude all products in which caffeine may be present.

Technique Microblading eyebrows

There are 2 techniques:

  1. Mannequin or European, when the pigment is introduced at the same distance (that is, the hairs draw the same length and thickness, through the equal gap). Result: the eyebrows are voluminous and thick, but if you look closely, finished strokes are visible. It looks unnatural.
  2. Oriental technique (or hairy microblading of eyebrows) is complex, but the result is worth it. The master draws different directions of hairs, makes different thickness and length, regulates the intensity of the drawing. It is very difficult to find an experienced master who owns such a technique, and if you are lucky, you will have to wait a few months. The price of eyebrow microblading is quite high, from 4 to 6 thousand rubles, plus correction is another half of the cost. But this will be justified - the eyebrows will look natural. By the way, the technique is recommended for girls with thick and dense skin.

About the selection of color: a professional always chooses a pigment 0.5 tones darker from the desired, because when healing eyebrows, the skin partially eats the pigment (from 20 to 50%), so the eyebrows immediately after the procedure seem bright and dark.

By the way, after a few months, the color will be different - the eyebrows will become a little lighter and more natural. According to the reviews of the girls who made the microblading of eyebrows, it is clear that the color remains the same and does not “go” into red and blue shades.

Miclosing eyebrows. Care

After the procedure, it is very important to properly care for eyebrows, it is 50% of your success and efforts.

To maintain the result as long as possible, it is important to adhere to the master's recommendations:

  • on the first day after the procedure, you cannot wet eyebrows;
  • it is also prohibited to apply cosmetics, cleaning and caring products;
  • it is undesirable to touch the eyebrows with your hands;
  • it is forbidden to stay in the sun, swim in the pool and open reservoirs, visit the sauna, solarium;
  • avoid physical activity - highlight the week of silence, withstanding a pause;
  • for a long time swim in the bath so as not to soak crusts. It is better to take a shower;
  • on the recommendation of the master, it is necessary to buy a special cream “Depanten” or “Panthenol”, you need to lubricate the eyebrows with cream 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime, starting from the 3rd day after the procedure. Duration of care - 3 days;
  • put the crusts yourself, making efforts, is prohibited! If this is done, then an unpainted area, devoid of their own hairs or proplesh, will remain on the skin;
  • after the natural disappearance of crusts, it will seem to you that the color did not linger under the skin, after 14 days everything will be restored. The ideal shape of the eyebrows and color should be expected after the recovery period, that is, after 2-4 weeks.

How much is the eyebrow microblading? With competent care, the result will be fixed for 1-1.5 years. Everything will depend on the characteristics of your body, how the cells are renewed quickly.

If you use often scrubs, do peeling, apply funds to the eyebrow area, then microblading can last 6 months or even less.

Miclosing eyebrows. Are there contraindications?

Yes, all the nuances must be discussed with the master before the start of the procedure, so that later it is not too late.


  • all girls and women, 2-3 days before the start of menstruation and during critical days;
  • absolute contraindication: pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding (this is stress for the body), as well as sensitive skin;
  • poor blood coagulation and individual intolerance.

On the disadvantages of eyebrow microblading

The eyebrow microblading procedure has not only advantages, but also cons of which many beginner masters try to keep silent.

The first drawback - the effect does not last long, from 6 months to 1.5 years, then the pigment is completely or partially washed out. Many clients of expensive salons do not like this, because the procedure is not cheap. The minus can be translated into a plus - after a year and a half, the fashion will change, your eyes will change, you may want to change the shape of the eyebrows or leave them in its original form.

The second drawback - the result of the work done can only be judged after 1.5 months. Then the qualification of the master will appear.

And, most importantly, what all the masters of this business are silent about, possible risks:

  • the procedure of microblading is the finest cuts or small microshramiks that can be seen under the lamp or armed with a magnifier. Or not look, because everything is clear with technology. Only the pigment, falling under the skin, can migrate, mix with the fat subcutaneous layer and the line will be fuzzy. Therefore, such microblading girls with oily skin are not suitable;
  • after correction, more and more scars appear, and after all, a cut is more traumatic for the skin, even if it is very thin than a puncture (tattoo technique);
  • unsuccessfully applied pigment (for example, with a master with a 2-day learning diploma), he is very striking. It is impossible to fix such a technique after microblading with any other techniques, even the tattoo with a professional for any money, because the color in microdoxes does not lie homogeneous, which means there will not be the desired result;
  • i don’t like eyebrows - not that shape, thickness, effect. Microblading laser is discharged problematically, because the cut on the skin reaches a layer of dermis, and there all recovery processes proceed very slowly. It turns out that if the result is unhappy, you will have to wait a year or more until microblading does not disappear naturally.

Think a thousand times, whether to make eyebrow microblading, weigh the pros and cons, taking into account the price, the work of the master (own, and not printed from the Internet), his reputation, and quality materials. After all, a poor -quality microblading will not work out with water!

And in order to make the right decision, we offer to familiarize yourself with the video master class of the microblading of eyebrows:



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