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Diet Kim Protasov

Diet Kim Protasov
On the diet of Kim Protasov in five weeks, you will lose weight as useful to your body.

The Kim Protasov diet has been known since 1999 and has since taken a worthy place in the list of diets based on proper and healthy diet. It is tried, appreciated and recognized.

Description of the diet of Kim Protasov


Protasov’s diet is designed for a fairly large period of time, but the excellent results in the form of dropped kilograms and a slender figure overshadow this drawback. Moreover, you do not have to starve during the diet.

The diet of Kim Protasov is based on the originally large amount of food, or, more correctly, a comfortable volume. As a result of the use of only useful products without salt and seasonings, the amount of food eaten is gradually decreasing. Light salads that make up the main diet at the beginning of the diet perfectly cleanse and improve the body, make it possible to evaluate the taste of natural products. During the diet, proper food addictions are formed, metabolism improves, and this allows you to maintain weight in the future.

Kim Protasov diet for weeks


The diet of Kim Protasov is designed for 3 stages. The first duration of 2 weeks. The second stage is 3 weeks. The third stage lasts 5 weeks. So much time will take to get out of the diet. A very slow exit from the diet is important to consolidate the result. You can find out in detail about the diet of Kim Protasov from the menu at different stages of the diet.

The first stage of the diet of Kim Protasov: the first and second week

The menu of the Kim Protasov diet in the first and second week consists of raw vegetables, dairy products with fat content of up to 5% (unsweetened yogurts, kefir, broinz, cottage cheese, cheese), one boiled egg. Raw vegetables can be consumed as salads, seasoning with kefir or yogurt. The volume of vegetables and eating time can be arbitrary.

From fruits in the first two weeks you need to eat 3 green apples per day. Apples should be present in the diet every day throughout the course of the diet, for 5 weeks.   They will saturate the body with pectins and a small amount of carbohydrates. At least 2 liters of water should be drunk per day, you can drink tea and coffee in unlimited volume. When choosing sour -milk products, preference should be given to natural cottage cheese without additives, not cheese, since cheeses contain a lot of salt. And salt leads to a delay in fluid in the body, which prevents weight loss.

Immediately for three days of the diet, you will feel extraordinary ease, subside swelling and excess fluid from the body will leave. Perhaps a slight feeling of hunger at the first stage of the Protasov diet, but it is rather not hunger, but the desire to eat something tasty.

Fresh vegetables that make up the diet of the first two weeks on the diet of Kim Protasov:

  1. Cabbage (white, Brussels, Savoy, Beijing, Red red).
  2. Carrot.
  3. Tomatoes.
  4. Cucumbers.
  5. Young zucchini, pumpkin.
  6. Bulgarian pepper.
  7. Radish, turnip, radishes.
  8. Celery.
  9. Asparagus.
  10. Rhubarb.
  11. Greens (Korses Salat, onions, parsley, brass, dill, spinach, sorrel).
  12. Garlic.
  13. Horseradish.

The second stage of the Kim Protasov diet: the third, fourth and fifth week


At the beginning of the third week, the menu can be supplemented with meat or fish. The volume of finished meat is not more than 300 g per day, according to the processing method, meat can be boiled, fried or stewed. The rest of the diet remains unchanged so far.

At the end of the third week, it is recommended to reduce the volume of dairy products consumed. From the third week, the weight begins to decrease daily, this indicates that the metabolism has improved. Weight loss can continue even after the end of the diet, if you follow the right and healthy diet.

The third stage of the Kim Protasov diet: exit from the diet

The exit from Protasov’s diet is given great attention, it is recommended to make it smooth, stretching for 5 weeks. As a result of the diet, the body almost got rid of craving for sweet and carbohydrate foods, so then you should fix the habit of healthy nutrition.

You should adhere to such simple rules.

  1. Leave a sufficient amount of raw vegetables in the diet. Part of dairy products use 1% or 0% fat.
  2. Gradually add vegetable oil to the menu (about 30 g per day) for salad dressing.
  3. Smoothly replace 2 apples with any fruits, except for grapes, mangoes and bananas.
  4. Breakfast gradually change for porridge cooked on the water. Start with oatmeal, gradually adding other cereals.
  5. Add low -fat meat to the diet, however, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of dairy products.

Subject to the correct exit from the diet, the weight gradually continues to decline. At all stages of the Kim Protasov diet, it is advisable to engage in physical education, it will accelerate the process of losing weight. After the diet of Kim Protasov, it is advisable not to eat bread and booth products and white rice for 1-2 months.

Kim Protasov diet recipes

You can learn more about the diet of Kim Protasov from the recipes.

Recipes for 1-2 week of Kim Protasov diet


Protasovskaya okroshka


  • cucumbers;
  • kohlrabi cabbage;
  • radish;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • dill;
  • kefir 3.2% fat.

Cut the vegetables with small cubes or strips, rub the vigor on a coarse grater, fill with kefir.

Vegetable rolls


  • zucchini;
  • red pepper, cucumber and carrots;
  • greens, garlic;
  • cottage cheese up to 5% fat.

Cut the tsukkini along the finest plates. Lubricate with cottage cheese, seasoned garlic and herbs. On one edge of the plate, put a vegetable mixture of pepper, carrots and cucumber chopped by strips, wrap it with a roll. Fix the roll with a toothpick.

Recipes for 3-5 weeks of diet Kim Protasov

Elisean Field Salad



  • celery petioles;
  • cucumber;
  • white cabbage;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • natural "activation".

We chop the cabbage with strips, cut the celery with small squares, cut the cucumber strips. We disassemble the meat on the fibers. Mix everything, season with "activation".

It turns out a very hearty salad with an amazing fresh aroma.

Salad "Orange tenderness"


  • 150 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 5 tbsp. l. yogurt;
  • a few drops of mustard.

Finely chop the meat and egg, grate the carrots on the smallest grater. Twine with yogurt and mustard sauce.

The pros and cons of the Protasov diet


If you follow all the recommendations and requirements of the Kim Protasov diet, then the results will be amazing. In addition to the fact that the scales will please the discarded kilograms, the mood will improve significantly. Especially in the morning, instead of morning breakdown, there will be a surge of strength and energy. The condition of the skin will noticeably improve, the eyes will become radiant, and thoughts are fresh. After all, proper balanced diet will only benefit!

For 5 weeks spent on the diet of Kim Protasov, you can easily lose 8-9 kilograms. The number of kilograms dropped depends on the initial weight, body weight index (the presence of extra pounds), edema. It is recommended to use Protasov’s diet no more than 1 time per year, preferably in the summer-autumn season, since at this time there are quality vegetables. Eating a large number of fresh vegetables rich in fiber, improve digestion, saturate with vitamins and trace elements. Thanks to the constant intake of the protein contained in dairy products, muscle tissue is preserved, which prevents skin sag.

The diet of Kim Protasov is suitable for people who decided to fight with a craving for sweets. During the diet, you can completely get rid of the usual snacks with a cookie or candy. The diet contributes to a gradual rejection of sugar, replacing it with honey and dried fruits.

You can build your own, original diet based on the provisions of Protasov’s diet. It is possible to start a diet from the third week, when the diet is supplemented with meat and a small amount of vegetable oil. It’s much easier to get used to proper nutrition, and reviews about the diet of Kim Protasov say that even compliance with the third week leads to a significant weight loss.

Results of losing weight on the diet of Kim Protasov in the photo:

before and after

before and after1

Contraindications for the Potasov diet

Possessing a huge number of positive moments, the diet of Kim Protasov, like all diets, has contraindications. People suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive system need to consult with the attending physician. Contraindications are associated with the restriction of starchy products in the first two weeks of the diet. The starch has a softening effect, protecting the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach from rough vegetable food. Therefore, a deficiency of enveloping substances in the diet can lead to an exacerbation of diseases.

  Diet Kim Protasov. Video



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