
The use of hair uzma oil. Hair masks recipes with uzma oil

The use of hair uzma oil. Hair masks recipes with uzma oil
What is the benefits of hair ugli. How to use it correctly. Hair masks with uzma oil

Of the natural remedies that are able to solve the problem of baldness, Uzma deserves special attention. It is used in the form of decoctions, but the most effective is the oil extracted from the leaves of the plant. How can I use hair uzma oil, we will try to tell you in this material.

A few words about the ozma oil

Usema is a plant of the mustard family, Central Asia is considered its homeland. They collect culture as raw materials no earlier than the second year of its life, because only then it becomes useful.

They squeeze cosmetic oil from the leaves of the plant, driving them through a special centrifuge. Often, foliage is also used for the preparation of decoctions, but it is the oil that is considered more useful. It does not undergo heat treatment, which means that all vitamins, amino acids and other components are preserved there almost in its original form.

Uzma oil is widespread in their homeland, and Asian people often resort to it as a hair care product, eyebrows and eyelashes. It has a healing, and not just a cosmetological effect, helping to fight complete and partial baldness.

In its own action, type and consistency, it is closest to the familiar and more common castor oil we have. But reviews about the ozma oil as a hair tool indicate that, unlike castor, it is better absorbed and acts faster.

What is the benefit of hair ugly

The ear, as mentioned above, belongs to the mustard family, and it has an effect similar to mustard. When applying to the skin, the product acts warmly, accelerates the blood flow in the treated area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis, and blood, ticking to hair follicles, stimulates their work and awakens even sleeping bulbs.

According to reviews, the ozma oil used for hair growth eliminates the bald spot, and the growing curls are more thicker, stronger and healthier. Moreover, the effect of such a tool can be achieved quickly enough, literally after a couple of procedures. But the full course of treatment, of course, is longer and will require at least a month.

Use is useful for the hair of hair, constantly at risk of damage. These are curls, tired of frequent styling with a hot hairdryer or a styler, and hair exposed to wind, sun, poor ecology, and strands that are painted from time to time. Such factors weaken the hair, change their structure, break down from the inside.

The benefits of the uzma oil can be described by the following points:

  1. The composition strengthens and restores the hair structure. With the regular use of such a tool, the need to trim the overdred and dull strands will disappear.
  2. The squeezing of the leaves of the uzma is also considered an antibacterial agent. This means that she fights with seborrhea - a fungus that provokes the appearance of dandruff.
  3. Plant oil warms the skin, gives sleeping follicles blood flow, arouses them, activates the work.

Uzma oil is absorbed into the skin quickly and almost completely, without leaving the film on the surface of the head.

When stands and do not use hair uzma oil

Before buying hair uzma oil, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the readings and the rules for its use:

  1. The tool is shown to those who, for various reasons, lose or lost their hair. People of different ages may face a similar problem, both representatives of strong and the weaker sex. Uzma oil can help from baldness caused by different reasons, except for the hereditary factor.
  2. It is advisable to take advice from a trichologist before using the Uzma oil. It will help to accurately understand the cause of baldness and tell you how to eliminate the problem.
  3. The squeeze of the leaves of the uzma is generally harmless, but, like any plant component, it can be an allergen for some people. Therefore, before use, it must be tested on thin delicate skin.

Features of the use of hair oil oil

Uzma oil is more practical and cheaper to add to mixtures with cheaper basic oils or use with other products as part of therapeutic masks.

The natural uzma oil is painted green, but fair-haired girls should not worry about this, since the product is washed off completely and does not change the shade of hair.

Features of the use of such a cosmetic agent as Uzma oil are as follows:

  1. It is important to apply the composition not so much on the hair itself as on the scalp, where the hair follicles are located. And so that it is absorbed better and the blood flow in the epidermis was stronger, it is advisable to massage the head in the process of applying oil.
  2. The beneficial thermal effect will be stronger if you put on a plastic cap on your head with a mask, and then wrap it with an increasing towel. You can use a scarf or a warm hat - the warmer the head will be, the stronger the effect will be.
  3. A mask with uzma butter can cause a burning sensation, however, it is recommended not to wash off at least 40 minutes. For the first time you can reduce time, giving yourself the opportunity to get used to it.

The use of uzma oil in hair masks

Note that the tool can be not only a component of masks, but also an additive to shampoo, which you use each time to wash your head. If you want to cook exactly the mask, then select the rest of the components taking into account the characteristics of the hair. In addition, the mask must be kept on the strands for a long time, unlike shampoo, which means that the effect of it will be stronger. We give several home -made -based hair recipes.

We treat dry and dull hair with ozma oil

Holded hair needs enhanced nutrition, they lack moisture and beneficial substances to become stronger and more shiny. A mask based on yogurt, oils and vitamins will help to cope with this problem. The squeeze of the uzma that enters it will arouse sleeping bulbs, so the curls will not only be stronger and healthier, but also magnificent. The ingredients in this mask are the following:

  • uzma oil - 30 drops;
  • yogurt without additives - 20 g;
  • cocoa oil - 10 g;
  • vitamin B12 - 1 ampoule.

Both preparation and the use of the mask are very simple. It is necessary to mix everything that is indicated in the list, heat a little to a pleasant temperature. The hair should be washed with shampoo and squeezed with a dry towel. After that, you can distribute a mask on them, first processing the roots, then combing along the strands. An hour later, the mask can be washed off.

Ozma oil for oily hair

A mask with uzma butter can be done for oily hair. In order to remove excess bodybuilding from the strands, the basis of this tool is kefir. This sour -milk product normalizes the sebaceous glands, the hair is not so quickly polluted and save its volume longer. Here's how they make such a mask:

  1. Take 30 ml of low -fat kefir and heated it a bit.
  2. 15 drops of oil from uzma leaves are dripped into kefir and 2 drops of essential mandarin oil are also added.
  3. The head is washed with shampoo, squeezed with a dry towel, and applied to the roots.
  4. It is rubbed for about 5 minutes and then combed with a scallop along the strands.
  5. The hair is turned into a tourniquet, hidden under a hat for half an hour or 40 minutes.
  6. Repeat the action after another 2 weeks.

The struggle against baldness with ozma oil

Uzma oil for hair growth will be more effective in aggregate with mustard. The mask against baldness is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour in the bowl 2 tbsp. dry mustard, add 2 tsp. sugar sand.
  2. Pour 0.5 tsp into the same bowl. Uzma butter and 2 tsp. burdock oils.
  3. Mix the mask, look at the consistency. If the density is normal for comfortable application, do not add anything. If not, dilute with a small amount of burdock oil.
  4. Rub the mask into wet scalp after washing, comb the hair, remove them under the film and put on a warm hat.
  5. Keep the mask for half an hour or as much as you can endure burning.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Kefir -based mask with uzma oil

We offer another kefir -based mask recipe, it includes:

  • 100 ml of kefir;
  • oil from Uzma leaves - 7 drops;
  • burdock oil - 1 tsp;
  • coconut oil - 1 tsp

Add all ingredients to warm kefir, mix. Wash your head, rub the product into the roots, comb with a comb on the strands. Take the curls under the film and put on your head a warm hat. This mask can be kept for a long time, at least 2 hours, or you can leave it on the hair at night.

Remedy for cultivating curls with uzma oil

Uzma oil for hair growth is considered one of the best means. We will make a mask in this way:

  1. We brew 20 g of light hen with boiling water, and preferably tea.
  2. Mix KNU from 1 tbsp. sesame oil. Dropped 15 drops of squeezes from the leaves of the ur.
  3. We wash your head and a prepared remedy in the hair.
  4. Remove the hair under the hat, twisting it with a tourniquet.
  5. We walk 1.5-2 hours, and then damp the mask.

Restoiser based on kvass and uzma oil

Hair, which often paint, dried and laid, need help in the form of additional nutrition and moisturizing. In this case, masks with kvass oils will help. We described a similar recipe later:

  1. Take 30 ml of natural kvass. Heat it to body temperature.
  2. Drop 3 drops of bergamot essential oil and 15 drops of squeeze from the leaves of the uzma.
  3. Add 10 ml of lemon juice, mix.
  4. Wash your hair, distribute the product over it, hold for 40 minutes.

The use of hair uzma oil. Video



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