
Why dry lips are dry and crap are causes. What to do if the lips dry

Why dry lips are dry and crap are causes. What to do if the lips dry
Why are the lips constantly dry, even when the weather is good on the street and are you absolutely healthy? Review your habits. Perhaps among them you can find the cause of your problem.

The reasons why lips dry and crack, abound and accurately determine the negative factor is difficult. It is mainly due to the decrease in immunity and insufficient drink, or under the influence of the harmful effects of climatic conditions. At the same time, women prefer to hide the defect that has appeared using lip gloss or hygienic lipstick, instead of eliminating the root cause of the problem. But in this matter it is important to deal with the reasons of the lips of the lips, and not to deal with external symptoms. We will help you to discover all possible perpetrators of the degradation of the state of the lips and tell me how to get rid of this cosmetic problem.

Why dry lips are reasons for men and women

Dry crusts on lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth, blood and strong psychological discomfort - the problem is probably familiar with every woman. The reason for the unsatisfactory type of lips can be anything - new lipstick, smoking, tanning yesterday, windy weather and banal dehydration of the body. This list can be continued to infinity, because each case is individual. Therefore, let's consider the most dissemination of the reason why the lips will dry.

Lips dry and crack due to weather influence

If your lips crack, first of all, the weather factor should be considered, especially during the off-season. The deterioration of the state of the lips can contribute:

  • Strong wind. Air masses enhance the evaporation of moisture from the lips surface, causing their roughness and dryness. In addition, the lips in the wind can dwell, especially if you drank something on the street or just like lick lips. In this case, besides dryness, it will appear redness of the skin around the lips, deep, often bleeding, cracks.
  • Dry air. It can adversely affect the lips as hot summer and winter. The stronger the dryness of the air will be, the more intense the lips will lose moisture and, accordingly, dry. The lips and in the apartment with central heating are exposed to the same effect, where air humidity often falls below 20%. Therefore, it is important to monitor the level of humidity in the house and use a special humidifier in time.
  • Straight sun rays. This is another reason why the skin intensively dries on the lips. The scorching sun leads to the evaporation of moisture and negatively affects the state of the lips, affecting them harmful UV rays. Therefore, in the summer you should not neglect lipsticks with a high SPF factor.
  • Freezing. At low air temperature, the lips dry out, lose elasticity and inflamed. It is often observed the appearance of solid crusts on the skin of the lips, which when tipping bleeding. This occurs as a result of the rapid release of moisture from the lips, which does not have time to completely dispel and creates even the worst conditions for the skin.

Advice! Install why the lips are constantly dried using conventional observation. If, after a walk in windy or hot weather, you noticed that the lips and cheeks became rough, it means that this defect is caused by poor weather. The whole secret is that the cheeks are also sensitive to the weather, like your lips.

Lips dry and crack due to bad habits

If the damage to the skin of the lips is not connected with the weather, and they constantly dry, even if you do not go out to the street, then you need to reconsider all the bad habits.

Here are some harmless, at first glance, habits, why the lips will dry in women and men:

  • Licking. The desire to lick the lip can appear due to a feeling of dryness on a lifting surface, which often appears from thirst or after eating too salted food. After lip lips, the moisture will begin to lose even more and dryness will increase. With multiple licking, the situation will constantly deteriorate.
  • Picking. It is possible to understand that your habit is the cause of damage to the lip surface, it is possible in appearance: when you have bitten, you are constantly injured only one lip, so it dries or upper lip, or lower. In this case, the lips are applied double harm. First, when shelled lips is moisturized by saliva, and what happens next, we just considered. And, secondly, microcracks appear on the lips as a result of their teeth damage. Absadines open doors for fungi, cockclock microbes, viruses, including herpes, which tighten the healing process of the wound.
  • Piercing. Lip decoration with different rings is, of course, beautiful, but because of the risk, it is not worth chronic dry dry cracks on the lips. Through the hole regularly falls a small amount of saliva, which causes a roughness of luminous skin. In addition, if the decoration is large and has an uneven surface, all the time there is a risk of damage to the skin of the lip. Small abrasions will be invisible, but the consequences will not wait to wait.
  • Lack of nasal breathing. Regardless of the reasons why you breathe your mouth, your lips will be regularly cracking, skin and peel skin. At the same time, you will not only dry your lips, but also a language, as well as you will constantly suffer from lack of oxygen.
  • Smoking. With constant contact with cigarette paper, the lips partially give her their moisture. As a result, the lips are cracked, pulled, neglected. Even more aggravating damage to the lips smoking on the street into windy weather.
  • Insufficient use of water. The skin condition directly depends on the amount of water in the body. If you drink a little liquid (first dishes, compotes, sodes - not counting), correct it.
  • Addiction to sharp spices. People who daily drink sharp dishes are very dry lips. To correct the situation, it is not necessary to abandon your favorite eats, just after eating do not forget to rinse the lips with water.
  • Permanent lip plug by hands. What can be dangerous here, you ask? Hands - an inexhaustible source of microbes, and if you have small wounds on your lips or a little decreased immunity, long-do not-free cracks and dryness are provided to you.

Effect of Lip Dry Vitamins

If your lips dry and flake, the reason may be hidden behind the elemental hypovitaminosis. The culprit of the "sick" lips can be a shortage of such vitamins:

  • Vitamin A is a compound responsible for the regeneration of the skin. If vitamin in deficiency, even small cracks on the lips are not delayed, causing moisture loss, which will cause the lips of the lips.
  • Vitamin C - Vitamin, which regulates immunity. With its lack, an immunodeficiency state is developing, which often becomes the reason that the lips will dry.
  • Vitamins of the group B. The lack of such vitamins is accompanied by the rootiness of the lips, the dullness of the hair, the fragility of the nail plates.

Lips dry and crap - internal diseases

In medical practice, during the formulation of many diagnoses, the state of human skin is taken into account. It is considered a kind of health status indicator. The skin on the face is no exception, and if the lips dry, the cause of the disease can be hidden inside the body.

Lips that are constantly cracking and dry without visible reasons can talk about such health problems:

  • Allergic diseases. Suchness can cause direct contact of lips with an allergen, for example, with a cosmetic, lipstick, toothpaste, poor-quality toothbrush. It can also cause dryness and food allergen, which is bad to influence the entire body, but then dryness will not only on the lips, but also on the cheeks, knees, elbows.
  • Diabetes. If you are constantly driving in your mouth and lips, you are tormented by thirst, it is zudit leather and the amount of urination in the day has increased per day, you need to exclude this endocrine violation.
  • Herpetic infection. Herpes has several varieties, and most of them can cause inflammation on the lips. This virus, falling into the blood, remains in the body forever. Holds its only the immune system, and if a failure occurs, the virus begins to "attack". The appearance of dry crusts, small bubbles, cracks, waving RAS testifies to the possible enhancement of viral infection. You can confirm the diagnosis with the help of blood test on the definition of antibodies to herpes.
  • Dental diseases. Often dry lips due to carious teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth can affect lips and skin near them. With rapid reproduction of malicious bacteria against the background of poor immunity, the lips dry out a lot, often with subsequent gap and selection of sucrovic. You can destroy bacteria by treating caries in the mouth.
  • Pathology of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Violation of the pancreas function, gastritis and bile disease can also cause increased dry lips.

Why dry lips - causes of pathology in children

In children, especially preschool age, the excessive dryness of the lips occurs because of insufficient hand hygiene. The lips are affected by all sorts of bacteria that falls on the lip surface as a result:

  1. Licking various items. The kids are constantly pulling everything in the mouth, thus studying the world.
  2. Sucking fingers is a frequent reason why the child dries the lips. Being in the mouth, the finger causes the abundant selection of saliva, which leads to the dryness of the lips. Such a habit is often preserved even in school children.
  3. Contact lips with unwashed hands. Playgrounds, animals, dust serve as a source of pathogenic flora. Children during games unconsciously touched with dirty hands to the lips, causing their inflammation.
  4. Fungal infection. If you notice that the child refuses food and his mouths have appeared in his mouth and dry lips - this disease is called Stomatitis. It is caused by fungi and can affect the entire oral cavity, affecting the lips.
  5. Diathesis. Children are very prone to allergic manifestations. Any new product, powder, toy can cause another relapse, which manifests itself dry and peeling cheeks and lips.

Why lips dry and crack during pregnancy

In gestation, women can appear dry lips in the first weeks of pregnancy due to toxicosis. The lips react sharply to the vomits and the bile and hydrochloric acid present in them. But such a flaw on the lips can occur at the end of pregnancy. A big belly with a baby prevents a woman to breathe freely and walk, so she often breathes the air mouth. And this is one of the causes of dried lips. But there are other factors causing dryness and rolling lips.

Why still dry lips - the reason for women in the position:

  1. Acute Avitaminosis as a result of toxicosis and reduced appetite.
  2. Dehydration, especially if a woman is recommended to limit the amount of fluid against the background of developing gestosis.
  3. Gestational diabetes mellitus.
  4. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  5. Reduced immune status.

Lips dry - what to do at home

The dryness of the lips is accompanied by the formation of crusts, surface cracks, wounds in the corners of the mouth and signs of inflammation - redness, swelling, itching, soreness. To eliminate these symptoms by some households.

Important! If, besides dryness, you have strong bleeding cracks and a white bloom on the lips, it can talk about a bacterial infection. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor, and to hold a scraping with a subsequent bacteriological study.

If the corners of the lips are dry, a lip surface is peeling and cracking, such masks, balsams and oils will help:

  • Sourish mask with aloe. It will help to moisten the cut of the lip skin and protect it from harmful factors of the external environment. Such a mask will help: 1 tsp. fat sour cream, 2 drops of any vegetable oil and 0.5 h. Aloe juice. The prepared mixture is applied to the lips and the skin around them for 30-40 minutes. It is possible to carry out an unlimited number of times.
  • Masks with vegetable oils. Restore damaged lip skin will help daily moisturized skin with different oils. Suitable sea buckthorn, grape bones, jojoba, almond oil. You can also use a liquid solution of tocopherol (WIT. E). It is necessary to process with oils with the entire surface of the lips, not missing a single site.
  • Honey mask. With the extremely serious condition of the lips, when the skin was completely cramped, the blood often wakes up and the pain of her lips appeared, it is necessary to moisten the lips as much as possible. Melt 20 g of pork bala (it is necessary to calcinate it 15 minutes on fire), then add 10 g of honey to it. Lubricate your lips until the wounds are lit.
  • Warm balm from wax. Mix two parts of wax and one part of cocoa oil, sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice, almond oil. Connect and heat the ingredients in the water bath, then let them frozen. Use the balsam instead of hygienic lipstick.
  • Aloe. This perennial will help to heal lip cracks. Cut the aloe leaf along and lubricate the lips several times a day.

Lips dry - medication treatment

Get rid of the dryness of the lips, which is accompanied by the reproduction of bacteria, better by pharmacy drugs:

  • Calendula based ointment - ensures fast cell regeneration, harmful microbes kills, moisturizes, relieves itching. It is necessary to smear lips several times a day.
  • Cocoa oil - perfectly removes his crusts and cracks, moisturizes and removes the feeling of dryness and soreness on the lips. You can use a whole day for the need.
  • Levomikol is an effective antiseptic in the form of ointments. Fully destroys bacteria and is shown when deep cracks appear with signs of infection. You need to process your lips twice a day, not allowing the drug inwards. And it does not matter, dries the lower lip or the top, most importantly, to completely disinfect all lips from infections.
  • Panthenol is a regenerating agent. It is used in different skin burns, but in the case of dry lips, it also showed high efficiency. With the same success, you can use the ointment rescuer.
  • Syntytomycinic ointment - perfectly helps with "hurdes" in the corners of the mouth.
  • Miramistin - liquid antiseptic. You need to irrigate the injured sponges twice a day.
  • Aevit is a vitamin preparation in gelatin capsules. You need to crush the capsule and lubricate your lips. The medium contains vitamin A and E.
  • Acyclovir - antiviral gel, which is used to treat dryness of lips caused by herpes.

If all these ways did not help you once and forever forget about dry, painful lips, it is better to go to the doctor to accurately determine the cause of this pathology and get rid of it.

Video "Why do you dry your lips"


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