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Intimate haircut at home (bikini design)

Intimate haircut at home (bikini design)
Varieties of intimate haircuts. How to make an intimate haircut yourself.

Currently, the stressful life rhythm dictates its rules. As you know, the winged phrase claims-there should be some kind of mystery in the woman. Nevertheless, relevant fashion trends and open access to various aspects of personal life do not leave any special possibilities for fantasy. It becomes difficult to preserve the "highlight" in such conditions. Nevertheless, there is an extraordinary way to create an intrigue and please your loved one by performing a haircut in a delicate zone.

Where to make an intimate haircut - at home or in the cabin

In the second half of the last century there was a sexual revolution, and intimate haircuts in a short time gained wide popularity. In our latitudes, this trend appeared only a few decades later-in the early 90s, the first salon was opened, offering the mass consumer of the Bikini-design service. Since then, haircuts of intimate zones are stable popular with representatives of both sexes.

Giving an intimate zone an unusual and attractive appearance is not difficult to visit a beauty salon. It will be necessary to choose a place with a proven reputation, where the work is performed in disposable gloves and properly disinfected tools, otherwise there is a risk of catching an infection.  In the absence of time and money to contact a specialist in a bikini design, or if you do not decide on such a step yet, it is quite possible to make an intimate haircut yourself. According to experts, armed with some knowledge, as well as imagination, it is quite possible to make a high -quality intimate haircut yourself. This will require just a desire, as well as a little free time. Perhaps at first the result will not impress you too much, however, you can get the time of the intimate haircuts of the house that are not inferior to the results of the work of the master in bikini design.

Intimate haircut at home: Popular drawings

Depending on personal preferences, you can choose an intimate haircut for every taste.  All kinds of floral motifs, stylized images of butterflies, as well as “mini-pantors”, snakes and “flashlights” are traditional popular with girls. Bikini-design professionals argue that the once widespread drawing of a female intimate haircut in the form of a cat’s head is no longer relevant. Romantic young ladies with a subtle mental organization can choose elegant flowers for themselves, an individual with an active life position - various original symbols. Currently, in the design of intimate haircuts, various symbols are in demand like a stylized maze, signs of the zodiac, hieroglyphs, crosses, “all -seeing seas”, letters of the runic alphabet. In addition, the images of a torch or “fire of passion”, as well as a bat, are common. Representatives of youth who want to stand out as much as possible can choose the image of a marijuana sheet. On the eve of the New Year holidays, winter topics are in demand-in an intimate haircut you can depict snowflakes of a variety of configurations, Christmas trees with glued rhinestones, as well as a red cap, Santa Claus or Santa Claus.

They introduced the stronger sex, as a rule, more conservative in choosing the design of intimate haircuts and prefer the classics for themselves - the playboy (the head of the rabbit), the emblems of cars, the images of animals and birds, the stylized Eiffel Tower, as well as the allied quality sign are popular.

If you plan to make an intimate haircut for the first time at home, it is recommended to opt for simple schematic images. In the future, having already stuck, it will be possible to move on to more intricate drawings.

Intimate haircut at home: select a suitable image

Not everyone knows that with the help of a bikini design, you can visually adjust the figure-give it great harmony, make the forms more elegant. A successful intimate hairstyle will emphasize the unique personality and beauty of its owner.

When choosing a drawing for a home intimate haircut, you should take into account the type of your physique:

  • the young ladies with wide hips should give preference to images expanding upwards like a “checkmark” or an inverted triangle. In addition, vertically oriented patterns in the form of waves and strips, flower stems, which visually “pull” the silhouette are suitable;
  • in the presence of a large physique, it is worth using thin, elegant drawings of bikini design, clear, wide shapes are suitable for miniature women;
  • women with narrow hips can opt for horizontally elongated images (for example, a flower with open petals, geometric figures, inscriptions);
  • with an implicitly pronounced waist, it is recommended to choose a pattern, tapering up - an inverted heart, a triangle, etc.

When choosing a haircut, it is worth considering the density and volume of the hairline in the intimate zone. Sometimes to achieve the optimal effect of a bikini design will need to wait for a while, while the hairs grow to a certain length.

Having drawn the contour of the desired image on the cardboard, it should be cut and used as a pattern for an intimate haircut at home. If you want to get a complex shape, it is recommended to use stencils designed for bikino design. This technique will facilitate the process of applying the image circuit. In addition, you can trust your imagination and draw it by hand.

Intimate haircut at home: Decoration

To give additional piquancy to an intimate haircut, staining of the skin and vegetation in this area is used. It is important to note that the masters in the salons for these purposes use proven professional dyes that do not irritate delicate skin and mucous membrane. If you want a bright pattern, and the hair is dark, it should first be lightened. It is not difficult to make a temporary drawing of a tattoo with persistent cosmetic pencils, as well as an air tank.

In addition, you can use:

  • natural henna and bass-these natural dyes allow you to get shades from light brown to dark chocolate color, do not cause irritation, long hold on the skin and hair;
  • paints for eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as dyes for body art (sold in specialized stores).

The colors of the image can be any, preferably use bright (for example, red, bright red, as well as turquoise, pink, lilac and purple). Do not try to dye the pubic hair with ordinary colors, as there is a significant risk resulting in skin irritation or an allergic reaction.

To decorate the bikini zone, you can use a variety of sparkles, rhinestones and feathers that you need to fix with glue for eyelashes or for body art. It should be noted that such a decor is short -lived, so it should be fixed on the body shortly before the planned romantic meeting.

How to make an intimate haircut at home

Some women make Brazilian hair removal, removing all hairs in the inguinal region. It is easy to apply the pattern with henna and basma, paints for body art, sparkles to be freed from vegetation from vegetation. Nevertheless, a classic bikini design means a hairstyle made on the hair in the inguinal region.


How to make an intimate haircut at home: materials, tools and devices

To perform an intimate haircut at home, the following tools and devices may be needed:

  • small scissors or a trimmer for cutting intimate zones;
  • razor machine;
  • epalator or remedy for depilation - wax strips, phytosmola or caramel pasta (shugaring);
  • a small mirror with a pen that is convenient to hold in your hands;
  • a large mirror for evaluating intermediate results, including checking the symmetry of an intimate hairstyle;
  • stencil for applying the contour of the image;
  • soft and low -fat cosmetic pencil to create a clear pattern (you can also use a helium handle or felt -tip pen);
  • pinzet for eyebrows;
  • comb - a thick crest of small size is optimally suitable;
  • hypoallergenic dye;
  • suitable decor, body glue.

If you make a haircut for an intimate zone for the first time, it is recommended to use a safe razor. In the future, when removing excess vegetation, we can give preference to wax, sugar paste or cream for depilation. It should be noted that the durability of a haircut made using a razor machine will be only a few days, while the effect of wax hair removal lasts up to three weeks.

You can also purchase a special design for design in the bikini zone - a trimmer for an intimate haircut with a set of templates. Such a device is equipped with various nozzles - in the form of a comb with the ability to adjust the length of the hairs, as well as a razor for processing delicate zones.


How to make an intimate haircut at home: Stages of the procedure

Before the cutting, it is necessary to prepare the skin accordingly - for this, a shower should be taken immediately before the procedure. Warm water will make the hairs more obedient and soften the epidermis, which will minimize pain and reduce the likelihood of irritation. The haircut must be performed strictly on clean and dry skin.

Next, you will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • using scissors or a trimmer, evenly trim the hairs, leaving a length of 4-6 mm;
  • take the spelling (pencil, felt -tip pen) and attach the prepared template to the skin in the right place to outline the contour of the selected image. In addition, you can draw it by hand, sitting in front of a large mirror. Next, you should evaluate the result of efforts and adjust it if necessary;
  • then it is necessary in any convenient way to remove vegetation in the inguinal zone outside the contour of the image for haircuts;
  • immediately after hair removal, you should not use a shower gel. In the case when, after the depilation, missed hairs on the skin are observed, you can get rid of them using tweezers. After using the razor, the skin should be treated with a disinfectant and soothing agent after shaving, or powder with talcum;
  • next, you should check the symmetry of the haircut, the result can be slightly corrected with a trimmer;
  • after that, you can color hair or areas of smoothly shaved skin;
  • if additional decoration is planned, you should get the skin with a napkin to dry it. It is worth noting that jewelry in the form of sparkles and rhinestones is unlikely to stay on the skin for a long time, so they should be glued immediately before the planned demonstration of an intimate haircut.

In addition, it is worth considering the following. After staining with hen, the skin can be treated with essential oil to give the image brightness. Henna tattoo is removed by lemon juice. Tattoo from colors is washed off with water or alcohol. Shines can be removed from the skin with oily cream.

Intimate haircut at home: Contraindications

When planning this procedure, medical aspects should be taken into account. As contraindications for an intimate haircut, are:

  • fungal infections;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • the presence of skin irritations and inflammations in the intimate area;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin;
  • burns after staying in the sun or in a solarium.

Do not carry out an intimate haircut at home a few days before menstruation, so in this period the sensitivity of the epidermis increases largely, and the procedure for designing a bikini design may cause not too pleasant sensations.

Intimate haircut at home: Useful tips

When planning the implementation of this hygienic procedure, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • performing an intimate haircut at home requires maximum concentration. If there is a state of fatigue or stress, the session should be postponed;
  • in the presence of a high pain threshold, in order to reduce discomfort, an an hour before the procedure should be taken anesthetic;
  • in order to avoid the growth of hairs after removing excessive vegetation, it is recommended to use a scrub. Subsequently, the ingrown hair that appeared should be removed with tweezers;
  • after an intimate haircut at home (as well as after the salon procedure) with insufficient observance of hygiene and disinfection in the treated area, skin irritation may occur. Nevertheless, in the case of thorough disinfection of the skin, as well as the tools and devices used, as well as the skin, the likelihood of such problems is minimal.

Bikini Design - Photo



Bikini Bikini zone - video



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