
How to choose a facial corrector

How to choose a facial corrector
Varieties of corrective funds. How to choose a facial corrector, recommendations for the use of this fund.

In the desire to look perfect many girls are ready to apply any tricks. Traditionally, as a sign of well-maintained women, the perfect skin, radiant skin. Nevertheless, it can not all be boasting by its impeccable state - it is often necessary to deal with problems in the form of inesticatory irritations and redness, extended pores, as well as circles under the eyes. Disguise them is easy, using a facial corrector. Having learned to apply it, you can get rid of chagrins and hide any skin errors.

How to choose a facial corrector: Scope of this product

The ability to feel confident in various situations has long been a sign of good tone. It is realistic to achieve this, including using a variety of cosmetics. Hide some errors of appearance when applying makeup will help the corrector. With it, you can easily disguise the pimple on the face that appeared at an inappropriate moment, eliminate redness and other unpleasant little things, which otherwise are completely able to overshadow the mood for the whole day. Thanks to the effectiveness of this fund, the makeup artists have long already included the corrector on the list of MUST Have for each woman.


Corrector for face should be used to:

  • make imperceptible expanded pores, as well as pigment stains;
  • disguise pimples and redness of the epidermis;
  • hide the vascular grid;
  • remove dark circles under the eyes, to carry out small wrinkles, give the skin more fresh and rested;
  • align the uneven tan, eliminate the effects of unsuccessful applying auto market;
  • hide the manifestations of an allergic reaction;
  • align the complexion.

Thus, if you want to look "all a hundred", without masking means (in the form of a corrector, as well as a consilertem) in some cases simply not to do. If you are interested in information, how to choose a proofreader for a person, it is worth considering the following - some manufacturers of cosmetics, as well as consumers of such goods mix the concepts of a consideration and a corrector, indicating both products as a "corrective means". However, there is still the difference between them. The consiler is an opaque means with dense consistency in neutral beige tones, which is able to eliminate only small minor errors, aligning the skin and giving it a healthier look. The corrector is characterized by a slight consistency and a wider palette of shades, with a local application in a certain zone, carefully masses the problem - mainly due to the color correction.

How to choose a facial corrector: Determine with color

The skin of each person in a unique combination contains various pigments that determine its tone. When planning, how to choose a proofreader for a person, it is important to determine how to properly determine which tint it is necessary for one purpose or another. A competently chosen remedy neutralizes the redundancy of the color, aligning the skin tone in the treated zone. The facial projector palette includes various tones - basic greenish, yellow and pink color, as well as several auxiliary shades.

Depending on which problem it is necessary to solve, as well as from individual data, it is necessary to properly choose the color of the director for the face:

  • white color will help to dry the darkened areas of the skin, as well as disguise the freckles. Choose white face corrector stands for very light skin. It is also allowed to use a given means to sculpture - underscore when performing makeup of individual sections of the person to which attention must be attracted. In addition, this tool can be mixed in various proportions with other tones to brighten them;
  • a greenish tint of the corrective means neutralizes the red color on the face. The green facial corrector is almost indispensable to eliminate redness and masking plots of inflammation, as well as individual pimples, various types of rashes, including allergic nature, vascular grid on face;
  • yellow - effectively brightens dimming, helps to eliminate blue and purple skin shade under the eyes. It can be used to mask and bruises bruises. It is worth considering that the coherer of yellow color gives the skin a warm shade. In cases where it is necessary to look perfectly with natural daylight, it is recommended to choose a facial corrector with a yellowish or golden tint;
  • correcting means to the presence of a small amount of pink pigment can be used for different skin shades. This color copes with camouflage age spots and wrinkles, eliminate the bluish and brownish shade under the eyes, as well as translucent veins. Typically, under artificial light toners and corrector pinkish tinge look more natural;
  • beige tones help to eliminate the dull complexion and even out skin tone, including mask residual symptoms of any inflammation. If you want to hide ecchymosis, it should first be neutralized with an appropriate hue, and then the mask, covering the top beige tone;
  • blue - hide redness, pimples, marks from insect bites, brownish circles under the eyes, and burst blood vessels, give skin radiance;
  • lavender (light purple-violet) shade will help eliminate unwanted unhealthy skin color - yellowish or greenish, and residual symptoms of hematoma in the form of bruises intense yellow color;
  • mauve and purple shades neutralize the yellowness, camouflage spots, eliminate the effects of uneven tanning;
  • orange and peach tones are suitable in the presence of dark and tanned skin, as they give her a rested appearance. A yellowish-orange tint will help disguise intense dark circles and bruises under the eyes that can sometimes be observed from very dark women. Apricot corrector (orange with the addition of red pigment), covered on top of a tonal means, helps to get rid of the painful, dim gray and greenish facial color, refreshing the age of the skin;
  • if you want to give the skin "porcelain" shade with artificial lighting, you should choose a corrector for a face with a silver pigment. Such a means is optimally suitable if you plan to take pictures. It is worth considering that with natural illumination, silver skin coating looks not too natural;
  • corrector of golden or bronze shade will help hide freckles and give the skin a light shade of tan.

In order to hide circles in the area under the eyes, it is recommended to choose a corrector close to the intensity to the tone of the base used, or on one and a half of the tone lighter. It should be noted that too light shade of the applied corrector will lead to the opposite effect, as it will attract unnecessary attention to the clarified zone.

How to choose a facial corrector: variations of these funds

Professional make-up artists are usually used wide palette of corrective agents. For high-quality makeup at home, as a rule, it is enough to buy several face proofreaders, after preparing the area of \u200b\u200btheir application. A significant amount of such funds are available on sale, they can be purchased at any cosmetics store.


Distinguish the following types of corrective funds:

  • liquid corrector on low-fat water based on its consistency resembles a light tone cream fluid. It is actively used to align the tone of the skin, as well as for masking wrinkles. This agent can be purchased in tubes, jars with a special tassel or spatula, as well as in the form of automatic pencils with a brush at the end. The liquid corrector when entering the skin almost instantly freezes, so it should be applied quickly. It is convenient to distribute the liquid corrector by a narrow brush or fingers, and it will be necessary to verify the decisive agent uniformly on the processed skin section, otherwise there is a risk of obtaining not aesthetic spots on the face;


  • quite convenient in use is a solid corrector (in the form of a pencil or a stycé). A similar means with a consistency resembling thick lipstick is easily applied to the problem areas point, not spreading and not cloging into the folds of the skin. The solid proofreader is easy to use even in the absence of preliminary skills. Such remedies have convenient for applying a soft texture - and, due to the presence of caring supplements, improve the state of the epidermis;


  • a dry proofreader for a person can be purchased as a compact powder in a palette, including several natural light and dark shades. Such a means should be applied on top of the tonal base and after drinking, strictly on dry skin, otherwise it will not be possible to perform high-quality decisive. Dry corrector is used to sculpture a face to bring its shape to ideal;

  • oil traffic proofreaders have a sufficiently dense texture and sheltering ability. Applying a similar agent, it is easy to hide not aesthetic circles under the eyes, intense pigmentation and other explicitly pronounced problem points. This agent is convenient to use, as it does not spread and is distributed on the skin a sufficiently dense layer.

In addition, it is worth considering the following - a high-quality corrector must provide a smooth coating and its natural look. The texture of this means allows to align the tone of the skin in the processed zone, while the corrector will not be viewed on it and emphasize the wrinkles. If acute rash acts as a corrected problem, a means containing the antibacterial components should be selected.

How to choose a facial corrector: use methods

By selecting the most suitable shade and consistency of the corrector, it is equally important to correctly apply it. Some women fear to apply corrective funds are not less, learn to do it effectively easy. First of all, it should be remembered that this tool is intended for use if necessary, i.e. If there is a problem that is desirable to hide.

When applying a corrective tool, it is required to perform a thorough decisive color spot. Depending on personal preferences, you can apply a proofreading with a brush or fingers (in the second case, the tool is additionally heated on the skin and does not immediately push, so it appears the possibility for its most thorough decisiveness). A corrective remedy for the eyes is conveniently applied to a narrow and soft synthetic consilement brush, which allows you to distribute the tool properly, without pulling and not traumating gentle skin. This brush can also be used for point dispersion of pimples. Processing the area of \u200b\u200bredness of a significant area is more convenient to carry out a large brush. It should be noted that in order to avoid accumulation of bacteria after each application, you should carefully disinfect the tools.


How to choose a facial corrector: useful recommendations

So that with the help of the corrector to most effectively hide the errors of appearance and prepare a person to further apply makeup, it is worth considering some simple recommendations:

  • liquid, oily, as well as non-ferrous corrective agents, it is recommended to apply under tone, solid - after applying a tone base;
  • to mask the freckles or pigment stains, it is necessary to spend the problem areas to work out, using the minimum number of the corrector, otherwise there is a risk of getting lowesthetic stains;
  • if you mix a color corrective means of a suitable consistency with toning, then it will create the maximum smooth coating that does not stand out on the skin;
  • to mask dark circles in the area under the eyes, the most convenient to use a corrective remedy with a liquid or oily texture. It should be caused by a narrow consiler tissue, carefully distribute with the help of fingertips, and then slightly twisted the processed zone;
  • before applying the corrector, it should be prepared to prepare the skin - distribute the moisturizing cream on it and wait for it to absorb it;
  • next, you should apply a small number of the corrector point in the right place and distribute it with light driven movements - a soft brush or fingertips. When applying a corrector should not stretch the skin and actively rub the means.

How to choose a proofreader for face - Photo



How to choose a facial corrector - Video


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