
Rice diet

Rice diet
How to lose weight with a rice diet, how to get rid of diseases, feeding rice? Contraindications for such nutrition.

One of the most effective diets is recognized rice. Rice is more caloriene, rather than other cereals, but it can be eaten, refusing meat and fish. On such a diet, you can very quickly get rid of excess weight. The main reason for the popularity of rice diet, reviews about which the most positive is the usefulness of this product. It has cleansing properties. If you correctly prepare rice, then you can remove slag and salt from the body. Sitting on such a diet, you can not only lose weight, but also to improve the body, clean it.

There are many options for a rice diet, and therefore everyone may choose for itself the most comfortable nutrition system in order to deal with unnecessary weight kilograms.

Advantages of rice diet

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  1. In this cereal of 8 amino acids that are necessary to human body to build new cells.
  2. In rice, high content of iodine, iron and zinc, as well as phosphorus and magnesium. This list must add calcium and vitamins. These are an indispensable assistants to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  3. Rice is favorable on the nervous system.
  4. Absorption of salts and other toxic substances to the organism, the withdrawal of them from the body is another advantage of rice.
  5. Cleansing the intestines, removal of anxiety and irritability.
  6. Rice helps to get rid of cellulite.

Rice diet for weight loss

Thanks to the useful properties of rice, it is possible to fill the missing trace elements in the body. In addition, you can now quickly acquire beautiful forms, not starving and not experiencing discomfort. The rice diet has its own principles. So, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proposed diet of the diet. It is advisable to breakfast at all, or to eat for breakfast. Immediately after meals, you should not drink water or tea - let me ride your functions. You can drink 1.5 after meals or half an hour before it. I swear rice for breakfast, you can drink after 4 hours. For any rice diet option, abundant drink is a prerequisite. The thing is that rice displays salts, and the water will help them not to postpone elsewhere. You can drink non-carbonated mineral water, red or green unsweetened tea.

Recipe for preparing rice porridge during diet

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For a rice diet, choose crude rice - it will bring more benefit. Prepare it on the following recipe:

Prepare 5 sex litter cans. Slip each number from 1 to 5. On the first day in the morning, place it in the bank at number 1 - 2 tbsp. rice. Fill with warm or cool water. The next morning, drain the water from the can, rinse with cold water. Fill rice again. In the second bank, place a couple of Art. rice. Fill with water. Third, fourth and fifth morning - do the same procedures by adding rice to new banks. 6 Morning Rice in the first bank will be ready for use. Fill it with boiling water and let it brew within 10 - 15 minutes. It turns out such a kind of rice porridge. Diet with such rice continues for 21 days, and porridge should only eat for breakfast. In any rice diet, you can use rice prepared in this way.

Rice diet for 3 days

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Rinse the rice, fill with water a little higher than its level and short-time - grains should not lose its shape. You can store such a delicacy no more than a day, so it is better not to stock up, but prepare before use.

Break up to 9 am, dinner at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and dinner at 6 pm. This is a clock when the stomach is the most active. From 9 o'clock in the evening to 11, it is impossible to eat and drink - at this time the digestive system is most intensively cleaned. Drink slowly, slowly, carefully chew food. After a meal for an hour, do not drink anything - so your body will cleanse, it will be harmful substances and excess moisture from it.

Be sure to consult your doctor before sitting on the diet.

Rice diet for 5 days

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Diet with rice and fish. For such a diet, it is allowed to eat separately only rice or fish, you can add more greens.

Rice diet for 7 days

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Rice diet menu

On Monday

  • For breakfast, you joine a glass of boiled rice and drink milk. In addition, you can eat baked apple and drink a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
  • On the second breakfast, you jerk a piece of bread with bran and drink a milk-carrot cocktail. Instead, herbal tea from melissa or chamomile is suitable.
  • Lunch - low-fat broth with chicken breast, rice and vegetables.
  • Afternoon school - rice loaf with pieces of mozzarella and tomato.
  • For dinner, treat yourself salads from boiled rice, apples and grapes. Pour the lettuce of dairy serum.


  • For breakfast, prepare a delicious salad from Kiwi, banana and grapefruit with the addition of rice.
  • On the second breakfast - green salad, a toast from bread with bran and tuna.
  • At lunch - broth with a fried bow and rice - fill it sour cream.
  • Afternoon school - 2 tbsp. Cottage cheese with greens on a loaf with pumpkin seeds.
  • The dinner will be stewed in white wine and low-fat cream perch, boiled rice.


  • Breakfast on this day should be a rice porridge with flaxseed seeds and pineapple. Prepare porridge on non-fat milk. Drink tea or coffee.
  • On the second breakfast, you dwell to half boiled boiled eggs, a leaf of green salad and grapefruit, tomato.
  • At lunch boiled rice and 50 gr. Green peas stewed with onions onions.
  • Afternoon person - a piece of smoked saline salmon with bran. In addition, we are taking a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as greens, add boiled rice.
  • For dinner, you can pamper yourself with a salad of tangerines and crab meat. Add to it boiled rice and fill with rapeseed oil or vinegar. Along the half of Ch.L. mustard.

On Thursday

  • Breakfast boiled rice with stewed vegetables and chicken breasts.
  • On the second breakfast, drink tea or coffee and be buried the loaf, 1 tbsp. cottage cheese.
  • For lunch again boiled rice, but already with mango and green onions, a tomato. Make sauce from yogurt and lemon juice.
  • Non-smooth you need half the boiled boiled eggs, a rice loaf and a salad leaf.
  • For dinner - rice porridge - prepare it on low-fat milk and add dried fruits there.


  • Pour pumpkin with cinnamon and 1 tsp. Honey. Fry pumpkin and bored with rice and apple.
  • On the second breakfast - loaf with salmon.
  • At lunch, we have a spasure on the rape oil. The head of the spat onion, add zucchini and 2 tomatoes, mix with boiled rice and pour 100 ml of vegetable broth. Cushion for 10 minutes, then add 150 gr. Cod fillets and continue to extinguish another 5 minutes.
  • Half date - a glass of orange juice and ham sandwich. Real yummy.
  • For dinner 2 tomatoes, stuffed with boiled rice and ham. Sell \u200b\u200bthis delicate is fried and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.


Present sodium.

  • For breakfast - fruit salad.
  • On the second breakfast milk cocktail and a toasted loaf with pineapple.
  • At dinner, you burn baked in the grilled lean lamb with a half of sweet peppers, zucchini and onion rings. On the side dish, of course, fig.
  • In the afternoon snack drink a glass of tomato juice and be taking a small bun. Also do not forget about the soybean kitlet.
  • You can dine you can 50 gr. Rice - boil it on a vegetable broth with green peas and raisins. Color dinner with grated ginger and soy sauce - Pour it onions, add chili pepper and roasted shrimps.


  • Breakfast with rice muesli - pour them with low-fat yogurt. On the second breakfast, weld the tail of the egg and eat half. Also at this time it is necessary to eat tomato and a leaf of lettuce, grapefruit.
  • At lunch 50 gr. Boiled crude rice - Mix it with Kiwi and pineapple, a half apple. Take 100 ml of yogurt. Finish lunch with a piece of chicken roll.
  • In the afternooner, treat yourself to a sandwich with greens and cream cheese. For dinner - sausage, apple and half of sweet pepper. Also 50 gr. rice. Fill all the yoghurt and sprinkle with greens.

Rice diet for 9 days

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Fresh vegetables and greens are added in this diet. At the same time, rice is more than the other ingredients. It is necessary to drink after half an hour after the main meals - there must be no more than 5, small portions.

Cleansing rice diet

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To remove the stagnant water and salt from the body, the cleansing diet will become an excellent helper. It is even more like a unloading day. Clean the purification using such a rice diet for 3 days 1 time per month. Take a glass of rice, rinse it thoroughly and put it on a stove. A little unsolved porridge distribute on the day and eat in small portions. In addition, it is necessary to drink mineral non-carbonated water, natural frisses, as well as green tea without sugar.

Rice diet from Malysheva


If you observe all the rules of the rice diet of the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva, then it is possible to quickly impressively lose weight.

How to choose rice diet rice?

  1. For a diet, crude rice is needed - there are many group vitamins in and trace elements that will support the body throughout the diet.
  2. Rice grains should be long and narrow - this variety is more rich in nutrients.
  3. Choose brown or black rice varieties.

How to cook rice?

In order for the rice to be low-calorie, it must be left overnight in the water to be soared, in the morning it was rinsed several times with warm or hot water. When cooking, change the water several times. Do not solit rice, this diet is intense. As part of the rice diet, the drinking regime plays an important role - it is allowed to drink in an hour after the main meal or half an hour before meals. Mineral water is allowed, without gas, green tea without sugar.

What products should be excluded from the diet?

  1. Salt and sugar.
  2. Acute and fat.
  3. Marinades and pickles.
  4. Fried and smoked delicacies.
  5. Meat and fish.
  6. Milk and dairy products.
  7. Coffee and black tea, alcohol.

What products are allowed to eat during a diet?

  1. Rice and vegetables, fruits.
  2. Greens, olive oil.
  3. Green tea, mineral water non-carbonated.
  4. Products rich in potassium - raisins and apples, millet porridge, pumpkin and oranges. This list must add melon and watermelon, as well as legumes, carrots and avocado.

Rice-buckwheat diet

In just 3 days you can lose weight. Alternate the use of buckwheat and rice by day. On the first day, smear the buckwheat 2 art. Boiling water, in the morning divide by 5 servings and discourage per day. In addition, you can drink herbal decoctions or non-carbonated water.

On the second day, prepare rice - from the evening sunshine in the thermos - 1 tbsp. on 3 tbsp. water. In the morning, drain the water and add a new one - joke until readiness and add 1 tbsp. Olive oil, as well as lemon juice.

Kefir-rice diet

It is designed for 7 days. Kefir and rice here are separate dishes, they should be used separately from each other. The last meal is necessary to be kefir.

Rice-apple diet


This three-day diet includes a chicken diet. Within 3 days, it is necessary to eat a glass of boiled rice without salt and butter. So that there was no feeling of hunger, we dwell 1 - 2 apples. Day Drink green tea without sugar and 1 tbsp. Mineral water.

You can still eat only boiled rice on the first day. In the second - boiled chicken breast.

On the third - only apples.

Chinese rice diet technique

Take 1 kg of rice and fill the container with boiled water. Leave for 5 days - during this time you need to flush rice with water and change it. Then lay out the rice on paper and dry. Store grains in paper package. In the morning, from there, take 1 spoonful of rice and boil for 20 minutes, and then be buried in a warm formation. Then within 4 hours you cannot drink and eat. The diet rate is from 2 to 3 months. You can repeat such a diet not earlier than six months.

Rice Tibetan diet

To prepare rice, it is necessary to take a separate container, count the number of spoons of rounded rice, equal to the full years. Rinse the grains and fill with water. Put the capacitance into a cool place and every day, drain the water until you dare all of the rice. Dive 1 full spoonful of rice, boil for 2 minutes without salt. Eat it for breakfast to half 8 in the morning. It is necessary that the rice is constantly flooded with water.

Rice-vegetable diet

This diet is designed for a period of 3 to 14 days. For cleaning the body, it is enough 3 days, and for weight loss - week and more. It is allowed to eat boiled rice without salt and any vegetables - fresh or boiled. In addition, you can eat fruit and berries. Exception - bananas and grapes. Day vegetable portion should not exceed rice. If you can not eat tasteless rice, add 1 tsp. Soy Sauce or Olive Oil. Meals must be divided 3 times. Taba - coffee, salt and alcohol. From drinks you can drink non-carbonated mineral water and green tea without sugar. A day should drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid. Drink zucchini and bell peppers, cucumbers and podcol. 1 time in 3 days can afford a piece of boiled chicken breast.

Rice diet 5 volumes

200 gr. Rice is soaked for 4 days in water, changing daily water. Figure should be eaten 5 days without cooking - raw, but swollen from water and well washed.

Rice diets from diseases


Diets in which the main product is rice, not only effectively help to fight excess weight and cellulite, but also treat various diseases.

Rice diet with osteochondrosis

With it, it is possible to reduce the content of salts in the cartilage tissue. In addition, thus it is possible to remove excess water from the body. Due to cleansing from slags, it turns out to be reduced weight. There are toxins that cause pathological processes. The main element of the diet is rice - it helps to improve the overall physical condition, performance, has a positive effect on the spine - due to the loss of excess weight on the background of the rice diet decreases the load on the spine. The osteochondrosis diet is part of the integrated treatment of the spine.

Rice diet from salts

When you feel crunch and pulling acute pain in the joints are salt sediments. For the struggle, it is necessary to perform special exercise and sit on a diet, which is aimed at getting rid of slag and salts accumulated in the body.

You can carry out cleansing unloading days 1 time per week. For six months, such a diet is used. Once in 7 days poured rice with cold water - a glass of product will be required. In the morning it is washed and boiled until readiness, after which it is washed with cold water. Next, finished rice is divided into 4 parts and eat after 4 hours. In addition, you can no longer eat anything. The next day, lean the beet or apple. All day, eat the selected product and nothing else. During the day you need to eat half a kilogram of beet or apples.

Rice diet for 40 days

You can eat rice for breakfast, the rest of the time is another food. Put asleep in the morning in the jar 2 tbsp. crude rice, pour out the usual clean water. Change the water every day, add a new one. Then the invened rice should be welded - the semi-winged porridge should turn out. Eat it for breakfast without salt and oil. Then 4 hours you can't eat anything and drink. So continue to eat 40 days. Purchased rice turns into a powerful sorbent that pulls out the salt, losing starch. To restore potassium, be sure to eat dried fruits.

Contraindications for rice diet

Reviews about rice diet and beautiful, results say that such food is useful. But there is also contraindications.

  1. This diet is prohibited when impaired metabolism.
  2. During pregnancy and feeding.
  3. If there are problems with a chair, then it is better to postpone the diet at another time.
  4. In chronic diseases of the kidneys.
  5. If there are infectious diseases.

Rice diet. Video


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