
The benefits and harm of bee wax. Application of bee wax at home - recipes

The benefits and harm of bee wax. Application of bee wax at home - recipes
All about bee wax, its useful properties and use at home.

Useful properties of honey, pollen, wax, propolis and other priceless gifts of beekeeping are used by mankind many millennia. But, despite such extensive experience of their use in cosmetology and healing, the true properties of these products are not fully known to us. Every day, new therapeutic qualities and methods of their application are opened. Today we will reveal the benefits of bee wax and all the subtleties of its use in the home conditions.

What is beeswax and how it is produced

The wax is a substance that is synthesized by wax glands of honey bees at a certain age from 12 to 18 day of life. After 23 days, this ability of the bee begins to get angry.

In fact, natural beeswax is the secret of these glands (another name - mirrors) located on the prystone at the bees in the amount of eight pieces. It is produced as the main building material to create wax cells. At first, the wax gradually hesitates through the small pores of the mirror, and then, to be on the surface of the glands, it turns into solid from the liquid state and takes the type of pentagonal shape.

Further, the beekeepers from these plates constructs honeycombs, clutching caps and satelli. At first, scientists could not understand how they were made of solid wax. But then it was found that the upper-eyed iron can produce a unique enzyme that softens wax for a while.

On sale we see the wax completely not in this form, how it gets from the apiary. It is extracted from the hive and passes a certain processing. The crushed cells of bee (wax) are flipped at temperatures above 62⁰s, not allowing boiling. As a rule, at home this is done in a water bath for 3-4 hours.

Interesting! The raw wax from the apiary is painted in different shades of yellow, which depends on the ration of the bee family. White wax color acquires after whitening in the process of distillation in industrial conditions.

Beeswax benefitand possible harm

Beeswax, from a chemical point of view, is very complex, but to the smallestly thoughtful substance based on four main groups of compounds. The first and main group are esters, they make up 75% of the total number of components. Their main function is to preserve the wax and prevent any third-party chemical reactions. Therefore, the wax can be stored for decades without losing its qualities.

Also, the composition of bee wax includes substances:

  • fatty acid;
  • carotenoids;
  • glycerol;
  • carbohydrates:
  • water;
  • vitamin A;
  • propolis;
  • fat alcohols;
  • mineral complex;
  • pollen;
  • the remains of larvae.

The total number of nutrients in the composition of the wax is approaching 300. Their ratio is due to the breed of bees, weather conditions and the time of the year.

The wax is successfully used in different areas of cosmetology, medicine, pharmaceutical industry, different types of creativity. A wide range of applications is due to versatile properties of bee wax:

  • In folk medicine, the wax is often used as a warming, anesthetic and improving blood circulation raw materials for making compresses. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism, gouts, lower back pain, to improve lactation.
  • The wax performs the role of a disinfectant and cleansing agent. Checking pieces of cells is used for the treatment of periodontal, stomatitis, cough, hay fever, hymorite. Also, chewing wax improves the selection of gastric juice, which contributes to the improvement of digestion.
  • Bee wax and propolis sophisticated painless corn and natopes, make feet gentle and well-groomed.
  • The wax has similar effects with an antibiotic, therefore it is used to treat infectious skin lesions, as well as colds.
  • Adsorbing and anti-inflammatory properties of wax are important in cosmetology. It is part of masks, creams and other means from acne, acne and other rash. Also, the wax contributes to the regeneration of skin cells and retains youth.
  • Wax is found in weight loss. Its unique composition is able to launch metabolic processes and helps reduce lipid reserves.

There are no special contraindications and side effects of wax. The only contraindication is the individual intolerance to beekeeping products. Also is not very famous for the wax with strong side reactions. Although in the centuries-old practice of the use of bee wax there are reviews in which people complain about frequent allergic reactions on the skin. Therefore, before using wax, it is desirable to pre-apply it to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin to determine its sensitivity to this product.

Important! Wax is mainly used for outdoor use. Although there are methods of treatment, providing for the wax intake, but its quantity should be limited. The daily dose should not exceed 10 g, since this product does not split in the body.

External use of bee wax at home

The wax is actively used in the home treatment of different diseases. For this it is melted and ointments, creams, balms are made on it.

Himorite bee wax

The wax quickly disinfects, removes swelling and redness, contributes to raising immunity. It is these properties that helps to treat hyimorite wax. For therapeutic agents, 45 g of bee wax should be prepared (you can buy any beekeeper or in specialized stores) and 2.5 tablespoons of crushed yarrow.

The treatment of hyamorite wax is carried out like this:

  • The wax is slowly melted on a water bath (the temperature should not be above 85⁰s, otherwise the wax will lose its therapeutic effect).
  • Then the wax is mixed with floral raw materials.
  • In warm form, the resulting mixture is imposed on the projection of the Gaimor sinuses by a quarter of an hour.
  • From above, there are any protective shelter (oilcloth, a piece of canvas) and covered with a terry towel.
  • After the procedure, to enhance the effect, the area is riveted with a "asterisk" by the balm.
  • Therapeutic course 5 days 1-2 procedures per day.

Beeswax from joint diseases

To remove inflammation and relieving pain in the joints or back on the basis of wax, various types of ointments, applications, trousers are prepared. Often use such recipes based on beeswax:

  • Application. To warm up the sore joint, 75-100 g of melted wax are taken, which is applied to a clean piece of the canvas (desirable x / b), it is applied to the joint in 5-10 minutes. On top you need to bite the applique with a warm scarf or plaid and leave up to full cooling. After the procedure, the joint needs to be kept warm, not allowing supercooling. Course treatment up to 14 days.
  • Ointment. It is necessary to connect 15 g of a chopped mistletoe with a white young and 10 g of smaller in a refractory capacity, and then this mixture is needed to protrude 15 minutes. Then you need to melt 15 g of wax and, together with 5 g camphors add to the resulting decoction. This ointment on bee wax is applied to a painful joint during the exacerbation of the disease.
  • Compress. The melted wax (100 g) is connected to honey (8 g) and pours out for gauze. Then it is applied to the patient, it is covered with a cellophane or food film and covered with a scarf. A session is held daily for half an hour. Therapeutic course - 7-14 days.

Beeswax from trophic ulcers

For the treatment of employment trophic ulcers, as well as cuts and furunculus use ointment of bee wax and yolk. She is preparing like this:

  • In the enamelled saucepiece, 200 ml of vegetable oil is heated and a piece of wax with a matchbox, warm until the wax will not become liquid.
  • ½ boiled yolk is crushed with a fork and gradually add to the heated oil with wax.
  • Then the mixture baptizes for another 15 minutes, flickering and poured into a glass container. The ointment in the refrigerator is stored.
  • Ointment is applied to sterile napkins and applied to ulcers.
  • Every two hours appliqué with wax changes.
  • Treatment is carried out until the wallary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On a note! This ointment is considered universal and can be used to treat various diseases - otitis, inflammation of appendages, barley in front of the eyes, gangrenes, mastitis, eczema.

Bee Wax from Casins and Natopesh

Get rid of a painful corn or a natopstys in a few days the following recipe helps:

  • In the water bath, 100 g of wax and 100 g of grated propolis are melted (it can be pre-freeze it).
  • Middle lemon juice is added to the resulting liquid.
  • Also prepared legs - well sprinkled in hot water with the addition of food soda.
  • From a bit of cooled wax, a tortilla is formed and applied to corns, then fixed in any way - bandage, plaster, toe.
  • After the fourth procedure, the corn or natopty is easily removed.

Beeswax from cracks on heels

For the healing of the wound and cracks at the feet, this option of wax ointment is used:

  • 100 g of wax melts and connects with sea buckthorn oil (20 g).
  • 40 g of licorice root powder is added, everything is quickly mixed.
  • Ointment for 15 minutes is applied to the steplay feet.
  • After that, it is recommended to handle cracks with spermacet cream.

Beecy bee wax

In childhood, difficulties often arise in the treatment of cough. Using the next compress, the recovery process will significantly accelerate:

  • In the water bath heats up 50 g of wax and goose fat.
  • 2-3 drops of fennel tincture are added.
  • In warm form, the mixture is superimposed on the fabric and falls on the baby's sternum, the tops are insulated with a cellophane and a blanket.
  • Compress is holding up to 20 minutes. After that, the child must be warm.
  • The number of compresses can be from 5 to 10, once a day.

Beeswax from anal cracks

In order to stop the blood loss, to take pain in the anus and heal the crack in the rectum, this composition is preparing:

  • 90 g of wax melts and mixed with 30 g of honey and 60 g of culendula inflorescences powder.
  • From one teaspoon, the means forms small suppositories of 3 cm long.
  • When they sacrifice, they are injected into the anus after the act of defecation.
  • After that, at least 30 minutes you need to be in a horizontal position.
  • Treatment is carried out until the cracks are fully scarring.

NS chelay Wax - Applicationin home cosmetology

Beeswax is valued in cosmetics for its anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. It is also used as a natural preservative and hardener in the manufacture of various cosmetic products.

Beeswax Hand

Wax, as an adsorbent of toxic substances, reduces the harmful effects of detergents on the skin. Regular rubbing wax into the skin of hands at night to help them transform: hands become smooth, soft, supple, with an even color without excessive pigmentation. Use hot wax can be cleaned, and you can add to it a few drops of your favorite essential oils. It is also desirable to wear warm gloves following application of wax to the hands.

Together with hand rejuvenation can take care of your nails. For this wax strongly rubbed into the nail plate until absorbed. This allows you to strengthen your nails and make them smooth, white, glossy.

Face beeswax

On the basis of wax can make various creams or facial masks based on age and skin individual characteristics.

  • Moisturizing mask for dry skin. 35 g of melted wax is added to 15 ml carrot juice and butter (fat sour cream can be replaced). The mask is applied on the skin, wash off after 20 minutes.
  • Nourishing cream with beeswax - recipe: mix 50 ml of peach oil, 1/3 cup of coconut oil and 40 g of liquid wax; further added ½ hour. l. grout tocopherol and 5 tea tree essential oil droplets. The cream is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Mask for mature skin. ½ st. l. particulate wax is melted, is added 10 g of linseed oil, 15 g honey and 1 hour. l. Jojoba oil. Duration of incubation mask 15 minutes.
  • Lip balm. Bee wax lip useful in cold windy conditions. It creates an invisible film than prevents cracking, redness, dryness. For preparing balsam in a water bath melted wax (30 g) was added grape oil (25 ml) and cocoa butter (55 g). All the ingredients are stirred and poured into a jar or an empty box of lipstick.

Bee wax for hair

With the help of wax can be to care for dehydrated, split, porous hair. After using the strands become smooth, shiny and accommodating.

For easy and resistant to weather stacking can prepare a balm that does not have to wash:

  • To make balm, beeswax (20 g) is softened in a water bath together with coconut oil (2 tbsp. L.).
  • 5 droplets of essential oil dripping into the mixture. The ester of tea tree, orange or lavender is suitable.
  • Balm in a small amount is applied to the hair before laying.
  • Thanks to this agent, the installation process becomes easier, in addition, the wax perfectly protects the curls from the effects of hot air.

If the hair was noticeably injured from paint for hair, hair dryer, curls and styling agents, from wax you can prepare an interesting mask with a reducing effect. Make it very simple:

  • ½ cup of wax and 20 coconut oil melts.
  • 100 ml of olive or corn oil (better unrefined) is added.
  • In the cooled mask, 10 drops of neuro or ylang-husk oil are made.
  • A warm mask fingers are applied on the hair from the tips to the roots for 30 minutes or longer, then washed off.
  • The remains of the mask can be kept in the refrigerator for about a week.

The next wax balsam will prevent the appearance of the seeds of the tips. Its composition is available, and cooking is very simple:

  • A mixture of wax and hard oils melts on the water bath: 60 g of wax and 15 g of Shea butter, coconut and oil-cocoa.
  • Then the wax is removed from the fire and fills in it 1 tbsp. l. The next vegetable oils are argan, jojoba, papaya and almond.
  • It is applied by balsam on clean wet hair tips.

Wax in the house performs a lot of useful functions both in the field of treatment and to preserve beauty. But all positive qualities are inherent in only natural wax, which, unfortunately, is quite often formed. Therefore, if you want to benefit from this product of beekeeping, take it only in real beekeepers.

Video "How to make beeswax"


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