
The benefits and harm of brewer's yeast. How to use beer yeast for weight gain, hair, for skin, nails. Instructions for the use of beer yeast for men, women, children

The benefits and harm of brewer's yeast. How to use beer yeast for weight gain, hair, for skin, nails. Instructions for the use of beer yeast for men, women, children
In this article, we will tell you about the benefits and dangers of beer yeast for the health of an adult and child. How to take beer yeast correctly - instructions.

Beer yeast is a biologically active supplement that represents their living fungi, which are grown in the process of fermentation of a wort prepared on the basis of hops and malt. A person can use them for different purposes. There are many recipes for cooking from this natural product of cosmetic masks, wellness cocktails. In this article, we will present you instructions for the use of beer yeast, talk about the benefits and harm of these living fungal microorganisms for humans.

Beer yeast: what is part of the product?

The discoverer of beer yeast is a chemist from Denmark named Emil Hansen. He made his discovery only in the twentieth century, after which beer yeast began to be used not only in order to prepare beer, on their basis they also began to produce numerous drugs. Moreover, beer yeast is sold today in any pharmacy in pure form in the form of powder or tablets.

Bear yeast has a unique chemical composition:

  1. There are many vitamins in beer yeast:
  • vitamin B, which strengthens the nervous system that rejuvenates the skin and promotes the growth of hair and nails;
  • vitamins P, D, which, first of all, perform an antihistamine function, falling into the human body.
  1. The composition of brewer's yeast includes proteins and amino acids that are necessary for people who do not have the opportunity to eat fully and correctly. Beer yeast to vegetarians are very useful.
  2. In the composition of brewer's yeast there are minerals such as:
  • phosphorus with potassium;
  • sodium with magnesium;
  • copper with selenium;
  • sulfur with zinc.

Instructions: how to apply beer yeast purchased in a pharmacy

As a rule, food yeast should be taken after eating. The dosage is calculated from the instructions that is registered on the package of the drug that you buy in a pharmacy. If you decide to use them in its purest form, then follow the recommendations below:

  1. An adult needs to dilute in a glass of warm water 2 tsp. Powder of brewer's yeast and drink. It is necessary to use this tool for preventive and medical purposes for 2 months, then a three -month break is made.
  2. Children need to be diluted in a glass of warm water 1 tsp. Food yeast in the form of a powder. This tool must be taken in the same way as adults, within 30-60 days.

What is the benefit and what harm can brewery be done to a person?

Among scientists there is no unequivocal opinion whether brewery can harm beer yeast or they only benefit. We will list you both arguments, so that you have an objective opinion on this subject.

We can attribute to unequivocal advantages of brewer's yeast:

  1. From beer yeast, the structure of the hair and skin elasticity improves significantly.
  2. Fungal microorganisms regulate carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in the body.
  3. The product strengthens the immunity and prevent the development of cancer tumors.
  4. This dietary supplement heals diabetes (this discovery was made back in 1943, Klinkov, who proved that the chrome contained in beer yeast copes with glucose perfectly).
  5. Fungal microorganisms based on beer help a person to experience stressful situations not only emotional, but also physical ones.
  6. These microorganisms support the pancreas, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  7. The dietary supplement perfectly affects the digestive tract, restore the mucous membranes of the organs of this system.
  8. Brown yeast increase the level of healthy cholesterol in the human body.

Among the main disadvantages regarding brewer's yeast, we can include the following arguments:

  1. The fungi can cause a person an allergic reaction, but only if he has a tendency to this.
  2. Older people should not take beer yeast, because there will be no benefit from them.
  3. You can not use brewer's yeast to pregnant women and nursing, because because of them neoplasms can occur and thrush develops.
  4. Those who have kidney diseases are contraindicated, because they will only aggravate the problem.
  5. Incorrect intake of brewer's yeast can lead to the development of dysbiosis.

In what cases can beer yeast can and should be used?

Now we offer to figure out why beer yeast is taking, that is, we will consider the main indications:

  • if a person has vitamin deficiency, especially if vitamin B does not have enough blood in his blood;
  • if a person has excess body weight;
  • with a diagnosis - diabetes;
  • if there are diseases of the digestive system;
  • for preventive purposes after serious diseases;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • if anemia or anemia is diagnosed;
  • if a person has a place to have hypertension;
  • if a person has heart disease or has to be exposed;
  • if the body is full of toxins;
  • with skin pathologies.

Varieties of brewer's yeast

In pharmacies, you can stumble upon beer yeast extract and live beer yeast. In any case, you must give preference to the second option, because an allergic rash and other side effects can occur from the extract.

Beer yeast is sold in tablets and in the form of a powder, both in pure form and additional minerals under different special names, which are given by pharmacologists to such biological and active additives. We will consider with you several existing options for beer yeast:

  1. Avisent's beer yeast is produced at low temperature, so they preserve all the beneficial properties and vitamins that are found in the product. These beer yeast with gray, so it is recommended to use this drug if there are problems with skin, hair and nails. For the most concise terms, you can achieve very good results. It is recommended to take data on beer yeast three times a day for adults and children from 12 years old.
  2. ECKO beer yeast - they can be used for different purposes. Manufacturers of this brand produce brewer's yeast with zinc, so a person can strengthen his immune system from viruses. In addition, the manufacturer releases beer yeast with calcium for sale so that a person can maintain youth and beauty, maintain an attractive appearance of hair and nails. Also, from the ECKO brand you can find brewery with magnesium on the shelves of pharmacies - an indispensable medicine for those who want to normalize metabolism.
  3. Nagipol's brewer's brewer's yeast - from this manufacturer you can also find various options for fungal microorganisms:
  • “Nagipol1” is an excellent tool for improving the condition of the hair, if you use it at least 3 months.
  • “Nagipol2” is a wonderful skin medicine that not only treats acne, for example, but also protects the surface layers of the epidermis.
  1. Pivot yeast Eco Mon is an excellent anti -aging agent that slows down all aging processes in the body.
  2. AMT's brewer's brewer's yeast is a drug saturated with amino acids, due to which toxic substances are excreted very slowly, but effectively from the human body.
  3. Beer yeast "Exel" is an animal drug. If you have a favorite, then you simply have to buy him such a vitamin complex so that his wool is silky, and he himself is healthy. If you add garlic to these brewery, then you will save your four -legged friend from worms.

Recipes: how to use brewer's yeast to look great?

We will introduce you a few recipes that you can cook yourself based on brewer's yeast to correct your appearance:

  1. Masks made of brewer's hand yeast:
  • Recipe No. 1: Dilute in a glass of warm water 2 tsp. Bear yeast, add sugar to them, and then put it all in a water bath so that the yeast begins to wander. When the fermentation process begins, add 1 tsp to the mask. mustard and honey. The prepared mask must be applied to strands, which then must be wrapped in polyethylene and terry towel. Rinse such a mask after 60 minutes with warm water.
  • Recipe No. 2: In a glass of warm milk, dilute 2 tsp. beer yeast. Within 25 minutes, let this mixture insist. After the specified time, add 2 eggs to this mixture and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Apply this mask to the hair, hold for 2 hours, and then rinse it with warm water without the use of shampoo.
  • Recipe No. 3: In a glass of kefir, dilute 1 tbsp. beer yeast. Just mix everything well, and then apply the mask to the hair for 30 minutes. The mask is washed off with a warm water without shampoo.
  1. There are effective tools based on brewer's beer yeast:
  • Dairy-gruel face mask based on beer yeast. It is best used if you have a bold type of skin. Just mix in one container of 1 tbsp. milk and yeast, apply the resulting gruel to the face, and after 20 minutes wash.
  • If you do not know what kind of skin you have, then you can prepare such a universal mask: in a glass of low -fat yogurt, dilute 1 tbsp. beer yeast, 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. Orange and carrot juices. This mask is applied in the same way as the first.
  • If you have a dry type of skin, then you need to dilute 1 tbsp. brewer's yeast in 15 ml of water, add 1 yolk and 2 tsp here. wheat oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the face in the same way as the previous masks.
  1. If you want to use beer yeast for nails, then it is better to purchase the drug "Nagipol" at the pharmacy. It is taken inside according to the instructions.

How to drink beer yeast to improve health?

As we have already mentioned, beer yeast should be taken to treat numerous diseases. However, here we would like to dwell on how this biologically active supplement can affect the health of men, children and women:

  1. Men should be consumed very carefully, because they contribute to a decrease in sexual activity due to problems with potency. It’s just that a man begins to get used to brewery, and when they do not enter the body, he can no longer feel full.
  2. Women need to use beer yeast with particular caution, because yeast is a product that can provoke the development of a fungal disease such as thrush.
  3. It is useful for children to eat beer yeast in a newborn, if there is a need to increase their weight. But you need to do this only under the strict supervision of doctors. Children need to take beer yeast in the prescribed course for 3 months so that their health does not suffer.

How to take beer yeast to normalize weight?

If you are interested in whether it is possible to use brewer yeast in order to quickly gain weight with its deficiency, then the answer here is unequivocal - yes. Brown yeast stimulate appetite, because of which a person constantly eats (preferably at the same time there is very high-calorie food). Thanks to the amino acids contained in beer yeast, muscle tissue is growing, but only if you play additional sports.

If you are not interested in how to gain weight on brewer's yeast, but on the contrary, you want to know how to lose weight with beer yeast, you should know that they are an active food supplement that normalizes the metabolism. If you observe the norm, then with excess body weight, you will slowly but effectively lose weight.

Choose for yourself the best brewer's yeast that will meet your individual needs. But if you doubt the dosage, then it is better to consult their use with a doctor.

Video: "Beer yeast: benefits and harm"



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