
Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal
Features of hair removal with laser hair removal.

Currently, there is a significant number of ways to eliminate unwanted vegetation on the body. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, it became possible to get rid of hair in a certain zone for a long time. As an effective and very requested method, numerous cosmetic clinics offer laser hair removal. If you want to feel the miraculous effect of this procedure, first it is worth studying more, in which it lies, and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

Principle of impact of laser hair removal

In pursuit of beauty, often women are ready to bring any sacrifices. Removal of excess vegetation on the body has long become necessary and familiar hygienic procedure. Traditional methods of hair removal by shaving, wax strips or mechanical epilator require regular repetition, besides, they can act as the causes of the appearance of irritation and skin inflammation, as well as ingrown hairs. Laser epilation will help to preserve the health of the epidermis, the root eliminating the problem of excessive vegetation. This procedure allows you to safely and effectively get rid of unnecessary hairs. Thanks to the target exposure to the laser, the destruction of hair lows is observed (at the same time, experts claim that, on the effectiveness of the impact on them, other procedures will not be equal to laser hair removal).


The basis of this method is the principle of selective effects of the directional light flux on a variety of biological structures. In the rods of hairs, as well as in their follicles, contains a color pigment melanin, absorbing light waves. Under the influence of light energy, pigment is largely heated, which leads to damage to the spoken zone surrounding the roots of hairs. After some time (about two weeks later), the treated rods together with destroyed roots gradually fall out.

Advantages of laser hair removal

The advantages of laser hair removal should include:

  • safety of this method for health;
  • the comfort of the procedure and the gentle impact on the skin without damage to the skin;
  • removal of ingrown hairs;
  • the possibility of use at any time of the year, as well as in the presence of sensitive skin;
  • efficiency - as a result of the course of laser hair removal, you can for a long time (ideally - forever) get rid of unwanted hair. From a session to a session, the number of growing hairs will decrease.

As a result of the first procedure using a laser, it is quite realistic to get rid of at least 15% of hairs.

Laser hair removal: what a course of procedures is needed

It is worth noting that a one-time session of laser hair removal to remove unwanted vegetation is not enough. It is known that the hair is raised cyclically, and at the same time are in different phases of growth. Thus, hair follicles can stay:

  • in the period of rest, when the bulbs are in sleeping condition;
  • in the period of active growth, when they become quite "mature" and contain the maximum number of melanin;
  • in the intermediate phase.

According to statistics, it is possible to observe up to 80% of actively growing hair, the rest are temporarily staying in the rest phase. Light radiation affects the color pigment - as a result, after laser hair removal, the destruction and elimination of "mature" hair, which at the time of treatment are in the activity phase. At the same time, follicles are damaged, but total destruction still does not occur, and with time, hairs can grow, but already thinner and weakened. In addition, after a while they germinate "sleeping" hair, and then they can be deleted. Such a phenomenon can be observed cyclically - complete hair change can occupy from 8-10 months to several years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. During this period, it is possible to schedule the application of the course of hair removal procedures with periodicity of three weeks to one and a half months.

Sometimes you can hear the promise for a couple of exposure sessions with a laser completely relieve any unwanted vegetation. It is worth considering that such promises do not have real reasons. It is necessary to take into account the following data - according to statistics, after applying the minimum number of sessions of laser hair removal (series of four procedures) after 4 years, it is possible to observe a reflection of less than 40% of the hair. However, two or three sessions in most cases are enough to remove minor beaches on the sides of the upper lip. Several laser epilation procedures will help eliminate the most rigid dark hairs in blonde people and make the others less noticeable. Thus, the rate of elimination of undesirable vegetation is individual, in most cases quite projected. The required number of sessions is determined by the type and condition of the hair, as well as the power of the equipment used.

Laser hair removal: contraindications and restrictions on the application of the procedure

It should be noted that there are a number of restrictions on the use of laser hair removal.

Contraindications to carry out this procedure is:

  • immune disorders;
  • tumor processes;
  • decompensated diabetes;
  • system skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc.);
  • acute or chronic herpetic infection;
  • exacerbations of allergies;
  • individual intolerance to this procedure.

Laser hair removal should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as after a recent stay in the sun (in the presence of a tan less than two-week limitations). Consult a doctor follows in the presence of varicose veins, multiple moles on the skin, tendency to the formation of keloid scars. Due to the specifics of the procedure, the laser radiation will not be able to remove very light and gray hair.

Laser hair removal: used equipment

To remove undesirable vegetation on the body, laser settings of various types can be used, with a different wavelength and the cooling methods used. It is known that the hair follicles are located in the epidermis at a depth of 0.2-0.4 cm. Depending on the color of the skin and hair type, radiation with a wavelength from 690 to 1000 nm can be used. For exposure to hair follicles, which are placed at a significant depth (about 4 mm), sufficiently powerful devices with a wavelength from 1000 nm can be used.


Depending on which types of rods are applied, the following types of lasers distinguish:

  • ruby - This unit with a wavelength of 694 nm represents the first generation of laser epilators and is distinguished by low speed. Light energy when applied it is noticeably dissipated, while the risk of damage to the skin increases;
  • alexandrite - characterized by a wavelength of 755 nm and a speed of several pulses per second, which is very convenient for processing hair growth zone;
  • neodymium - this laser is designed specifically for dark and very dark skin. Laser installations of this type are characterized by considerable power. The wavelength of such laser epilators is 1064 nm, while a slightly different principle of impact is applied. A coal suspension is rubbed into the skin - in this way, when heated damage to the cells surrounding follicles is thermal and mechanical character;
  • diode, or sapphire - the installation of this type is very convenient in use, radiates a light stream with a wavelength of 810 nm. It is worth noting that this indicator is currently considered optimal for hair removal.


In modern laser installations, radiation is used that can penetrate deep into the epidermis, followed by damage to the hair follicles located there in various phases of development. If you choose between laser epilation or photoepilation, you should give preference to the first option. When performing photoepilation, radiation with a non-fixed wave, varying from 600 to 1050 nm, is used (thus, it is possible to achieve a less pronounced effect, while the part of the radiation is invested by the skin).


Laser hair removal face

Unwanted vegetation on the face is able to deliver a lot of chagrin. Hard and dark hairs often appear in women - basically they can be observed above the upper lip, eyebrows, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bbridges, cheeks either on the chin. Flying them is dangerous, because new hairs grow tougher and noticeable. Hot wax can burn the skin, deterioration cream - cause irritation or allergies. In addition, the hairs are growing again and at the same time very noticeable. It is easy to cope with such a problem, applying laser hair removal - with its help you can remove individual hair, as well as abundant vegetation. Similarly, you can spend laser epilation of the upper lip, get rid of individual hairs growing in the ears and on the neck.

Laser epilation of bikini zone

The most comfortable method for removing unwanted vegetation in the bikini zone is laser hair removal. Traditionally, regular procedures are used to remove hair in the intimate zone - shaving, depilation with the help of wax strips or sugar paste. After using a razor, black points on the skin will soon appear, after two to three days it is necessary to shave again. The effect of depilation wax is longer, but no one is insured after it from the appearance of irritation. The exit in such a situation can be laser epilation of the bikini zone, which is characterized by the following advantages:

  • this hair removal method does not leave black points;
  • the skin remains smooth;
  • in this way, it is possible to turn processing, including hard-to-reach places in the bikini zone, which is difficult to treat the razor;
  • after applying a series of procedures, it is quite realistic to get rid of vegetation forever.

Deep laser epilation of bikini allows you to most carefully treat the skin in this delicate zone.

Features of the laser epilation procedure

It is worth considering that within a month before the epilation session should not be sunbathing. Within 4-6 weeks before it, as well as in the intervals between the procedures, it is not necessary to remove the hair by methods traumating hair follicles (for example, with the help of wax depilation). 1-2 days before the session, you will need to shave the hair in the planned processing zone.

The price of the procedure depends on the level of the clinic, as well as from the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair site. Sometimes the type of zone being processed, as well as the number of laser flashes is taken into account. At the preliminary consultation, the specialist conducts an inspection and defines the client's phototype, and then, based on the skin and hair susceptibility data to the light, selects the optimal exposure parameters and configures the laser installation.

In essence, the procedure itself is simple. Before its start, the master and the client will need to wear safety glasses. The instrument manipulator consistently process the skin, the laser produces short light pulses. Thanks to the dynamic cooling system built into the laser installation with spraying cryogenic, the skin calms down, while eliminating the possibility of irritation and burns. If necessary, before the start of the session, the doctor treats the skin with a special cream with an anesthetic effect. If there is a high pain threshold, an hour before the procedure starts, an anesthetic drug can be accepted.

Within 10-12 hours after laser epilation, minor redness and irritation may be observed, as well as numbness or tingling of the skin. During this period, it is not recommended to take a shower or a bath, rub the skin, process it with alcohol-containing drugs, as well as a scrub. Within three days after the epilation, you should not attend the sauna and the pool, in addition, it is not recommended to sunbathe for two weeks.

Laser hair removal - Photo




Laser hair removal - video


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