
Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve - what it is, reasons, symptoms. Treatment of neuralgia trigeminal nerve. Preparations for the treatment of neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve. Folk remedies from the neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve at home

Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve - what it is, reasons, symptoms. Treatment of neuralgia trigeminal nerve. Preparations for the treatment of neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve. Folk remedies from the neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve at home
Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve is a chronic and very painful disease. What are the causes of its occurrence, the main symptoms and signs, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve is a serious and very painful disease, which during an attack gives the patient an unbearable pain. The essence of the disease is that under the influence of certain reasons, a strong pain syndrome develops, which extends along the branches of a trigeminal nerve. The disease is often chronic and is very difficult to treat. What causes this disease, how to treat neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve and how to weaken the suffering of the patient? Let's deal with.

Neuralgia Triple Nerva: What is it?

Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve is considered to be a painful disease. It is characterized by a sudden unbearable pain, which continues from a few seconds to two minutes. The pain syndrome is localized at the lower area, capturing the jaw, and sometimes the pain covers ears, forehead, cheeks, eyes. But usually, soreness is felt only in one front point.

The pain is characterized by impulsive character, patients often describe it as an electric blow. The reason for such a state is the systemic irritation of a trigeminal nerve, which causes its pain throughout the perimeter of nerve branches.

In most cases, neuralgia branches of a trigeminal nerve is incurable. The patient has to significantly reduce its quality of life. During periods of exacerbation, hard food is difficult, the desire disappears to monitor the appearance, the oppressed mood often develops. Often, people who have a long-term neuralgia are developing depression.

Despite the fact that the disease is difficult to treat, there are many techniques that allow you to pacify the pain and return the patient to a full-fledged life. If the anesthetic and anticipant drugs with neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve do not have the desired effect, a more radical method is applied - surgical intervention.

On a note! Painty Tik Trusso (another name of the neuralgia of a triple nerve) develops from a able-bodied part of the population or in the elderly.

Causes of trigeminal nerve neuralgia

The soreness of the trigeminal nerve is caused by its irritation. This happens as a result of the close contact of the nerve and the arteries at the base of the cranial bone, which causes his infringement. In addition, the squeezing of the nerve can cause any neoplasm or extensive sclerosis, leading to the degeneration of myelin shell of nerve branches.

Factors that become a "push" for illness can be of different nature. These may also be internal organism diseases, and unfavorable environmental influence.

The most common causes of neurology are:

  • injuries of the face and cranial bone regardless of severity;
  • strong supercooling;
  • trunk stroke;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • the pathological condition of blood vessels running near the nerve branches (atherosclerosis, aneurysm, an abnormal structure of vessels);
  • metabolic dysfunction;
  • chronic diseases;
  • neoplasms of any nature;
  • a cystic and adhesive process at the passage of the squeezed nerve. This happens after the diseases of the eyes, LOR-organs, the teeth, which ended with the operation;
  • viral infection is also able to affect the troil nerve. A special threat carries herpes virus;
  • chronic source of infection (adenoids, sinusitis, caries);
  • immune dysfunction caused by defective nutrition, emotional shock, virus immunodeficiency.

Important! Provice Pain Strengthening In Neuralgia Triple Nerva can yawning, mechanical oral cavity hygiene, chewing solid food, smile, touch, cold.

The study of this disease made it possible to establish the categories of people who sick more often. People fall into the risk group:

  • at the age of 45+;
  • in conditions of stress;
  • susceptible allergies;
  • with severe hypovitaminosis;
  • suffering from parasitic infection;
  • with chronic diseases of the endocrine system.

Important! Neuralgia initially covers only a small segment of a trigeminal nerve. At this stage, treatment is the most successful. If the disease begins to progress, inflammation goes to the entire nerve and develops a chronic incurable form.

Truppy nerve neuralgia - symptoms

The symptom of the neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve is a pulsating short-term pain. But this disease may be accompanied by other signs:

  • Abundant tearing (more often only with one eye).
  • Colorless allocations from nasal moves.
  • Extensive eye redness, including mucous layer and eyelid.
  • Facial cuts on the face.
  • Minor body temperature increase.
  • Reducing sensitivity on the face (partial numbness, crawling "goosebumps").
  • Atrophy of the facial muscles as a result of blood flow. There may be a fallout of eyelashes, teeth, the appearance of deep wrinkles, face breakdown. It is possible to deteriorate chewing function.

Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve of the face often causes a psyche violation. With a laugh, during the meal and even ordinary yawning, the patient feels strong discomfort, which contributes to the appearance of irritability, hopelessness, depression, closetness. A person refuses meals, he has a dream. In severe cases, suicidal thoughts are recorded.

During a painful attack, which lasts no more than two minutes, the patient has characteristic behavior. He does not have a violent reaction (cry, crying), it is practically immobilized, twitching the front muscles at the peak of the attack.

Neuralgia Triple Nerva - Diagnosis

The reason for the appeal to the doctor becomes strong pain and deterioration of well-being. The doctor for appointing suitable treatment should be distinguished by neurology from other pathologies, and then establish the cause of squeezing the nerve.

For all the necessary information, the patient is sent to the following studies:

  • general analysis of biomaterial (urine, blood);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (prescribed to eliminate the tumor or pinch);
  • angiography (determining the maintenance of blood vessels by contrasting and radiographic research).

Based on the results obtained, the patient constitutes the treatment regimen. As a rule, therapy consists of several techniques that complement each other and allow you to normalize the patient's condition faster.

Important! In suspected of the herpetic cause of neurology, the patient is sent to the blood of blood to determine the antibodies to the herpes virus of all species.

Truppy nerve neuralgia - treatment

Therapy should be comprehensive and solve such tasks:

  1. Eliminate the root cause of neuralgia.
  2. Put in order the nervous system, weakening its excitability.
  3. Activate the process of regeneration of myelin shell damaged nerve.
  4. Completely restore the work of the affected nerve branch.

To obtain stable remission, neuralgia is treated with three generally accepted techniques - drug, surgical and physiotherapeutic. Which approach to choose depends on the severity of pathology.

Available preparations for neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve

The main part of the treatment occupies an anticonvulsant. They comprehensively affect the entire body, providing a psychotropic, anesthetic and anti-epileptic effect. The purpose of their destination is to restore the sodium-potassium passages of the membranes that conduct nervous signals.

Effective anticonvulsant preparation - Finlepsin. With the neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve, it reduces the intensity of pain, stabilizes neurons membranes, prevents muscle cramps. It enhances the effect of additional anticonvulsants, therefore recommended for combined treatment. In addition, Finlepsin has a pronounced normotymic effect (increases the mood, eliminates depressive syndrome).

The tool is produced in tablets and is accepted according to a specific scheme. Begin therapy with a minimum daily dose (200-400 ml) divided into two receptions. Gradually, the dose increases and stops at 400 ml three times a day. When the pain is stopped, the patient is transferred to supportive treatment - 100 ml twice a day.

Along with Finlepsin, carbamazepine is used at neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve. This is an absolute analogue of Finlepsin of domestic production. The drug has the same healing effect, but its value is significantly lower.

Other anticonvulsant tools are also used in the treatment of a trigeminal agent - Lookinjin, Gantanin, Staspin. They remove convulsions, block the yield of neuromodulators, help to overcome depression.

Important! Carbamazepine (Finlepsin) refer to psychotropic drugs with a large list of contraindications and side effects, so it is released only by prescription.

In addition to anticonsidants to facilitate the condition of the patient, it can be assigned:

  • Miorosanta (Baclofen, Middokalm) - they reduce the degree of excitation of nerve endings, painkulate, renew the blood supply to the brain, reduce muscle tone.
  • Vitamin complexes. As a rule, this is a complete set of vitamins of a group B, which has an antidepressive, regenerating effect, protect the nerve cells from negative effects from the outside. Omega-3 acids can be appointed in order to activate myelin production.
  • Antihistamines (Dimedrol, Supratin, Pipalfen) - are designed to maintain the effect of anticonvulsants.
  • Antidepressants and sedatives. Amizin deactivates nerve receptors, eliminating signs of psychosis. Amitriptyline establishes the work of neurotransmitters, eliminating the cause of depression.

Important! Treatment of neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve at home can be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor. If the disease is greatly progressing, the patient is sent to the hospital.

Surgical approach in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

If a three-month course of treatment does not give a stable result, surgery can be conducted in a patient. True, this option is possible only in some cases:

  1. The presence of a tumor in the brain.
  2. Microsievous decompression (incorrect position of extended vessels).
  3. The narrowing of the area from where a triple nerve comes from.

Removal of the damaged area can be carried out in several ways. Modern and less traumatic is considered to be cyber-knife and balon compression. Recuracy and other outdoor methods often cause complications and do not always lead to complete recovery.

On a note! In the acute course of the disease, it is often necessary to acknowledge neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve. For this, narcotic substances can be used - morphine or sodium oxybutirate.

Physiotherapy in neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve

Physiotherapy helps reduce soreness in neuralgia. Depending on the severity of the disease, one of the effective methods can be assigned:

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation - removes pain syndrome. 10 sessions are carried out on the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and neck.
  2. Laser therapy - slows down the movement of the nerve impulses, stops pain, oppress the sensitivity of nerve endings. The laser affects the affected nerve branch and the formed nodes.
  3. Electrophoresis - relaxes muscle tissue, quenching pain. For treatment, Novocaine, Dimedrol, Vitamins of Group V.
  4. Dyadynamic currents - improve well-being, prolong the duration of remission, increase the pain threshold.
  5. Massage - aimed at the prevention of atrophy of chewing muscles. Applies only during the remission.
  6. Acupuncture - needles affect receptors responsible for pain than helping to overcome the attack.

Treatment of trigeminal nerve neuralgia by folk remedies

Along with drug treatment, different home recipes are often used. They help reduce pain and stabilize the condition of the face muscles. To do this, various tinctures, compresses, oils and ointments are used for neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve.

  1. Alcohol grotto: 100 ml of vodka, 200 g of honey, 300 g of black rare juice are mixed. The tool is applied to the affected nerve and rub.
  2. Shilajit: 15 g mumie dissolved in 250 g of water then taken to 1 tsp.. means and mixed with same amount of water consumed in the morning and at bedtime. The therapeutic course of 10 days.
  3. Wine with spices: 250 ml of wine (only dry) is added ½ tsp.. cinnamon, cloves 2-3, 2 l. sugar, ¼ h. l. pepper, bay leaves, lemon slice. Then the wine is brought to a boil, insist. Accepted wine morning 100 ml in preheated form.
  4. Egg: boiled egg cut in half and applied to the sore spot. The procedure is performed to complete disappearance of pain.
  5. Garlic oil: 1 tbsp. l. garlic oil is added to 500 ml of the ridge, and then the resulting agent is rubbed on the forehead and temple area several times a day.
  6. The infusion of Althea: 2 tbsp. l. Dry materials (aerial part) is added 250 ml of boiling water, allowed to stand overnight. The infusion moistened gauze and applied to the source of pain. You can also use chamomile, geranium leaves, birch buds.
  7. Ointment: 20 g lilac flowers brewed in a beaker of boiling water, filtered and treated with Vaseline to kashepodobnoy consistency. Ointment rubbed into the skin and covered with a handkerchief.

Important! The use of any public money is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

Prediction and prevention measures trigeminal neuralgia

Neuralgia in the form of neglect can cause irreversible complications. The most dangerous of them:

  • paresis (paralysis) of the facial muscles;
  • borderline hearing loss;
  • atrophy of facial muscles.

Important! At-risk groups include the elderly (especially women), patients with cardiovascular disease or improper metabolism.

Help prevent illness simple preventive measures:

  1. Avoid any critical hypothermia.
  2. Time treat infectious diseases.
  3. Stick to a balanced diet.
  4. Check regularly for the development of atherosclerosis (if there is a predisposition).
  5. Every six months, to be screened at the dentist and treat tooth decay.

Remember, the trigeminal nerve is easier to prevent than to treat long-term. Therefore, we must pay special attention to the prevention of disease. If the disease could not be avoided, do not self-medicate, taking pain pills, and immediately go see a doctor. Only a rational therapeutic course will help to overcome this disease.

Video: Trigeminal neuralgia


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