
How to give the right eyebrow form at home. Beautiful eyebrows in shape and type of face, photo

How to give the right eyebrow form at home. Beautiful eyebrows in shape and type of face, photo
You want to change something in your image or something does not suit you, then there is a reason to draw your attention to your eyebrows. Perhaps, having worked a little with eyebrows and giving them a more natural form. Your general image will come close to the ideal.

Women's beauty is a priceless gift from nature that constantly needs to be maintained and saved. To create a full-fledged image, it is important to take into account all the nuances, take care not only about external beauty, but also about the inner. It has long been proven that by changing at least the slightest part of the face with cosmetics, you can completely change the appearance of a woman. Take, for example, eyebrows. It would seem a small detail of a female image, but it is worth making a small correction form of eyebrows and pick up the other of their appearance - the appearance may change dramatically.

With the help of raised or lowered eyebrows, you can easily give your image a serious or light image, thoughtful or frivolous. Therefore, no vain professional makeup artists recommend not to change the natural form of their eyebrows. After all, there is nothing more ideal than what nature created.

In this article, consider the fashionable forms of the erases of 2017, as well as learn how to choose your ideal eyebrow form on the type of face. Let us describe in detail how to give the form of eyebrows at home.

Beautiful eyebrows form - the most important element in creating an image in different years

Ideal eyebrows are a real decoration of a female image. At all times, the women of the whole world sought to highlight them or remove them at all, but the accent always fell on this part of the face. Even in ancient Egypt, women rejected all vegetation on the body. It was considered ugly and tasteless, so the representatives of the fine floor swore all the vegetation, including eyebrows and hair on the head. However, with the coming to the board of Cleopatra, the fashion changed a little. It was she who first began to focus on the eyebrows, highlighting them and emphasizing the black paint.

In ancient China, a fashionable form of eyebrows was fascinated, i.e. Two eyebrows specially sprung on the nose with the help of a special ointment on a vegetable basis. In Russia in the ancient times, women and girls gave preference to eyebrows in the form of a smooth arc, which they strived to make more clear and dark with the help of ordinary coal. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, it was accepted completely chanting eyebrows, while increasing the forehead with partial hair removal.

In modern centuries, fashion for the form of eyebrows has changed dramatically. Most often, some new trends proceeded from famous people, actresses and artist. Thin, nich-shaped eyebrows became very popular in 1930 due to the German actress Marlene Dietrich. Literally after a couple of dozen years, another actress and the idol of many women introduced broad eyebrows. Thus, it becomes clear that all fashion trends of each century were due to the choice of certain idols and famous women. However, it is important to remember that fashion is just some trends that it is important to understand correctly and apply to your image.

Fashionable form of eyebrows 2017

In 2017, fashion trends did not bypass the eyebrows, which will be preferable for a beautiful and well-kept image. For the eyebrows of this period, the naturalness of the outlines is important. There should be no fine threads and excessive plucking. Also, eyebrows must have volume, which implies daily care in the form of combing and using oils. Want to be fashionable in 2017 - give your eyebrows smooth and soft bends, repeat the natural form of your eyebrows from nature. Fashionable will also be a slight bleaching of hairs and eyebrows in the upper edge.

Fashionable eyebrows - Photo

Perfect eyebrows

The form of eyebrows can be absolutely different, but not everyone will suit you. To create the right form of eyebrows, it is important to take into account a variety of aspects. When applied to your eyebrows of a beautiful form, consider the physiological features of your face, the ratio of different parts, the bending of the abnormal arc. The ideal form of eyebrows for each woman will be different, because the structure of the face is different. And if one girl is suitable wide, slightly curved eyebrows, then another representative of the beautiful floor this form of eyebrows only hurts.

In total, there are 5 major forms of the person who possess their unique features of the structure: round, oval, square, triangular, heart shape. To make an eyebrow eyebrow form, it is important to carefully look at its reflection in the mirror, estimate the ratio of all parts of the person, inspect the bend of the abnormal arc. Only by defining the type of your face, you can understand how to choose an eyebrow shape, which will be fine and not spoiling your general image. Let's look at suitable eyebrows for different face shapes.

Eyebering shape for round face

  • Girls with a round face, it is important to pick up the shape of the eyebrows that can pull it out and make more elongated.
  • This type of person is the most difficult for correction and in the formation of eyebrows it is important to carefully prepare and select the optimal version of the eyebrows.
  • The optimal form of eyebrows for a round face is a slightly curved arc. A broken eyebrow line with a high rise and a shorter tip will help you pull your face and emphasize the natural line of the Abrasion Arc.
  • It is important not to make the rise overly high and not create sharp corners that will only harm the general image.
  • The owners of a round type of face cannot do a round eyebrows, they only emphasize the contour of your face.
  • It is impossible to make eyebrows very high or, on the contrary, too low. So you will only spoil your image.
  • To make beautiful eyebrows in the form of the face that you have rounded, carry out a neat correction of a triangular shape with a small break. Additional strokes can be given with cosmetics.

Eyebrows form for oval

  • Girls with an oval type of person are the owners of the most correct and symmetric ratio of all its parts. However, even for this person it is important to correctly pick up the beautiful eyebrow shape.
  • The ideal form of eyebrows for the oval person is straight or horizontal. Only so you can give your face the correct features and round it a little.
  • Straight eyebrows can be a little rounded from his tips, as well as slightly remove them from each other. Having made a wider distance between the eyebrows, you will visually make your way more effectively.
  • For owner of oval type of face, it is contraindicated very close to each other to place eyebrows, so you will make your face even more elongated.
  • Also should not make eyebrows of a very curved form, for example, for a round face. This option will only spoil a general view.
  • On an oval face, straight eyebrows should not be excessively subtle, it will look very comic. Give preference to the wide form of eyebrows.
  • To understand what form of eyebrows is suitable for your oval type of face, carefully inspect its proportions. If you have the same proportions, then the cosmetic pencil is a little lengthen the eyebrows.

Eyebering shape for square type

  • For girls with a square face, elongated eyebrows are perfect.
  • To correctly give the shape of an eyebrow for a square type of face, you can make a little surprised bending and a sufficiently long tip.
  • When generating bending eyebrows, try the bend corner to accommodate about the first eye or closer to the outside corner.
  • Arc-shaped eyebrows for a square face form best make a little thicker. In no case do not make them too thin, it illictively spoil the whole image.
  • For a square face it is important to make eyebrows very gentle and elegant so that they soften the general appearance. Eyebrow base Make more expressive and wide, and tips are sharp and long.
  • Girls with a square face form, unlike others, can experiment with eyebrows. To do this, you can buy stencils and try to make several options to choose the most suitable for you.

Brow shape for triangular face

  • For girls with a triangular face form, a more massive lower part and a pointed top, so it is important to understand which form of eyebrows is suitable for this type.
  • The form of eyebrows should gently expand the upper part of the face and create the correct proportion to the bottom.
  • Excellent eyebrows are perfect, but avoid direct shape in this case.
  • Prefer the slightly curved and raised eyebrows, but the bend should be smooth and uniform.
  • At the same time, the eyebrow itself should not be too long.

Given all the features of your face, you will definitely understand and learn how to create an eyebrow form ideal even at home. The main thing is to carefully examine your face, because it can tell us a lot and help with the choice of a more natural option.

Stock Foto Forms of eyebrow in the face of celebrities

The main types and forms of eyebrows

It is possible to distinguish a large number of the correct forms of eyebrows, which are more or less suitable for different types of face.

  • Classic smooth eyebrows rounded form. Such eyebrows are perfectly suitable for almost any type of face. They are able to rejuvenate the face and make his features more spectacular.
  • Triangular shape of eyebrows house. This is a rather specific type of eyebrows, which is not suitable for everyone. Most likely, it is suitable only for girls who have a very deep bending of the abrasion arc. In another case, such eyebrows will make your face surprised.
  • Eyebrows in the form of an arc. Such eyebrows at all times were in fashion. Previously, it was possible to meet representatives of a beautiful sex with subtle arcuate eyebrows. They can be more wide. Such eyebrows are suitable for a person with heavy features. With their help, you can easily soften the general image.
  • Eyebrows with bend or bliss. This form of eyebrows is the most popular among modern women. They can make the face more expressive, doing emphasis in their eyes.
  • Narrow eyebrows direct shape. Such eyebrows are also suitable for everyone. This is the perfect option for thin girls with subtle features of the face. With the help of straight eyebrows, you can visually expand the face.

How to choose the form of eyebrows corresponding to the type of face

To make your eyebrows of the perfect form, it is important primarily to determine your natural type of eyebrows. It is important to know their beginning, the highest point and end of the eyebrows. Only so you can get the most natural form. Consider how to properly determine the shape of the eyebrows at home.

  • You can determine your ideal eyebrows on your face, looking into the mirror or your photo of the face.
  • Take a pencil and cut it to the base of your nose. It should be strictly vertically. A place where the pencil intersects with an eyebrow will be its beginning. Mark this place with a pencil.
  • Next, you need to find the highest eyebrows point. To do this, shift the pencil so that the imaginary line walked from the base of the nose to the pupil. The area of \u200b\u200bintersection with eyebrows will be the most curved part.
  • After moving the pencil to an outer corner of the eye, you can define an extreme point of your eyebrows.
  • This procedure can be carried out in your photo, noting the intersection points of lines with your eyebrows. This will help you in the future correctly adjust the eyebrow shape.

How to give the right eyegrow on home

Eyebrows of the right form at home can be done using accumulation. This will make it possible to accurately adjust and achieve an ideal result. This procedure can be done from professionals or yourself. Not every girl knows how to clearly use tweezers and other tools for eyebrow correction, in this case it is better to contact the beauty salon. Here professionals will be able to determine the correct eyebrow form for you and make an adjustment at the highest level. You can try to learn how to make the right eyegrowth form, but for this it is important to clearly observe the slightest nuances to be distinguished. It is possible to distinguish three stages of giving the right form of eyebrows at home: preparatory, choice of tool, accumulation procedure.

Preparation Before plotting

  • To reduce the level of pain when extincting, it is important to prepare the skin around the eyebrows before the procedure.
  • At the very beginning, remove cosmetics residues with special means.
  • Further, it's a pretty face or treat it with ice cubes. So pain will be felt less.
  • Alternatively, you can quickly confuse the place where you will pull up. So the eyebrow will lose sensitivity.
  • Today there are a large number of special tools that may anesthetize the place of plucking.
  • Brings can be disinfected with alcohol.
  • To facilitate the process of imparting the correct form engines, white pencil draw the desired contour. Everything else outside of this circuit must be pulled out.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid to make the wrong eyebrow shape, you can buy special stencils in stores. Usually they are sold by a set, which presents a variety of eyebrows contours. You only need to attach them to your eyebrows and choose the most suitable.

Selection and preparation of tools for embossing eyebrows

  • It is important to choose the right to choose all the necessary tools that may be needed to create eyebrows of the perfect form.
  • First of all, prepare the tweezers that need to be disinfected with alcohol. Pinzets are best purchased with rounded ends.
  • Prepare also brush for eyelashes. With it, you will be able to smooth your eyebrows, thanks to which you do not extort extra.
  • If you have experience in plucking the eyebrows at home, you can also use scissors in order to fill the upper contour of eyebrows. Although professional is not recommended at home to use scissors, because you can very much damage the existing eyebrows.
  • Increasing mirror, so you can see all of the extra hairs as well as possible.

How to pinpose eyebrows

  • First of all, pinch your eyebrows is best in the evening. This procedure may cause irritation to varying degrees, so it is best to do it before bedtime. And in the morning there are in great shape and with perfect eyebrows.
  • It is important to preserve bright lighting.
  • If you spend the first correction and is formed a permanent kind of eyebrows, refuse to use the increasing mirror. Use it for daily removal of small hairs.
  • To obtain a beautiful eyebrows, use two types of tweezers: with sharp tweezers and flat. First you remove the main part of the hairs, the second make the final alignment.
  • All hairs must screamed by their growth. Otherwise, you can get a large number of ingrown hairs, as well as some lachness of hairs eyebrows.
  • With a small experience of plucking, you should not use scissors and a razor. You risk remove more needed, and after these tools, hairs will grow faster.
  • When removing hairs, slightly pull the skin of the eyelid and be sure to remove only one hairs, grabbing it at the root itself.
  • When forming eyebrows with plucking at home, follow the symmetry of the right and left eyebrows. Constantly compare them and adjust.
  • Experts do not recommend removing hairs in the top of the eyebrows. So you risks spoil the general shape.

How to give beautiful eyebrow shape with cosmetics

To figure out how to create eyebrows form correctly, it is important to draw your attention to the decorative cosmetics, with which you can not only make a beautiful eyebrow shape, but also correct which existing defects.

  • To form beautiful eyebrows at home can be using a pencil for eyebrows. It is important that it is well sharpened.
  • Next to the sharp pencil, start drawing the top of the eyebrows. Start from the beginning and drive the line to the bend of the eyebrows, then accurately complete the tip.
  • The same procedure must be carried out with the bottom of the eyebrows.
  • After drawing the contour of the eyebrows, you can start a hatching of all eyebrows. Start from the end and move small strokes to the base. Press a pencil badly.
  • Next, take a brush and slightly grow in your eyebrows, as they will get a more natural look.
  • Along the contours of the eyebrows, spend powder.
  • To form eyebrows at home can be both shadows. In this case, the shadows should not turn around, and the brush is best to take with a bevelled edge.
  • Today it is possible to paint your eyebrows so that every day does not give them a form with a pencil. It is important to carefully pick up paint and draw eyebrows better in the beauty salon.
  • Fashion trend - eyebrows tattoo. This procedure is most likely suited to girls who have bad eyebrows or there are any other problems.

Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows are not the last component of a full-fledged image of a girl, so it is so important correctly and start to care for them.


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