
How to make dried meat at home. Step-by-step recipes for cooking dried meat with photos. Delicious dried pork meat, beef, chicken, fish do it yourself at home

How to make dried meat at home. Step-by-step recipes for cooking dried meat with photos. Delicious dried pork meat, beef, chicken, fish do it yourself at home
How to cook dried meat at home. Step-by-step recipes of dried meat in the dryer and oven at home, photo.

Drier meat - excellent delicacy for any festive table. It turns out, to prepare such a product, which in stores is not at all fiscal, it is possible and independently at home. Drilling can be subject to turkey meat, chicken, beef, pork. What is riding? This process implies drying, complete dehydration of meat, which was pre-washed well. Meat after taking preserves all the useful substances, becomes a delicious and natural snack. Why make dried meat at home if you can buy it in the store? First, make dried meat at home much cheaper. Secondly, you yourself can control the quality of products, add your favorite spices, etc. In this article we will look at the several most popular recipes for cooking homemade dried meat.

Dried meat at home - preparation features

How else is the dried meat? Often you can hear such names like Polennel, Hamon, Basturma, Spesh. The birthplace of this delicacy is considered to be Armenia. The first mention of sluggish meat is found already in 95-45. BC. In the distant times, whole caravans of merchants went to long journeys. They were forced to take a meal with them, which did not spoke for a long time. A piece of meat was placed under the saddle, which under the influence of the salty sweat of the horse, the long exposure to heat and the press was completely dried. Over time, such a dried meat passed into the discharge of a delicious delicacy. Consider some features of cooking dried meat:

  • there are 2 methods of letting meat at home - "dry" method and method by soaking meat in a special marinade;
  • if the process of smoking implies the effect of high temperature, then the rolling is the effect of sunlight and air flow;
  • if you do not comply with the technology of rich meat, pathogenic microorganisms may remain in it;
  • meat for taking is always suspended as above, where the air flow will be most intense and can blow the meat from all sides;
  • depending on which the magnitude is a piece of meat for taking, this process may be needed from 2 days to 2nd weeks;
  • ready dried products should be stored in a dry and well ventilated place;
  • if the temperature when driving meat is exceeded, irreversible protein destruction can occur, which will significantly affect the further storage time of the finished product;
  • meat for taking must be swallowed at a minimum distance from Earth in 1.5-2 meters;
  • an important condition for high-quality letters of meat is the lack of high humidity and the presence of good circulation of air masses;
  • when organizing the drilling process at home, it is important to ensure the complete absence of any insects;
  • in order for home dried meat to be delicious and fragrant, also pay special attention to the choice of meat. It should have the right color, neutral smell;
  • experienced hostesses for gating meat advise to take a sea or stone salt of large grinding. Small salt absorbs too fast;
  • kneak fish is best of all that was caught in spring or early summer. It is necessary so that the finished product does not have a bitter taste;
  • when driving meat at home, it is not impossible to put on the horizontal surface, you can only hang horizontally down.

Drier meat is not only a delicious, but also a useful natural product. Nevertheless, some categories of people should limit the consumption of such meat into food or to abandon him at all. Such categories include people suffering from elevated arterial pressure, urolithiasis, various kidney diseases, metabolic disorders in the body.

How to cook drunk meat - what might need

How to make dried meat at home? A specific set of products and materials for taking meat will depend on what kind of cooking technology you have chosen. Consider an exemplary list of what you may need:

  • meat. For domestic letters, you can use pork, beef, chicken meat, turkey meat, fish. The larger the piece there will be, the more time it will be necessary to complete the drilling process;

  • salt. It is best to use the most common major stone or sea salt without adding various additives;

  • spices. Different types of meat "Friend" with defined spices. Most often used black ground pepper, coriander, dried garlic, paprika, rosemary, etc;

  • capacity for insolence or soaking meat. Depending on how the letting method you select, the meat for taking can be soared in a special brine or simply to roll out salt and spices. It is best to use a glass container with a lid;

  • gauze. In order for the meat is not too tipped when dried to protect it from insects, it can be wrapped in a gauze cut;

  • mesh or special device from mesh to protect meat, insect fish;

  • thin beep or twine, which are needed to hang meat vertically down.

Some recipes for cooking dried meat suggest the presence of a slow cooker, electrical dryers for vegetables or ovens.

Dried meat - Photo

Dried meat - recipes

Dried pork meat at home

The pork dried at home is not only not inferior on the taste characteristics meat from the store, but sometimes exceeds. Home dried meat does not contain extra additives, preservatives. The most popular recipe for home dried pork assumes the presence of the next set of products:

  • pork neck - 2 kg;
  • stone large salt - 500 gr;
  • a mixture of peppers - 2 ppm;
  • coriander - 2 ppm;
  • thyme, rosemary - 4 grams;
  • bay sheet - 5 leaves;
  • gauze cut.

Now consider a step-by-step recipe for cooking dried pork at home:

  • pork neck is just the perfect meat for home letting. Ready will be sold will have an unusually beautiful view in the context. Meat thoroughly rinse under running water, with a sharp knife, get rid of excess fat on the slicing surface. Blink meat with paper towels;

  • now it is time to prepare spices for rubbing pork necks. Pepper, bay leaf, coriander, thyme and rosemary need to grind. Sattice with spices pork from all sides;

  • now a piece of pork need to rub the salt well. Imagine that you are "massage" meat in order to grasp salt as much as possible;

  • place pork with spices and salt in a plastic or glass container, put it in the fridge for 2-3 days;
  • every day open the container and turn the meat. Gradually, the container begins to form brine;
  • 2-3 days salting the meat well and will be ready for to dried. Rinse it under running water and rub it over the same set of spices that you used at the beginning. Rub salt pork is no longer necessary;
  • take a pure gauze cut and wrap a piece of pork into it. Pull the meat with twine or thin beep and hang it on top in a well ventilated and cool room;

  • depending on which temperature in the room, it may be necessary to complete the drilling process - 1-2 weeks. The finished dried meat will become more dense and firmly to the touch, and in the context it will acquire a characteristic color and aroma. Bon Appetit!

Dried meat beef at home

It turns out that at home you can prepare an excellent analogue of the Italian braar - dried beef. To do this, you will need a minimum of products:

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • salt - 100 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;
  • black peas - 5-6 pcs.

If all the necessary products are prepared, then proceed to the preparation of dried beef at home:

  • beef rinse thoroughly under running water. With a sharp knife, remove excess fat from the slicing surface if it is;

  • now prepare the container for rising meat of suitable size. There must be placed the entire piece of beef, which should be fully immersed in Marinade. Glump beef will be a "wet" way;
  • take a clean plastic bag, open it and check it in the tank. Pour into the package vodka, pour salt, sugar, pepper and vegetable oil. Gently mix marinade;

  • put a piece of beef in a package with marinade, hermetically tie a package. Slightly shake the package so that the marinade is evenly covered with meat;

  • package with meat in the package in the refrigerator for 3 days;
  • after the time expired, get meat from the package, blot it with a paper towel and let it dry him. After that, you can cut with a beef with thin slices and serve as a tasty snack to the table. Bon Appetit!

Dried chicken meat at home

From dietary chicken fillet you can also cook delicious dried meat. For its preparation you will need the following set of products:

  • chicken breast - 1 piece;
  • large stone salt - 2.3 tbsp;
  • coriander - 1 tsp;
  • a mixture of peppers - 1 tsp;
  • hammer paprika - 1 tsp.

We proceed to the preparation of dried chicken meat:

  • first you need to separate the breast to get fillets. Sharp knife cut the skin and gently separate the meat from the bones. Of course, you can buy a ready-made chicken fillet to save time;
  • meat thoroughly rinse under running water;

  • with the help of paper towels, remove excess water from meat;

  • now we will take the preparation of a mixture of spices and salt. Grind coriander, pepper. Mix chopped spices with salt and paprika. The fragrant mixture for fillet is ready;

  • now every piece of fillet should be carefully cut into a mixture of salt and spices. Paddle with finger pads in every piece from all sides;
  • prepared pieces of fillet place in a plastic or glass container for insulation. From above, it is advisable to put some press;

  • capacity with chicken fillet Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, turning the pieces every day in the resulting brine;
  • after 3-4 days, we remove chicken meat from the capacitance, rinse under running water to remove the excess salts. Now the meat pieces again rub the spiced mixture, which you have already prepared, but without salt;

  • now the chicken fillet must be placed for taking in a cool and well ventilated, protected from insects. You can hang meat on the eaves at the window with a mosquito net, you can drive pieces on long skewers and install them by the window. If you have an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, you can use it for taking meat. Ready delicacy will become more dense to the touch, gain a more dark color. Bon Appetit!

Dried fish meat at home

The rinking process of fish is an impact on her air and heat for several weeks. During this time, certain changes occur in the fish cutter, the fat is evenly distributed over the entire carcass, the pulp changes the color to more amber, the fish acquires a specific fragrance. Slide at home can be fatty, moderately fatty varieties of fish, large and small fish. For taking, you can choose any fish - pinkish, wobble, pike perch, is, bream, putassu, roach, etc. In order to prepare a dried trout, you will need the following products:

  • file trout - 1 kg;
  • salt - 4 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp;
  • black pepper to taste.

If the set of products is ready, then proceed to the taking of trout at home:

  • first prepare Forel File. Cut it into portion pieces of about 10 cm long;
  • each piece of fish thoroughly lubricate with lemon juice, sugar and pepper;
  • start stacking trout by layers, speaking them with a large stone salt;
  • place the press and put the container in the refrigerator for 2-3 days;
  • after 2-3 days the fish will sprust well. Now it can be knocked out in the oven with an open door for 4-5 hours. An excellent snack in seeing dried trout is ready for the presentation on the table. Bon Appetit!

Appetizing preparation of dried meat

Dried meat in Armenian

The birthplace of dried meat is considered to be Armenia. In this country, only men were traditionally allowed to the insulation process and dried meat. It was believed that it was representatives of the strong half of humanity who know how to choose the best piece of meat, as spices need to choose how to pickle meat. For the preparation of traditional dried meat in Armenian, or Basturma in Armenian, you will need the following set of products:

  • veal - 2 kg;
  • dry red wine - 1 l;
  • stone large salt - 7 tbsp;
  • garlic - 1 piece;
  • red ground pepper - 3-4 ch. l;
  • sumy (dry chopped grenade) - 1 tbsp.

To face veal before starting letting, you need:

  • chaman - 1 tsp;
  • red dry wine - 0.75;
  • stone large salt - 4 tbsp;
  • red ground pepper - 3 ppm;
  • flour.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for the preparation of dried meat in Armenian at home:

  • prepare the marinade in which the beef will be soaked. Mix wine, chopped garlic, salt, red ground pepper, soums;
  • a piece of meat thoroughly rinse under running water, put in a container filled with marinade;
  • meat cover the gauze and put the press on top;
  • the meat should spend about 7 days in the marinade;
  • after a week, get meat and let the drain of the liquid;
  • now you need to prepare the dough from wine, flour, salt and other spices. The resulting test need to deceive meat from all sides. The test layer should be about 3 mm;
  • next, a piece of meat in the dough should be cut into spices, hang in a ventilated and cool room. Delicious delicacy will be ready after 2 weeks.

Breakdown meat in Belarusian

In Belarus, dried meat is most often called a polenium. Natural and tasty product can be prepared from the minimum of the ingredients:

  • pork neck - 2 kg;
  • salt of large grinding - 4.5 tbsp;
  • black pepper, bay leaf, thyme or other favorite spices.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for cooking dried meat in Belarusian:

  • pork neck carefully wash under running water, dry paper towels;
  • from the surface of the meat, you can cut excess fat. But some hostesses prefer to leave a thin layer of Sala;
  • observe meat from all sides in salt;
  • put meat with salt into the fridge for 3 days and turn it out every day;
  • next, slightly dry the meat with paper towels and soda with a mixture of chopped spices;
  • wake up a piece of meat with a sterile gauze cut and hang sissing to dry in a well ventilated place. After about 1-2 weeks, the delicious polynnel harness will be ready for the table. Bon Appetit!

Dried meat at home - where you can cook

Dried meat in the dryer for vegetables

Drier meat in the electric grid is easy and simple. There is much less time on the drilling process. Consider a step-by-step recipe for cooking dried meat in a dryer for vegetables and fruits. Prepare a set of the following products:

  • beef flesh - 2 kg;
  • a salt of large grinding - 3-4 tbsp;
  • spices and spices at your request.

Now proceed to the process of cooking delicious snacks:

  • beef rinse well under water. It is better to choose "young" meat, which is characterized by a more tender consistency;

  • try to remove fat from meat to the maximum. Cut the pieces of meat to the portion pieces;

  • salt and spices you choose in a small container;
  • now the beef must be abundantly rubbed the mixture of salt and spices and put into a plastic or glass container;

  • the optimal time to salting beef in the refrigerator is 5-7 days. Daily need to turn the meat in the tank;
  • after the beef charts, slightly dry by it with paper towels;
  • place the meat pieces on the grid dryer for vegetables.

Slide meat in such a way at a temperature of 70 degrees for 4-5 hours. If you want to get more dry meat, then the time of its rings in the dryer can be increased. Tasty snack to beer and not only ready. Bon Appetit!

Dried meat in the oven

If you do not have an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, and you really want to make quickly dried meat, you can use an ordinary oven. For the preparation of fragrant and natural snack you will need:

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • tabasco sauce - 1 ml;
  • worcester sauce - 35 ml;
  • sugar - 1 ppm;
  • soy sauce - 25 ml;
  • juniper berries - 5-7 pieces;
  • ground coriander - 2 ppm;
  • ground black pepper - 2 ppm;
  • ground red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • granulated garlic - 1 tsp;
  • paprika - 2 ppm

Now proceed to the preparation of dried meat in the oven:

  • first you need to cut the beef with thin slides. To make it faster, slightly frozen meat in the freezer, and then cut into the portion thin pieces of a sharp knife;

  • in the tank where the meat will be pickled, mix all the ingredients for marinade;
  • place the meat in the tank with the marinade and let it stand for about 50 minutes;
  • now you can proceed to the process of letting in the oven. On the lowest level of the oven put a baking sheet where the marinade will be flushed from meat. Each portion piece must be riveted on the toothpick or a skeleton on one side and fix on the grid at the topmost level of the oven. Slices of beef should hang in the oven vertically down;

  • give a track of excess fluid from meat;
  • during the first hour, the meat in the oven should be rided at a temperature of 80 degrees in convection mode. Over the next 2.5-4 hours, the temperature must be about 50 degrees. The final taking into the oven depends on what kind of pieces of meat. If you want to get a dry snack, then increase your discretion to your discretion.

Dried meat - video

Home dried meat has a lot of advantages over "shopping" meat. First, you yourself can adjust the salt concentration, you can add only favorite spices and spices. Secondly, cook on their own dried meat from beef, pork, chicken comes far cheaper than buying it in the store.


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