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Zoning the space of the room

Zoning the space of the room
How to highlight the functional areas of various purposes in the interior.

When planning a modern design of premises, zoning techniques are often used quite often. With their help, you can distinguish separate functional zones for various needs, as well as visually adjust the perception of the interior. Using the methods of distinguishing between space, it is easy to achieve a significant visual transformation, as well as increase the functionality of the room, bring notes of comfort and comfort to it.

The goals of the zoning of the room

When planning how to bestmake zoning in the best way, for the optimal organization of personal and joint space, it is necessary to consider the functional purpose of individual zones, take into account the proportions of the room, as well as the tastes and wishes of family members.

As a rule, the zoning of the room is used to solve the following problems:

  • for distinction in the room of several zones with different purposes;
  • in order to separate the private area from the public territory. For example, distinguishing the space of a small -sized one -room apartment for several zones (in the form of a children's playing corner, adult recreation space, as well as sleeping areas), we can achieve a significant increase in the functionality of the useful area;
  • for the optical correction of the premed room - for example, using a well -thought -out zoning of a small room, you can visually increase it;
  • in order to functional transformation of space depending on the time of day.

Zoning the space of the room - photo



You can also familiarize yourself with various options for distinguishing between functional zones by looking at the numerous photos of the zoning of the living room and bedrooms presented on the Internet.

Zoning the room using additional structures and furniture

There are several basic ways to divide the room into various functional zones, these include zoning the room using the following designs:

  • arkal openings - light structures of arcuate or straightforward shape that do not occupy flooring. The use of arches in the room is the traditional method of decorative zoning of the room suitable for rooms of any size. In addition, for the harmonious separation of space, various combinations of zoning of the room using partitions and arches can be made. In this way, selecting the necessary design of the functional elements of zoning, in harmony with the general style of the interior, it is possible to slightly indicate the separation of zones or largely distinguish between the territory of the room;
  • podiums are a rather popular idea for zoning the room. The arrangement of the catwalk will not only visually distinguish between functional zones, but also realize any functional ideas. For example, depending on the height of the ceilings, in the room you can arrange a podium from a height of a few centimeters to fairly large -scale structures. Thus, by carrying out the zoning of the space in the room, you can organize an additional place for storing various things using the podium - or a platform for placing a winter garden, upholstered furniture, a table, add decorative steps of steps. When designing the placement of the catwalk and its size, the further convenience of movement in this functional zone should be taken into account;
  • decorative partitions for zoning the room - unlike the deaf wall, such structures occupy much smaller in the room in the room. In them you can provide backlight, integrate niches, place shelves, as well as a narrow aquarium and even a fireplace. With the help of zoning the room with drywall, placing a partition in the right place, you can give an interior decorated in the Loft style, a more attractive look. In small rooms, it is recommended to combine drywall with glass block inserts. Often, false-breeds are made from glass scheduled for stained glass. Such a lightweight wall can be used in the studio for distinguishing in the room of the kitchen-dining room and sleeping area;

Zoning the room with partitions - photo



  • sliding doors - are a design that is very convenient in everyday use, used for functional zoning of the living room. In this way, the private part of the room can be reliably hidden from prying eyes - for this, opaque sliding doors are used. In other cases, light translucent canvases made of matte glass, rice paper will look harmonious. Mirror doors will visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;

Living room zoning - photo



  • sliding screens - are mobile decorative partitions that can be easily installed in the right place or remove. They are a design of several frame frames, wood and metal, as well as rattan, rice paper and bamboo can act as a material for the screen;
  • using stationary or mobile furniture - it is placed in such a way as to indicate the separation of space. The elements for zoning the room of racks, shelves and ebens, high backs of sofas, as well as bar racks are successfully suitable as distinguishing space for zoning the room. The zoning of the room can be organized using a thoughtful location of upholstered furniture, or by installing a double -sided fireplace in the room. The use of a bar rack for distinguishing the space of the kitchen and living room with an open layout or in the studio is quite popular. A successful solution for zoning the children's room is to divide the space with a low rack with small countertops on the sides - thus you can get two full -fledged workplaces to prepare lessons and creativity.

Decorative zoning of the room

In addition, the following decorative techniques can be used for zoning the room:

  1. To allocate in the room the living room area by gluing on the wall of brighter and saturated wallpaper or painting, while in the sleeping area it is necessary to use elaborating muffled tones (for example, in the colors of decorative pillows).
  2. Zoning lighting by placement in the room of several lamps of various types with individual switches. At the same time, the central ceiling chandelier combines the composition, and various wall and table lamps are used to illuminate various functional zones. For zoning the room, you can equip a multi -level floor and ceiling system, as well as organize backlighting with halogen and LED lamps of the working area in the kitchen, niches or arch, racks and podium.
  3. Apply several types of materials for the interior of the premises, as well as methods of wall and floor decoration:
  • combine the pattern and color of the floor tile coating, or use several methods of laying tiles or parquet to allocate various functional zones in the room. For zoning the floor, various materials can be combined - laminate and linoleum, tiles and parquet. In addition, there is a simple way to distinguish between space by placing a carpet or carpet in one of the functional zones;
  • zone walls with painting, decorative plaster, siding and panels, as well as combine wallpaper of different tones, combining various drawings and textures. With the help of contrasting combinations or smooth transitions in the locations of arches, niches can be achieved optimal distinguishing between space. When combining the wallpaper, one can distinguish a certain functional zone (by a chest of drawers or a fireplace, bed, lunch or desk, etc.) and focus on it.
  1. By zoning the room with curtains (as well as curtains, Japanese panels-panels), you can separate a cozy corner in the form of a sleeping place or working area, disguise the shelves, visually isolate part of the room. Applying, depending on the task, translucent textiles or densely draped fabrics, as well as canvases of other materials - plastic, bamboo, rice paper or rattan, can be very effectively and harmonious zone for the space.

Zoning techniques for a children's room

If one room is occupied by several children, especially diverse, then it will be necessary to distinguish between functional zones in it according to their individual needs. In the event that the child lives alone in the room, it is recommended to divide this space into the working area and the recreation area. This will help him concentrate on study, as well as to relax effectively. To do this, you need to arrange the zoning of the room for children, indicating the following functional zones:

  • for relaxation and sleep - it is recommended to separate the bed with curtains, screen, racks or partitions, combining wallpaper or premises of the sleeping area to the second level;
  • for homework - it is necessary to organize fairly bright lighting and structure the placement of things, you can arrange a semblance of a personal account using furniture or partitions;
  • the game zone - it is advisable to free up the space for active games, install a chest of drawers for toys, and does not hurt to add a sports corner;
  • to accommodate things - small cabinets, racks and chests of drawers, boxes under the bed will come in handy;
  • the wardrobe area is for storing children's clothing and shoes.

Designers argue that in premises of any size you can harmoniously combine the zones of a variety of functional purpose, while it is quite possible to optimize the use of available area.

It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to carry out zoning a room in more than three or four functional areas (in order to avoid excessive pile of interior and objects).

Room zoning - photo











Zoning the premises - video



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