
How to make lip balm with your own hands

How to make lip balm with your own hands
Lip balm, created with your own hands - natural and necessary means in cosmetic. The list of mandatory ingredients and the order of cooking Balzam will learn in the article.

Lip skin is very thin and vulnerable, but in pursuit of beauty and trendy color of lipstick we, unfortunately, often forget about it. In order for the shape and the natural paints of the lips to delight the woman to old age, it is worth sticking to the golden middle and use the decorative cosmetics in parallel with the leaving agents of hygiene. Talk to how to make lip balm with your own hands. In the article you are waiting for interesting recipes needed by each newcomer recommendations and specificity of creating homemade cosmetics.

In the list of components of the hygienic lipstick acquired in the store, there is almost always a synthetic paraffin - cheaper compared to natural wax. Due to this substance, lipstick covers the skin of a dense, devoid of a protective film that does not provide sensitive lips of sufficient care. The correct protective agent must feed and moisturize the skin saturating it with the necessary vitamins. Among the numerous finished products it is difficult to choose one best tool, but if you make lip balm with your own hands, then in the naturalness of its composition and utility of ingredients, you can be sure of everything one hundred!

Advantages of home cosmetics

If you do not be lazy and prepare a gift for yourself - balm - yourself, then definitely appreciate its advantages over the finished hygienic cosmetics put on the flow. Of the numerous "pluses" of home balsam, it is necessary to note:

  • the guaranteed naturalness of the ingredients - you yourself choose from which to create your creation;
  • comparative low cost;
  • the ability to exclude the presence of allergens in the composition of Balzam;
  • the ability to choose and combine your favorite ingredients;
  • careful action from morning to evening.

In addition, independent creation of cosmetics is an exciting and useful time.


General recommendations for the preparation of lip balm with their own hands

Mixing the ingredients of the future Balzam to care for the skin of the lips is not troublesome. However, in this lesson, there are certain rules with which all beginners should be found:

  1. The wax is melted in a water bath, but in no case in the microwave. In order for the process to go faster, the natural substance needs to be crushed.
  2. Liquid ingredients are added to solid. First they are engaged in wax, then oil is added to it, and the preparation of balsam with food dyes (if necessary) and essential oils are completed.
  3. If only odor substances are used in the recipe for balm, you can add a small pinch of vanillin or cinnamon to the tool.
  4. Before preparing a balm, you should make sure that there are no ingredients in the recipe that can cause an allergic reaction.
  5. If you are planning to fill the used tube from lipstick using a finished balm, make it clean and dry. The tube must spin well.
  6. To protect the skin of the lips from the aggressive influence of wind and frost, add glycerin and nutrient oils to the glycerin balsam, which will cover the lips with a reliable protective film.
  7. Always pay attention to the dosage of the ingredients specified in the recipe. Be careful using beeswax - remember that its mass part should not exceed 30% of the total weight of the means. It is worth overdoor, and the balm will work out very hard, it will be difficult to put it on the lips. If "Family", and measure the insufficient amount of wax, the balm will come out so liquid that will drain from the lips like water.
  8. The results of their experiments with the preparation of home cosmetics always write to the notebook. Do not forget to fix the mass fraction of each component in each recipe. In the future, these records will help you create an original lip balm that will meet all your individual needs.


Basic components in lip balm

All balsam lips caring for lips unites the standard composition, the basic means in which is beeswax. This component is used in the production of shopping cosmetics. The importance of bee wax lies in the fact that it gives the necessary hardness to the finished balm. Without adding wax, the agent remains liquid and spreads on the lips. However, this is not all the advantages of this natural component. Natural beeswax has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and bactericidal properties.

This ingredient of the first importance trades specialized stores that are engaged in the implementation of beekeeping products. Also, beeswax can also be bought from people who bred bees on their own apiary. If the purchased wax contains various impurities, you will not be difficult to clean it. To do this, melt the substance to the liquid state, remove all the steers, strain and run into the form convenient for you.

Honey is one of the most popular components in the preparation of lip balm. Everyone is well known that this product has no equal to nutritious and softening properties. However, it is necessary to treat honey extremely carefully - it can cause a stormy allergic reaction.

Oil vitamins A and E. Retinol moisturizes the skin, eliminates peeling, and tocopherol acetate prevents the aging of the lips, increasing their tone. Especially well these substances work in a pair, so they use them comprehensively.

Basic and essential oils. They enrich the composition of lip balm by valuable trace elements and vitamins, give it a fragrant smell. The one who practices cooking homemade cosmetics is not the first day, will say with confidence that to create a balm best suited coconut, olive, peach and almond oil, as well as shea oil and cocoa butter.


Lip balms do it yourself: recipes

Newbies in the preparation of cosmetics, which open the "beauty laboratory" at home for the first time, we offer recipes of several simple in creating (but because of no less effective) lip skin balms. We hope that you will find what you need.

Balm "Chocolate Fairy Tale"

For Balzam you will need the following products:

  • natural black chocolate (grated) - 1 "square";
  • bee wax (grated) - 2 bl.;
  • cinnamon - ¼ h. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • grape seed oil - 1 h.;
  • orange essential oil - 3 - 5 drops.

So, to prepare a chocolate balm for the lips with your own hands, you will be enough for 10 - 15 minutes.

  1. Melt the specified amount of beeswax in the water bath, then add grated black chocolate into this mass. Wait until the ingredients are completely completely. Chocolate will give a balsam "cozy" flavor of sweets and perfectly soften the skin of the lips, and the wax will protect it from the pathogenic bacteria of the external environment.
  2. Complete the wax basis of the future Balzam with a useful mixture of castor, olive oils and grape seed oil. Each of these components will give a ready-made tool with certain properties. Thus, grape seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, olive oil has a deep moisturizing effect, and castor oil softens and keeps moisture in the skin of the lips.
  3. Add to the mixture cinnamon and mix well ingredients. Some believe that cinnamon as part of Balzam is one of the most necessary components, because it stimulates blood circulation and has nutritional properties.
  4. Remove the mixture from the water bath and wait for it to cool approximately 40 degrees.
  5. The final chord in the preparation of chocolate balsam for lips will be several droplets of orange essential oil. The remedy can be added only after a complete cooling of the mixture, otherwise it is confusing all its useful qualities.
  6. Quickly burst the finished mixture in tubes from lipstick and leave 1.5 hours in the refrigerator.

Balm prepared on this recipe can be stored in a cool place for up to 6 months. If you like softer lips care products, use non-two in the preparation of balm, but one spoon of beeswax. Such a tool will be more convenient to pour over small jars.


Lip Balsam with Almond Oil

To cook a fragrant, take:

  • natural beeswax - 25 g;
  • almond oil - 30 g;
  • cocoa solid oil - 15 g;
  • sHI SHA - 25 g;
  • vitamin E - 15 g;
  • tea tree essential oil - 1 drop.

Armed with a good mood and start to create!

  1. Softening beeswax on a steam bath.
  2. In a soft wax mass, add cocoa butter oil and thoroughly mix the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the resulting mixture with Shea butter. Keep the remedy on the steam bath until the oil dissolves in the wax.
  4. Pour the almond oil into the mixture. Mix the balm well and remove it from the steam bath.
  5. Do not stop stirring the mixture, wait until it cools down, and pour Vitamin E.
  6. Stir the mixture to a complete cooling, then the balm will be homogeneous, without lumps.
  7. To the cooled balm, add a drip of the essential oil of a tea tree to endow the means with antiseptic properties and a pleasant specific aroma.
  8. Apply a means on the lips and enjoy the result!


Honey-lemon lip balm

This balm will help you in the cold season when the lips often suffer from the temptation and peeling. You will need the following ingredients:

  • natural beeswax - 25 g;
  • avocado oil - 15 g;
  • lemon essential oil - 3 - 5 drops;
  • honey - "On the eye".

The order of cooking a honey-lemon balm for lips is as follows:

  1. Put the wax on the water bath. When it messes, pour the avocado oil into it. Lightly mix the ingredients within a few minutes.
  2. When the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, remove it from the water bath and enter there a small portion of honey. Stir the ingredients.
  3. Now add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the mixture and put balm to the fridge for pouring.
  4. The cooked remedy is characterized by a rich composition: Vitamins B, D, E, F are strengthened and refreshing the skin of the lips, increasing its resistance to negative environmental factors. Having tried to such a balm, you will forget what weathered dry lips.


Chocolate-Cinnamon Lip Balm

In the list of components of this recipe you will not detect wax, but this is not an error. Instead, we will work with another substance. Make a lip balm from Vaseline with your own hands is incredibly easy - make sure that yourself!

The caring agent will be air and very "tasty". You will need:

  • vaseline - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black chocolate with cocoa content of at least 70% - 2 "square";
  • hammer cinnamon is a small pinch.

As you can see, the amount of ingredients for the preparation of this balsam is not a fixed value and is approximate. The fact is that with the ideal mass fraction of Balzam components, you decide in the process of cooking. If the balm succeeds too liquid, it can be overpowered and thicken, putting the amount of bee wax you need. In the case when you want to give the medium more soft, pour any natural oil there (for example, almond).

Cosmetic preparation sequence is:

  1. Put petroleum to the steam bath and melt it. At this time, grind pieces of chocolate when taking advantage of the grater.
  2. Pour chocolate chips to liquid vaseline. Wait for sweetness completely melted.
  3. Throw into a container with a liquid mixture with a pinch of the ground cinnamon. Gently mix all the products and remove the mass for the balm from the steam bath.
  4. Boil the mixture on a small jar and place them in a cool place for 2 hours so that the product is cooled and become thick.

This balm is suitable for both children. He holds great moisture and feeds the skin of the lips.


Balsam for Lip "New Year's"

We share with you another wonderful recipe for lip balsam with wax that is easy to mix with your own hands. Prepare the following products:

  • natural wax - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pharmacy glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • jojoba oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • mandarin essential oil - 5 - 6 drops.

Getting to work:

  1. Melt the foundation over the ferry. When the wax softens, add glycerin to the same dishes and mix the ingredients well.
  2. A homogeneous mixture of wax and glycerin connect with jojoba oil.
  3. Remove the mass from the steam bath and, constantly stirring the tool, wait until it cools, and then enter the specified number of droplets of the mandarine essential oil. Having thoroughly stirring the balm, burst it on the bottles and put it in the fridge to frozen.


How to give color lip balm

To diversify homemade tools for lips care, you need to paint them. You can do this in several ways:

  • watering in a water bath, any oil that will be used in the creation of a balsam, with fruit, berries or vegetables. For example, strawberries, cranberries, beets will easily "share" with its paints with colorless butter. Once the transparent oil becomes color, remove pieces of berries or fruits from it and strain;
  • add natural sea buckthorn oil to Balsam. There will be enough a few drops if you make more, the balm will paint your lips into a crazy bright orange color!
  • use in creating lip balm food dyes. In the mixture, they need to be introduced in the latter queue before distributing the finished product in forms.


How to give a pleasant smell lip balm

When your home is your own beauty laboratory, you can become an author of amazing creations - for example, creating an original fragrance, combining different volumes and the composition of the essential oils of lip balm. Moreover, you enrich the leaving agent with all sorts of useful qualities. Remember when it comes to essential oil, the account goes to the drops - do not overdo it!

  1. Oils, the basis of which are carnations, cinnamon and ginger, are noteworthy by their warming effect. This is the perfect choice for a balm that you plan to use in the cold season. The combination of these oils, as well as each of them individually, will give your creation with warm spicy notes.
  2. Citrus essential oils are beaten and give a balm thin refreshing fragrance.
  3. Mint oil will cool the skin of the lips into the summer heat and delighted the fresh spherical smell.
  4. Orange essential oils, lavender and vanilla are smelling sweet, and also perfectly combined with aromas of other essential oils.

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Application and storage of homemade cosmetics

By balm you made yourself, you can use daily. A small amount of aromatic mass is lubricated in the morning and in the evening.

Cannot leave jars or tubes in the sun, as well as near heating devices. There is no preservatives in such cosmetics, so it will deteriorate very quickly. It is better to store the natural remedy in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer). Proper storage of homemade lip balm will provide him with a long expiration date - from 6 months to 1 year.

In practice, you will make sure that the preparation of lip balm at home is very simple and at the same time a fascinating occupation! There is nothing more pleasant than to use the cosmetics personally created. Now you can give a worthy answer of dryness, weathered skin and bleeding cracks on the lips.

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Lip balm with your own hands. Video


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