
Use of salt baths

Use of salt baths
Salt baths - an effective means for health and rejuvenation of the body.

Salt baths are used since ancient times for various cosmetic and healing procedures. And today salt baths are considered a real health solution. They purify and rejuvenate the skin, promote weight loss, normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Salt bath action on the body


Surely you noticed how after a trip to the sea coast, your skin is noticeably transformed, and the weight becomes much smaller. The reason for this is the effect of sea water. To date, many cosmetic lines have been developed, which are based on sea salt. Effectively its use and home. We will figure it out how salt acts on the body.

  • Due to the osmotic effect, the salt has an excess water "pull" from the body. It has a drain effect, and also removes swelling, the weight loss process occurs.
  • Salt enhances blood microcirculation, as it has a developing effect on the skin. Thus, the metabolic processes of the body are stimulated. Thanks to this, the elasticity of the skin increases, slags are outlined, it goes cellulite.
  • On the surface of the skin, the so-called salt cloak is formed. It makes it possible to other components contained in salt (iodine, calcium), well absorbed into the skin. Thanks to this, salt baths are also well strengthened nails.

Types of salt baths

The manufacture of salt baths is based on two types of salt: marine and natural stone, which are not subjected to technical processing.

Salt baths are divided into 3 types:

  • bath with low saline concentration,
  • bath with an average salt mortar concentration,
  • bath with a high concentration of salt mortar.

Depending on the necessary effect, the baths are also divided into cold and hot. At home when preparing salt baths, the water temperature should not be more than 38 ° C, it is necessary to stay in such a bath for 20 minutes. Conduct procedures every other day, desirable about 10-15 times.

  • For the prevention of various diseases, various extracts of medicinal herbs add in salts for baths. Such salt baths have an antibacterial effect, and also soothe delicate children's skin, protect against irritation and inflammation.
  • The relaxing effect will be salt baths with lavender extract, peppermint, Verboy. They will reassure and configure a calm dream.
  • Improve blood circulation and lead a salt bath with nettle extract will help. A bath with tea tree will have an antiseptic effect.
  • To saturate the body with vitamins and microelements and fill the stock of amino acids, a salt bath is used with laminaria extract.
  • In addition to different natural salts, today you can purchase the so-called salt-foam, which will bring great swimming pleasure, especially kids. We will delight crumbs and holing baths for baths made in various forms. When dissolved, the salt turns into a plurality of bubbles. They have a lightweight massage effect on the body and soothe.

Bath salts often have a pleasant smell. However, if it is not natural natural fonders, but a perfumed salt concentrate with a dye, it is better to give up such salt. Choose a colorless or weak-colored.

Indications for the use of salt baths


  • If you compare the bath with ordinary water, then the salt gives the influx of heat to the skin twice as much. Due to this, metabolic processes occur much faster, exhausted fluid from the body.
  • Salt procedures are prescribed during rheumatism and radiculitis, inflammatory processes of tendons, various injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Salt baths accelerate the treatment of skin diseases - diathesis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.
  • Salt baths are prescribed for removing stress, various neurosis, with insomnia.
  • Salt baths restore blood pressure due to improved blood microcirculation.
  • Strengthen immunity, raise the general tone of the body.
  • Remove muscle tension, reduce back pain.
  • The condition of the skin and face is improved, small wounds and scratches are healing.

Contraindications for the use of salt baths

  • It should be abstained from salt baths to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and hypotension.
  • Do not take salt baths if there are malignant tumors in the body.
  • Salty baths of diabetics are not recommended.
  • If you have any health problems, better consult with a specialist.
  • Cooking salt bath


    Clean the skin before taking the bath. For this body, you can scratch or make home peeling.

    For one bath you will need at least 400 g of salt. If you take a smaller number - there will be no proper effect. But too much salts will not bring a good result, but can cause irritation and peeling of the skin. The optimal volume will be 700-800 g of salts.

    Salt can be poured into a cloth bag and tied to the crane so that it is gradually dissolved in water. You can simply pour it into the bath. But it happens that sharp crystallines come across salt, which can cause discomfort.

    As a rule, the reception time of the bath is from 15 to 20 minutes. Ideally do it before bedtime and pass the full course out of ten procedures to achieve the desired effect.

    Salt Baths for Foot


    They act not only soothing and relaxing, but also help in removing swelling, cope with excessive sweating of the legs. And after several procedures, you will be able to get rid of calluses and natopesh. The salt bath will also improve the skin condition on the legs - make it soft and smooth.

    A classic method is the use of only salt and water. Dissolve 300 g of salts in hot water. Lower the foot in the bath and hold for about 15 minutes. Wipe your legs, lie to rest for half an hour. Try not to move your feet.

    There are other repairs of the bath with the addition of various components.

    For relaxation of the leg

    Required ingredients:

    • 6 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt
    • 3 tbsp. l. nettle (pharmacy).

    Dissolve salt in hot water, add nettle. Take a bath no more than 10 minutes.

    With sweating legs

    Use a bath salt (3 st. L.) Together with oak bark (4 hours l.). Fill this mixture with boiling water and insist about 20 minutes. Then lower the legs in the bath for about ten minutes.

    To strengthen blood vessels

    Use in conjunction with the sea salt of linden flowers. On 200 g of salts, it is necessary to Kolo 6. l. lime color. You can add to this mixture and a pair of rosemary oil drops.

    To purify the legs of the legs

    2 tbsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt and 1 tsp. Food soda must be dissolved in hot water. After a couple of minutes, lower the legs in the pelvis, hold for about 10 minutes. Then wipe your feet dry and apply nutrient cream on them.

    After each impression of the foot for the legs, they do not need to wash them, as this will reduce efficiency. Also, you do not need to strain your legs after such procedures. It is best to rest so that all useful veasies have absorbed into the skin.

    Salt Baths for Slimming


    Of course, only salt baths will not bring major results. However, in a complex with exercise and proper nutrition, they will perfectly help to cope with overweight.

    Before taking a salt bath, it is advisable to clean the skin and wash. Dissolve 1 kg of salts in warm water. The amount of water in the bathroom should be small.

    Water temperature - 36-39 degrees. Reception time - no more than 15 minutes. The procedure must be done in a day 10-15 times.

    Use marine salt mono and with different oils. Orange, mandarin and grapefruit oil are best suited. It is enough to add a few drops.

    You can make a bath with soda. To do this, prepare a mixture in a bath of 400 g of salt and 300 g of soda. Take it ten minutes. It is advisable to have nothing before the adoption of the procedure.

    Sofa salt baths


    They are famous for their relaxing and soothing effect. Coniferous salt baths are recommended when sleeping, for relaxation. They will also be effective in hypertensive diseases.

    The bath preparation is used sea salt and natural needles or coniferous extract.

    For 1 kg of salts you need to take a couple of tea spoons of needle extract. If there are natural ingredients, take pine branches, needles and green bumps in equal proportions. Boil them in water for 30 minutes. After that, overcall the solution into another container and let it stand for 12 hours. For two liters of coniferous infusion, take a kilogram of salt.

    The water temperature for the coniferous salt bath should be small - about 37 degrees. Take it no more than 15 minutes.

    Salt Baths for Children


    Salt baths for kids are very helpful. They are prescribed to children from 6 months. Conduct the procedure better before bedtime.

    Bath slide hot water. Before you start swimming, add salt. Do not use multicolored and flavored salts. It is better to take a natural seaside salt without any additives.

    In ten liters of water, dissolve about 100 g of salt. The bath should be taken from 2 to 8 minutes at a temperature of 37 degrees. Be sure to use a thermometer for accurate measurement. Take such baths to children are desirable about 2-3 times a week with a course of 15 procedures.

    Salt Baths - Recommendations and Norms (VIDEO)


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