
Signs and symptoms of sinusitis in adults. Treatment and prevention of sinusitis in adults - drugs, methods. How to treat sinusitis at home quickly, folk methods

Signs and symptoms of sinusitis in adults. Treatment and prevention of sinusitis in adults - drugs, methods. How to treat sinusitis at home quickly, folk methods
Symptoms and causes of sinusitis in adults. Treatment of sinusitis in adults at home and drug methods.

We all heard well about such a disease as sinusitis. However, few of us can clearly answer what kind of ailment it is, and for what reasons it, in fact, arises. Let's look at this disease more in detail to be prepared for a meeting with it and know how to protect your body from it.

Symptoms and signs of sinusitis in adults

What is sinusitis in general? As you know, this is a disease that looks like inflammation of the nasal sinuses (they are located above the upper jaw). Both sinuses can become inflamed. If the inflammation fell only on one, then the ailment will not be so acute to manifest yourself, but it is still not worth neglecting the treatment.

So by what symptoms can we understand that we have sinusitis? Let's look at how sinusitis manifests itself in adults in order to start treatment in time:

  • The very first sign, of course, is severe redness and edema in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasal sinuses. This is impossible not to notice. At a minimum, redness can be seen by people around you if you have not seen in the mirror.
  • But you already feel the edema yourself - the severity in the nose will be very unpleasant, it will be very difficult or completely impossible to breathe. First you can dump it on a regular runny nose, but do not be mistaken. The following symptoms are added to this basis.
  • Purulent discharge from the nose will be a very unpleasant process that cannot be ignored. With a common cold, this cannot be, so it is worth paying attention to it.

  • Strong headache is also a faithful companion of inflammation. This unpleasant bonus will torment you until you decide on treatment.
  • Most likely, severe weakness will surrender, as is the case with illness. It will be very difficult to move. More precisely, you will not want to move at all - it is like a feeling of strong laziness. It will even be difficult for someone to breathe mouth.
  • There is a chance that you will also come to you with such a symptom as fever. There is also little pleasant. The heat will fetter your head, worsening overall well -being and spoiling mood.
  • A strong runny nose, as with a cold, will also not go anywhere. Given that he, like the above symptoms, may indicate a flu or cold, it is worth paying attention mainly to the edema of the nasal sinuses and purulent discharge.
  • You will begin to get tired too quickly, even performing the most elementary work. Any desire to do anything will disappear (do not confuse with ordinary laziness or lack of motivation).
  • It is possible that your memory will sharply begin to deteriorate. You will even begin to forget that it is impossible to forget theoretically. The process is very unpleasant and puts in an awkward position.
  • Loss of appetite is also a symptom of sinusitis. Even if it is a partial loss, and not complete, it is worth paying your attention to this.
  • This disease is also accompanied by loss of sleep. I either do not want to sleep at all, or you will begin to often and sharply wake up from nightmares or heat, and to sleep with a laid nose, breathing with your mouth is not very convenient.

  • The cough will not go anywhere. It can be both frequent and rare, but still it is. The cough is most often observed when your disease is “complex”, that is, everything began with the throat and ordinary runny nose and it came to cough and sinusitis.
  • You will begin to feel strong unpleasant pressure in the nose. This can manifest itself both in the direct position of the head, and when tilted. Also a pleasant one is not enough, this is due to all the same swelling of the nasal sinuses.
  • With sinusitis, inflammation of the eyes, edema on the eyelids (both upper and lower), tearfulness and susceptibility to too bright light can also appear.
  • Another symptom is a very unpleasant smell of nose. This is due to the release of pus.
  • Also, when examining, the doctor may show a stream of pus, which flows through the throat. The sight is not for the faint of heart.

These symptoms are very similar to the signs of diseases that are found in the cold season. However, it is worth being more attentive to understand in time what kind of disease you have at the moment.

Treatment in most cases differs, so if there is no pus that is released from the nasal sinuses, you should not panic too much - you may have an ordinary cold, or, in extreme cases, influenza.

What can be the causes of sinusitis in adults? What can serve as an impetus for the development of this disease?

  • First of all, of course, the cause of sinusitis in an adult may be banal hypothermia of the body. It is only worth a freezing somewhere or catching a “bad” breath of wind, you will get back and write down. Therefore, you need to monitor how you dress in cool weather, and even more so in the frost.
  • The second reason, which also plays an important role, is the entry in the nasopharynx and nasal sinuses of the virus. This can happen during the flu epidemic or a disease similar to it.

  • The aforementioned influenza or SARS can also cause sinusitis development - you should only get sick with them, as the consequences in the form of sinusitis will remind you of them.
  • The weakening of the immune system can also be the cause. It is worth reconsider the number of vitamins that you use. This is not the most common reason, but plays an important role.
  • Another unpleasant cause may be the physical trauma of your nasal septum. In other words, it is worth being more accurate that your nose does not get too much. Problems will then be not only with the shape of the nose (if you try hard), but with sinusitis.
  • It is also necessary to pay your attention to the correct treatment of the common cold, if it has overtaken you. Poor treatment can lead to sinusitis, here you need to be careful.
  • Chemical evaporation can also cause. Where can you stumble upon them? Yes, almost anywhere. Either you work in work, or too overdo it with spirits. Everyone needs to know the measure and adhere to safety rules. Your nose will be grateful to you.
  • If you are in a room for too long, where dry and heated air, wait for sinusitis to visit. Therefore, you need to know the measure in visiting saunas and baths - the harm to the nasal sinuses is done considerable.

  • Oddly enough, but your oral hygiene also directly affects the development of sinusitis. It is necessary to monitor the condition of your teeth and the entire inner surface of the mouth, so as not to look for methods of treatment, both caries and sinusitis. Both diseases are very unpleasant and require a lot of time for treatment.
  • If you are allergic to some substance, then refrain from contact with it. It is this allergy that can cause sinusitis. As you know, with allergies it can flow from the nose, eyes watery and breathe heavily. So this is very closely connected with the occurrence of sinusitis.
  • If you are a very active person, then you should pay attention to the process of diving into water or flights in the plane. The pressure difference may also be the cause of sinusitis, here you also need to be very careful.

Treatment of sinusitis in adults with medications

If you do not have the time and the opportunity to consult a doctor, then you should pay attention to what can be treated with sinusitis at home with the help of improvised drugs or drugs purchased in a pharmacy.

Chronic sinusitis in adults is of its unique character and differs from children's, so that treatment also has its own nuances, this should be attentive to this.

Let's look at the most common methods of treating sinusitis in an adult. Firstly, drops for the nose will be the most elementary way. Drops for sinusitis are used very often, the easiest way to find in the pharmacy and the cost of them are much less than other drugs. They are easy to use, the main thing is not to overdo it and clearly adhere to the instructions. There are always instructions both in the package and on the bottle itself, do not ignore it.

The most common drops in sinusitis are:

  • Sinuforte-these drops of spray contribute to the dissolution of purulent fluid, which has accumulated in the nasal sinuses, and allow you to clean the respiratory tract. The active substance of these drops is cyclamen juice. If you are allergic to this substance, then in no case do not use it, it will only aggravate the situation. It is better to contact other drops or means to eliminate sinusitis.
  • Isofra-use about one or two weeks to treat sinusitis. According to the instructions, it is necessary to carry 4-6 drops of this product into each nostril daily.
  • Levokabastin, EUFORBIUM Compositum - these are also remedies for the treatment of sinusitis in adults that help in a couple of weeks.

  • Ingaron, Derinat - these drops cope well with the disease, and, as a bonus, strengthen your immune system. They should pay attention to them. Having strengthened the immune system, you will reduce the risk of re -inflammation of sinusitis.
  • As for other means, tablets for sinusitis are also often used. They are also convenient to use, and hateers of drops especially thank the manufacturers of this miracle of medicine. These are the so -called antibiotics that will come in handy with sinusitis to an adult.

The most effective are:

  • Suprax.  Suprax is capsules that should be used 1 time per day for 5-7 days, no more. The drug eliminates extraneous microorganisms, which allows you to quickly get rid of sinusitis.

  • Amoxiclav.  Amoxiclav for sinusitis is perfectly suitable for an adult, as it very quickly copes with the infection and allows you to rather clean the nasal sinuses from excess fluid. It is used quite often and has pretty good reviews.
  • Fortum.  Fortum is also an analogue of the above tablets, although not so often in use. He also performs his work with high quality, from the advantages - he returns the sense of smell.

Important: taking any medication must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions. Moreover, it is recommended to take only the drugs that the doctor prescribed to you after a detailed examination.

Folk treatment of sinusitis in adults

For those who are an opponent of pharmacy drugs and do not really like to use them, there are other methods of treatment.

For patients, folk remedies for sinusitis are selected, which also help to achieve the result and recover. Let's look at them so that in the future there is an opportunity to contact them.

  • Drops with honey is a wonderful remedy for the treatment of sinusitis at home. You just need to mix honey, several grams of celandine and aloe juice. The finished mixture must be instilled 5 times a day for 3 drops in each nostril.
  • Clay compress is also a simple recipe. To do this, dilute 50 g of clay in hot water, moisten pieces of gauze in vegetable oil, put on the nose in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation and put pieces of clay on this gauze by adding them. Leave the compress for 1 hour.

  • Inhalations will also be useful. To do this, you need 2 liters of boiled water, in which it is worth adding 2 tsp. Propolis tinctures (alcohol) and breathe this steam under a tolerant. The result will not be long in coming.

Using folk treatment methods, be extremely careful, because some ingredients used can cause allergic reactions in people with individual intolerance.

Humorite prevention in adults

Prevention of sinusitis is a very important aspect that can prevent this disease. You should systematically turn to the dentist so that your mouth is always normal, and there are no causative agents of infection. It is the neglect of hygiene that can cause sinusitis in an adult.

  • Do not forget about temperatures. Pay attention to your wardrobe during cooling, try to protect your body from drafts.
  • Follow the state of your throat. Influenza, tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat also affect the health of the nasal sinuses.
  • If you have a runny nose, then make sure that it disappears in less than 5 days. If it lasts longer, then there is already a threat to catch sinusitis.
  • Do not forget about the condition of the nose. Catch it from time to time, try not to damage the nasal partition.
  • Use a lot of vitamins. They will strengthen your immune system, which will reduce the risk of earn sinusitis.

As you can see, sinusitis is a really unpleasant and complex disease, but adhering to all precautions, you can easily protect yourself from this ailment.

Video: signs of sinusitis, treatment and prevention



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